
The Glenville Mercury Number 14 Clcnville State College, Glenvdle , W ~sl \ Irglllia Friday, Novemher 22, 1974 Orallnterp Class Presents HBrecht" On December 5 and 6 at 8 :00 p .m., the Lillie Theatre will p"y tribute to the literature of Bertolt Brecht in an Oral Interpretation performance of Brecht on Brecht. The play, performed by Sp. 306, I,a collec tion of fragments - poems, snatches of ng, Isolated scenes lestimony before Congrcss. letters, ~Ic "As the man who takes a brick alOll? to show the world ",hat hiS house was like." It was prepared by George Tabori for performanL'c In Jaek ie Stricker Rex Coombs New York in 1967, sOll1e c1~vcn years after Brecht's death m 1956. The Illam task of the play 1\ 10 JUSI a few of the characters that will be on hand for Sadie Hawkins allow actors to act as witnesse, 10 festivities Saturday sponsored by Thela Xi fraterlllly, Judas) Mary Join Superstar Cast speak, to say , directly c-onfrontlng tlw audience. "Her~ IS whal h~ Portraying th~ c haracters of Mar) at Glenville, Concord and In other said." And what Brecht ""lid" IS full Magdalene and Judas I=iot in the area' o f WVa of rontradiclion"-lolitrauiL-tiom of musIc department's upL'Oming per­ Coombs ha, had previous ex­ fact of style and of t,·dlnlllu,'. He tormance of Jesus Christ Superstar peflence Wit h b i I part' In high Men Run For Lives opposed stage "realislll," ca lling it are Jackie Stricker and Rex Coombs. ,chool and hl' also hl'lped put to­ "~lIrhen drama," but crealed SOllie Ms. Stricker, Mary Magdalen~, gether varkt) ,how,. 01 our century's 1lI0st 'i'~ li ev able" JUnior piano maJor. attended Herbert Coombs IS a -.ophomore, and he characterll.at;o", III Mother Cour­ Hoover High School ",here she par­ has changed hiS major from trumpel to voice . In the fulure he hopes to ag..: "lackie and Baal Hawkins' tiCipated in the school chorus, all­ At 'Sadie Hrccht was rc!!a rd l'e1 as one of county chorus and the Harmon­ make It in musIc on al least a semi­ flH.' most effective l'lll.'mIC:rr. of the aires. She IS a member and accompan­ profeSSional bel. hy Joe Mills fI'" 01 Hiller I h~ wa' >cco nd on I he ISt of the GSC concert chOir and a When asked hi, feding' on thc Yep folk" te marrow iz th' day Th' Mayor 0' Dogpatch iz th' Ii<t 10 be e'termlnaled bchilld member of the Glenville State Coll­ production he said " I Ihink II tries what every 'ingl man in an' around cheef cook and top bottle washer Georg.,' Gro'lJ. bllt he flcd Ge rmany ege Minnesingers, a small vocal group. to show that Judas IS a human b~lIlg Dogpalch trule hates. Sadie Hawkins 0' th' hole shootin' match as he , 10 1933, 'llL'nl Ihe m'x i eight year: After graduation she plans to teach and to quote Superstar " He "" Da y Thais th' day 0' Ih ' year when the man what will start off th' In exile and wald,ed World War II elementary school, and give private used . " Ih' wlmmen folk what arc in th' festivitties at 12 :30 p.m. temarrow 1rOIll Hall) woan, whl're he was grin­ The following arc Crew Members marrin' mood kill run down any out at th' 4-H grounds. lessons. She said she is really el1loy­ tim!! oul ~l'Cm.lII O' rh:.It no onc'\vould ing working in Superstar and thinks for the production of the rock egible man what 1£ flpe fer manin-: All 0' th' Dogpatch' family. iz film. gor.na bec there. Mammy and Pappy the play is fantastic. opera, Jesus Christ Superstar. I' Vl'ryom' 1\ nol cordlall) IIl VI­ Any man whal IZ ketched bye a Yokum, Eddie Rickctyback, Lone­ Rex Coombs. Judas. attended Lighting: Dave Brown, Tom I,'d to attcnd . Brecht on Brecht IS wimmen will bee hllched bye the some Polecat, th' Skunk Holler Rra xton County High Sc hool where Isenhart, Anne Isenhart, Joe Boyd, not Ihl' ,or I of th,'alflcal arrange­ afflshal Dogpatch preecher, Marrin' Boys, th' Skagg Brothers, Eagle Eye he played the trumpet in thc band. Kim Johnson, Lec Harbert, Raylcm' menl ) o u tak~ your children 10 Sam. Th' weddin' will bc per-formed Fleagle an' every live critter in and He was also a member of many small Ray and Dave Harry You ,houldn' I ,'omc e llh~r ~ . ) ou fer th ' small fee 0' two hen-berrys. aroun' Dogpatch will bee there with rock groups throughout his high House Management and Props: don't Wish to pal a 101 III thoughl . (I-Jcn-berrys IZ aigs fer you clty­ bells on fer all 