;', /~ National Horticulture Board / ,( \ Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare I iO' ~\ \', Government of India, . .I" \' . )/ Plot NO.85, Sector 18, Institutional Area, •..._-- ,-_/~ Gurugram - 122015 (Haryana) Ph. 0124-2342992, Fax: 2342991,2341225 WIebsite: www.nhb.gov.in th NHB/CC/10 PPAC/2018-19/ IY°.2.3 September 05, 2018 Office MelrRo•.andulrR Subject: PlI'oceedings of the loth naeeting of the PlI'e- Project Appraisal Coannaittee (PPAC) of the National Horticulture Board held on 14.08.2018 - Regarding. I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) held on 14.08.2018, at NHB, Head Quarters, Gurugram at 2:00 PM under the Chairmanship of Dy. Managing Director, NNB. ~-o<\,q\,.\S (O.K. Pal) Deputy Director Distri bution: 1) All Area OfficersjJoint Directors, NHB, Gurugram. 2) JD (F & A), NHB, Gurugram. 3) DD (IS), NHB, Gurugram CODY for information to : 1) PS to MD, NHB, Gurugram 2) PA to DMD, NHB, Gurugram National Horticulture Board Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers' Welfare Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare . NHB. Guruaram, Dated 31st August,_~018 Subject Minutes of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee (PPAC) meeting to consider the ..flroJJosalsunder various schemes of the Board. - - Date & Time 14.08.2018 at 2.00 JJm ~-~ Venue NHB, Gurugram The Meeting was chaired by Shri Brajendra Singh, DMD, NHB. The following members att enddthe e meefIna. S.No Composition Name of Officer/Representative with Designation attended the meetina 1. Deputy Managing Director, Shri Brajendra Singh, Dy. Managing Director NHB-Member 2. Divisional Heads of the Shri D.P. Singh, Joint Director (East) Division- Member Dr. R. Bhati, Joint Director (West) Shri V.K. Sharma, Joint Director (North) 3. Head of Finance Division Shri S.c. Jain, Joint Director (F&A) - Member IN ATTENDANCE 1. Shri Lal Singh, Deputy Director, NE & PS to MD, NHB 2. Shri Bani Singh, Deputy Director, NHB 3. Shri Umed Singh, Deputy Director (East), NHB 4. ~Shri D.K. Pal, Deputy Director(Coordination), NHB 5. Shri Udaiveer Singh, Deputy Director (West), NHB 6. Shri Alok Kumar, Sr. Horticulture Officer, NHB At the outset, Deputy Managing Director welcomed the members of the P-PAC. Confirmation of the Proceedings of the last PPAC Meeting held on 14.08.2018. Proceedings of the last meeting of the PPAC held on 14.08.2018 were circulated to the members on 05.09. 2018. No comments or any observations from any members received so far, hence committee confirmed the minutes. The agenda with respect to project proposals of West Zone discussed as under:- Sr. No. Name of Area Officer Zone Project proposals/agenda item No. 1. Dr. R. Bhati , JD West West Proceedings of 10th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 14.08.2018 A. Proposals for issuance of In-Principle Approval. (IPA) under the scheme "Development of Commercial Horticulture throughProduetion and Post Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops" 1. Mr. Shankarrao Govindrao Nimbalkar & Others I, At/Post- Savalaj, Takula- Tasgaon, Distt- Sangli (Maharashtra) ._- 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/27BMHB047811 & 16.09.2017 registration --~- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 03.10.2017 (Seniority No. - 76) AplJlication - 3 Category-SCPjTSP /General General . - 4 Name , Address and Contact No. of Mr. Shankarrao Govindrao Nimbalkar &Ot her 1, beneficiary/ applicant At/Post - Savalaj, Taluka - Tasgaon, Distt.- Sangli (Maharashtra) Contact No.- 9890354839 5 Project location Gat no. 427, Village - Langarpeth, Tal uka Kavathemahankal, Distt.- Sang.liJMahar~s~tra ) 6 Crop/Activity Grapes ._- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 12.00 acres proposed under the project .._- -- 8 Name & address of Bank with Indusind Bank Ltd., Sangli Branch, At/P ost - contact No. Ground fioor, Shubham Plaza, CS no. 150-151, Near Ram Mandir Corner,Sangli (Maharashtra ) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 45.00 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 27.00 lakh & 08.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction ._. 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if any (Rs. in lakh) - - - 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) No - 13 Recommendations of Division The PPAC may kindly consider the propo sal for issuance of In-Principle AlJlJroval (IPA)~. _____ 14 Decision of PPAC Deferred for want of clarification regarding mismatch of ioan amount & margin money in Process Note & Sanction Letter within 21 days, failinq which the oroiect stands cancelled/reie cted. 2. Mr. Shivaji Appasheb Bankar, At/Post - Satoli, Taluka - Karmala, Distt.- Solapur (Maharashtra) - 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/27BMHB047812 & 16.09.2017 reqistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 15.11.2017 (Seniority No. - 77) AlJfllication - 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General _. 4 Name , Address and Contact No. of Mr. Shivaji Appasheb Bankar, At/Post - Satoli, beneficiary/ applicant Taluka - Karmala, Distt.- Solapur (Maharashtra) Contact No.