DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE - 8th March 2016 Application 1 Application 14/02965/OUTM Application 31st March 2016 Number: Expiry Date: Application Outline Planning Major Type: Proposal Outline application for the erection of 97 dwellings on approx. 3.37ha of Description: land (approval being sought for access). At: Land Off Westminster Drive Dunsville Doncaster For: Faith Homes Ltd Third Party Reps: A petition of 81 Parish: Hatfield Parish Council signatures in opposition, 46 representations in opposition and 1 representation of comment. Ward: Hatfield Author of Report Nicola Elliott MAIN RECOMMENDATION: Grant subject to Section 106 Agreement Westminster Drive Doncaster Road (A18) 1.0 Reason for Report 1.1 The application is being presented to Planning Committee as the proposal is a departure from the Development Plan and has generated significant public objection. 2.0 Proposal and Background 2.1 Outline planning permission is sought for the erection of 97 dwellings on approx. 3.37ha of land (approval being sought for access only). The site is located on land identified as Countryside Policy Area, as defined by the Doncaster Unitary Development Plan. 2.2 An indicative layout shows 97, two storey dwellings accessed from Westminster Drive. Only access is sought at this stage, with all other matters reserved. It is intended that the dwellings will be two storey mainly detached and semi-detached family dwellings built in brick with tiled roofs, designed to harmonise with the existing residential development to the east. 2.3 The proposal meets all Section 106 requirements, and also proposes to make a contribution to support the Unity (DN7) Initiative and the delivery of infrastructure for the benefit of the local communities. 2.4 The site itself is located to the west of an existing housing development at Westminster Drive, to the north of Doncaster Road (A18), and the entrance to Dunsville. The adjacent housing development comprises of detached, two storey family properties constructed from red brick with red tiled roofs. To the south are a collection of farm buildings. The proposed access would be served from Westminster Drive, and the road through Westminster Drive ends at this point. The countryside beyond is bound by a timber panel fence. The area is predominantly flat and there are a number of trees within the site, and around the boundaries. Electricity lines run along the north of the site. 3.0 Relevant Planning History 07/03936/FULM Decision: WDN Date Issued: 7th March 2008 Erection of 126 dwellings with associated roads, footpaths and landscaping with access from Cathedral Court/Westminster Drive on approx 4.35ha of land 08/03383/OUTM Decision: Refused Date Issued: 18th February 2009 Outline application for the erection of 126 dwellings on 4.35ha of land to include means of access (being resubmission of application withdrawn under ref:07/03936/FULM on 07.03.2008). Refused for the following reasons; 1 - The application site lies within the Countryside Policy Area as designated in the adopted Doncaster Unitary Development Plan. Policy ENV 4 thereof provides that within the Countryside Policy Area new residential development, other than infilling within settlements washed over by the Countryside Policy Area (subject to defined limitations) will not normally be permitted. The proposed development would represent a substantial encroachment of new development into open countryside protected by this policy and would harm the rural character of the area and its environment, contrary to the objectives of Policy ENV4 which is reinforced by national planning guidance as set out in PPS7 'Sustainable Development in Rural Areas'. No special justification or circumstances have been demonstrated to warrant overriding the restrictions on development in the countryside in this case. 2 - In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposed development, by reason of the location of the site and the proposed pedestrian access arrangements, would be poorly related to existing services in the locality, and likely to encourage short journeys by private car, contrary to national planning policy as set out in PPS1 'Delivering Sustainable Development' and PPG13 'Transport'. 3 - It is considered that insufficient information has been submitted to enable a proper assessment of the ecological implications of the proposed development and in these circumstances the Local Planning Authority is not satisfied that the proposals would be in accordance with the relevant nature conservation policies of the UDP, in particular ENV43 and ENV50 and the guidance set out in PPS9 'Planning for Biodiversity and Geological Conservation'. 4.0 Representations 4.1 The application has been advertised as a departure to the Development Plan in accordance with Article 13 of the Development Management Procedure Order by means of individual neighbour notification, press advertisement and site notices. 4.2 A petition of 81 signatures has been received in opposition. 