PROCEEDINGS SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. HUNDRED AND SECOND SESSION, 1881-82. ANNIVERSARY MEETING, SOtJi November 1881. PEOFBSSOS DUNS, D.D., Vice-President Chaire th n i ,. A Ballot having been taken, the following Gentlemen recom- mended by the Council were unanimously elected HONOKAKY FELLOW e Societth f So y :— Dr. LUDWIG LINDENSCHMIDT, Director of the Romisch-Gernianischen Central Museum, Maintz. Professor OLAF RYGH, Director of the National Museum of the Royal University, Christiania. Professor VIECHOW, Royal University, Berlin. Colonel HENRY YULE, Royal Engineers. The following Gentlemen were duly elected Fellows :— WILLIAM TBAQUAIH DICKSON, W.S. GEORGE GRAY, Solicitor, Glasgow. FREDERICK WALTER HADWEN, Kebroyd, Halifax. JAMES MAXTONE GHAHAME f Cultoc[uheyo , , Crieff. Rev. JAMES FORBES LEITH, Paris. VOL. xvr. A PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 30, 1881. KENNETH MACDONALD, Town Clerk of Inverness. HENRY COCKBURN MACANDREW, Sheriff Clerk of Inverness-shire. DAVID MACRITOHIE, C.A., Nort . AndrehSt w Street. Rev. JOHN OLIVER, Belhaven, Dunbar. Rev. ROBERT PAUL, F.C. Manse, Dollar. JOH . NREIDJ , Advocate, Queen' Lord san d Treasurer's Remembrancer in Exchequer for Scotland. ALEXANDER GEORGE REID, Solicitor, Auchterarder. Eev. W. ROBERTSON SMITH, 20 Duke Street. Office-Bearftre Th e ensuinth r fo s g year were electe follows da s :— President. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN, K.T. ' Vice-Presidents. Rev. THOMAS MACLAUCHLAN, LL.D. R. W. COCHRAN-PATRICK, LL.D., M.P. The Right Hon. The EARL OF STAIR. Councillors. Sir J. NOEL PATON, Kt, LL.D., R.S.A., ^Representing the FRANCIS ABBOTT, ) Board f Trustees.o Professor NORMAN MACPHEHSON, LL.D. Captai . L.W THOMAS. nF , R.N. JOHN R. FINDLAT. Professor DUNS, D.D. e RighTh t Hon e EAR ROSEBEHYTh .F LO . ALEXANDER LAING, LL.D. GlLBEET GOUDIE. Secretaries. ARTHUR MITCHELL, M.D., LL.D. JOHN ALEXANDER SMITH, M.D. JOSEPH ANDERSON, Assistant Secretary. ANNIVEKSAR3 Y MEETING. Secretaries Foreignfor Correspondence. WILLIAM FOEBES. THOMAS DICKSON, H.M. General Kegister House. Treasurer. DAVID DOUGLAS Castl9 , e Street. Curators of the Museum. ROBERT CAEPEAE. WILLIAM FETTES DOUGLAS, R.S.A. Curator Coins.of GEORGE SIM. Librarian. JOHN TAYLOB BROWN. Auditors. ROBERT HUTCHISON. JAMES MACDONALD, W.S. Publisher. DAVID DOUGLAS, 9 Castle Street. The following list of tlie names of Honorary Fellows and Fellows deceased was read by the Secretary:— Honorary Fellows. Elected . FERDINANDr . D KELLEE186 . 2 , Zurich . , THOMAS CAELYLE, Chelsea, .... 1868 COXE. EevO . H ., Bodleian Library . , Oxford187 . 7, The Very Rev. ARTHUR PENEHYN STANLEY, Dean of Westminster, ..... 1877 Fellows. WILLIAM BARBACK, Glasgow, .... 1871 WILLIAM BEODIE, R.S.A., .- . 1875 4 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F SO , NOVEMBE , 1881R30 . JOHN HILL BURTON, LL.D., D.C.L., &c., . 1858 Sir ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, of Barcaldine, Bart., . 1847 JOHN GILCHRIST . CLARK 187Speddochf . o , 5 . , THOMAS . CONSTABLE186 . 1 , Publisher . , e EighTh t Hon e EARTh . f CRAWFORLo d BALCARRESDan , 1855 JOHN MARSHALL Hone Th , . LORD CURHIEHILL . ,187 5 ADAM DAWSON, Provos . Linlithgowf o t. 186 . 5 . , HENRY FLOCKHAHT, ..... 1863 THOMAS PHASER, C.E., ..... 