•4- DAILY PRESS. •—•—— ESTABLISHED MAY IO, 1887. PLAINFIELD, N. J., MONDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1897. Two CENTS A COPY—$5 A YEA*. YULETIOE SOCIABILITY. GIFT TO MAYOR WILSON. HAPPY DAYFORTHE SICK. a* tfc* FMk Clah aa BawCHRISTMAS GOOD CHEER IN THE LOCAL CHURCHES CHEERFULIHROUGHRUM VULETDE FESTIVITIES THAT TOOK JoymbU Affair. AND THEN THEY FFU. INTO THE PLACE AT THE HOSPITAL Social life at tbe Park dub during MUSICAL PROGRAMMES AND SERMONS APPROPRIATE Last Saturday the marshals of tbe CLUTCHES OF POUCE 8ANTA CLAUS*. Christmas week opened Christmas TO THE DAY HEARD IN MANY PLACES. borough presented tbe Mayor with a A gilifii Tre» tfc» Frlaatmd Eve with a Junior dance, one of the valuable gold and silver-mounted A Tiifctrtii ImrtMrit of af UM Oecaelon—B«—mbrww for Uu Llaed Vp la Frvat af tao City moat successful dances ever held in Special Exercises Arranged for the Entertainment of Sun umbrella. Chief Wilson delivered a Xnw-Xu; Claatl rumt the charming little clubhouse. There snort and pleasing address. The Tkk SlonUac—H« was Mentfal *m Maar. Xuhlenberg Hospital was tbe scene were about a hundred young people day-school Scholars—The Names of Many Who Mayor lesponded briefly expressing "Sweet William" Kenney did not of much cheer and happiness last Bat present. Including the junior mem- Participated in the Joyous Festivities. thanks for tbe evidence of kindly re nave a merry Christmas. He planned onlay afternoon at 3 30 o'clock when bers and a number of their friends. latlon which be hoped would continue to spend it In Paradise alley, but tbe annual Christmas festivites were COBOKSQATIOSAL CHUBCH. nouncements for tbe coming week lodged at the jail Instead. He bad Tbe floor waa crowded with oouplea This evening at 8 o'clock the Chris- In tbe future as in tbe past. He also held under tbe auspices of the while tb» attractions in tbe basement On account of the storm, the attend- complimented tbe force on their neat, been boarding at "Maggie" Benford's Woman's Auxiliary of the Board of ance at the Congregadonnl church tian Endeavor consecration service up in tbe alley of late. Christmas were largely patronised. The ball will be held. On Wednesday evening manly appearance and efficiency. The Managers. Tbe usual Christmas tree room was charmingly decorated with yesterday morning, as at all tbe Mayor remarked that tbe umbrella Eve be began to celebrate. He drank occupied a prominent position in the churches, was not as large as is usual tbe regular prayer meeting will be ob so much that be could not walk and evergreen roping, that was festooned served, and the service will be one of would not, however, cover any viola- large hallway, and at the proper time about tbe walla and rafters of tbe on Christmas Sunday. The service tion of rules or deportment. In con- Roundsman Frederickson picked up It was illuminated by WlUltam Mad- was a beautiful and appropriate one, interest toalL Tbe subject will be bis little form and carried it to the ceiling. •1897, Its Lessons," and as this will clusion tbe compliments of tbe season den, who for tbe past ten years has The dancing was continued until however. The voluntary, offertory were exchanged. lockup. The City Judge deemed a officiated in that capacity. Tbe tree and postlude were seleotions from be tbe last mid-week service held at day in jail sufficient punishment and Christmas morning when tbe gay the T. M. C. A. ball, there should be was well trimmed with lota of pretty party broke up. Farmer's Mass in B flat; tbe respons- suspended sentence. ive readings inoluded the Benedlctus a large attendance. There will be no things which were afterwards distri- Mrs. J. H. Howell and Mrs. F H. John Williams, an employe of Louis buted to tbe patients at the hospital. t and tbe Magnificat, and the hymn* meeting of the Junior Christian En PILFERED FROM HOST. Coddington, tbe expressman, of Fan- Ball acted as patronesses of the dance. deavor 8ociety on Thursday after A pleasant feature of the celebra- sung were the "Adeste fldeles,' LOUIS BROCK DIDN'T APPRECIATE wood, was a companion in misery. He "Angels from the realms of glory," noon, as tbe primary department of THE SERVICES OF A 8TRANGER. spent Christmas also behind the bare tion was the presence of nine mem the Sunday-school will bold its Christ- bers of Grace P. E. church choir un- and "He has come, tbe Christ of God." in the city jail. He partook too freely RUM flHD CIGARETTES An unusually fine Christmas sermon mas entertainment at that time in tbe Robert Catling Took IM WHsnn to His of the fermented stuff and could not der tbe direction of Mrs. Freeman small