INVENTORY LIST BLACK BOX MUSIC I - ELIZABErHAN MUSIC Cooper, Gerald M., ed. - The Tudor Edition of Old Music Euterpe - ! Collection of Madrigals and Other Music of the XVI and XVII Centuries (vol. 1) Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis - Anon. Come, Let Us Rejoice - William Byrd Down the Hills Corina Trips - Thomas Bateson Lets Have a Peal - Anon. She Weepeth Sore in the Night - W. Lawes Euterpe - (vol 2) Happy, Oh, Happy He - John Wilbye Love, Love, Sweet Love - Anon. Mother, I Will Have a Husband - Thomas Vautor Now, Row We Merrily - Mathew White Euterpe - (vol. 3 pt. 1) If my Complaints - John Dowland Euterpe - (vol. 3 pt. 2) I I Always Lov'd to Call My Lady Rose - Henry Lichfield \ \ INVENTORY LIST BLACK BOX MUSIC II MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC I Austin, Frederic - Songs in a Farmhouse Baines, Herbert - Six Songs (first and second set) Boosey, ed. - Standard English Songs Cavendish Music Book - Ballad Concert Album Old English Ballads Soprano Songs Contralto Songs Miscellaneous Songs The Anacre Ontic Song - Anon. words by Ralph Tomlinson A Favorite Song - Handel The Hardy Sailor - Arnold Hark the Lark at Heav'n's Gate Finds - Cooke He Shall Feed His Flock - Anon. A Pastoral Elegiac Glee- Joseph Baildon Poor Orra Tink of Yanko Dear - Dibdin Sestinis Favorite Rondo - Giordani Sitot Que Lubin Maima - Zede The Wedding Day - Hook Dannreuther, Edward (composer) - Five Two-Part Songs Duncan, Edmondstoune (composer) - Six Declamatory Songs Glendinning, R. Rashleigh (composer) - Four LyriCS Lehmann, Liza (composer) - Album of Nine English Songs Parry, C. Hubert H. (composer) - English Lyyrics First set, second set, sixth set and seventh set Steggall, Reginald (composer) - Shakespeare Songs (3 copies) INVENTORY LIST ( BLACK BOX MUSIC III MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC II Boosey, ed. - Musical Cabinet no. 83 - Vocal Duets Bridge, Sir Frederick, ed. - Seventeenth Century Songs Bright, Dora (composer) - Twelve SOngS Case, Thomas (composer) - Twelve Songs Farwell, Arthur (composer) - Choruses of Caliban, ! Shakespeare Masque, words by Percy Mackaye Gadsby, Henry (composer) - The Forest of Arden (instrumental, full score) Grosvenor, Norman (composer) - Thirteen Vocal Trios Ireland, John (composer) - SOngS of ~ Wayfarer Korngold, Erich Wolfgang - Viel Larmen Um Nichts (instrumental music for violin and klavier) ---- -- Lehmann, Liza (composer) - Nine Favourite Soprano Songs (2 copies) ( Simpson, F.J. (composer) - Three-Part Songs INVENTORY LIST eight items Black Box Music IV I Miscellaneous Music III c:.~ I " 0. I - L. b e .- e.-\--+ 0 I ~ '8' I r- + Jones, Robert - The Muses Garden of Delights Leppard, Raymond - ( arranger ) - The National Anthem - ( God Save the Queen ) - ( instr­ umental ) Riley, Alice C. D. - Shakespeare's Lovers in a Garden - ( including nineteen instrumental pieces Schubert, F. - Schubert's Songs - ( volumes 1 and 3 ) - ( words in German and English; cataloged in English only ) Walthew, Richard H. - Twelve Songs Warlock, Peter and Philip Wilson ( ed. ) - English Ayres, 1598-1612 - ( volumes 1 and 3 ) Black Box Music V Miscellaneaous Music IV Airs Principaux du Devin du Village (French song with music) Auber, D.F.E. - More