1875 ANDREW GIBB, Aberdeen, .... 1865 JOHN M'GAVIN, Glasgow, .... 1877 KEITH STEWART MACKENZIE, of Seaforth, . 1844 JAMES MACDONALD, Russell Square, London, . 1875 JAMES MILN, of Woodhill, .... 1859 . 186 . 6 HOUSTO . N . MITCHELL . , JOHN MURHIE . , 186Provos . 7 Stirlingf o t . , ANDREW ROBERTSON, M.D.. Hopewellf o , 186 . 1 , DAVID SMITH, W.S., ..... 1844 JOHN H. J. STEWART, of Slodahill, . 1878 ALEXANDER WHYTOCK, ..... 1870 . FERDINANDr D KBLLEB e well-knowth , n archaeologis f Switzerlando t , and exponen Swise th f so t Lake Dwellings, die t Zuricda 21sn ho t July 1881, in his eighty-first year. Originally educated for the ministry, he came to England in 1826 as tutor in a noble family, and returned to Zurich in 1831, where he found exercise for his literary and scientific tastes in the publications of the Natural History Society, of which he became one of the leading members. In 1832 his attention was turned Archaeologyo t , and, being greatly fascinate subjecte th y institutedb e h , d the Society of Antiquaries of Zurich, whose serial Transactions, under the titl f Mittheilungeneo der Gesellschaft r VaterlancUschefu Alterthumer (Zurich, 4to, 1841-82, vols. i.-xxi.), have made the Society known throughout the world. In 1848 Dr. Keller contributed a notice and transcript of the ISfecrologium of the Monastery of Eeichenau, which was followe 185n contributiona di y 0b , specially interestin archseoloe th o gt - ANNIVERSARY MEETING. 5 gist f thio s s country miniaturee th n o , writind Celtie san th f go c Manu- scripts preserved at St. Gall and other places. On the discovery of the first trace Lakf so e Dwelling Hery sb r ^Epli, schoolmaste f Meilenro . Dr , Kelle e rsubjec th too p u k t with enthusiasm s serie hi firse f f so Th o t . Reports appeared in 1855, and the eighth in 1880. Headers in this familiacountrw no e yrar wit e substancth h f theseo e Reports, systema- tised and published as a separate work on Lake Dwellings by J. E. Lee (2nd edition vols2 , . 8vo, London, 1880). Kelle Dr s bee.ha n ra n Honorary Fello thif wo s Society since 1862. THOMAS CARLYLB, bor t Ecclefechana n h Decembe4t , r 1795, diet da Chelsea Februarh 5t , y 1881 185n I wrote . 4h characteristiea c letteo rt the late David Laing, LL.D., containing suggestions for a National Exhibi- tio f Scottisno h Portrait Edinburghn si , whic s hprintei communia n di - cation by Mr. Laing in the first volume of the Society's Proceedings (p. 284). Mr. Carlyle was elected an Honorary Fellow of the Society in 1868. e EevTh . HENRY OCTAVIUS COXE, Libraria e Bodleiath f no n Library, Oxford, died 8th July 1881, at the age of nearly seventy. Educated at Westminster Worcested an , r College, Oxford tooe h ,s B.A khi . degren i e 1833. He subsequently entered the MS. Department of the British Museum, and in 1838 he was appointed sub-librarian of the Bodleian Library, succeeding Dr. Bandinel as principal librarian in 1860. As sub-librarian he made the Catalogues of the Greek and Latin MSS. in the Bodleian, and in 1858 he made a Eeport to the Government on the Greek MSS t remaininye . Librariee th Levante n gi th f so . Durins ghi tenure of the office of chief librarian, the general Catalogue of the Bodleian Librar beguns ycompletewa d folian ,3 72 o volumesn i d e H . was editor of several chronicles and other publications