ball. On Thursday evening the Plreelde as* Tbere red awl Clothed Him organist. They rendered very effec UNBALANCED THE MIND OF A WEST- was preached by the pastor. Rev take care of himself. Patrolman Charles Lyman Goodrich, from Isaiah seniors will hold their Christmas en —Tnaa the Tramp Committed a Theft Saunders found him and locked him tirely "Adestes Fideles," 'It Gone FIELDER-TRIED TO KILL HIS WIFE. tertainment in tbe large hall, at wbiob 'Twas tbe night before Christmas Upon the Midnight Clear," "Tbe 63:1, "To whom is tbe arm of the Lord op. Sentence was suspended on him. Suddenly OTMMUM by a Dollrium He revealed?" Tbe cburch WAS beauti time tbe Queen City Band under tbe when tbey met. Lewis Brock had no Tom Wallace was rather slow In his Badlant Horn." (by request;) "O, Lit direction of its leader, Benjamin borne, no money and no prospect of Us Town of Bethlehem." The ohoii Onbbfd a Batober Knife and Tried to fully decorated with evergreen roping celebration of the day and forgot it Carre BU Wife Into Pleeee— Was Snbdned and wreaths in which holly and LaVere, will be present with i anvtbiDg to eat on Christmas. Robert until 4 o'clock Sunday morning Then boys also sang several hymns appro- orchestra. There will also be other Catling had all those advantages and priate to the occasion. Those who William Gordon, a machinist, living red Immortelles were mingled. Two be made up for lost time with such • on Broad street, Westfleld, was seized tables bearing bunches of red oarna pleasing features. be felt happy over the fact. His familj tirade of abuse against his wife that composed the choir were Kendall was away and tbe bouse on Wood Mason, Harry Messrsohmlth, Dough with delirium tremens Christmas tions and draped with smilax, stood on Next Sunday the congregation will Roundsman Flynn and Patrolman Eve, and attempted to kill his wire, the platform, in company with a hand meet for the first time In the newland avenue, where they now live, was Higgius, beard it a block away. They lass Murphy, Roland Chandor, Walter empty save for himself. He, too. was Hockridge, Raymond Cohen, Fred- pursuing her about the house with a •ome palm. Sunday school room at Trinity Re investigated and told Wallace to be carving knife. Tbe Christmas exercises of the formed church, and will continue to to go away on Christmas and join his quiet. Then Wallace came down to erick Pope, L. H. VanBuren and W. family. B. Cock. The latter is the oldest Gordon has been drinking to ex 8unday-school were held in the after- meet there until the upper part of tbe clean out the police and Hlgglns took member of the choir, and is also one cess of late, and was also a cigarette neon, at tbe usual hour. Tbe first sanctuary Is completed. The services Catling took pity on Brock and him away to jaiL Once before, about of the Tery faithful ones. Tbe choir smoker. On Friday night he returned number on the programme was an in' will be held at the usual hours, and no treated him to a drink. Mellowed by a year ago, tbey bad an adventure sang exceedingly well and reflected Dome early in the evening and seemed strumental trio, a paraphrase of one need have any fears concerning the foaming liquid. Catling opened with Wallace. He drank too much much credit on their teacher, Mrs. in fairly good spirits. He bad been "Stilly night, sacred night," by Mrs.the walls of the new room being damp up bis heart to the shivering outcast and then went to the Seventh Day Freeman. drinking more or less during the day. B. T. Barnes, organ; Mrs. M. E. Tbe walls are now thoroughly dry and took him borne with him. There Baptist cemetery to get tbe left bind An interesting feature of the pro Suddenly the delirium came upon Dwight, piano: and P. LudwigConde, and there will be no danger of anyone be clad him in warm underclothing foot of a rabbit. He fell asleep there, gramme was- the short address by him. The man became a demon and violin. The words of tbe hymn were taking cold. and gave him an old overcoat to bet-and was nearly frozen to death. This President Ooddard, of the Board of exerted his best efforts to kill his wife. read by Miss Katherine Dwtgfat, tbe Last evening the members of the ter withstand tbe chilly blasts. They time tbe Judge fined him $5. The woman fled screaming with Gor three Instrumentalists playing the air Sunday-school celebrated Christmas dined together and Catling remember- Managers. He made an appropriate ed that it was Christmas Eve. He bad One bedraggled looking man cele- speech which was full of cheer for don in full pursuit, brandishing the and accompaniment.
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