MORE PEOPLE SHOP FOOD MARTS MAINLY RECAUSE OF THE FINER MEATS lianrl|pat?r Sunning 1? ralb Manchester— A City of Village Charm ...THEY’RE UNBEATABLE! MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 82 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Ford Ponders Tax Cut WASHINGTON (UPI) — President Ford William Simon, the Treasury secretary, budget is expected to be as high as $95 A lifetime sports buff. Ford was to has decided on a tax cut to stimulate the William Seidman, executive director of billion because of inflationary defense receive the National Collegiate Athletic economy but still is mulling over the size, his Economic Policy Board, and pthers costs. Schlesinger also is a former head of Association award, given annually to a dis­ administration sources said today. were summoned to a morning meeting the CIA. tinguished citizen who has a varsity letter He plans to recommend a $1 to $3 per with the President. Deadlines Near and has demonstrated a concern for barrel tax on imported crude oil to reduce Ford called a conference later today Ford will send the fiscal 1976 federal physical fitness and competitive athletics. IF IT'S A SPECIAL CUT OF consumption as part of the intertwined with Defense Secretary James budget to Congress around Feb. 3. By Jan. Ford won three varsity letters, playing economy-energy program he will submit Schlesinger who asked for an appointment 20, he expects to have announced all his center on the Michigan football team in to Congress in the Jan. 20 State of the MEAT YOU WANT... JUST ASK on an undisclosed subject. The Pentagon major decisions on government spending. 1932, 1933, and 1934. ... ^ ''Jfejjf'’’”’ Union address. AMD W E'LL BE HAPPY TO MAKE] 5 to 10 Per Cent Estimates of a tax cut range from 5 to 10 IT JUST THE Mf A Y YOU LIKE! i i * per cent. Much depends on how much Ford figures will be needed to stimulate the Some Advisory Committee Members economy. Sources said the President’s program to deal with the recession will not be a U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED “ block buster” but it will be “ hard-nosed” Upset by Block Grant List Revisions and tough. They did say “ It will be signifi­ GRADE” A cant and impressive in displaying the By DOUG BEVINS President’s leadership.” loan fund, is stronger housing code en­ mercial property owners, new street More Meetings Set Manchester’s Community Development forcement, estimated to cost $20,000 per lighting, and drainage, sidewalk, and Ford has made some tentative decisions Advisory Committee (CDAC) learned year for five years. sewer improvements. but still wants further study, he said. Monday night that its recommendation for The frustration by committee members The CDAC, in developing its first priori­ CHICKEN spending federal block grants may be over their role in the decision-making ty list Dec, 16, included downtown meaningless. stemmed from Weiss’ deletions and ad­ revitalization items as low priorities and Although several committee members ditions to the priority list, made since the didn’t specify how the money might be were frustrated by Town Manager Robert CDAC developed its original list Dec. 16. spent. PORK U.S.D.A. CHOICE Weiss’ revision of their priority list, the Deletions made by Weiss and agreed to Several members of the CDAC, LEG CDAC accepted the changes and prepared by CDAC Chairman Peter Crombie in­ reviewing the priority list Monday night, UNDER BLADE INSIDE for a public hearing next Monday. cluded recommendations for renovation of questioned how and why the downtown Remaining as the top priority for spen­ the West Side Rec and purchase of the Odd items got on their priority list. They QUARTERS LOIN TODAY ding the $1.88 million in federal grants Fellows Building to improve traffic con­ claimed the town manager had no right to BONELESS over the next five years is creation of a ditions at the Center. change the list before it is submitted to the low-interest rate, revolving loan fund for The additions made since the CDAC met Betty’s Notebook.................... Page 6 Board of Directors. WITH BACK housing rehabilitation. Dec. 16 included reorganization of Crombie said that although the 29- Slushy Wait Area Profile ................Pages 3, 8, 12 Details of the loan fund proposal as well recreation-open space priorities and inclu­ member CDAC was appointed by the ASSORTED CHOPS sion of specific proposals for spending Mike Romano of 51 Foster St. had a actor and was on his way to New York Business news..........................Page 9 as the determination of its legality remain directors, Weiss has the right to change slight and cool wait in early morning City to audition for a part. (Herald West Side Rec iss u e .............. Page 16 to be worked out. The CDAC, however, has money on downtown