The International Lawrence Durrell Society NumberT wenty-two,3 0 November2 000 Editor:S usanS . MacNiven Publishelra: nS . MacNiven All materials@ TheI ntemationaLl awrenceD urrell SocietvH erald.20Co FROMT HEF ORMER Societyi ntot he future.T he 7) Showa vailabilitoyf LD's PRESIDENT first is the formationo f an ad works,a s well as printh istories hocw eb pagec ommitteet hat of variousw orks. AnnaL illios hasb eenb rainstorminidge as for our Societyw eb paget his 8) Offero nlinea ccesst o LD's A fall. A few yearsa go,w henI was The membersin clude works,s upplyinga s manyp ivotal JamesD eckerJ, amesG ifford, quotationass fair-usela wsw ill writinga n articleo n Lawrence DonaldK aczvinskyJ,o nathan permitT. hism ateriacl ouldb e Durrell'sv iewo f whatm akes on PearmanC, harlesS ligh,G reg a sitet hat'sd ownloadablteo a GreeceG REECE,I came Dicksona s webmastera,n d CD.A CD coulda lsoi nclude acrossa passagei n Spirito f myselfa s editorS. omeo f the scholarsta lkinga boutL D. Place,w hichy ou all may recall. ideast hatw e arec onsiderino Durrells ayst hat if you transport aret he following: 9) Provideli nkst o scholarly non-Greektso the Greek articleso n LD'sw orks,p erhaps islandsa, ddb rillianst unlight, 1)A dd morei mages, on a fee basis. blues eas,a nd a few olivet rees includingp hotographasn d for goodm easuret,h e non- even Durrell'sa rtwork. Pleases endm e any Greekw ouldb egint o takeo n commentso r suggestionyso u Greekc haracteristics,u ch as 2) Createa sitet hatw ould havea bouto ura mbitiousp lans. "tirelessc uriositys, ensuality, focuso n Durreliln the We area lsos eekingo ut anda passionatdee siret o classrooma nd offerm aterials. volunteerasn dw ouldw elcome conceptualizteh ings perhapsa n archiveo f anyh elpt hati s offered. metaphysicallyI.n" C orful ast electronitce xts,i magesm, aps, I'da lsol iket o remindy out hat July,t hoseo f us fortunate syllabif,i rsthanda ccountso f the DiscussioGn roupi s still enought o be ablet o attend teachings trategies, operatingb,u tu ndera new OMG Xl hada chancet o test introductiontso works,e tc. address: out LD'st heorya nds eei f the <du r rell@n ewsc. c.u cf. e du>. spirito f the places tillw orkedi ts 3) Beginw orko n a full- Pleases endm essagetso that magic.F romm y perspectivaes scaleb ibliographiyn,c luding addressl.f you'dl iket o subscribe co-chaior f the conferenceI, primarya nds econdary to theg roup,y ouc anw ritem e at thinkt he conferencwe asa materialsw, ithc ommentaroyr <lilIi [email protected]. edu>. greats uccess--thantkos t hose abstractisf permissioins The secondp rojecto n which of youw hoa ttendeda ndt hose granted. I'mw orkingw, hichi s a direct of you who workeds o hard on resulto f the OMGX l conference, the arrangementAs. s pecial 4) Linku p to various is a collectiono f essaysth at thankss houldg o outt o the directorieasn do thera uthor focuso n Durreliln the Greek lonianU niversityP, rofessor webp agesr elevantto LD. World.I 'mg atheringto gether PanosK aragiorgosa,n dM ayor articlesa ndm emoirsth ato ffer ChrysanthoSsa rlisf or hosting 5)Add morel ibrary newp erspectiveosn the topic us ands howingu s Greek collectionasn da s muchd etail andw ills endt he volume philoxenia. outt o on holdingsa s theyw illp ermit publisherisn the newy ear. An outcomeo f the us to publish. Bestw ishest o all. conferenceh asb eent he projects, creationo f two which 6) Leadc hats essionsa fter excite me andw illc arryt he conferenceasr eo ver. )^7^hhh THEP RESIDENT'S furtherr einforcedb y the views.C urrentlyA, nna Lillios, COLUMN establishmenotf the Durrell Greg DicksonJ, im Decker, Anne Zahlan Schoolo f Corfu,u ndert he JamieG ifford,D on inspireda nda blel eadership KaczvinskyJ,o nathan of RichardP ine.T he School Pearmana, ndC harlesS ligh On thisb leakN ovember wills ponsori nstitutesa nd arew orkingt o expanda nd afternoonin lllinoisI, lookb ack conductc oursest hatw ill imoroves itec ontents. fondlyo n thoses unnya nd bringp articipantfsr oma ll MeanwhileM, ichael (very)w arm days on faraway overt he worldt o the island. CartwrightV, irginia Corfu.O n MiracleG roundX l is alreadyb ecomingle gend, The InternationaLl awrence CarruthersD, on Kaczvinsky, findingi tsw ay intot he DurrellS ocietyw as honored JonathanP earmana, nd collectivem emoryo f to be invitedt o nominate HelenW ussowa re reviewing Durrellianasr oundt he world.A three representativetso our By-Lawsa nd will highlighot f the conferencfeo r serveo n the Boardo f recommenda ny structural all who attendedw ast he Directorsa, ndw e are proud changesn eededt o ensure graciousa ndg enerous to announcet hatJ im the Society'sc ontinued participatioonf two memberso f NicholsJ,o hnR ose,a nd vitality. the Durrelfla mily,M argaret Durrelal nd PenelooeD