Grems-Doolittle Library Schenectady County Historical Society 32 Washington Ave., Schenectady, NY 12305 (518) 374-0263 [email protected] www.schenectadyhistorical.org Historic Manuscript Collection Deeds No. Date Description D 1 1705/6 Peter Schuyler, John Sanders Glen, Adam Vrooman, Daniel Janse, John Bpt. van Eps, patentees of Schenectady, selling to William and Jacobus Peek land which had been previously sold to Peeks. Eight morgens on second flat. D 2 22 Dec 1749 Reformed Church to Claus van den Bogart, hatmaker. Saw mill on Steenkill South side of Mohawk River 1 1/4 mile down river. D 3 17 Jun 1741 Reformed Church to Joseph Bragham. Granted December 16, 1737 to Arent Bradt and John Wemp. S W corner of Schenectady; both sides of Normanskill. D 4 27 Sept 1733 Reformed Church to Harmanus Vedder and Harmanus Vedder, Jr., yeomen of Schenectady. In township of Schenectady, S side of Mill Creek, beginning at Mill dam. D 5 8 Jan 1738 Trustees of Schenectady to Arent Vedder, yeoman, S side of Mohawk River about 9 miles above the town of Schenectady at Toweruna. D 6 5 Jun 1714 Jonathan Dyer, bricklayer, of New York to Ryer Schermerhoorn, gentleman. Sixth flat on N side of Mohawk River opposite land of Jan Mabee. D 7 27 May 1717 Trustees of Schenectady to Cornelius Slingerland, blacksmith. ½ mile E of town of Schenectady known at the Stone Backer Yard. D 8 17 Aug 1708 Trustees of Schenectady to Hendrick Hanson of the city of Albany, attorney for Ryer Schermerhorn. D 9 13 Dec 1718 Trustees of Schenectady and Adam Vrooman. S side of Mohawk River, 4 miles above the compact part of Schenectady. D 10 3 Jan 1718/9 Trustees of Schenectady to Stephanus Grosbeck of City of Albany, merchant. N side of Mohawk River, 5 miles above the town of Schenectady. D 11 4 Apr 1709 Trustees of Schenectady and Simon Danielse (Van Antwerp). S side of Mohawk River at place called Woestyna about 9 or 10 miles above the town of Schenectady. D 12 28 Oct 1717 Trustees of Schenectady and Andries VanPatten, yeoman. S Side of Mohawk River 1 mile from town of Schenectady, adjoining land of Jacob Van Guysling D 13 20 Mar1717/8 Trustees of Schenectady and Stephanus Groesbeck of City of Albany, merchant. N. side of Mohawk River within limits of township of Schenectady, place called the Point. 1/2 mile of 4th flat. D 14 6 Apr 1708 Trustees of Schenectady to Philip Schuyler in City of Schenectady. Near Queen’s fort. 20 by 40 feet. D 15 24 Jul 1732 Trustees of Schenectady and John Danielse (Van Antwerp), yeoman. Low and woodland in Woestine. S side of Mohawk River, 8 miles from Town of Schenectady, beginning at King’s Highway. D 16 May 1718 Trustees of Schenectady to Adam Vrooman, yeoman. Pasture ground, abutting the roadway southerly that leads from the N gate of the Town towards John Lukasse (interesting information re: streets and roads in Schenectady). D 17 6 Apr 1708 Trustees of Schenectady and Arent Veeder, yeoman. “A certain peece of woodland containing one acre for a dwelling place where his house and barn now stand situate… and [Type text] being in Woestina about twelve English miles West of Schenectady together with five morgans or four acres of woodland adjoining the south side of his stand” D 18 6 Apr 1708 Trustees of Schenectady to Jan Danielse (van Antwerp) yeoman. In Woestina, South side of Mohawk River; Eight miles from city. “A certain portion of woodland…being in the bounds of woodland belong to the inhabitants of said town... about eight miles from the city”. South side of Mohawk River bounded on East and South by land of Jan Danielse four morgans or eight acres. D 19 29 June 1736 Reformed Church to Dirck Bratt and Johannes Van Antwerp, yeoman. Quit claim deed…”A certain tract or parcel” Woodland to Eastward of Schenectady. D 20 15 August Reformed Church to Ephraim Bradt, carpenter. Woodland southwest of Schenectady; One 1741 mile from Akes Bratt’s on Normanskill Creek D 21 4 May 1716 Trustees of Schenectady and Jellis Fonda, yeoman. Woodland north of Mohawk River; one English mile below town of Schenectady on Crum or Crooked Creek. D 22 4 Apr 1743 Trustees of Schenectady and John Rykman, barber. Woodland East of town of Schenectady. North side of path to Niskayuna beginning on the Southeast corner of the woodland belonging to Cornelius Groot. D 23 25 Jan 1714/5 Trustees of Schenectady to Reformed Church. At Mohawk River by town of Schenectady; Westerly both sides of River called by Indians Canaquarioeny; twelve English miles from Town of Schenectady, West five miles to kill or creek (deed torn). D 24 1 Dec 1753 Alexander Glen, James Vedder, and Johannes A. Bratt, yeoman to Alexander Lansing, yeoman. 