'j ■. ■■ ■.' / ■ :?■/ -.1 ' f : - / r ■iii- •'( ■ • /.f \ Average Daily Net Press Ran Far tta Waak BaSad '•^i• ? t"v-- ' 7 • •• ' WEDNESDAY, JtJNE 22, 1988 Joaw l a ISSS jEttgttttiB 11,688 I t a * laidiss .AJUanM* 8-year tanns, th# lour othan lor l-yaat tarma, No eontoM lor any M anche$ter^A City o f VUlage Charm Croup SM wiU hold Ms raonthly Officers Seek A bout Tow n mestmg tonight at 7:80 at tha position is aapsctsd, Polish Amertoan Ouh on OUnton • Besidas voting on thosa postUons^ H i* MHUflit Bleak! for iwldenta S t AU mambsra ars urged to at- ▼0L.LXX1V,N0.224 (TWENTT PAGE^) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 2S.195S (Claaaiflad AdvariWas an raga IS) PRICE FIVE CEirh^ o f Uio ‘'8 »«n M v U lo’’ aoetton o f Reelecltoh to the electors of the District will bo trad, aa plans will bt niada for asked to continue the tiuc rate at Sprint St, hold lu t night on the traniqwrtaUon o f mamhers and apodoua lawn at chief Herman S*A mills and to approve the pur­ their children to tha aUte oiitlng chase of about 3>4 acres of land on Schendel'e home, attracted 55 this Simdsy. District Posts membere of the nelghmoring famll* N. Main St. for $7,000. • lea. In a wild and woolly eoftball \ 8 ix office holders of the Bighth The Directors nave advocated ime that went five innlnga, the School and UtUiUes District will the purchase as being necesaary im finally won out over the Present Students assl^ rsslsctlon tonight at the Ols- for the District's long-range plan­ women by 10 to fi. Delicioue re- trictV annual meeting which will ning. A trunk-line sewer now runs freahmenta In groat variety and In Four Recitals b e h e ld m the.HoUlater Street across the land over a 10-foot right- cold drlnke were enjoyed, and ao School auditorl^. The meeting is of-way, and the Directors feel a Bucceaaful was the affair that it scheduled to start at 7 :30. second line, adjacent to it will was .voted to make It-an annual Frederic B.' Werner and Paul A. Tha office-holders whose terms eventually 1^ needed. ' event Ghctelat, Instructors of piano and axpifs tonight firs Ray Warren, In addition they eee the parcel's mesident of the District; Leon N. Main St. irontsgs of 800 feet as The preoklent of the Property organ, will preasnt four groups of ^orp and Briing Larsen, mem­ a future site for a sewerage pump­ Owners' Organisation of Ooimeetl- thslr pupiU In rsdtsls Sunday bers of the Board of Directors; ing station. They say such a sta­ V Warns on Red Buffer Bid cut, Inc., has <Selled a special meet­ tion will be necaesary when the Pinay Urges United afternoon, Mondhy, Tuaaday and Walter Lecisrc, tax collector; Jo- ing for Monday June 37, at 5 p.m., Wedneaday evenings, Junh 38, 37, Mph VoIl clerk, and Howard-Kee- Buckland area sewers into the Dis­ in the Hartford Ooiirant auditor- 1nay^ tmSMmr. trict, a dsVdopmsnt they regard turn. Richard Peingold, attorney 28 and 29. in the chapel of ths The Dicektors are running for as a ci|rtainty. ht law, will discuss and explain the South Mathodiat Church. new rent control law passed hy the Sunday at 8:15 p.m., S3 atu- Sees Arms State LeglsUature In its last see- dents both beginners and ad­ Democratic Caucus ston. All rental owners and other vanced pupils, , will tabs part. Oh Interested persona ^are. oordlaUy Monday night at 8:15 thsy will invited to attend. present 34 local students In. a Girisx and Boys' Books Curb Pact ifvarted program of compoaiUens by Births at the Hartford Hoi^iti^’ the old and .new achoola o f com- Also Backs Measure on June IP .Included a daughter to pbaers. Tuesday a t 8:15, another b o Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. Avery, 85 group of 34 pu^Is win bo hoard in UNITED STAlb COLORING 6 K ........ 25c Far Ahead Branford 6t., and a son ho Mr. and solo and duet riumbers. state Capitol, Hartford, June 23 (/P)—The Republican- Monk, 181 Gsnter FUN BOOK .. .................. ..\^.... 25e DAINTY, PRACTICAL. NO-IRON Mrs. wni Wedneaday at 8:lil, pupils from San Francisco, June 28 (flP) controlled House today approved and sent to the Democratic- S t RockvlUe and surrounding towns ANIMAL STAMP B ^ K ..... 50c — French Foreign Minister controlled Senate a bill providing for primary elections, One will givs the program. At the cloee Ruffled Seersucker Antoine Pinay today called of the controversial issues that contributed to the confusion TWity-four young people In of this recital, Mr. Werner will grade 5 at the Rohertaon School FL^^^A^ERS . 