4.3 46 representations have been received as a result, 45 in opposition. The comments made are as follows; * Impact of further traffic onto A18 in terms of congestion and highway safety * Increased traffic on Westminster Drive and increased waiting times to access onto A18 * Increase in number of children crossing to A18 * Lack of traffic calming measures in the vicinity * Inadequate access * Impact of construction traffic on the estate whilst during construction process * Noise during construction * Proposal is contrary to ENV 4, it is designated as Countryside Policy Area and Countryside Policy Protection Area * Impact on landscape and ecology * Surface water implications * The development would not be sustainable, it would encourage car journeys and place a strain on local infrastructure (schools and health care) * Spoil the rural character * The site is a greenfield site * The site does not benefit from clear and direct pedestrian links to bus stops and is a significant distance from key facilities * Since the application was received there has been a significant change reducing the routing and frequency of buses in and around the Hatfield * Traffic on the A18 is now worse than when the previous application was refused * Overlooking to the existing properties lining the eastern boundary * There is a bus stop opposite Westminster Drive providing a dangerous infringement on the required visibility splays * Traffic would increased by approximately 200-400 cars per day * Questions the accuracy of the traffic information * Three storey houses would impede views * Development will be built on a natural pond, therefore the land is not suitable for development * Impact on Human Rights * Additional traffic lights are required * Alternative access may alleviate concerns * Insufficient school places * The DN7 Initiative will meet the housing needs of the area * Lack of notification of the application 5.0 Parish Council 5.1 The Town Council objects on the grounds of access and egress on to a busy main road for local amenities, increasing traffic volumes. There is also concern regarding the flooding risk if the natural pond on this site is filled in. 6.0 Relevant Consultations Local Plans (Policy) - It is considered that the site is capable of forming a sustainable urban extension in terms of Core Strategy policy. Whilst the site was not supported as an Allocation in the Draft Sites and Policies DPD this was principally because the DN7 initiative was the preferred location for meeting the housing target. Core Strategy support for the Unity initiative (DN7) could be undermined by other housing developments permitted in and around Stainforth/Hatfield/Dunscroft/Dunsville but outside the Unity Initiative boundaries. However it is considered that the likely lead-in time for delivery of the link road and other infrastructure is such that the scale of the proposed housing development in this application would not undermine the likely plan period deliverable capacity of Unity but would complement it by helping to meet the Core Strategy target. Therefore subject to a S106 contribution that addresses the requirements of Policy CS2 and CS12 of the Core Strategy there are no development plan policy objections to this application from a policy point of view. Education - The affected schools are Dunsville Primary School and Ash Hill Academy (Secondary). 21 primary school places would be required as a result of the development and no additional secondary places as the school can accommodate up to 323 additional places. As such, a contribution of £255,003 is required towards the creation of additional primary school places. Transportation - Following the receipt of additional information including queue surveys and a 10 year future year assessment, the level of queuing and delay is not considered to be excessive. The junction with A18 and Westminster Drive is shown to operate satisfactorily with no congestion or queuing problems. There are objections from a Transportation point of view subject to a contribution to the West Moor Link Dualling of £89,162 and a Transport Improvement to ensure that the measures set out in the Framework Travel Plan are adhered to. Highways Development Control - No objections, subject to condition and informatives. South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive - As there are existing stops this development provides the opportunity to improve existing facilities providing a permanent shelter to encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport. Upgrading the stops to shelters makes the facilities more useable as well as more visible to motorists which in turn should improve awareness of the potential hazard of people crossing the road to catch the bus. The cost of upgrading both stops would be approximately £30k, although this depends on the exact works required. Design Officer - Whilst the indicative masterplan is only illustrative at this stage, there are a number of concerns over the design as proposed which should be addressed in order to provide subsequent reserved matters applicants with an accurate reflection of an acceptable layout. The major concern with this site is its suitability in sustainability terms.
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