Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 5, Number 4, Winter 1996 BOOKS George Bush’s Political Hotseat o many Americans, Vice-President TGeorge Bush was an almost invisi- ble man within the Reagan administra- tions. To those who knew him, he was a vicious, hard-nosed boss of covert, dirty operations—a secret government which one crossed at peril to one’s person. Indeed, the fear still encountered when discussing the truth about George Bush’s dirty operations in public, is a Would a President Bob Dole George Bush and the 12333 testament to the continuing power of prosecute drug super-kingpin serial murder ring Bush’s machine. George Bush? by the Editors of Executive Bush’s political power, tied as it is to by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review Washington, D.C., 1996 the financial interests of Great Britain Intelligence Review Washington, D.C., 1996 96 pages, paperbound, $100.00 and the oligarchy’s geopolitical game- 120 pages, paperbound, $100.00 plan, thus continues to be a major obsta- cle to putting the United States on the to assemble a model indictment of this right track, out of the post-industrial showing how African-American com- former “President In Charge of Vice” psychosis that is bringing the world munities around the country were vic- which—by using material primarily in down on our heads. Accommodation to tims of the venal Contra operation. the public record of the Walsh Iran- that power hindered the first Clinton As LaRouche points out, much of the Contra Report, and the Kerry Subcom- administration every step of the way, material in the drug kingpin report has mittee report on narcotics and terror- and the cost of accommodation—to existed in E.I.R.’s files for a long time. ism—makes a stronger case for Bush mankind—will get greater over time. Much of it was published in 1992, in being a drug kingpin, than was available Enter these E.I.R. Special Reports. E.I.R.’s George Bush, the Unauthorized for many of those the Federal govern- Based on more than fifteen years of “you Biography by Webster G. Tarpley and ment has put in prison. are there” intelligence work, they make Anton Chaitkin, and was later publi- the irrefutable case that the Bush cized by this author in her campaign Serial Murder machine has been behind a major por- against Virginia Senate candidate Oliver The second E.I.R. Special Report takes tion of the U.S. government-supported North in 1994. But, to many, the point up the activities of the Bush Secret Gov- drugs and mayhem which have plagued seemed moot; it was history. ernment in the domain of arms smug- the world over this period. Now, the That has now changed, as the conse- gling. A look at these activities leads one Secret government has a name, and quences of Bush’s control over the into examining a disturbing string of there is an agency—the Executive Intel- secret government apparatus that ran dead bodies, murdered ones in particu- ligence Review magazine founded by the Contras, become clear. E.I.R.’s lar. Each appears to be connected to the Lyndon LaRouche—which is not afraid report spells out, in stark detail, not desire of the arms (or explosives) cartel, to expose it. The Bush machine has thus only the chain of command through to protect their operations. been put in a position where it can be which Bush ran his dirty operations, The “serial murder ring” report destroyed. but also the way in which Bush suc- takes off from the September 1996 reve- ceeded in putting agents of the Cocaine lations about the 1986 assassination of Drug Kingpin Cartel into power throughout Ibero- Swedish prime minister Olof Palme, an The first of the two E.I.R. reports, keys America (Mexico, Colombia, and Pana- assassination which has remained off the explosive revelations published in ma), and how his network created the unsolved. The revelations came from August 1996 by the San Jose Mercury network of Afghanistan terrorists who the on-going Truth Commission hear- News. The Mercury News series has sup- have been responsible for the world’s ings in South Africa, a stronghold for plied the political factor needed to end worst terrorist incidents of the last sev- the explosives cartel. These hearings the coverup of George Bush’s role in the eral years. exposed to view, elements of the British- Contra cocaine-running of the 1980’s, The evidence proving Bush’s person- controlled international arms mafia, LaRouche says in his introduction, by al role is so strong, that E.I.R. was able which had remained hidden for years. 