/ APcrat^e Daily Net Press Riro The Weather For Th« Wr«k Ikided A Clear, cool tonight, low in the JTime n , IN i SOa. Tuesday, sunny, warm, highest in the 80s. Near sero probability of precipitaticn to­ 15,610 night and Tue^ay. Mancheater— A City of Village Charm (CUssifleii A(dvcHIdiiig oa Page U ) PRICE TEN CENTS VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 24(K. TWENTY-TWO PAGES — TABLOID MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, illL Y 13, 1970 I Three Qties Dead Wliales Russian Ships Boost Gripped By Make Waves LOS ANGELES (AP) — Arab Military Might Crewmen on the freighter- WASHINGTON (A P )—The Soviet Union has sharp­ Race Tension passenger ship President Grant suspected something ly increased its shipments to Egypt of late, including By 1HE ASSOCIATED PRESS was wrong during the last 125 amphibious troop-landing craft, according to Assistant Twenty persons were arrested miles of their voyage from Secretary of State Joseph J. Sisco. in Michigan City, Ind,, Sunday San BVanclsco. But they ’Ihe state Department’8 chief ’ during a second night of disor­ didn’t know what until offi­ 4 ' Middle East exi>ert noted Sun- auspices,’ ’ Sisco ssdd. ders as Negroes hurling bricks cials at the dock pointed out day the offensive nature of the -We think if we can get the and rocks at cars roamed a dead 60-foot gr&y whale landing ships,' but refused to parties talking that there 1s streets in the predominantly draped under the bow. plnpctot their use for any possl- some hope of developing some black north side. V After docking Sunday, \^ ble Egyptian crossing of the flexibility between the two sides Elsewhere, there was a sec­ crewmen recalled noticing Canal against Israeli posi- vvhlch would offer an opportuni­ ond night of clashes in Highland something blit not realizing ty for progress.’ ’ Paric, Mich., but a tight curfew that the 678-foot, 14,000-ton SSlsite, while repeating admin- ,jjg added that no deadline has (O) virtually halted four days of- ra­ ship had hit and apparently Istratfoh determination to pro- ^ answer to the cial violence in New Bedford, killed a whale. Arab states, ref^ ed ^ a ln to American initiative, but he ex- <0 > Mass. (C> “ We did notice a little vi­ say whether a dec sion has been pressed hope that one wlU be Two nights of disorders in made to sell additional planes <0 ) bration around the bow,’’ forthcoming with Egyptian Michigan CSty bt^ought IBO Na­ to Israel. said assistant engineer Da­ President Nasser’s return from Plant tional Guardsmen to Join state However, he went on, "The tmla- vid Sexton. “ Of course we an extended visit in Moscow. York ahd local police in enforcing a 9 noticed there was a different President has made it' very at- p.m. to e a.m. curfew and pre­ clear that we Intend to support sman wave around our bow but we (See Page ’Twelve) hta,*' venting gatherings of groups of did not know what was the security of Israel and I think veral four persons or more in off-cur­ wrong.’’ that you can take that at fa!ce . the few hours. ildine A tugboat towed the car­ value.’’ C (Police Chief Leon Shiparskl Sisco spoke on the NBC inter­ cass to sea. I <i> said the trouble began after view program “ Meet the Israelis (O three blacks were arrested in a Press.’’ downtown tavern for disorderly Sisco’s cautious, if ambigu­ Hit Base Meats conduct. 3 I (O ) ous, statement on the plane sale tetlly, In Sunday night’s disorder, came as it was learned the ad­ inuny police reported sporadic fire Orangemen Joee- ministration has agreed to re­ In Jordiin from snipers but said no one place F4 Phantom fighter-bomb­ < 0 > wag hurt. A white man was On Parade ers Israel has lost^ recently to ’TEL AVIV (AP) — Israeli pulled from his auto and beaten. A^b“ Mtiklre1^ g ^ “ aiid ml'si troops crossed the J o ^ R lw r •ther He was hospitalized in fair con­ early today and wrecked a Jor- <0 dition. ‘ In Belfast Althourt the Defense and banian aim y clurter of bunkere Black ' About 16 per cent of the city’s White House made their usual trenches used as a f o ^ ^ ertna- 88,000 residents are black. BEILFAST, Northern Ireland “neither confirm-nor-deny’’ base by Palestinian guerrillas D are (AP) — Thousands of Protes- (AP FtxXofu) Crate In New Bedford, police Capt. , . ^ ^ ^ , South Vietnamese soldiers play with pet bird as they ride armored carrier statements Sunday, government ‘ he Isrwli military command Harry Kenyon said blacks there Orangemen paraded In Bel- Agnew Tone sources said Israel will get the announca had set up barricades on sever- other parts of Northern southeast of Kompong-Cham, 30 miles inside Cambodian border. said at least Anna Phantoms under a