Rappahannock Record The lower Northern Neck’s most complete news source since 1916 75¢ Volume 94 No. 21 Thursday, March 3, 2011 www.RRecord.com Del. Pollard will not seek re-election RICHMOND—Dis- “And why are they trict 99 Del. Albert C. injurious to the Common- Pollard Jr. last week wealth, to the Republic announced on the House and to this country? floor that he would not “Because political seek re-election. parties and caucuses As reported by the are often about gain- Washington Post fol- ing power as opposed lowing his floor speech, to doing what is right. “Delegates gave him a Everyone here—includ- prolonged standing ova- ing myself—has seen tion and heaped praise their caucus engineer on him, calling him a true ‘Virginia gentle- a vote designed to embarrass, or engi- man.’” neer getting a bill killed so the other side Meanwhile, Gov. Bob McDonnell com- doesn’t get credit, or has killed a measure mented “I have also greatly enjoyed work- as ‘retribution.’ ing with Albert. In his nine years of service “‘Forcing embarrassment.’ ‘Denying in the House, he supported Virginia’s small credit.’ ‘Retribution.’ These are not the businesses, and has been a strong advocate words of Christian charity or words that for the conservation of Virginia’s natural make a more perfect union. They are the resources.” words designed to help the very political Del. Pollard’s remarks are as follows: parties which George Washington warned “When I first ran in 1999 I said that it against and are never mentioned in our was my hope to serve a total of six to 10 founding documents. years. My first time in the House of Del- “My second piece of advice: Work the egates I served six years and this cycle I floor, work the floor, work the floor. As served four, therefore, I will not be seeking members of this body, we are at a severe re-election this year. disadvantage compared to lobbyists. “I feel comfortable that I could win re- “Just think about it—eight lobbyists for election, but one shouldn’t run for office every Delegate. They have a half dozen Del. Albert C Pollard Jr. listens as members of both sides of the aisle praise his service just because you can win. This is public bills; we have twice that many. They have to his constituents. service and I simply have no desire to make people hired to work both sides of the this my career. You run to serve and I have aisle; we handicap ourselves through our colleagues and working your bills then the chamber. We scurry home through the served now for 10 years. My decision is own political labels. They have spending you are ceding your elected authority to basement not mindful of where we are. really that basic. accounts; we have none. They have a con- every other member and every lobbyist. If “Therefore, my final piece of advice is “I leave my colleagues with three pieces stituency of one; we have many constituen- you aren’t working your ideas—or if you this: Every now and then, exit through the of advice. cies. We have other jobs; this is their job. are only talking to your party, to your own double doors. Walk through the rotunda, “My first piece of advice: We talk a lot They represent an interest which might caucus—then you are putting your ideas at and walk at the feet of George Washing- about what the Constitution means, how far include good public policy, but their duty a competitive disadvantage. ton’s statue and at the feet of other great governmental powers go, what is the proper is not to our constituents or the free market. “Finally, we work in the best building in Virginians. role of government. But throughout this Instead their duty is to their client or their the world. This capital—designed by Jef- “My fellow delegates, every now and conversation we ignore the elephant-in-the- shareholder. ferson, inspired by Roman ideals—is our then pass through that great hall and take a room of a better Republic: political parties “So, one of our tools—really, our best office. moment to reaffirm why you are here, what in general and party caucuses specifically. tool—is our time on the House floor, in “This capital is monument to the Ameri- you are doing to fulfill your own faith and “Nowhere in the Constitution are politi- this chamber, working our bills, trying to can ideal that the world can be a better reason for being—and what we as a body cal parties created. And certainly the found- kill other bad bills. If you aren’t maximiz- place. And, yet, we pay it little respect— are doing to make the lives of everyday ers did not have party caucuses in mind. ing your time on the floor talking with your we exit through the steps on the side of Virginians, even better.” Historic White Marsh Town council allows a break may be exempt from on utility fees local real estate taxes by Audrey Thomasson KILMARNOCK—When it by Audrey Thomasson comes to getting a break on the LANCASTER—Charging county property taxes to Historic White cost of hookups to the town’s Marsh Church Inc. may have been a misunderstanding, county admin- water and sewer system, council istrator William Pennell Jr. reported to the board of supervisors last has always stood firm and turned week. down the best of causes. But on Church secretary Peggy Garland appeared before supervisors to Monday, members agreed to a plead the case for the organization which operates as a church offering one-time exception for the local religious services, burial sites and other nonprofit functions. She asked chapter of Habitat for Humanity. supervisors to hold a public hearing on exempting it from the $500 John O’Keefe and Nan Flynn annual bill for real estate taxes which the church received in 2010. asked the town to reduce or elimi- Since churches are exempt nate the connection fee for three from taxes, the problem appears homes they plan to build on a to have begun when ownership of Lancaster to join parcel on Wiggins Avenue which White Marsh United Methodist was donated to the organization. Church was dropped by the Vir- area rescue squad “We depend on the generosity ginia United Methodist Confer- of the community,” O’Keefe said. ence. With declining membership billing consortium The local chapter builds one to two and a decaying building, it became LANCASTER—When residents homes each year using donated too costly for the umbrella organi- of Lancaster County need emer- labor and resources, including the zation to carry, said Garland. The gency medical treatment, they know labor of the intended homeowner, remaining members were allowed they can count on the county’s rescue he said. to take over as an incorporated squad to respond. The water and sewer commit- body and became a nonprofit orga- However, the county’s ability to tee recommended a one-time 20 nization to save and rebuild the collect for the services from organi- percent reduction in the standard stucture. zations such as Medicare may not be In memory of Lorena Conner residential connection fee, which But that change may have as reliable. reduces the $10,095 fee by about From left, supervisor Butch Jenkins last week presented Anita Tadlock $2,000. blurred the county’s understanding Like Essex, Richmond and West- a resolution commemorating the life and service of her mother, the which designated them a nonprofit moreland counties, Lancaster has late Lorena Dobyns Conner, as the Lancaster County Commissioner While council member Paul organization. In 2010, Garland been utilizing private sector compa- of the Revenue. Conner was the first woman appointed as a deputy Jones noted he has volunteered his said she received a tax bill from nies for ambulance billing services, commissioner of revenue and later the first woman elected to the time for the organization, he said Lancaster Commissioner of the assistant county administrator Jack position in Lancaster. She died January 25, 2011. Photo by Audrey council had never reduced fees in Revenue Sonny Thomas. Larson informed supervisors last Thomasson the past because it would open the None of church’s board is com- week. door to more requests. pensated and all funds collected Increasingly, all four counties are Town manager Tom Saunders are used for the renovation and losing revenue due to a failure to agreed, but suggested they could upkeep of the 1848 sanctuary, she follow up on collections in cases such limit the request to one time. “We said. as denials by Medicare, he said. have people in town who want the “The corporation provides ser- Each jurisdiction pays between 6 Mayor pays tribute water hookup but can’t afford the vices for the general public...such and 8 percent of the total monthly connection fee. It’s more the prec- as weddings and funerals,” said collections to private vendors for this edent,” he said, noting council has Garland. Worship services, which service, said Larson. However, the to Claudia Williamson denied other requests from organi- take place on holidays and other counties have decided they can do by Audrey Thomasson zations building affordable hous- ing. special occasions, are open to the better by pooling resources. ayor Raymond Booth paid tribute to Claudia Williamson at public. Started in 1792, Garland The board of supervisors agreed “The raw costs are only a portion MMonday’s town council meeting, noting her many years of of the hook-up fees; there are also said White Marsh Church is an and voted unanimously, 5-0, to sign a service to the town.
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