California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal John M. Pfau Library 3-2002 March 2002 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "March 2002" (2002). Inland Empire Business Journal. Paper 247. http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal/247 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special: INLA D EMPIRE Finaocia]_ln_stitl.!tiQ_ns Malls and Retail Stores I Executive Education I r I Mental Health_Care www. busjou rnal.com Dr. Kenneth Toy set Page 9 MA RCH 2002 $2.00 La Quinta "Stakeholders" Break Ground for a New Senior Citizens Rental Neighborhood Officials from the city of La famil y, detached for-sale homes, Qumta and its partner development most of wh1ch are now purchased firm s, as well as re presentatives and occupi ed, and second is the from th e cit y's public \O fety depart ­ stan of constru cti on -of the next ments, the local hi gh school, bu >i­ phase, consisting of the duplex for­ n es'ie~. and the se ni or cati Le ns cen­ rent homes for seniors. ter. commemorated the c it y'~ mno­ Scheduled for complet1 on vati ve program to pro\ide a wade in the fi rst quarter of 2003, the 11 8 range of housin g opportunities fo r duplex rental ho m e~ for se ni ors will its residents, by breaking ground provide smgle-story living, renect­ for a new senior citizens neighbor­ ing Miranores' early California hood in th e Miranores planned architecture. and will bri ng yet community. another facet to the diverse planned The ceremony at the si te com­ community. A cl ubhouse and pool memorated two significant events will provide a center of activity for Representari••es of rhe Ciry of La Quinra - Ciry go'vernmenr, public safery, public for thi s pioneering. ~mmu nil y . the neighborhood which will face schools. businesses and senior citi;.ens - all/end a ham/ in breaking ground for a First is the near oompletion of the the vi ll age green. new senior citizens renwl neighborhood in 1he Mirajlores planned community. first phase consisting of 86 sin gle- colllinued on page 16 JAr DE Consolidating Former Army Aviation California's Energy Captain John Magnes The 121{1 Annual Wine Ex travaganza, feat uring Jerry D. Bureaucracy dapts His Pilot Skill to "Fly Mead's ew World International by Bill Hauck and Alan Zaremberg the Aircraft" of Hill wood's Wine Competition. is bei ng hosr­ California's energy bureaucracy is in dire ed for th e second consecuti ve need of an overhaul. Long before last year's AllianceCalifornia~" year by the Ca;a olina Cenrerfor energy crisis, Califomia's•energy departments by Georgine La••eland Rehabilitation to benefit its were incapable of dealing with the demands of Combining in genuity, Outdoor Adventures Program. the new energy marketplace. One reason is that courage and imagination, for­ Special The Outdoor Adventures there are at least six separate' agencies that play mer U.S. rmy Aviation Program is a one-of-a-kmd pro­ import ant roles in energy jjolicy and regulation, Captain John Michael Magness Sections gram dedicated to empowering and they often have no idea what the other is is leading the troops of the busi­ Stock Sheet people with disabilities by creat­ doing. ness world in ways that are very page 23 ing challenging experi ences in the To improve accountability and efficiency, sim ilar to hi s expe ri ences on o utd oor~ . Panicipation at thi s and help stabilize energy supply and prices in the battlefield in Desert Storn1. pages 51 event will help support the California's energy market, the California II was during a fu el stop in Outdoor Adventures Program in Business Roundtable and the California the desert that hi s company of New Atttintten 2002 and 2003. La;t year's Wine Chamber of Commerce relea>ed a groundbreak­ II heli copters recei,ed an page 52,53 Extravaganza raio;ed more than mg proposal to consolidate the number of agen­ S.O.S. from th e commander of $30.000. which helped to provide Cies wi th authority over energy policy, regula­ a support group under att ack by Capt. Magness's company real ­ more than 150 day; of outdoor tion and funding, in to a single. cabinet-level Iraqi armored vehicles. The ized that 11 could not idenllfy tn p.., 111 200 I and served more California Department of Energy. group was in a real bind the Americans from a distance. than 1200 individuals wllh spinal nder the new plan, the d1rector of the ener­ because. as a support group, 11 he SJgnaled the U.S. troops to contmued tm page ~ cmuinued on page II carri ed few weapon>. When conwured on p<zge 19 PAGE 2 • INLAND E MPIRE BUSINESS JOURNAL MARCH2002 MARCH2002 INLAND EMPIRE BUSINESS JOURNAL • PAGE 3 INDEX First Lady Invites CSUSB COMMENTARY DEPARTMENTS AND COLUMNS NEWS AND FEATURES The Case of the Insensitive Senator Professor to White House b_y Joe Lynn\ Furious doesn't help the matter. ATDEADLI E ............. .. ! State Senator Nell Soto (D.