llle\-cU'l"'J The Glenville Mercury Musinqs-___ Student Neapapn GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Lirbt Vote Ia Polled As Clarence lliDkle Ia Second, Bona Ia Tbinl rru.t -JeJ. '47, ot rona-. wa.s •inner In the -JectScm fm prealdmt or Lho rtudmt bocly held hero laat Prlday. Wltb -­ llallo7. acttna P"''ickut, sorvinc u poU clerk. Bowles wu e.lteted to tm a n­ ancy ere .. t.ed when Nlcbolu Murt.a complec.td work tor hLs deane loDd wh.hdrew a.t. the end of 11.st. ..... est.u. llr. BaUey •Joe- prtatden\ of tbo student body. has bee:n acllnr u president. wuu an eleet.lon COUld be held. R~urn• of t.he election &how tba& Bowls ca.rrled t.he eltcUon wU.b a plunll:y or 47 wbUo Clu..,.. llln­ l<le. '47. of R.lollwO<MI. pollo4 M votes a.nd Elo!ae BorP '47, receiftd lJ .-. P'r1day'a voting was unusu~ 111ht. accoununc u • result ol hetYJ mow----. Statewide Meeting Of Vet11 Potlfponed OLENVILLE, h4>. 20 -A ­ day .stateWide IDOOUng Of Weat Vlr­ KiniA coUeat veterans Lo ban beeD held a.t Glenville State eoUece OD Prlday and Saturday. I'd>. 21 and 22. haa ~ cance~ because al unfavorable <Aeathe.r cond.1Uons. LOcal vrterana grou.- or ill~ e<1 veunna at Davb-l!:lldna cobep, l(orrla HAney eoll... oa-.1 «11- "-• Po!Dmae State con-. Aldor­ eon-Broaddu.. co~. Kounu.!D GSC Students State suaan... coucso. ol Parll:era­ burg, have bten lnlormecl ot Lhc dedslans to cancel t.he meet!Da' by May Get Rl>bm. BlaiN. president ot t2>e Jots local v~rans rroup at. Oleorille State eoU~e . Sluclenta at GleovWe 8Yt.e col­ Sebedulod to speak al tbo - lq-e may havt • cha.nee at. jobs u day conclave wJa T. B. CPat> IIIII; in coUJl.lcl.lon c.tle summer eamp Qovran, dJ.reetor or U1e West Vlr­ tor chlldren. •rllt.ed by tbe em­ clnlt Department ar Vetorana Ill· plo~ of ~Ide and Ol.rboa 1\llnl. The m.. tlng Is postponed liD· Ohtm.M:ab corporulon. accord.lna to Ul an unde&.ermtned tuture dt'te.. Prt.s. o L. aauaht J . 1!1. Shlpp. of the I.DdU>Irial ft<o­ A diUChl.eT, BIJ1J&ra KathlftD, laUona Doparl:moDt ot the oorpc>Ta· RU born to Mr and Mn. Pnd Uon baa asked lbat partjcularly W•Us In a Charleston hospital, r.b. quallllod applicant> be ...rmoec~ to lb. ,e mother 11 the to.rmer Mlll him bJ Dr. BauchL Jtat!llem Wolfe. Both paftllla are The need !s roc both you.nc wom- rormer nndents. ~ =:'in·~~ ~ r-B---,,.-,-T-e_le_p_L___ -.-- cblldrm and who 11rould bo lesd· e<&& no.- ~ ;:.=~..penono.~ chan<ur WUl Celebrate camp will bo _,.l«< 1n June, IOOth btrth bate July, and Auauat- Pl>r Lhc flm. year. Alarloa ..W be •12Zi per month lor TaWnr by telephone Is Juot ·­ rmenJ co\lll5dlo~ and up to tl50 lnl what coma DatW'alb" to &be peor mout.b tor tboee c.Urecttna a modern aeneratJon. but ~ very In apoctal aoUvltlea. OOun­ '017 lew ever slop to tblnk ot 1t1o sellon wW bear only their pensoo­ lnventor or that there !WM oD::e a al eJQM!:DieS while a.t camp. world Without lt. Punhe.r l.nlormatloo can be ob­ On