0' th' activittics. ,chool years and is presently 111 the Connie Cottrill, Christy Nida, Marsha Brecht on Brecht I' nol a Iidy (la"K­ slikers who don' t savvy Dogpatch Th' annal sack races will bee band "Judas" "Judas" has rlayed Scarbro, Brenda Smith and Susan agl' . bOllnd b y no fl'(l'd body of lingo) Now wonst you git these held to determin th' best one-legged Mouser. IcchnK)ue o r Iheor} . bul perhaps by aigs YOll bust 'cm over Marrin' runner in these parts while the Mak e-up: Annelsenhart,Stcphanie It s very ,pontancity, Ib sl'lf -contra­ Sam', noggll1 <Jcst pretend he's looser is left hold in' th' bag. Davis, Sherry Horne, Janel Griffin, d let IOn', It best nllfrors Brecht. I he yo re Iiltle brother). This Jestur Will Christmas Concert Talk has it that th' 4 yccr Kim Johnson, Judy Dillow, Raylenc man, Ihe roct and the e1ramat 1St , ray YOll up even-Steven with th' cham peen ci-gar smoker Kay Woody Ray, Joe Boyd, Joanna ken hower, who exhorled hiS performers to d is­ rrcecher man. will bee back to show th' world and Melod ie Jane" card sympathy and thc wmmonr lau' But don'l think thats' all 0' Scheduled Dec. 8 th' happenins cause theres plenly why shc iz th' champeen in th' Costumes: A nne Isenhart, Marty and work for ··a:-. tonl'\hll1 ~' J1t:' Harmon, Stephanie Davis, Kim Mark II on yO U( ca ll-n d"1 Jrecht 0' good time 10 be had by~ all. remail d-gar smokin' chamrcenships. The GSC Conl'ert Choir will sin~ Johnson, Joe Boyd. Sherry Horne, I'er all th' slikers who think ItS Christmas program on on Brecht, December 7 and 8.8:00 Sunda~ theys th' best climber aroun, we's December 8, at 8:00 in the evenine. Vicki Jones. Jane Harry, Stan Taylor, pm in th~ Lillie Theatrc of the Ad gonna have the slickest greased pole This annual program of Christm~s Tamara Sandwell and Judy Dillow. Bldg . StallO!; capacily IS lim ited and Students Register ever with a prize of five gcctcrs music is becoming an annual tradi­ PubliCity ' Sandy Roberts, Judy doors will c1o,e rromrlly at 8 :00pm ( $5 ) at th' top. So if you think yore lion and will agam this year be pre­ Dillow, Janet Cunningham, Jane It costs you nothing but having to a pcrty good climber ya better sented in the college Auditorium. Harry ,StanTaylor,Chuck Crookshanks, ,'01'" with your own Inlnd. For Classes In Dec. Greg James, Ann Isenhart, Vicki slide bye at Sad Ie Hawkins Day The mUSIc which ha\ been in Brf!cht on Brecht is brought to 1 he Regl'lrar ha, a nnoun"ed the Jones Steve Nichols, Michael Brown. a n take a chance at th' prize, prepara tion since the semester began you by Samue l French, Inc . of New schedule for pre-n'g I,lra llon for sec­ Se t Construction: Gary Gillespie, Bul if ya dont do 100 good ranges from late Sixteenth Century York. Brecht on Brecht IS ncrformed ond <eme,ler. All 't~ldl'nls who will Judy Ditlow, Ja net Cunningham, Ihere, we's holdin' th' apple bobbin' to contemporary Twentieth-Century for you by Dorothy Wright. l!:trbara be returning Ill ay rcgl'.,lcr any day Gordon Allen, Shae Turncr, Chuck champl'enship' of all th' Eastern works. The style of these work, Stemple, Melanic Hcss J)avid Stover, dUfing I h~ weeb of Del' 2 to 6 and Crookshanks. Stan Taylor, Rick United State, and evcn Wes' Virglnc. naturally mvers the gamut from Joanna Icenhower . Roberta Luik-­ Del' 9 to 13 belween 9 a.m and Wallcr, Gary Bramblc, Joe Boyd , Ya betler be good if ya 'spect to "heavy" to " "gh t." hart and Bruce Brumag,'. Brecht on 12 noo n Jnd agam fro m I p .m. to Kim Johnson , Greg James, Raylene beet th' d ~ fe ndln ' ehampeens Marie na Older mUSll' is reprl',ented by Brecht is directed by Jea nne Kobus­ 4 pm. Arter completing Ihe 1'0110"' 10); Ray. Susan l' lcshcr, Me linda White. Smllh and Joe Mills tho ug h. plcces by Hassler. Praetorlus, and I.ewski . ~Iep" stude nls '" ho p"y the ir ft'~s II a ll that alnlenuff thcresgonna Durantc. The Ninetecnth Century during pre-regislrallo n nCl'd on l) 10 IH-*******)( )( )( )I )I )( )I )I: I( • I( : b~e w heelba rro' rJce" piggy-back "arks arc by Brahms and Bruckner. bC'g1n cla"es 10 January The 'IL'P' ral'l". loh,ICk ,1 "p lttm' l'ont~'t. tug.­ Twentieth-Centur) composers are Community Chorus There will not be an issue of the are : I Siudenl, ,hou ld ",e th~tr o'-\\ar , lo~ Ihro\l•.
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