Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 9-25-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 25, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1984 Volume 70, Issue 27 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 25, 1984." (Sep 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian Southern Illinois University Bush pays visit to Southern Illinois B\ .I;IlIt' C;ralidoHo :-;i:,ffWriU'r \'Ice President George Bush !'-~1Id r"t onday that despite its high unemploy ment ra le. outhern Illinois "is on the r ight track " towa rd econom IC recm'crv because of President Reagan~s policies. Bush was in Southern IllinOis fo r about rh'c hours l\'londa\' in a campaign swing that included a tour of the lU-C Coal Research Center ncar Ca rten 'iII e and Brush" Creck coa l mine casl of Ma rion. About 75 people. m ai nly s upport e r s_ gatl,ered at Wil liamson County Airport ncar ;\1 ariol1 to greet the \'ic(' presiden!"s jel. There he took the opportuinity to praise Pre:-ident Reagan 's domestic and fo reign policies and to explain the p:-esldent 'o; position nn :Icid rain. Addressing a g r oup of reporters on the ai rpor:'s runway, Bush said the RCdga n ad ministration has " a re~ponslbill t y tl) the en· \'ironment and 10 preser\'e Jobs" W'len consid(' r lt1~ aCid rain legislation " We ·... · ;mt more research. We :o,ho uldn 't ta ke wha tevcr anyb<!dy lhrows LIp in the :lJr and accept it : ' Bush sa id, Vicc Presidt'nl George Bush made a campaign sloll in Southern Thompson . Williamson Count\' Stalt.'·s Atlornt'\· H. a nd \' Patchell. Bush said that <ven though Illinois ~londa~ . starting a t thf' Williamson County airporl. Hu sh is Hep. Ra lph Dunn. a Sf'crrt Sf.r\'icr a~enl. a nd' Rep, flobf'rt Win. Set' HL" ' 1-1. Page 5 rl anked by sen' raJ lI1il1ois h'gis la tors, From lerr are ( ; 0\' , James ('hestrr. Percy releases tax records~ Bicycle fines may drop by start of fall semester By Karen Wilt berger tickets_ of which the fine is says Simon~s charge is false St.aff Writer equal to vehicle mO\,lng violations. CHI CAGO t AF . - Sen. tax laws to reduce his repor· Si mon-s charge that the in­ Bicycle riders may have I(J '-Students can't afford a Charles Percy. under pr~s ure table income for income ta x cum bent benefit ed more than pay only S5 to SIO for moving by opponent Paul Simon_ to purposes, the a veragr: Illinoisan ea rns in violations bv fa ll 1!l85. but for car. much less other ex· penses:- aid Hypkema_ rnake pcblic hi s tax returns. on The tax returns "show exact"· one year is " tot a lJ~ groun· now they can expect to pay j\'lop rl ,:sv released fina ncial data what we expected: - Axelrod dless " the CltV'S current S50 fin~ showmg he a nd hi s wife paid 73 s aid. "Senator P er cy has said Ca rbondale police 1.1. McMeen said Monday that percent of their income in a "ailed himself of all these tax Hendren s;:l id hecausc the ~ill Rypkcma . she is looking at two alter­ federa l taxes last vear, loopholes and shelters built in to Percys a rc required 10 use a Rypkema said 10nday that natives to reduce the S50 fine The returns showed that the the tax code to help mi iJ:onaires spet.' ial tax formula - an ad· the Poli ce Depanment has to S5 to SIO_ The first alter­ Hepublican incumbent and his reduce their taxes:' ditiona l tax on taxp<.tyers with go ne beyond the --i n­ nath'e is to reduce the cost of Wife . IAralne. paid $125.327 111 Howe \'er. Ka lh\' Lvdon morc than S30,04 0 111 capita l format ional stage" of gh II1g a ll bicvcle violation fin es taxes 111 1983 on an adjusted Percy's pr ~s secretary.- said gains - thclr tax rOlt(>:) \\cr(' not out verbal and written comparable to parking fines. gross mcomeofSlil.l93. the reason for the la rge affected by the 25 percent warnings. and will give more The other choice would be to If owe\'er. the relurns show an discrepancy is the enate forms ..lcros5·the-- board rNiuctlon. att ention in enforcing bicycle develop an increased fine Income lar below that reportrd don't li st losses. " It greatly regulations . system in which the fines b~ Percy in financial disclosure exaggera tes what you make III a " The whole point of thi S was He said the department will would start a t about S5. a nd s tatement filed with the year:' shesaid. 