59c I announce the students rsceiving for a unified Germany, but of the''closing day of the Legislature’s regular Mssion. ttnvsled hy bus to CHd Bturhrldge ths awards for ths past ssason. declared the Weiil must re- After^hey had approved the~bili in caucus last night» Vilhice, Mass., Monday, acoetnpfm- LINEN-LiKE — ASSORTED........... 30c-60c - lisd hy their teacher, Mrs. Joeiph Parents, friends and all persons BEDSPREADS ject Soviet efforts to turn it Republicans termed the bill “.a dirOct challenge” to the sin­ interested will bs welcome to at­ Handley, 385 S. Main S t STICK ’EM FOR FUN . ........ $ 1.00 into a neutral buffer. cerity of the Democrats. The platforms of ^ th parties en­ I tend these recitals. KING ARTHUR ...... .\........ .TTt : .. $1.00 ' n c MatcHing Full Width “German unity mwt ba aa- dorse primary electiorfs. Officers of MsneheaUr Assembly, e a . Drapss $5.98 Pr. tablUhed with equal eecurity for The bill passed by the House calls for primaries for all No. l5. Order of Rainbow for Girls WIZARD OF OZ ........y ... t . .......... $1 .OQ all,'' the French Foreign MlnUter are reminded of the rehearsal for Local Lidhs Club •told the t), N.'a.lOth anntveraaiy elective offices, if there is opposition to thd choice of a town initiation tomorrow at 8 p.m. in BOOKS ON FLOWERS, BIRDS. TREES . $1.00 ea. Roaabuda pattama and plain colon. Twin and full bad atzea. •eMion u it went into ita fourth committee, caucus or district or state convention. the Masonic TVmpls. The Assem­ Has Picnic Parly Extra wide. Spraada you can waah so adsily with no ironin|;. AU day. During the regular eeaeion. of^ bly will hold a picnic at Mrs. Jo­ SOMETHING TO DO (BoxadK ..... •..,... $1.25 colon. i— "We muet rule out the mlecon- the legielature, Houie GOP lead­ seph Gallant’s cottage at Coventry (Not axacUy as iAustrated) " ception of a neutral Germany er Norman K. Parselle charg^. Senators Seek Lake, Friday, June 24. The trip to Tuesday evening ths Iffanchsster A CHILD’S FIRST BOOK OF SCIENCE which might some day become an ^ m o cra ts in the 'Senate uiied 1 Coventry^will • be by bus, leaving overarmed Germany, and also rule "every subterfuge and device Lloiis Club held their annual pic ' ADVENTURES $1.25 available to them" to defeat a from in front iff the Masonic Tem­ out the lenselessness of a neutral Court Test on pi# at 1 o’clock. Miaa Joan Lewis la nic supper at the home of Preei BUY FOR GIFTS! BUY FOR YOURSELFl Germany, for a great pe<H;)la can­ primary bill. chairman of ths committee of sr- dent Don Bon In Marlbpro, ALL ABOUT THE STARS ......*.............. $ 1.95 not indefinitely be subjected to Twice, he said, they amended I rangements for the picnic. .- A delightful barbecue supper tniateeship. ■: Republican primary, propoaale, Probing Power was serv^ under the giant tress 72" X 90" CHatHam Summer Wei|»Ht "V\’e must, in my opinion, give a "and we took it." The Golden Age Club will omit on ths Bon's-lawn. - • free Germany tha choice of being “Now,” , he declared, '"we’re go­ ^AAl^Afnerica - - - - [its meeting tomorrow afternoon After the supper, the group waS associated to a system- of security. ing to pass this bill and send it Washington, June 23 (IP) because of the strawberry festival led in a songfest by Liontamer Ben i h . j w m U COM Including reciprocal limitation and Up to the Senate, and they're go­ A Senate 'subcommittee’s control, of aimamenta.” ing to take it." of the Orange Lodges in Orange Shankmsn. The affair was attand- BLANKETS ' " legal'Staff suggested today ed by 85 members, with their wivi MANCHISmCOHN- Gov. Ribicoff, a Democrat, has HaU. It Wlir be poatponed untU . Issue SpUte East, West a court case to test the power I Thursday, Juhs.SO. se gneets. “ Miami” solid color—White, pink, red, Pinay called the German prob­ said he will sign a top-to-bottom A Gantner lem one of the main problems that primary bill. of congressional investiga- blue, yellow, Hunter green. divide the East and Wait. ' ...... measure passed by the toriL to obtain documetots tifflaa America o f 1965 models this classic Water-Knit '• .Ji The French diplomat made no Hoiiskis so described. from the executive branch. \ specific mention o f yesterday's House^Democratic Leader Stan­ that’s easy-to-wear, easy-to-fit! Zephyr Wool and Las- “ Painted Daisy” , printed daisy pattern. ley ifesuKlewlcs supported the bill Two members of the 3-man White with blue, pink with blue, pink speech by Foreign Minister V. M. Ci'vil Service eubcommittee agreed tcx. All-around strip ^ knit cuff, Uplift Lastex inner Molotov, but in effect his re|parks during th ^ comparatively brief with blue, yellow with pink, yellow with House debat' to study the issue further before bra, gpirid boning, awimmer’s straps.
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