Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 40 JUNE 8, 2018 25 SIVAN, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ JNF’s Plant Your Way website NEW YORK—Jewish Na- it can be applied to any Jewish tional Fund revealed its new National Fund trip and the Plant Your Way website that Alexander Muss High School easily allows individuals to in Israel (AMHSI-JNF) is a raise money for a future trip huge bonus because donors to Israel while helping build can take advantage of the 100 the land of Israel. percent tax deductible status First introduced in 2000, of the contributions.” Plant Your Way has allowed Some of the benefits in- many hundreds of young clude: people a personal fundraising • Donations are 100 percent platform to raise money for a tax deductible; trip to Israel while giving back • It’s a great way to teach at the same time. Over the children and young adults the last 18 years, more than $1.3 basics of fundraising, while million has been generated for they build a connection to Jewish National Fund proj- Israel and plan a personal trip Knights for Israel members (l-r): Emily Aspinwall, Sam Busey, Jake Suster, Jesse Benjamin Slomowitz and Benji ects, typically by high school to Israel; Osterman, accepted the David Bar-Ilan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism. students. The new platform • Funds raised can be ap- allows parents/grandparents plied to any Israel trip (up to along with family, friends, age 30); coworkers and classmates • Participant can designate Knights for Israel honored to open Plant Your Way ac- to any of Jewish National counts for individuals from Fund’s seven program areas, birth up to the age of 30, and including forestry and green at Camera Gala 2018 for schools to raise money for innovation, water solutions, trips as well. Fifty percent of disability and special needs, By Jake Suster Florida arguably the most pro-Israel or anything about the dishonest Israeli- the money raised supports Israel advocacy and educa- First person college in the country. Apartheid Week. Jewish National Fund initia- tion, heritage sites, research Two years ago, KFI had faced Stu- While we did earn this award for the tives and the balance is applied and development, and com- This year, UCF’s Knights for Israel was dents for Justice in Palestine and their work we’ve done in past years, this was towards a scholarship towards munity building; honored with the David Bar-Ilan Award notorious Israeli-Apartheid Week. We more about the future, especially for the their trip to Israel. • The new platform is user for Outstanding Campus Activism. This answered with our own Israel Peace underclassmen that have had immense Yishai Goldflam, Jewish and digital friendly, allowing award signified a tremendous amount of Week. That week was a huge success as involvement these past two years. Their National Fund’s executive a campaign to be created in accomplishments for the organization. we contested SJP’s “die-in” with our own involvement this past year has been the director for Israel Advocacy only a few steps; When CAMERA called with the great demonstration calling out their members greatest factor in our success, and in and Education shared, “This • Money raised can be news, we understood why we were being for their lies. KFI had so much student their eyes, they are not looking to lose new website is the easiest way applied toward the world awarded. The fact of the matter is that involvement that there was never a dull that momentum. They are only striving for an individual to fund a trip class accredited Alexander our presence on campus, as well as the moment. Our event was such a success to improve this wonderful organiza- to Israel. With contributions Muss High School in Israel work we do advocating, educating and that we made an annual tradition out of tion. It speaks volumes that we went matched by businesses, it has (AMHSI-JNF). celebrating the state of Israel, is effec- it, while at the same time, there hasn’t never been simpler to raise For more information or tive in making the University of Central been a single sign of SJP on our campus Gala on page 15A and put money away for a to sign up, visit jnf.org/ great trip for the participant plantyourway or contact that will also help the land and [email protected] or call A must-see film addresses people of Israel. The fact that 212-879-9305 x245. the growing threats to the West To Michael Chabon, The new Central Florida Lives” opens with a warning from well-known historians, Chapter of the Zionist Organi- from historian Niall Ferguson, journalists, and thinkers from biblical Hebron zation of America will host the “Civilizations, empires, great such as Ferguson, Alan Der- screening