­ But when Chief Scharf went to Pomona} ran a fast track from the Senator Soto to try to get statewtde COMMENTARY ......... 3 La QUinta "Stakeholders" Break Ground..... ............................ ! Conference Pomona city council to her seat in support for the war on dumb kids m EDUCATION .. .............. 5 Cal State, S"Jn Bernardmo "The im llatlon by the ftrst lady to Sacramento. This took a series of souped-up Hondas. Nell Soto Consolidating Californm's Energy Bureaucracy.... ........ ! Professor Laura Young has been the upcoming White House confer­ comcJdences that included Fred allegedly opened her mouth before CORNER ON THE MARKET........ ..8 tnvued by first lady Laura Bush to ence on teacher educatton under­ Aguiar's term limits and the pas'-,ing engaging her bram. According to the of Congressman George Brown. CLOSE-UP. .. .. ............ 9 Form er Captam John Magness Adapts Ptlot's Skills.. .......... ! be her guest and a participant at a scores our uni\'ersity\ long commit­ Inland Valley eduion of the L.A . Whne House conference on teacher ment to quality teacher preparation, As we have discussed 111 these Times, the senator's comments COMPUTERS/SOFTWARE .. .. ............. 10 preparatton to be attended by the "Dr. Karnig said. "Dr. Young is one pages before. the senator does not were. "It's rather hard to JUst tfy not First Lady ln vltes CSUSB Professor to White House. ..... 3 MANAGING ... 12 president and Mrs. Bush. of many talented, dedtcated faculty ;trike us as the sharpest pencil m the allowing spectators, but if it's caus­ The invitation to the recent con­ who have graduated thousands of box. She tned to "get" btg oil by ing some kind of safety hazard, th en LAW.... ... 13 CSUSB Professor Edits New Journal. .. ....... 5 ference stems from a ques t1 on skilled K- 12 teachers." saddling local ga; statiOn I' m going to have to look at ll." GETTI G ORGANIZED. ..... 14 Young, who teaches foundation Cal State's College of Education owner/operators with the cost of "Look at it," indeed, senator. courses 111 the s1ngle subJects teacher produces more than 60 percent of maintaining the a1r and water Look at the fact that Ontario EMPLOYERS GROUP ..... 15 Faces in Business ... ....... 6 credenl ial program of the universi­ credentialed teachers in the Inland machines while mak.1ng the serv1ce enforcement has reduced street rac­ CORPORATE PROFILE ....... 18 ty's College of EducatiOn, posed to regton. In 2000-2001 - 1,146 stu­ free. Until this reponer corrected her mg from 600 people on a Saturday Celebrating WeTip's 30th Anniversary .... ............... ................ 7 Mrs. Bush dun ng a town hall Los dents rece1ved credenlial status. The at a press conference. ~he thought ntght, to a; few as 30. Look at how FINA CIAL.. .... 23-29 Angeles gathering on Feb. 12, when college's many offenngs mclude that State Route 83 through do"'n­ spectators get to the event SECOND PAGE ONE... the first lady was delivering a programs to help teachers learn how town Ontano was an mter'-,tate. Look at the dead girl. Look at .. ........ 30 Orchard's Market to Open New Location ............... 20 speech to educators on teaching and to ulihze technology in the class­ To be f atr, she has done much to her parents. Look at Natali e Wood in WINE REVIEW. ..... ......... 37 volunteer sen·ice to the nat1on. rooms. a student teaching program carry the local pol itical water Rebel Without A Cause. EXECUTIVE TIME OUT... ..... 39 Rosy Employment Picture for Ontario/Upland ...22 During a questiOn-and-answer 111 Hermosillo. Mextco, where cre­ regardmg the tmpact of the Alameda ThiS ts not a new problem. It ts period. Young. who live~ in San dential candidate" can hone the1r Corndor m the Inland Empire and clearly a fatal one. If Soto thinks she STATLER'S BEST BETS ... 40 the San Gabriel Valley. belongs m the Californta Senate Building a Retirement est Egg for Two ............ 24 Bernardino, Cl~ked for an update on a teachmg and Span1sh-speakmg RESTAURANT REVIEW .46 toptc near and dear to Mrs. Bu;h, the sk.Jib; and an Jntem">hlp program in Still we were shocked and s1mply because she IS female and Troops to Teachers program.
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