98 © 1996 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. The Palme murder is a virtual the dramatic revelations in Sweden, throughout the 1980’s. The report lays “Rosetta stone” for the Bush-Thatcher South Africa, and Belgium. The Belgian out the required lines of investigation, global mafia, as it brings together lead- case has mobilized the greatest passion, and a detailed timeline of significant ing arms firms with moneybags and since new arrests in unsolved murders of developments in the domain of arms- political operatives, such as Wall Street’s arms dealers, and those who were smuggling and the Bush-Thatcher John Train and London’s Jimmy Gold- threatening to unmask illegal arms alliance, is provided at its conclusion. smith. These individuals, of course, deals, are occurring in tandem with the To anyone concerned with getting to remain players in Britain’s geopolitical uncovering of a ring of prominent citi- the bottom of the illegal drug and arms operations today. And, they also both zens now exposed as pedophiles. Once smuggling of the 1980’s—whose net- have traceable connections to one of the more, the focus is on unsolved mur- works still plague the world today—these filthiest political prosecutions of the ders—like that of Andre Cools, and of reports are must reading. Concerned U.S. recent period, that of Lyndon LaRouche Gerard Bull. citizens have already purchased copies for and his associates. What connects this series of scandals all of the old Congress. The next step, is The political sensation which the San and murders to George Bush, is, once to get some real investigations going, so Jose Mercury News revelations are creat- again, Bush’s role as head of the secret we can finally put George Bush in the cell ing in the United States, is being government, which ran a global under- where he belongs. matched on the international level by ground of armaments and dirty money —Nancy Spannaus ‘A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats’ FL-CIO president John Sweeney year round, not just during campaign Ameans far more than a monetary seasons. .. And restoring our indepen- “raise,” in his America Needs A Raise, dence will make us more effective than although he does devote much of the tethering ourselves to a political party.” book to proving that American workers desperately do need an increase in living Reviving the Social Contract standards. More broadly, Sweeney is Sweeney’s vision is based on his own talking about the formation of a new, upbringing, in the period following sweeping movement for social justice, World War II, when, he says, there was one that can guarantee a decent living a “social contract” in place. “The old standard to all working people—a move- social contract that made America so ment whose goals are consonant with successful during the postwar era was those for which the LaRouche political based on a simple but profound truth: America Needs a Raise: movement has stood, sometimes virtually For the economy to grow and prosper, Fighting for Economic Security alone, over the past two decades. This is working people must be able to buy the and Social Justice the vision spelled out by Sweeney in his goods and services they produce. ... by John J. Sweeney, with David Kusnet new autobiographical work, released, “Business people knew that if they Houghton Mifflin, New York, 1996 appropriately, on Labor Day. paid their workers fairly and plowed 167 pages, hardbound, $18.95. “We’re going to change the nature of some of their profits back into their com- politics itself, so that working people can munities, they could count on loyal set the agenda, run for and win public employees and loyal consumers. For writes, “Without the Church, there office, and teach public officials some companies back then, good citizenship would have been no hope of redemp- lessons about the daily realities of most was good business. And our leaders in tion. Without the family, there would families’ lives,” Sweeney declares. “We government understood that, as Presi- have been no love. And without the need to act as a social movement that dent Kennedy said, ‘a rising tide lifts all union, there would have been no food represents working people throughout boats.’ They saw their purpose as raising on the table.” the society—union members and non- the standard of living for all, not accumu- Sweeney credits his training to a com- members alike,” he writes, and in such a lating enormous wealth for just a few.” bination of the trade unionism he learned way that the unemployed and those on at his father’s knee, and the Roman welfare are also “raised” economically Church, Family, Union Catholic social teaching he got in school. and socially. This society was based on three institu- Sweeney’s father was an Irish immigrant, Such a new social movement should tions, all of which have since broken who became a bus driver in the Bronx, be independent of both political parties, down, to greater or lesser degrees: New York, and was a loyal member of Sweeney says, and should operate “all Church, family, and union.
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