- 9922907260 - - Proceedingsof 10th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 14.08.2018 1..\ I'a X I-.~ I 5 Project location Gat no. 14/4/B, 14/5/ A & 14/2/B Village - Taluka - Karmala, Distt. - Solapur (Maharashtr_ 6 Crop/Activity Grapes - ._- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 13.00 acres oro[Josed under the oroiect 8 Name & address of Bank with Bank of Maharashtra, Kenm Branch, Tal uka contact No. Karmala, Distt.- Solapur (Maharashtra) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 44.00 lakh ... -- 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 33.00 lakh & 09.08.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction 11 Details of Term loan release and -- duration, if an}' (Rs. in lakh) --- 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) No 13 Recommendations of Division The proposal may kindly be rejected due to promoter/Bank not responded to submit Iacking documents/information. 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected due to promoter/Bank not respon ded to submit lackinq documents/information. - -- 3. Mr. Chandrakant Madhav Raykar, At - Kapademala, Post - Kedgaon, Taluka - Nagar, Distt.- Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) --- I On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/27BMHB047813 & 19.09.2017 registration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 16.10.2017 Ap[Jlication - 3 Category-SCP /TSP/General General --- 4 Name, Address and COntact No. of Mr. Chandra kant Madhav Raykar, At - Kapademala, beneficiary/ applicant Post - Kedgaon, Taluka - Nagar, Distt." Ahmednagar (Maharashtra), Contact No.- , 9822068163 5 Project location Gat no. 648, Village - Ghargaon, Tal uka - Shriqonda, Distt.- Ahmednagar (Maharashtra ) 6 Crop/Activity Grapes I 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 6.00 acres oro[Josed under the project --_.--- 8 Name & address of Bank with Bank of India, Shrigonda Branch, Tal uka - contact No. Shrigonda, Distt.- Ahmednagar (Maharashtra ) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 28.20 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 19.00 lakh &03.08.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction --_.- -- 11 Details of Term loan release and Rs. 9.19 lakh & 24.08.2017 to 07.10.2017 duration, if an}' (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) Yes , \~ 13 Recommendations of Division -The PPAC may kindly consider the propo sal for ,i issuance of In-Principle Approval (IPA). ~r" 14 Decision of PPAC Approved for issuance of In-Principle Approvai (IPA). Proceedings of 10th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 14.08.2018 4. Mr. Prakash Jadhavji Khakhar, 605, Dev Corpora, Opp Cad bury Junction Khopat, Thane West (Maharashtra) 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/27BMHB047814 & 19.09.2017 registration ~-- 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 27.09.2017 Application 3 Category-SCPjTSP /General General 4 Name , Address and Contact No. of Mr. Prakash Jadhavji Khakhar, 605, Dev Corpora, beneficiary/ applicant Opp Cadbury Junction Khopat, Thane West (Maharashtra), Contact N,o.- 8879003044 5 Project location Gat no. 226, 299/2 & 300 Village - Renukaiwadi, Post - Miri, Taluka - Patardi, Distt.' Ahme dnagar (Maharashtra) .- - 6 Crop/Activity Pomegranate -- 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 26.00 acres proposed under the proiect , 8 Name & address of Bank with Yes Bank, Nirmaldeep, Talavpali, Thane contact No. (Maharashtra) 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 67.211akh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs. 37.00 lakh & 14.09.2017 (Rs. in lakh) and date of sanction . ---- 11 Details of Term loan release and - duration, if an)! (Rs. in lakh) 12 Compliance of Documents (Yes/No) No ~- 13 Recommendations of Division The PPAC may kindly rejected the proposal due to Term Loan not sanctioned in the name of the applicant. ~, 14 Decision of PPAC Rejected due to Term Loan not sanctioned in the name of the applicant. 5. Mrs. Sharada Dattatray Pawar & Other 1, At/Post - Poundhawadi, Taluka - Indapur, Distt.- Pune (Maharashtra) - 1 On-line project ID & date of NHB/IPA/27BMHB047816 & 21.09.2017 reqistration 2 Date of receipt of Hard copy of IPA 11.10.2017 (Seniority No.- 81) Application 3 Category-SCP jTSP /General General 4 Name , Address and Contact No. of Mrs. Sharada Dattatray Pawar & Other 1, At/Pos t - beneficiary/ applicant Poundhawadi, Taluka - Indapur, Distt.- Pune (Maharashtra) Contact No.- 9020141277 - . -- 5 Project location Gat no. 110/2 & 109, Village - Poundhawa di, Taluka - Indapur, Distt.- Pune (Maharashtra) 6 Crop/Activity Pomegranate & Custrad Apple -- .... - 7 Area / Capacity in acres/ MT 14.00 acres (Pomegranate in 9.50 acres & Custr ad proposed under the project Apple in 4.50 acres) ---- 8 Name & address of Bank with HDFC Bank, Jalochi Branch, Taluka - Indap ur, Proceedingsof 10th Meeting of the Pre-Project Appraisal Committee, dated 14.08.2018 \.: Pa ~Oq contact No. Distt.- Pune (Maharashtra) - ._- 9 Total project cost (Rs. in lakh) Rs. 40.59 lakh 10 Amount of Term loan sanctioned Rs.
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