SCOTLAND'S JULY 1989 £1.20 ISSUE 35 he New Balance EVA wimin a shell of 595combines polyurethane.The result Tadvanced midsole of this combination of components in a way no components is extra­ running shoe has ever ordinary comfort and done before. 1~rtu ally compression­ The shoe's unique proof stability. Rebound wedge helps pro­ tn short, me 595 is a pel a runner U1rough his or surprisingly lean, techno­ her gait cycle by returning logically advanced perfor­ energy to me ruru1er upon mance running shoe. impact A feature oft his sort might be Consider that me Rebound wedge We. suggest you visit your local New accomplish­ is part and parcel of the 595's c-capw Balance retailer, and spring for a pair. DUNDEE HAWKHILL PROFILE ment enough midsole- a unit mat provides a for most run- superb level of rushioning and acts PRo m-~•" ning shoe com- as a platform for our patented Encap' Ml' n.1a11c•sh<Jesrnrne panies. But not wedge. Encap is an exclusive New new balance• MARY ANDERSON CHANGES TRACK .__m_mu_11i._p1_._,_.ld.:...1h-'-s __, New Balance. Balance process that encapsulates How to get fit. 1989 SCOTTISH MEN 'S RANKING LISTS 1 atoolu Cfys1al M o"rH•trl R•lnt wlt COloul til.tic\!«n~moct bll.i4' 5'.-1 Nt. oftl90',,. l'lood. 2 ~ PO(qf\ ori ,ec\.. end ttou.ser&_ 'Mt-~ on ~" SCOTLAND'S wth np, bi' CQr.d airio -.bY~ ....- 1Nind. fTU!'l 1ilwig Ol't fllCi *1 MIO '°"'IJ lei; ~ few N"Se q, 'ltnO'wfl °" ,,,.,11°""*5 Sim: S, M, l Xl Ptlc. 2. BrookJ Cof'.IQY.. I Oetu 11 • "'•in1uo1 . ColOur cnarco111 w11ti ,.00/rov•ll"-l'low 11.m Tl\lt full hnec toe> qu11!iy R11"'"""'' h.I• 1111egral hood hPOOd "••~ly into th• t4lla1, 2 71p pockci.. on j8C~et ~ Tt~f BRAINS BEHINO::HY.OROFLOW ''°'lHl't. embt01dlfl'od Broo,\1 IOgo, IOf'IO Mydroflow ptovfde:s'.:CU.ltom cu~"G 1IPS on 1t°"'81'S lor ~ase or rtm0v1! tor •!Nltn or ditferenl ._,Qtll• ,,.. inino $1zfl · S, M, l . Xt Ptl<:• DC 9' 11 c'fl•rcrnt p:icf!s Tl)e 0tes1ur• tMl•il uo J 8rooks 8ru-sh Strok •• A•lns"lt tnWO. Chamf;ier 1 l l hifff ..ink• •• (•l~.tSOd as Dow CQmN>g tiJicone flu.et Colour tll.kll with rid, '9)'..J and ~ l'krws:.1nto °'8mbef 2 T'-pr~ Rat "'-¥1 ll'!legql l'IOCld . 2 """' n.. rtu.d C..-.01 ftU99 1~ OW loCM l)Odeu, Wl bo1Tt ~~ tt'ld JU LY 1989 C ONTENT S ISSUEN0 35 perforations 11'1 the .....-MOI'~ 1tw VOtners, I"-u~ atlO "-"" • «> «" TWO ~ btyol'\d e C*"lein ~. SO ,..., pocA:.. • ~told"" ~~­ 11\at -.!"a-. ~ Of fnter ••Nrrfff ,.,. .-.A, ~ hfl$ • YM"ed bNit. -1h piftMe w.t~ lflilt Hy0r<*4ow- ..,,.,.. ""'"" "'-'v ¥1d ''- l>OI en tl'lt trovwrt Ille lfl•1•1 (Qn; tO( Ml'( ntmoVa! $11• ff'M:•ehft, ctvlll'lg < 10 K1 • • "1 ff• REGULARS REGULARS S. M _ l >e t.. Ptk:e ta.