flexible pro- A siwkesmant j . Johd al streets in the mainly Negro Ireland today, marking a vlcto- soldiers were On Peace: gram aimed at offsetting in- k *» i, r Oaa' section of the city’s West End. ry over Roman Catholics in the creased Soviet Involvement in Wiled in the 2H-hour attack on (0 > The area was quiet and police Battle of the Boyne in 1690. the Mideast. the hilltop outpost just east of < 0 > stayed out. British troops partitioned this Cambodians Fight to Retake City Pessimistic the river. Israeli losses were re­ < 0 > It was indicated Israel has r aad A police officer discounted a capital and remained on alert ported as one killed and eight _ _ . _ _ PHNOM PENH, Cambodia The government says it Duy Tue, secretary-general of gotten no U.S. commitment to a reported threat as the reason elsewhere to prevent new bat- By WALTER B. MEABS specific number of the powerful woimded. Blca for^taVing o J r ’’Wo’re'trytag to ties between the’protestant ma- AP) - Cambodian forces bat- stripped the sprawUng arsenal the National Assembly’s lower ______________AP PoUttcal Writer jets, but„ ul at methe same timei.me me.ethere The spokesman said the Israe­ work this thing out," he said. jorlty and the Catholics, who Ued west and north of Phnom when Viet Cong and North Viet- house. A guard readying the car vVASHUNGTON (AP) — Vice ^ ' . .. sumlv of Phan- li troops opened fire from the Twelve persons were arrested charge discrimination. Penh today while allied forces namese forces began a buUdup to drive Tue to his office and a president Spiro T. Agnew says ^ . jT ^ ^ on fu- barbed wire around the post, oc­ for curfew violations. W ^ m oth Protestant demon- claimed more .than 400 North in the area several weeks maid cleaning the vehicle were j^^re is tittle hope President |„re ^ e t moves cupied it and blasted the bunk- Disorders began Wednesday gtratlons lammed areas on the Vietnamese killed in five days Last month the enemy laid wounded. Tue was in his home Nj^on’s new ambassador to the This could mean that in- c*'® and trenches before with- when police arrested a Negro on ,rlnires of the oarade route attacks near Che Sanh, in the siege to Long Vek lor a week at the time and was not hurt. -gace talks wUl be sue creased installations of Soviet- drawing with captured small a driving charge and a scuffle order of Orange said "o ^ w e s t comer of South Viet- The assem blym ^ said tae 33 „ --------Hanoi de-„ built SAM-2^ and the more _ad- arms. rerris. ensued. A Negro® youth was Brides more than 20.000 of its members militerv «noke« nmn of armo^and ^ Amrican-m^e M26 iragment^.„ ^ -------------------^ands nothing„ short of “ the flat vanced SAMS missilemisille sites in -lordanlan support unlta fired rt (0> klUedBiuea anuand threeuutjc uu.c.oothers were ...-in- parade in Belfast, with ^ G a m b ia n mlUtary f , ° of STenade apparently had abandonment of South Viet- Egypt______________ and the use of Russian mortars at the position while it lured Saturday night by shotgun on paraae m u eii^ i, wun JJ ^ „ g . Vietnamese pulled out of been placed in a box under the ------- ■ - - - ------- 1 (0> 33 nam." piloted fighters along the Suez was occupied by the Israeli le (O) jiucu ocvu.wj “o a ^aneeSMJ 900^ bands nlavlnsrplaying such tunes as .trained________________ mercenairies1______ was bat- the___ area about ,a week ago. ........................... ir <0> blasU ftred .from a -.Derry’s Walls" and "The Sash tiing an estimated 1,000 North - ------------ J eathec <0) " m North- S n j S f S i r a r t R l I n l l 'i o 'S X r * ” °th“ “ led by for as to .. ig her. wnite Danenaer ^ nrAn«FPni6bn and leajit 50 of the enemv were a\u^a Kssiisskfa fhoir announced his opposition recent- vice Jiresldent, In an interview dar-dii^ected SAM-2 missiles this ^ Israeli settlements In the lanlela on a second-degree murder march wunwith uiethe uraxiKemenOrangemen andtuivi leastleoaL 50w ofui _ theuic enem_ycuoiiijr were_wc&c Allied oiiicersofficers beUeveoeueve uieirtheir . ^ _,___ ^. ^ A. _____ _____..aw „vni ^ ^ j ..., Belaanxa*i«o«« Valiev.V aIIav charsre amd released on $20,(X)0 tney<h.y brt»,h.orougni copiouscplrt.. supplies.uppb.. oio< kuiouWU.a m,n hbuuub<ljhO«, ouuuajrS^ul., ^ lorces may bnave . wipea« p . d oui uiof t . 'L' , '' _ __ _ . , "• ' , , .. -----. ’2 'S J. “ * Tnrrinnian trmma at tha noat- y Win- beer and whisky^. said the only government cas- -equipment of a full-strength eventual settlement through U .S .^ d . ichard Police used tear gas to dls- Along the border with the ualtles reported were 24 wound-_____ North Vietnamese battalion— by tae -government.
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