urrell- RichardH oodh avea greed My autumnl ettert o Hope.T heirp resencea mongu s to do thisi mportanwt ork. membersa ffirmedt he goalo f and that of friendsf rom Corfu My hopei st hatI LDS servingo ur "growinga nd ando therr egionso f Greece membersw illb ringt heir diversem embershipa,"n d I forgedi mportantb ondsb etween studentsto Corfud uringt he was delightedto hearf rom thosew ho knowL awrence comingy ears,a nd thatw e NormajeanM acLeodw ho Durrelpl rimarilyth roughh is willa ll contributeid easa nd speaksp assionateloyn writingsa ndt hosew ho shared supportt o the Durrell behalfo f hisl ife. thosew hosel ove The conferencoer ganizers School. for Durrellwasn ot cultivated havee arnedo urg ratitudefo r I am honoredt o have in universityc lassesi n theiri maginativpel anninagn d beena skedt o servea s literatureT. o Normajeana nd painstakinagt tentionto detail. Societyp residenta, nd as to all of you, I pledget o The plenarys essionsa ndt he the initiasl hockw earso ff, I treasureth e diversityo f the panelsr epresentebdo th moret hane vera ppreciate Societya nd the strengtht hat impressivesu bstancea nda the strengtho f the diversityb rings.I hopet hat widev arietyo f approachO. n organizatioann d the we willk eepi n touchw ith Corfu,w e learnedt o appreciate moret hane vert he intellectual, dedicationo f its members. eacho therb y meanso f the aesthetica, ndp ersonal Cleadyw, e wantt o carryo n web site,t he ListS erve,a nd significancoef Greecea ndi ts the traditionso f creativity e-mail,a s wella s through languagaen dp eoplein and collegialiteys tablished lettersa nd our serialp rint LawrenceD urrell'sli fea nd by the foundersa s we publicationsD, eusL ocia nd work.I n organizindge lightful continueto workt ogethert o the Herald I also hope that excursionas ndl ocating encourageth e appreciation as manya s you as possible sessionsa nde ventsi n of readersa nd the interest plant o attend wonderfuol ld-townp lacest,h e On Miracle conferenceco mmitteem adei t of scholarsin the workso f GroundX ll,t he2 002 possiblefo r us to feelt hatw e LawrenceD urrelll.n this conferenceb eingo rganized ando urg atheringws erep arto f new InformatioAn ge,t he by LarryG amachea nd the lifeo f the island. web siteh as becomea vital hostedb y the Universitoy f The many connectionso f meanso f disseminating Ottawa.I n Ontariow, e will the Durrellst o Corfu will be informatioann d exchanging considerD urreliln the context of multiculturalisamn,d t his cityo f Montreails lesst han ando therr elatedfi elds.T he focush ighlightsth e two hoursa way,a ndi t is within importanceo f multiculturalisimn internationalisomf the author fourh oursd' riveo f Toronto. Canadai s an importanrte ason and thoset o whom hisw ork Ottawah ast wo beautifurl ivers for the choiceo f it as a major anda canalr unningth roughit s focusf or conferenced iscussions. is particularlsyi gnificant. center,a nd greens pacesa nd Canadah asp roduceda LawrenceD urrelils a world parklandws ithina shortw alko f literalurer ecognizedth roughout writerw hosew ordss peakt o the Universityo f Ottawa.I am the worlda s one of the most peopleo f everyc ulturea, nd certaint his conferencew ill be importanto f the latert wentieth the Societyd edicatedt o a mostm emorable xperience century.l ts productivitye xceeds readinga nd studyingh is for all participants. what mightb e expectedo f a works has much to The 12thl nternational nationw itha relativelsym all contributeto international LawrenceD urrellC onference populationM. argareAt twood, will be held 20-24J une 2002 at AliceM unro,M ichaeOl ndaatje, communicatioann d the Universityo f Ottawa, GabrielleR oy,M ichelT remblay, understanding. OntarioT. het itle," Durrelal nd RobertsonD avies,M argaret HisC ircle:A Multicultural Lawrencea, nd MordecaRi ichter Exploration-Past,P resent, areo nlys omeo f the names 7^hhhh andF uture,"im pliesa central knownb eyondC anada'sb orders. but not exclusivef ocusf or the Theya lsos uggestth e cultural presentationtso be offered.l t rangeo f the Canadianm osaic.lt FROMT HEV ICE. alsos uggeststh att he is my hopet o haves ome conferencew ill dealw ith other significanCt anadiana uthors PRESIDENT writersw ho relatet o Durrell sharet heirv iewso f Durrellw ith Lawrence B. Gamache eithera s associates, the conferencep articipants. -r influenceso,r as having Muchw illd ependu pont he preoccupations, I he centralf ocuso f my report comparable successo f our effortst o obtain techniqueso,r source outsidefu ndingto go alongw ith is on the upcomingin ternational materialsD. urrell'su seso f the supporwt e are beingg iven conferencein 2002.A ftert he culturatlr aditionss,u cha s by the Universityo f Ottawa.
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