Glorious to Die Bartholomew, Mrs. Mounsey - Six-Four Part Songs Best, W.T. - A Collection of Organ Pieces - instrumental Bishop, Sir Henry R. - Foresters Sound the Cheerful Horn Braham - Nelson Calkin, George - Works of Felix Mendelssohn- instrumental (2 copies) DeBeauplan, Amedee - New Country Dances of 1833 Downs, M.S. - To My Wife, Proposal The Dying Christian to His Soul "Far West" - 'fo Edwin Booth - instrumental Graham, John (editor) - Shakespearean Bidford Morris Dances Harrison, M. - Genius Hook - The Lass of Richmond Hill Hullah, John - Autumn Leaves Jacobi, G. - Merry Snow-White Fairies John Anderson - My Joe (a favorite Scotch song) Kann, Friedriche August - Sefauge (German) Kilburn, N. - The Lords Prayer Kingsbury, Frederick - The Gallant Cavalier Lamb - When Freedom on the Battle Storm Mason, W.S. - The Hymn of the West Virginians M6za~, Wolfgang - The Fishing Duell Purcell, Henry - The Fairy Queen (first song in the third act) Shield, - The Pretty Little Heart Smith, J. Stafford - Archer's Glee West, John E. (editor) - Organ Arrangements - instrumental Why So Pale and Wan Fond Lover Chevalier Sigismond Neukomm - Vernal Thought INVENTORY LIST twenty items Black Box Music VI Miscellaneous Music V Boyneburgh, F. - Shakespeare's Lieder Bridge, J. F. - Songs From Shakespeare The Earliest Known Settings - ( 1915 ) - ( 1924 • Carmichael, Mary - Six Songs for Two Voices from Shakespeare Coates, Eric - Four Old English Songs - ( four copies) Elgar, Edward - ( arranger) - Two Interludes From Falstaff Gaul, Alfred - The Bard of Avon Hopkins, Franklin - Shakespeare Album Six Songs for Medium and Low Voice Lehmann, Lize - Four Shakesperian Part-Songs Lincoln, Charles - The Shakespeare Song Book Macfarren, G. A. - Seven Shakespeare Songs Mackenzie, A. C. - Three of Shakespeare's Sonnets Quilter, Roger - Three Shakespeare Songs - ( three copies) Five Shakespeare Songs - ( two copies ) 30 itens INVENTORY LIST Black Box Music VII Shakespeare Music VII Hardy, T. Maskell - The SongS from Shakespeare's Plays - Vocal and Pianoforte (editor) editions (parts 1 & 2) Lohr, Harvey - A Shakespearian Cycle - Pianoforte (instrumental) Mo 0 rat , Josep - Winter A Shakespearian Fantasia - Pianoforte (instrumental) Shaw, Geoffrey - Six Shakespeare SOngS Sixteen Standard'Songs Stokes, George - Shakespearian Songs for Schools - Tonic Sol-fa edition (1st & 2nd series) Shakespearian SOngs for Schools - (1st series) WassaIl, Grace - A Shakespeare SOng Cycle · .. .. .. 30 items Black Box Music VIII Miscellaneous Shakespeare Arne, Th. A. ,Dr - Thou-Soft-Flowing Avon - ( 8 Songs ) - The Warwickshire Lad /It,__ L l ..... 1/ ...., _ \......"\ Bordese, Luigi - Les Femmes De Shakspeare ~ -.~ -- W~ ~} Boughton, Rutland - Agincourt - ( Solo and Chorus ) Butler, Mr. - To Fair Fidele's Grassy Caulfield, J. - Shakespeare's Seven Ages t:»--.J\ e.s. ~s, Vincent - ( arranger) - Hamlet Ye Dane A Ghost Story - ( 2 Songs ) Dibdin, Charles - Jubilee or Shakespeare's Garland - Overture, Songs, Airs and Choruses - Shakespeare's Garland or the Warwickshire Jubilee - A Collection of the Ballads - Anne Hathewaye Elliott, J. W. - ( arranger) - The Harmonium Treas ury The Forsaken Maid Glover, Stephen - Down by the Avon's Flowing