revitalization. any item. RREAST 3 RIB - 3 LOIN - 3 CENTER The downtown revitalization items, es­ assigned a figure of $500,000 to be put into “ The fact that you have a citizen input slush today at this bus stop. He is an photo by Pinto) Herald Angle............................Page 10 the fund over five years. timated to cost $343,000 over five years, in­ doesn’t mean you have to follow it,” Schoolboy basketball.............. Page 11 The second priority, coupled with the cludes a revolving loan fund to help com- Crombie told his committee. Provisions of the federal Housing and QUARTERS Community Development Act of 1974 require a municipality to seek citizen in­ Austerity Faces WITH WIHG put, but the legislation states that the Many Manchester Democrats citizen input requirement can’t restrict administrators’ decisions on how to spend the block grants. New State Regime The CDAC will conduct a public hearing To Attend Inauguration on the priority list and housing assistance plan next Monday, at 7:30 p.m. at Nathan including a projected revenue gap of more Hale School. After the hearing, the CDAC By ROBERT LAMBERT than $2(X) million, in her first budget PORK LOIN - CENTER CUT By SOL R. COHEN Also to be sworn in Wednesday in the Republicans and the Senate will have 29 will again review its list and submit it to HARTFORD (UPI) - Mrs. Ella T. Although committed against imposing Manchester Democrats will be well- House of Representatives will be Paul Democrats to 7 Republicans. the Board of Directors, which will conduct Grasso, sent to office by an an income tax, Mrs. Grasso, 55, may be represented Wednesday in Hartford, with Groobert of Manchester — to the post of The legislature being replaced has 93 another hearing before the town makes overwhelming .margin, officially forced to raise other taxes' lb meet already many of them planning to witness the 11 house clerk. Groobert relinquished the job Republicans to 58 Democrats in the HotiSir formal application tor the block grants. CHOPS or ROAST becomes the first woman governor trimmed agency requests of $1.5 billion, a,m, seating of the new General Assembly two years ago, when the Republicans con­ and 23 Republicans to 13 Democrats in the ever named on her own m erits up from the current $1.3 billion. and the 2 p,m, inauguration of Gov.-elect trolled the chamber. He had served three Senate. Wednesday when she takes the oath of Leaders in both parties believe Mrs. Ella Grasso, and with a contingent of terms prior to then. About half of the membership in each office. Grasso will hold to her campaign pledge, about 40 to attend the Governor’s O ther Jo b s chamber will be new, although some will but expect some tax Increases. Among the Inaugural Ball in the evening. Mrs. Ditta Tani of Manchester will be be former lawmakers. In keeping with the austerity facing First Big Snow possibilities are a hike of up to one percen­ To be sworn in will be Democrat David personal secretary to C. Perrie Phillips of The Governor’s Inaugural Ball in the her Democratic administration, Mrs. BUDDIG ^ tage point in the six per cent sales tax, and U.S.D A. CHOICE - CHUCK Barry, who will replace Republican David Hamden, when he takes over as new state evening will be a formal event, sponsored Grasso plans to ride a morning train Hits New England increases in the corporation and gasoline Odegard as state senator from the Fourth personnel commissioner. She had been his by the Governor’s Foot Guard and held in from her home in suburban Windsor taxes. VARIETIES 3 0Z. 2 FOR 89^ 1.39 District. personal secretary during the last four the Hartford Armory, which is only a few By United Press International Locks to Hartford for the ceremonies. Rep. Jam es Kennelly, D-Hartford, who TOP BLADE STEAK Democrat Francis Mahoney will be years, while he served as deputy state at­ yards from the State Capitol. The new year’s first major'snowstorm Ball at Armory torney general. hit New England today, dumping as much becomes House speaker in the new sworn in to his fourth consecutive term To Attend Ball She will attend the inaugural ball that Being mentioned prominently for jobs in as 10 inches of the white stuff in the legislature which went Democratic by and Democrat Ted Cummings to his first. Attending from Manchester as of this evening at the State Armory, a bleak the new administration are Dominic more than a 4-1 margin, says the Grasso Cummings will succeed Republican writing will be: State Rep. and Mrs. Fran­ northern mountains of Vermont white granite building near the Capitol, rather FOOD CLUB Boston and other southern coastal regions administration will be characterized by PORK LOIN , Donald Genovesi as state representative Squatrito and Roger Negro, both of cis Mahoney, State Rep.
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