ll&rcb 3. we ob&ene the t OOCb tained from tbe president's office. annlverwry ot the birth of Alea­ &nde:r Graham Bell, tbe. ldeuUit wbo CODiributed Lhll lnatnlment to Keeneyl11 Speaker bualneu ~nd -">ly. Bell'a an. At Y .M.C.A.. Meeting crude teiepebono .,.. pateatod 1n 181'1 and eahtbtted at the Cmteo· Janke Ann Reed I• Yooma ......,.. Chr1oUan Asoocla­ nlaJ ll:lr!UIUOD. Addition Uon launched Dew Ldeu a.ud ambt· Tbe telephone ,.. on.1J rme of Mercuru'• UODs when .Je.mea ltemey ~ke t1>e many prooducta of Bell's ID..,.­ Bead1lDa -·· lit. Oos>7'• all ion nllbt 011, ~ Lho U>oe U•e mln4. He deoiiDecl tba pll-. .._. nm lloiiiiROORY didn't ot Ood 1n D1U17 Uv!Da. • pbooo by whloh -.lido ....., ...,_• ........ ~ten refilled to .,.u. Mr. Jtoeney IIOCd Matthew 7:20; cd lllv a Ylbn>IGrJ belom al llsbt IUICI Wlult'a ......,.? WhJ, tho eclltor'a ''Tbereln... .., LheJr lnllta yo &hall - tolopboao probe whloh - had Just-. faCI>ftl tnow tbem." a.Dd the stiOrY of RUth bullotalnLhebqmaD~. A 1 and 1·2 puuo4 rtrl. Wbo baa to lurtber llluat:rate bJs objective. -- Bell'a acbJn.-nta IDUA been nam.--d .Janke A.Dn. wu born Prof. John R. w ...,or aDd about not be lcqotten that "' ac.cbiD4I to Mr. and Mn. Re<d on ten - _, ~1. OO<qe --..-to -"'aDd ln­ ~An, ...... Boob Rev. Orover J . Job.aloo, pu1or Pel> lt, at tb& w..--rte111 .._•• Adam~, 'ftct·presldeut, was ae:ltct.-­ ltldd library hu added or Trinity M'<thodlol cburob, Ia en­ ltrUotlna ID Lhc - fll ....... r tal. Both mot.her &Dd dauct>cer are ecs 1.1 proc:ram leader for t.be nen spet<b. Dl 11'12, ha _...., • - ._ .. abth'u reooenu, a 21-volume 1n ..,ed a rev•vu meeUna n dOlnC WtD.. Ume. lnlocboal lorteach.,..of~~ • al "Tile Dlcllon&TJ ot NaUonal crooked auo. Tilt- mother &a the former Rachel and of apeech delocta. ~,.. .. Tbete refere.nce boob A' preeent. • book review 11 belnl Hull. Til<> lath«, tdll.ot' ot '1'111: Gloria Roeora form« otuclmt a>ouldo<>Otho -'4- - .....bad bJ tbe Odard Onl· conducLed at Trinity cb...,.h each IIIEROURY, Ia a •OioeND llld - vlal1ecl Oo.y - Rftcly - -t Lhll -1 oUJIWllwt.ao oo t1>e - &w>d., niiJtt. bore. -ODd. 1001h IUIDJYft'OUJ of hll lllrUL Mercury-470225-1.jpg PqeTwo THE GLENVILLE JORCURY [. lE ~ R'f (Q) I!U AlL. S r~~~~: Q. J:. IS.OW. .BicllJ.rd, }'QJl'll w bali I<> oj)Oil uP t.bal ~iiii' aDdTel J:.II' ._C.A. l~ World Service Groul! ~ :..i1..t211Ul!.l.!!! !>..~all. brow rhiM !lew and all!"erriit lila When Glen.ville State College co-eds belm~g to the Yolllllf ~vecyooe else doesn't already know. Women's Cbriatian association, they are a Part of the old; Ready now? eet and largest international ocganization of women, 'With af. Notlee the Student OOUDtll pln Vema Dean Ell.IJ 15 wearlns? Jtnow filiates in 69 countries. who tbe original owner Ia? see H. This year Y. W. C. A. celebrates its 89th birthday. Now a Reese here a eouple week-ends it provides housing, companionship and recreation for young ago? Now you lmow all tbe answers. women away from family and home in 436 communities In don't you? the United State,s. · 0~1 ,..,...,..,tlll>.lo.Jor•l· Elsewhere as at GSC, Y.W.C.A. inspires many lives tine H.