Stream Goodban, Henry - (arranger ) - Beauties of Shakespeare Green, Maurice - A Cantata and Four English Songs Harroway, J . - Nacbeth Haydn - Spirit's Song Heise. p . - Sange of Shakspeare Hogan, J . Morris - High With Crowned Immortals Dwelling Holbrooke, Josef - Queen Mab Hughes, T. - Garrick's Monody on The Death of Shakspeare Lee, Alexander - Flow on Silver Avon - ( Two Copies ) Levey, Sivori - ( arranger) - That Strain Again:It Had a Dying Fall Major, - Light 0' Love Noeran, E. J. - Four Shakespeare Songs The Mulberrv Tree ,. ... - 1~V~N1VKI Ll~l LUNllhU~U Black Box Music VIII Miscellaneous Shakespeare Songs Perring, James - The Birth-Place & Home of The Bard ( Two Copies ) Shield, William - Three Couplets on the Charms of Women Vamp. Hugo - King Lear and His Daughters Queer - Richard The Third Bldck Box Music IX Shakespeare Music Instrumental AllmannJ George, J. O. - Shakspeare Quadrilles BrowuJ F. H. - The Shakespeare Quadrille for the Piano Forte CooteJ Cl.arles - The Shakspeare Quadrille ( 'f\.TO Copies) Gadsby, Henry - The Forest of Arden ( Orchestral scen and l' instrumental parts) HofmannJ R. - Potpourris Let:!J Alexander - RecolleCLions of Shakspcare-Dramacic Overture Manns J A. - The Falstaff Poll~a MontgomerYJ W. H. - Shakes~eare's Festival Quadrille ( Two Cupies ) Rubens J Paul. A. - Graceful Dance - ( 11 instrumental parts) A Shaksperian Fantabia for The Piano Forte Wallerstein, Ferdinard - The Avon Quadrille ( VierlingJ Georg - Overture ZU Shakespeare's Sturm INVENTORY LIST Black Box Music X Passionate Pilgrim, Sonnets, Venus and Adonis Bartholomew, Ann, Mounsey - Six Songs Bishop, Sir. Henry R. - Bid me Discourse - ( Three Copies) - E'en as the Sun - Good Night Good Rest - ( Two Copies ) Lo! Here the Gentle Lark - ( Two Copies ) Coleridge - Taylor. S. - Beauty and Truth Crossley, Hastings - Three Duets Emrick, George - The Invitation i=rC\t'\co, Joho,,", - .,;I.. SO"''' ..... ~5 Holland, C. - The Triumph of Death Horn, Charles, E. - Even as the Sun with Purple-Colour'd Face" - ( Two Copies) It was a Lording's Daughter Lehmann, Liza - Fair Kind and True - ( Three Copies ) Macfarren, Walter - Good, Night. Good, Rest - ( Two Copies) Mackenzie ,A. C. - Fair is my Love - Is it thy will - Three of Shakespeare's Sonnets - ( Two Copies) Lord, Mornington - As it fell upon a day - ( Two Copies) Parry, C. H. H. - Crabbed age and Youth Parry, J. Haydn - Shall I Compare Three Popular Songs Reay, Samuel - As it fell upon a day Richardson. A. Madely - Bid me Discourse The Shepherd's Invitation Shield. W. - It WBS a Lordling's Daughter - Shakespeare's Duel Bnd Loadstars ( Three Copies) Stevens. R. I S. - Crabbed age and Youth Stevens, R. J. S - Crabbed age and Youth - ( Five Copies ) Torrence. Ernest - Beyond Compare - ( Two Copies ) Webb. S. - Come live with me and be my love White, Maude. Valerie, - Crabbed age and Youth INVENTORY LIST Black Box Music XI Anthony and Cleopatra Bishop. Henry R, - Come thy Monarch of the wine - ( Three Copies ) - Antony and Cleopatra Kreutzer, Rudolph - Antonius und Cleopatra Lacy . Thomas, Mailes, - Antony and Cleopatra Schubert. Franz - Come Thou Monarch of The Vine c lNV t.NIUIU Ll::'T Black Box Music
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