The Invasion of Indie Rock Read about it here before you see it on THE CHRONICLE MTVs Buzz Bin. See H&R. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 Campus Man charged with assault of 2 students By BRIAN HARRIS Borden, spokesman for the was arrested on an outstanding Fayetteville streets. No one was Durham police have arrested Durham Police Department, de­ warrant issued by Duke Public harmed in the collision. servers and charged a man with the kid­ clined to comment. To do so Safety for a stolen vehicle. Accord­ At the scene of the accident, a napping and assault of two Uni­ might jeopardize the case, he ing to the Durham Herald Sun, revolver and a bag of marijuana versity students early Saturday said. Officer CD. Wagstaffof the Crime were discovered in the suspect's crash morning. Police determined Wilson to be Area Target Team noticed the sus­ vehicle, Borden said. Wilson has At approximately 11:30 p.m. a suspect "after events that oc­ pect driving a blue Chevrolet been charged with a misdemeanor By MICHAEL GOLDBERG Tuesday, after a car chase that curred on Saturday with the dis­ Malibu near the intersection of drug possession, and his prelimi­ Roadblocks on the informa­ ended in a three-car collision, po­ covery of the stolen vehicle," Worth and Holman streets just nary hearing took place yesterday. tion superhighway currently lice charged Markey Wilson, 18, Borden said. The vehicle, which after 5 p.m. The assault began at about 2 stand in the way for the ap­ of 417 Lakeland Street with one belonged to a friend ofthe male After spotting an additional po­ a.m. Saturday, when the victims proximately 20,000 e-mail count of first-degree rape, two student and was taken by the lice cruiser, the suspect attempted were threatened at gunpoint by users at the University. counts of first-degree kidnap­ kidnappers after the assault, to flee down Pettigrew Street, at two assailants as the victims were During the past two days, ping and three counts of armed was discovered on the 400-block which point the officers began walking to their car in the Geor­ computer servers and mail robbery. of Lakeland Street in Durham their pursuit. The chase ended getown Manor apartment com­ servers across the campus When asked if the victims had at approximately 11 a.m. Satur­ when the Malibu slammed into plex, located four blocks from East See CRASH on page 4 • identified Wilson as one of the day. Officer J. H. Dunleavys cruiser at Campus. assailants, Corporal Fran Borden said that the suspect the intersection of Umstead and See ARREST on page 4 • Graduate students propose new center By MISTY ALLEN pear exclusionary, a lot of pro­ The University's Women in grams already exist to meet the Science and Engineering group needs of undergraduates. Yet, has submitted a proposal ask­ graduate women have unique ing administrators to establish needs that need to be met," she a permanent center for WISE. said. According to the proposal, the Citing resource and faculty group hopes to create a more limitations, the proposal states positive academic environment that "no program at Duke cur­ for the University's female rently addresses the full range graduate students in science of issues concerning the qual­ and engineering by establishing ity of academic life for gradu­ a center. ate women in science and engi­ Sharon Strong, a graduate neering." student in biological anthropol­ The proposal is currently un­ ogy and anatomy and a WISE der consideration by Provost ALEX BELSKIS/THE CHRONICLE steering committee member, John Strohbehn, who said that said that graduate women need he has not yet had the chance John Brown's body special resources. to study it in depth or to dis­ Residents of Alspaugh Dormitory left a gentle reminder for residents of Brown Dormitory, "Though I don't want to ap­ cuss it with others. alluding to Brown's two unsuccessful attempts at stealing Alspaugh's bench. See WISE on page 5 • Transsexual emphasizes need for inclusive policies By HARRIS HWANG said. Sharon Brown, a transsexual, urged Some members of the audience said about 30 people Wednesday night to they agreed that giving fair recognition fight for equal rights for the transsexual to individual minority groups, no mat­ population. ter how small, is an issue that concerns A former professor at Fayetteville everyone. State University, Brown addressed the "We need to fight discrimination of need for transsexuals' civil rights in any any kind in any community," said Sidney nondiscrimination policy. Boquiren, a fourth-year graduate stu­ "There is no other protection for us if dent in music. "It doesn't [help] to con­ we don't fall under this clause," Brown sider them a minority within another said. "[If you] decide to fight for equal minority group." rights, you have to do it for everyone." Brown's presentation comes in the Brown was recently fired from middle of debate among members ofthe Fayetteville