Atanas Atanasov JavaSCript/TypeSCript Engineer Varna, Bulgaria / atanas.info / githuB.Com/sCriptex / [email protected] My foCus is delivering tested, standards-Compliant, optimized and sCalaBle Code while implementing aCCessiBle, riCh and Beautiful user interfaCes whiCh provide the Best possiBle user experienCe. I've spent more than 10 years Converting designs into pixel-perfeCt UIs. With strong experienCe in any aspeCt of the front-end development, I Can help you aChieve your goals. ReaCt, Angular or Vue, SASS or PostCSS, JavaSCript or TypeSCript, PHP or NodeJS: you name it and I will implement it. /* WORK EXPERIENCE */ BRAINTRUST JavaSCript/TypeSCript Engineer | Founding Talent MemBer / Nov 2019 - Present Founding memBer and JavaSCript/TypeSCript Engineer in the first user- Controlled talent network that ConneCts organizations with highly skilled teCh talent. javasCript typesCript F frontend ReaCtJS Redux Angular sCss Css html php nodeJS weBpaCk rollup P parCel B BaBel Bootstrap F foundation M material H highCharts C Chart.js D d3.js jest enzyme jquery P postCss G gatsBy M moCha less gulp visual studio Code R responsive design A ajax F flexBox E.ON Lead Frontend Developer / E.ON Home ProjeCt / Jul 2018 - Present Developing the frontend for the E.ON Home projeCt using TypeSCript, ReaCt, ReaCt Native, Redux, Angular, RxJS, NodeJS, MS Azure and many more. E.ON Home is an award winning weB and moBile appliCation whiCh provides its users with the aBility to manage their home's energy generation and Consumption. The app is availaBle for WeB, iPhone, iPad and Android. typesCript ReaCtJS Angular sCss Css R responsive design weBpaCk json R rest api A ajax O oop U unit testing S sCrum A agile J jira npm git githuB gitlaB visual studio Code H http TOPTAL Senior Software Developer / Jun 2018 - Present Part of the top 3% of FreelanCe Talent®. Senior Software Developer in an exClusive network of the top freelanCe software developers, designers, finanCe experts, produCt managers, and projeCt managers in the world. F frontend ReaCtJS Angular Css sass R responsive design sCss weBpaCk gulp npm json A ajax P photoshop jquery git R rest api O oop S sCrum A agile J jira U unit testing THREE11 Senior JavaSCript/TypeSCript Developer / Jan 2018 - Present Utilizing Cutting edge teChnologies to provide the Best possiBle quality and user experienCe. Working on weB and moBile appliCations suCh as Emailio, Shortwhale, XPND and many more. Using TypeSCript, JavaSCript, SCSS, CSS, HTML5, ReaCt, ReaCt Native, Angular, Redux, Node JS, PHP, Bash and many more. ReaCtJS Angular nodeJS sCss Css P postCss stylus VueJS V vuepress weBpaCk rollup P parCel S styled Components gulp vuex npm A axios sass G gatsBy json A ajax R responsive design W wordpress theming W wooCommerCe W wordpress next.js jquery R reaCt router R redux thunk redux saga redux jest EMAILIO Senior Frontend Developer / Jun 2015 - OCt 2019 Building the frontend for Emailio - the fastest email assistant, using ReaCt, Redux, NodeJS and many more. Emailio is a weB and moBile app whiCh helps its users with the heavy task of managing their emails - grouping, filtering, auto-responding, etC. ReaCtJS Redux Redux Saga Css sCss weBpaCk R responsive design npm json P photoshop R rest api jest A ajax enzyme redux S styled Components sass A axios R reaCt router HTMLBOUTIQUE JavaSCript Developer / May 2015 - Jan 2018 Senior frontend developer, team leader and advisor. Led a small team of 8-10 frontend developers. Worked on a multitude of Closed sourCe projeCts. html Css javasCript weBpaCk gulp npm less sCss sass R responsive design json A ajax jquery P photoshop A adoBe illustrator A adoBe photoshop O oop xml C Css3 R rest api HTMLBURGER JavaSCript Developer / Aug 2014 - Jan 2018 Mentor, teaCher and advisor in a small highly skilled team of UI developers working on high-end small, medium and large sCale Closed sourCe Client weBsites and appliCations. Part of a medium-sized weB and moBile development Company operating internationally. Co-Created, maintained and taught the internal Coding standards used in hundreds of thousands of projeCts. Co-Created, maintained and taught the internal frontend Build/automation system used in hundreds of thousands of projeCts. html Css javasCript weBpaCk gulp npm less sCss sass R responsive design json A ajax jquery xml O oop P photoshop A adoBe illustrator H http A apaChe W weBserver SOD-64 WeB Developer & IT Consultant / OCt 2012 - Present WeB developer and teChniCal advisor to the most advanCed and innovative seCurity serviCes provider in Varna, Bulgaria. html php Css javasCript U ui U ux 2CREATE STUDIO Senior Software Developer / May 2012 - Jan 2018 Designed, developed, integrated and maintained internal Coding