10 5110\\ Si mon's cha rge is un· enforce bicyclers to stop a t increase for second and third Senate, Tho. e records lisl During the campaign. Percy true." sald L\'don, " Sirnon has red lights. r ide with traffi,· \'iolations, Percy's 198:1 incomc. 1I1cluding has repeatedly been challenged used thiS as a di\,crslonarv a nd to a lesser extent not r ide mterest. dlvidends_ a nd capital by Simon to show he was not a lactic," . on sidewa lk s and have a rear McMeen said s he hopes to gains_ as between S;;9.41 2 and beneficiary of Reagan ad­ re fl ector and front light. get a proposal to the City SI.7 million or poSS ibly hi gher. m inistrat ion tax cuts, Percy. who is seeking a fourth D espit e the annual Council by the end of the Simon' campaign manager Ca r ter Hendren. P ercy's term in the Senate. h a~ never crackdown on bic\'c1is ts. semester. She said the mO\'e Do \'id Axelrod sa id the dif­ campaign manager . said the previous ly released copies of his Rypkema said many offi cers should be enacted by the fall . fe rence r, f1ccted Pereis use of documents released show that income tax returns. a re reluctant to give out the and possibly by summer. This GPSC to discuss fee increase proposal My Da rn'n lIillock s ince fi scal year 19i5 while Ices recommendations to Bruce GMorning Staff Writt' r have increased only 19 percent. Swinburne. vice president for Parlh ", un"' : and projected building deficits student affairs. before Swin­ Gus hi J.,: tH,' iIlXU ... ' A SI6 fee increase recom· of $271.000 and S543.000 for fi scal burne goes befo re the Board of Cf10de - ~ mended by the Student Center years 1985 and t986. Trustees in November. he said. Board will be discussed a t the The report also said that the The GPSC doesn-t have a ' ~'{ C ubs win Graduate and Professional St udent Center expects to be resolution on the increase yet. ~ t ud enl Council m eel ing required to pick up the costs of but Stola r said he wants to use NL East Weunesdav, fringe benefits of employees in the recommendations of the w: " _~ report prepared by .la:.­ t he building. GPSC's two Student Cen t~r title Cooper. GPSC represent ative to Glenn Stolar_GPS C president. Board representa tives as r;lIS S3\'S th(' \' shouldn 't 3~k rur the Student elll er Board. t,aid said that the GPSC-s opinion on starting point for draning .. ree illcrrasr from the ~ tud t' lih that some of the reasons for the I he increase is being sought b! resolution at the meeting, v.ho wert' kieked out of tht' increase are Ihat operating J ohn Corker. Student Center cafeterias during tht· ~ umnH' r costs ha \'(' IIlcreased 79 percent di rector. Corker will then make conferences. GJVewswrap PreHn' thl, coupon and receive on. of nation/ world this W_Ic'llpeclal. PERMS (I nclude. complete cr.,' ,L . tyl. ) u.s. envoy mee ts with Syrian $25.00 w /fh coupon speClol good rhrough Sep' 191" president to discu ss security at BEll{ T I AP I - A senior U.S. envoy on Monday conferred \\'Ith S\'rJ an President H:tfez Assad in Damascus about security a'r rangements necessa r\' for an Israeli withdrawal from L ba non. f~LW_ Inen lIew to Jerusalem . 'Lebanese Prime l\'1in ister Ha hid Kara mi. 529·1622 expressing confidence a bout the diplomatic effort of '.5. Assistant Secr('t a rv of State Ric hard Murphy. was quoted by Beirut Eost Walnut "ll?ws papers as saying. " It has been detected from the ta lk s with Mr. Murphy that he was bringing the good ti di ngs of an early breakthrough." The Israeli occupation of south Le ~ a non "WIll not .;------Iiii'I ADMIT ONE • last long:' he was quoted a s saying. I SENORITA J SlUl e llep .. rtlllclIl U" I!'" OK uf <.. · lIril~ ' ftll"l, NEW YOR K tAP) - The State Department di sclosed Monday it GellwO lrce I FREE 7.9pm I is asking Congress to urgently a pprO\'c another S3i2 million in Two Free anvplu a w_ emergency fund:; to improve securit y at America n embassies in the Cokes' One coupon pel p illa wake of the terrorist bomb that devastated the U.s.
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