of the English Historical Society a delegat e Clarendod th an ,f o e s n wa Press e H . elected an Honorary Fellow of this Society in 1877. Vere Th y Rev. ARTHUE PENRHYN STANLEY, Dea f Westminsterno , died 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 30, 1881. llth July 1881. Having been s youtinhi . favourite hth e. pupiDr f o l Arnold s firshi , t succes n literaturi d se biograph ol th s s hi wa e f yo master—Dr. Arnold's Letters,d Lifean publishe n 1844i dyearn Te s. later the Historical Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral grew out of lec- tures delivered at Canterbury, where he had been appointed to a canonry. 185n Ease I visis th 5 hi t o t produce d Sinai Palestine,d an shortld an y aftes appointes returhi rwa chaie e nh th f Ecclesiasticao o rdt l History e canonrth t Oxforda o t f Chrisyo d an , t Churcs hHi annexe . it o dt labour n thii s s department includ a eserie Lecturesf o sEasterne th n o Church, which appeared in 1861, also Lectures on the Scottish Church, delivered in 1872, and pxtblished shortly thereafter. His tenure of the office of Dean of Westminster, which lasted from 1863 to the perios death hi renderes f do wa , d remarkabl zealoue th y eb s enthusiasm with which he promoted the restoration of the ancient chapter-house ane nortth d h transept e crowninTh . e gth s caree worhi s f wa o kr Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, of which the first edition saw the light within two years of his appointment. He was elected an Honorary Fello f thiwo s Society, along wit . Coxe Eev0 hth . f eH o . the Bodleian 1877n i , . JOHN HILL BURTON, LL.D. Edinburgh, D.C.L. Oxford, bom 1809, passed as Advocate in 1831, appointed Secretary to the Scottish Prison Board in 1854, became well known from his works on Scottish History:— d CorrespondenceLifean f Davido Hume (1846); Lives f Lordo Lovat and Duncan Forbes of Culloden (1847); History of Scotland from 1689 to 1748 (1853); The Book Hunter (1862); The Scot Abroad (1864); History f Scotlando from Agricola's Invasion e Revolutionth o t f 168o 8 (1867-70); History Reigne th f f Queeno o Anne (1880) e alsH o. edited the two first volumes of the Records of the Privy Council of Scotland. hele office H dth Librariaf o e e Societth o nt y from 186 1866o 3t . JOHN GILOHEIST CLARK, of Speddoch, contributed a Notice of the Gold Lunette foun t Auchentaggartda , Dumfriesshire d Silvean , r Chain ANNIVERSAR7 Y MEETING. found at "Whitecleuch, parish of Crawfordjohn, Lanarkshire, printed in the Proceedings of the Society, vol. xiv. p. 222. ANDBEW GIBB, Aherdeen veis wa ,l know artise lithographeth d s ntan a r to whom was entrusted the production of the plates in the second volume Spaldine oth f g Club's Sculpturede worth n ko Stones f Scotland,o edited lat. Johe byth eDr n Stuart . GibMr b. occasionally contributed papers to the Society on monumental subjects. JAMBS MILS, of Woodhill, well known by his Excavations at Carnac, Brittanyn i whico t , devotee hh lattee dth r als s lifes yearn hi oa wa , f so occasional contributor to the Society's Proceedings, and to the Museum Libraryd workan s Hi .s (bot Englishn i Frenchd han Excavationse )ar t a Carnac, Brittany: Recorda Archaeologicalof Researches Bosseno;the in Monte an .
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