State because she had pre­ Duke Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian Associa­ viously been a man, she said. tion, who have been arguing recently Brown, who has been a woman for the about whether transgender issues are a last nine years, called for an inclusion part of gay, lesbian and bisexual issues. of transgender issues with other minor­ "If DGBLA doesn't get involved, no one ity issues. will," said Trinity senior Seth Persily, TOM HOGARTY /THE CHRONICLE "The fact is we also fight for your president of DGBLA. "If DGBLA doesn't Sharon Brown discusses transgender-related discrimination with students Wednesday. rights as well. We are each other," she See DGBLA on page 16 • THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 World and National Newsfile GOP targets doctors, hospitals in new plan Associated Press France critfcfzed: France faced By ROBERT PEAR ___________________ Medicare working group created last maintenance organizations and other heavy diplomatic fallout around the N.Y. Times News Service month by Senate majority leader Bob forms of managed care. That represents world Wednesday for its under­ WASHINGTON — Republican mem­ Dole, said Wednesday that the Finance less than one-third ofthe $139 billion in ground nuclear test in the South Pa­ bers of Congress informally outlined some Committee would finish drafting its Medicare savings that Congress is sup­ cific, and opponents renewed efforts of their plans to overhaul Medicare on Medicare plan by Sept. 22. House of Rep­ posed to achieve in that time. to head off more blasts. Wednesday, saying that doctors and hos­ resentatives committees are not expected House Republicans want to create fi­ pitals would bear most ofthe cost while to finish work on their proposals until nancial incentives for elderly people to Hurricane destroys: After beneficiaries would experience little pain. Sept. 29. join HMOs, on the assumption that such sweeping away two hotels and de­ Republicans in both houses of Con­ But delays are possible, even likely, as health plans can control costs by provid­ stroying Antigua's hospital, Hurri­ gress are committed to cutting projected lawmakers confront the politically explo­ ing comprehensive care for fixed pay­ cane Luis inflicted on Puerto Rico Medicare spending by $270 billion, or 14 sive question of how to redesign Medicare, ments. the shrieking winds and torrential percent, over the next seven years. In the federal health insurance program for Rep. James C. Greenwood of Pennsyl­ rains that have killed three people. the process, they say, they will give eld­ 37 million elderly and disabled people. vania, who is part of small group draft­ erly people a choice of private health Frist, a heart surgeon, said a relatively ing the House Republicans' plan, said: Governor cleared: A judge has plans as alternatives to the standard cleared Gov. Jim Guy Tucker of modest portion ofthe Medicare savings, "The last thing we want to do, the last charges that he lied to get a loan and federal program, established in 1965. $30 billion to $40 billion over five years, resort, is to increase costs for beneficia­ tried to hide business profits to avoid Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., chairman ofa would result from greater.use of health ries. We hope to avoid that." taxes. GOP VOWS: Republican leaders in the Senate and the House Wednes­ NATO hits Serb targets, rebels continue fight day promised a united drive during the rest ofthe year to enact the main By LIAM LAWYER items on the most ambitious docket Associated Press Serb-held southwest suburbs. Detona­ U.N. spokesman Chris Gunness. "We Congress has considered in decades, tions also were heard in the Bosnian hope that a strong signal being sent and challenged President Clinton to SARAJEVO — Seemingly brushing Serb headquarters of Pale, about nine to the Bosnian Serbs will make them join them. off a new round of NATO airstrikes on miles southeast of Sarajevo. The sortie realize that the international commu­ Bosnian Serb targets, rebel snipers and lasted about an hour. nity is serious." gunners kept up their fight, taking aim Hours later, U.N. officials in the north­ The Serb military, its defense capa­ at civilians and showering Sarajevo ern town of Tuzla reported three explosions bilities gradually eroding, appeared to Weather neighborhoods with shells. in the area ofa Serb-held hillside commu­ ignore U.N. and NATO demands to re­ For their part, Bosnian government nications tower, apparently from NATO at­ move its heavy weapons from a 12.5 - forces ignored international requests to tacks. Bosnian Serb radio said the tower mile exclusion zone around Sarajevo. hold fire and answered the Serb shelling High: 80s Partly cloudy was damaged, destroying television relays The international ultimatum to the Low: 60s « Winds: Ned Vaughn in kind.
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