• ~~~~ stbay oC11If de~tmenl. through its vocational and, cultural programs and leadership lrb HeiDer •nd IEd_,d Willi-. training. This association endeavors to establish every­ ReaDy dolnr aU ~bl lh- now, where the development of character, mind and body through lU'all't JOU aUf You'd nev~r aues.s what Campus a program of work, play, fellowship and worship. Co-ed Jim COOk's Nol"'llAniicnm Thirty countries in which there are organizations were hear; beat 1s ldnda jealous of and bitterly afflicted by the war. To help the young people of bicsuse or . Yes, &he Ia too. bUt these countries through the disillusionment of the post-war uk .lim tor more and further LD­ years, the Round-the-World Y.W.C.A. Reconstruction Fund lormatlon ~bout. that.. has been organized. LOolr.s OS I! Kathryn Elllo\t has WA!;RJNGTI)N, D. C.-Tw<nl.y·oae-JOU·oW 1.. ...,._ Y.W.C.A. is one example of the services an organization ~:'~":.:, ~o~t '.::'o~:·.. ~.::.:t;:"~ Rep. E G Robrboarh, wen ~lnla Tbb<l Dlstriel, ror aWac may render.-Fonda Wellings. more campusoklgy counes tor .her palntment. 1\5 ch1et ~ or the maJarit.J In lhe Roue of llepre-~1 just now . • she's aU finisbed with Uns. Concnssman Robrboa,h, a lone Ume eduea&.ar. Is lnt.es&ed Hopeful World Awaits Moscow Conference th•~."~.~~d~:· r••pe•tne. or ::;:,:-:!::mt;.!"":'~~r"~~:.,~:e,.:..~:, ~'::... ~::: eour:se. Uaat a certain red·hair~ r1t .Joe's more imrntdlalc :unblUon!l ts &o wAn &be pririlq:e of The coming Moscow conference of the Big Four Foreign 1 freshman 1a71 abe's Jasl po&lllveb ~ ::::o~n~~:::,..-: ~Jr!.:C:.::e:. :::0.:: :'.!!. Ministers promises to be a difficult one involving issues of ;eLUDe t1red or tvnlnc down national and international importance. Such an issue is the German treaty, which optimists hope data.lowsf l.sn'LBow a&bou.a word tbat to now,Lb.e wUe.FeJ. ~;C;Ia;r;u;b;ar&';;;;;bo;y;;;;;bas;;;;;-;;;;;DOd;;;;;~lh;;;;;e~prl;-ri-....,_;:::::~~;=;~==;~l will surrldenl . or Ia ll lrJ, make a good beginning toward writing since it is re­ lr1 .,...., garded as the most important: matter facing the conference. Screen Sketcha It is obvious that the final German peace treaty will per­ Don't )IOU all thh~ our edltor bas a fatherly look about blm laldy? DISGIJSTED force have to wait for the establishment of a German gov­ Blame tt. au oo tne Stork . - . and ernment wbich, as yet, is a long way off. Uttle Jan.lne. Anne. Wbt n the day arow• dart and Bart Plap At Plctareland Observers believe that for the sake of Germany and the Isn't lt about tlme that we men· Instead or blue, \.he sldee world, some sort of economic unity in tbe Reich should be tloned Jewell Cain and BW Bla>:k? The.
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