1/2 part saw mill creek, dam, gutter and woodland North side of Mohawk River; 160 yards Westerly of saw mill of Jan Wemp and Company (deed is stained and illegible many places). D 25 1 Sep 1716 Including two items: the deed and a letter dated 1844 to Jas. Frost from I. A. Pell. Trustees of Schenectady to Carl Husen Toll, Gerrit von Brackel, Ahasuerus Marcellus, Caleb Beck, Arent Danielse (van Antwerp), representatives of freeholders of Schenectady. “To put an end to the Controversy which has for some years been raised and carried on.” 10 miles above Schenectady; South side on Mohawk River, beginning at Sand Creek, “Containing in all twenty two morgans all Rynland measure”. “Yearly rent of twenty two schippell of wheat.” D 26 15 Aug 1741 Reformed church to Ephraim Bratt, carpenter. Woodland Southwest of Schenectady, one mile from Aukes Bradt on Normanskill and creek called Dutch Bosch Bouckboom. D 27 29 May 1717 Trustees of Schenectady to John Wemp, yeoman. Three miles from Schenectady; North side of Mohawk River on both sides of Jan Wemp’s creek (Wemp has sawmill here). East of Martin Van Benthuysen to small island called Cruys Bassen lying on West side of Town of Schenectady. D 28 10 Mar1706/7 Col. Peter Schuyler of Albany, gentleman; Johannes Sanders Glen, yeoman; Adam Vrooman, Esq; Daniel Johnson and Jan Baptist Van Eps, yeoman, and Jan Vrooman, yeoman for trustees of Schenectady (for Freeholders). Woodlands near town of Schenectady; South side of highway that leads to Simon Groot’s Bridge. Containing about two morgans. D 29 14 Feb1743/4 Trustees of Schenectady to Tobias Rykman, Jr., cordwainer. Woodland South side of Mohawk River; 3/4 mile East from town on Niskayuna Hill or Berg. South side of road from Town of Niskayuna. Containing in all three morgans and one-half. D 30 23 May 1716 Trustees of Schenectady to John Maybee, yeoman. Easternmost part of land commonly called The fifth flat; Four miles above Schenectady. “Containing 15 Morgans Rynland measure.” “Year rent of fifteen Schipple of good merchantable winter wheat.” His John ….Maye (Mark) D 31 1 Sept 1716 Trustees of Schenectady to Laurence Clausen, Yeoman. North Side of Mohawk River; about 6 miles above town of Schenectady; easternmost part of Fifth Flat. “Containing in all Twelve Morgans and Ninety Seven Rod Rynland Measure.” On back of deed: “The quitrent reserved is the written was this day. Commuted for by D. D. Campbell. November 2, 1854. [Type text] See Quit rent Ledger Page 124” D 32 10 Jun 1713 LITIGATION in 1713. Power of attorney given Charles Hanson and Garret van Brackel by Trustees of attorney of Schenectady. To prosecute Ryer Schermerhorn, Barnet Wemp, Johannes Teller, Jan Wemp, Arent Bradt for cancelling conveyances of ½ of township, etc. N. B. apparently a quarrel re: church income from town. Read carefully. A transcript for clarification: “Know all men by these presents, that we, Anasuaris Mercellis, Aron Daniels ,Caleb Beck being three of the trustees and Attorneys for the Township of Schenectady in the County of Albany in the Province of New York do at this time nominate constitute and appoint Mr. Charles Hanson and Mr. Gerrit Van Brakel of the same place two other of the same trustees and attorneys for the said township as will appear by a power of attorney signed sealed and delivered by the freeholders and habitants of said township as will appear by a power of attorney signed, sealed and delivered by the freeholders and habitants of said township leaving both….this tenth day of June,1713 or any one to be our Lawful attorney for us and in our place, and stead and in our names for the behoofe of the above said township of Schenectady to ask demand and persecute (?) Ryer Schermerhorn, Barnet Wemp, Johannes Teller, John Wemp, Aaron Brat or any three of them for ..up all deed writing bonds book…when they were demanded by us trustees for the said township by….of our said power of attorney…….above said. And to sue, implie, or make answer, prosecute and defend in any Court of Law or Equity or before his Excellency the Governor for Council and before any Jury or Justices or any Person or Persons in any just action or cause with us, for us and against us as the Cause shall require by more especiale to prosecute Ryer Schermerhorn, Barent Wemp, Johannes Teller, & Aaron Brat or any three of them for bearing, destroying or cancelling a certain Conveyance that belonged the one- half for the said Township and the other half Moyety of the income of the Township for the behoofe of the Dutch Church . The said Town as can be more plainly made appear giving and granting to our said attorney by Virtue of our power of attorney or as Trustees for the time being our full and Lawful Power and authority for the Execution and Performance of all and Singular the…for the behoofe of the said township and Attorneys under them to make and at their pleasure to revoke and generally to determine and Execute all and ever such….and other lawful Reasonable act & acts, device and devices, whatsoever which and about the…, which shall our said attorney seem fit to be done for the settlement and satisfaction of our freeholders and inhabitants of our Township as fully and amply as we ourselves might or could do is personally present ratifying, allowing and confirming all whatsoever our said attorneys shall lawfully do or cause to be done.” Be force have of In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals at Schenectady this 14th day of October in the second year of his Majesty Reign anno Domini 1715.
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