• 'Pt'l'Q With • lighta e1hlete or cw-. wN> • 8tOOk1 LQonQ $.le-• T Shln tlrAft tl\e 91wnd •I • tlowl"f ~ .... ,IOhe 1)1.....,.e buildl up ,,,..,. l~ HyOroAow 50~ OOll.Otl f~ DO'Yn1er A With 1.tn!I, ~Uill'IQ setter cuthlol'lll'IQ e•IV COl'Mort1ble ~hrwe.gh l H•1n11"1Q a. lh-!t wfth Brooks iOQo on ltont 9ll<f 1e~ . The1erou1 vou ach!o-Ye c ut!OM t:mhtelftil'O· ""•v. CO.Ourr wt..1~e. prel Of blllt S11e11 S, M, L XL. Prica 1.95 t . Re9ent. Colour· white/ purple/ neon 6 8rooll t CoUe-glata l.090 Jog Sult. Yellow SCMtoCoal lea1u!ftS e • ~IUSIW 5 29 Col~ Cl&ldt/tade/ c.IW\a Sv.. $ _ .., Hvctiohow ~~ '"'',._ rP~ t.. XL Prke £29.99 t»ul'lflf - Out:iole ...,.,th wtt.1r I 81ook1 Ughrw.. fu Tr1inJ,,.g 011.11 lvnirtx: wedge .,,a INSIDE LANE MEN'S RANKINGS Pantt 1Cl0% st.r.tclt OOIYMtw, rOltl* - comh,,·1 cno'led Sq" 1 J2 lf'IC tfl*''- I.JO. on ,_. ._ •n• • .., .., .. • IJ Price CM.tl t:ftftYC)I ebsnc.fled MJd be ....... ""° 10 Regent Hyd10Row T1alnif19 f)OtUt Cobn• Cf.ac:lri ' ,....,, (/II tO'(fl Shoe As libove" but""'°"" """'te ~I ....,."" Wf'li'• pPl'IQ s..ra. S ~ l. XL 9"9Y ~ tilue. $qe 1-l2 "'IC )\ Prke lt0.t5 ..,.,. • t 3 Prtc• tslt tt 7 40 1 Brook•~Shon• .ne~ 1f GIS 100 T~o Shoe Cdouo menvf~U!W from I01:111t llghtweo(tfti WMe~tNil $~ 1.. turn • • ch1fl'o4 11.-oroflow­ nylotl /.u11Mn induOf: ' tv fob l)Odoel UPFRONT lrrj11rlt~ JURA FELL RACE tnd 11'\Mif"~ YW1n 8•oob embrood9r.O cu.ti•Ofl•"G $V$1~ - Shc I.bled Cu"'e f•lllurt: Pogt 32 !090 Colours· ,.elf, bl9Clri. rov.-1 !«I I.lost Comfoo crefted - TPA M\IV, C)ink and whl1• S;les s. M. l ooun1K tinehc wedgt Sun 7 12 he Price C9.t6 ).', .i,..... 13 P1ice t:S4.99 13 FEATURES 41 LE TIERS 23 RESULTS CLUB PROFILE Alan Lorimer profiles 100 year 17 old Dundee Hawkh111 Hamers 47 ALLAN WELLS EVENTS - 30 19 UK CHAMPS 54 Doug Gillon reports from a good JUNIOR PAGES COACHING CLINIC championship ln Jarrow tt l roob <:Mtoot CC fr~ Shoe 22 TM ....,o_...«'°"' °"''°" shot 32 56 t1. Chariot JCW1'r.tning SttM ""'llll'I'~' '" rf!Oui..!lO"I • ' ~ CombNton ArJo9'tl-tlst.0 '1'09 w-1h tN)l'IOI\ ~~ srt0t rt G ltcO' 414 4ecf MOTHERWELL'S blow!'I atlCI C..tK>n h..lbbef 0Vt'°'9 to- th• lteitV.et ~ lor 1hoM ....,,,,.. SPORTS INJURIES SPORTS NETWORK o.agon• ft)9 bit 'O COlll'l!ef PfOl\tl!Ot'I mooon controt to eount« •"" O'YC!lf 4illee h09l l!olr:e, lurletic weOQe. M""' p!Ol'llloOn l enlJel'le.H The dlf000.91 1(111 RUNNERS We all get them. Paul Macintyre II/ft: 6 11 !(IC Yi si1n ~ l2 6 Ill Price DI• o tterl Iner~ "llS>IJOll '' 1tie 1001 looks at faclllty provision C39.M, ~ sitt$: ~ 8 ~ y, ll'1e1 e>rOl'\llte• ""° luiu.er tuPJ)O't ._ piovtdod P1lcet3t.9SI bv the m01~ conuol dev•ct a.rool)d 11\ft 13. 8rook1 Siip.ernov• Trainfng Snoe hlw 01 '"' neet S.z'l!s' s.12 « a Coiot.11. wt11t1tf roy•llf)f.act,tgrey Oueltf'i "'tti• • 13 14 & 15 Price C44 9t 26 58 lC*i lhoe ai '~ble l>OC• 20 8rook• Ch• riot CC t..dl•• Model 37 Fe1h,.,.. - S11p t• .