standards and Best praCtiCes together with several other team leaders and managers. Designed, developed and implemented the frontend Build tool used By more than 100 developers on hundreds of thousands of internal and Client projeCts. html Css javasCript weBpaCk gulp npm R responsive design A ajax json sCss sass jquery P photoshop git O oop HTML LAB Frontend WeB Developer / Jan 2010 - May 2015 Frontend developer in a team of two freelanCers working on WordPress and JavaSCript weBsites and appliCations. html Css javasCript /* PROJECTS */ E.ON HOME Lead frontend developer / Jul 2018 - Present app.home.eon.Com E.ON Home is an award winning weB and moBile appliCation whiCh provides its users with the aBility to manage their home's energy generation and Consumption. The app is availaBle for WeB, iPhone, iPad and Android. ReaCtJS Redux typesCript S SVG SCSS D D3 NodeJS M MS Azure R responsive design weBpaCk npm A agile S sCrum U unit testing json O oop A ajax J jira gitlaB sass git R rest api aws E.ON HEMS Lead frontend developer / Jul 2018 - Present hems-admin-portal.eon.ooo Home Energy Management System: The Administration panel Behind E.ON Home - an award winning weB and moBile appliCation whiCh provides its users with the aBility to manage their home's energy generation and Consumption. Angular Redux typesCript S SVG SCSS NodeJS M MS Azure R responsive design npm A ajax sass A agile S sCrum json U unit testing O oop J jira SOD 64 Full StaCk Developer / OCt 2012 - Present sod.Bg Company weBsite for one of the leading seCurity Companies in North Eastern Bulgaria. html php Css javasCript ATANAS.INFO Full StaCk Developer / OCt 2017 - Present atanas.info This is my personal portfolio weBsite whiCh shows details aBout me, my professional Career, skills, projeCts and more. Here you will find details aBout how I BeCame a front-end developer, what skills I possess, what projeCts I worked on, my open-sourCe projeCts and how to ConneCt with me. typesCript P puppeteer P postCss S svg C Canvas Y yarn A ajax npm R responsive design json O oop U unit testing R rest api nodeJS Css sass enzyme jest XPND Front-end developer / Jul 2018 - Jan 1 demo.xpndnow.Com A weB appliCation whiCh provides Custom metriCs and insights for Instagram users. XPND aims to give its users a simple yet powerful analytiCs tool to grow their Instagram reaCh and improve enagagement. The appliCation is Currently in Demo mode. typesCript ReaCtJS Redux Redux Saga weBpaCk R reaCt router R responsive design sass sCss jest enzyme npm json A ajax EMAILIO Front-end developer / May 2015 - Sep 2019 emailio.Com Emailio - the fastest email assistant. Emailio traCks four wellness goals to help you use email less and have more time, priority and foCus for the important things in life. The appliCation is availaBle for iOS, iPad and MaC and is BaCked By YComBinator and Thiel Fellowship javasCript ReaCtJS Redux Css sass R responsive design npm json A ajax weBpaCk sCss R rest api P photoshop jest enzyme S styled Components KINETIK Front-end developer / Jul 2019 - Jan 1 kinetikautomotive.Com WeBsite and weB development serviCes for the first Bulgarian eleCtriC vehiCle manufaCturer - Kinetik Automotive. Along the main weBsite for the Company, I've worked on multiple side projeCts inCluding the UI for the dashBoard of the Company's karting. W wordpress javasCript sCss php Css html S svg R responsive design P photoshop weBpaCk npm sCss A ajax json VueJS MAMA CULINAR Full StaCk Developer, UI/UX Designer / OCt 2020 - Present mama-Culinar.Com Culinary Blog for my wife with me as a guest Cook. php Css W wordpress javasCript sCss S svg G google analytiCs I image proCessing /* EDUCATION */ UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS - VARNA BaChelor of Marketing, Marketing / DeC 2002 - DeC 2007 https:Têwww.ue-varna.Bg/ UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS - VARNA Master of Sales Management, Marketing / DeC 2007 - DeC 2008 https:Têwww.ue-varna.Bg/ HIGH SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ACCounting speCialist, EConomiCs / DeC 1997 - DeC 2002 http:Têpgikj.Com/ /* CERTIFICATES */ Python CertifiCation Course ReaCt CertifiCation Course May 2020 Aug 2020 JavaSCript CertifiCation Course Deno CertifiCation Course May 2020 Nov 2020 CSS CertifiCation Course HTML CertifiCation Course Nov 2020 May 2020 /* TECH STACK */ Angular JavaSCript NodeJS 4 years 10 years 4 years ReaCtJS Redux d3 5 years 5 years D 6 years html sCss svg 10 years 10 years S 10 years typesCript 4 years /* PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES */ TypeSCript SCSS JSON JavaSCript PHP HTML CSS Vue /* TECHNOLOGIES & LIBRARIES */ Angular WeBpaCk AngularJS NodeJS ReaCtJS.
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