of the hard-hitting powers can fall apart very fast. showitz, Melanie Phillips, By Yishai Fleisher munity of Hebron status as documentary film, “Fight of Collapse can come quickly, Alan West, and many more an independent community. Our Lives: Defeating the Ideo- like a thief in the night.” respected commentators from (JNS)—At a recent gradu- Moreover, U.S. Ambassador logical War Against the West,” The film addresses the academia, human rights or- ation of Hebrew Union Col- to the United Nations Nikki followed by Q&A with director/ threats—both internal and ganizations, and think tanks. lege in Los Angeles, novelist Haley has consistently stated producer Gloria Z. Greenfield external—facing Western “In the film, Niall Ferguson Michael Chabon berated the that the U.S. government’s at its first community event on civilization today. recalls Edmund Burke’s ob- Jewish community of Hebron: decision to leave UNESCO June 19, 7:30 p.m., at Congre- Greenfield’s works center servation that civilization is “I abhor an enclave, too, a was a direct result of that or- gation Ohev Shalom. around anti-Semitism, his- a pact between the dead, the gated community, a restricted ganization’s effort to rebrand “The Fight of Our tory, Judeo-Christian values, living, and the yet unborn,” country club, or a clutch of the Tomb of the Fathers and freedom and democracy. Her stated Tapson. “I cannot stress 800 zealots lodged in illusory Mothers in Hebron as a Pal- previous work includes “Body enough how important it is to safety behind a wall made from estinian World Heritage Site. and Soul—The State of the view ‘The Fight of Our Lives,’ the bodies of teenage soldiers, Michael, while you may try to Jewish Nation” in 2014, “Un- take its message to heart, and gazing out in scorn and lordly marginalize us, the people of masked Judeophobia” in 2011, honor that pact by standing alarm at the surrounding Israel and the U.S. govern- and The Case for Israel—De- up when and where you can Gloria Z. Greenfield 200,000 residents of the city ment stand with Hebron! mocracy’s Outpost” in 2009. in defense of the West.” of Hebron,” he said. The IDF defends Hebron She is the president of Doc This event is open to the contact Daniel Layish at So, here are a few points for two reasons: Jews have Emet. public and free of charge. [email protected] or to consider in answering every historical right to be Mark Tapson, a Shillman Congregation Ohev Shalom Sharona Whisler, ZOA execu- Chabon: in Hebron, and at the same Journalism Fellow at the Da- is located at 613 Concourse tive director, Florida Chapter, While today Hebron Jews time we are under constant vid Horowitz Freedom Center parkway S, Maitland. at [email protected] or 917- number only 800, consider attack from the jihad. It is not and a featured speaker in the For more information, 673-6123. that together with our adja- our zealousness that provokes film, wrote in Frontpage Mag, cent sister city Kiryat Arba violence, but rather a hateful “With ‘The Fight of Our Lives,’ we are a block of 10,000 Jews. ideology that has taken hold Gloria Greenfield has created Furthermore, we are a tour- of our region. Michael, why do a riveting and disturbing, but ist destination for 700,000 give the attackers a pass while ultimately enlightening and visitors and pilgrims yearly, blaming the victim? inspirational, clarion call for including 35,000 just on The Jewish community of the Western world to wake Shabbat Chayei Sarah. The up and reverse its decadent Israeli government coalition Chabon on page 15A course before it’s too late. Its has backed Jewish rights in urgent message is one that Hebron and recently normal- deserves as wide an audience ized purchase of Arab proper- as possible.” ties, given authorization to The documentary features build 31 new apartments, observations and insights and given the Jewish com- PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, JUNE 8, 2018 UCF rabbi has led 18 Birthright Trips to Israel Rabbi Chaim Lipskier (kneeling, bottom left) with the group of students from the May Mayanot Birthright trip to Israel. Rabbi Chaim Lipskier, The 10-day trip travels er, while expert Israeli tour a young Jewish woman.” said spired to become active in grounding on which they can co-director of Chabad at all around the Holy Land, guides taught the students Sadie Weintraub, who went Jewish life on campus on build a lifelong commitment the University of Central seeing ancient and modern about the history and mean- on Birthright with Rabbi their return. to their Jewish Heritage.” Florida, returned home tired sites, taking in Israel’s his- ing of the sites they visited, Lipskier in May.
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