-stcQ, wboo ,,. Nd. t•e1u•et n ~ HGrdwe~. t111ble. ••l«nel NI@ CQ\lfl.t(IP Removfble .,.... a.iOOOltNe S<lfli 3·8 me l\ "''" [44 tt WOMEN IN SPORT AD FEATURE S11• 7 12 inc %- Sill!l .. IJ Prk• RACINO. tRACK & CROSS MARY ANDERSON ,,.,, COUNTRY SHOES INo1 il\tst1•t9d! 14 Mtn.t Sod1 Ref. ns8 21 N800l\al XC t.o... Covntry Rhona MacLeod talks t o thlS PotrPr0py1iene 59llr.• S.tn &-1 2 .. 1l. Ptoc. D4 t1 toel Pf'ice Cl.l&~ Pllir ~"·""'"" z1 Conca"'"' R:•cing ~. -ih versaUle athlete from Trancnt 18 IS lrooU R•t 7078 Th.rl Sl «\ ~ .-...c ~ •r«wsw•+4ed loo~,., Ra<WIQ Sod: Pnte C:UO peir ~ - ~ <k1.tnc:e ltl 9'"1 '"'° 11 1..aduts Ref '248 ~..,_ littt.O Sret S.-12~ ' 1wa•t3f44 ft Quair1C!lf c:~ tu~ soc:ik Pr1ce 2) Conquest OS RKi""V Trecll Editor. D 2:5 pel1 Sp1k• Colou1 wht1f'f8.N111 blue1.,..110w Evrntt and ruulls: Columni.tt.s:: Advertbing Manager. 17 lro.ok• Ladles R•t 1068 n.... llQntWM;ln mid ''°"G distence t•ecl Alan Campbell Colln Shield• John Cn ham Alt< Hall St<+n A•CMlog Socl P,;ce C2.60 pair 1hot' S.tn• 5 12 ll'IC Y) Wft • 13 (44 t9 tt Brook • Argen t Tr•ll'll"9 Shoe ACCESSORIES flot1a Macaulay C~: whi1el bh1tffova! f';~turin 24"' ComfoM C{lllted cepl• oe•ble Asaocl•le Editor: Pholog<1ph•r: •lenry Muchamore Salet Exeaative: in(ludft: i:l~11e wedgit blow.-1 ·~ ln•ol•• Sires· 5 12 Prke ta &O pair Ooug C lllon Ptttr DevUn Allon Wells C81"°" 1\llbber OutSO!e. Sues 6 »111'11; 25 O•I OH•d• ltoton4c SPOH.t Drink l'lon1 C.ldwoll Y, t•zet • 13 Pric• (Q.ft 133 wrv.ngt) P~c• (4.16 Rtporttr: Dt1igne.n : front Cover Photo: Administrator. Rhona Mcleod Jim Oivinctrom Hanlon Pa t Dlvlne {Peter Oevllnl Jan thmllton BOURNE . SCOTRUN PUBLICATIONS LTD. 62 KELVINGROVE STREET, GLASGOW G3 7SA. TEL: 041- 332- 5738 Church Street. Stok•on·Ttent ST• lOJ Telephone: 0782 •10411 All orders: ~and over Pos1 Ftoe. 01het orders plus C2 post and s»e:klnO Send cheque/ postal oroer 0t 1el@s>hontt vour order QVOllng Access. Vrt.a, Diners Card or Amencan E"'pren. POST OFFICE COUNTERS SCHOLARSHIPS­ BAAB LOUGHBOROUGH SUMMER SCHOOL 12 Post Office Counters scholarships (value £150) are available to be awarded co BAAB qualified coaches who wish to apply, or have already applied, to auend the International Course for Coaches at the BAAB L A N E Loughborough Summer School from 22-3 l July 1989. The full cost of the course is £344 (Tuition £200/ Accommodation £144). IT WOULD seem that the appalling and Despite this, a majority of the committee apparent disregard of SAAA rules of discourteous behaviour of "amateur" apparently took it upon themselves to competition by a majority of the SVHC One scholarship will be awarded to a coach in athletics towards "professional" athletes alter the rules of competition as laid executive, and, two, the manner in which continues apace.
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