May 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E485 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EXPRESSING GRATITUDE TO demic it is so inspiring to learn of citizens vol- ice to the Colorado State Patrol, died serving MARK PETTITT FOR HIS SERV- unteering to assist persons in need. A classic their communities and it is an honor to recog- ICE TO AMERICA example is Aimee Crosby of Pelion, South nize them for their sacrifice. Carolina, who was highlighted in the article, f ‘‘How sweet it is’’ by Kay Collins on April 23rd HON. MO BROOKS HONORING CHING KA LAU AS A in The Lexington Chronicle: OF ALABAMA DISTINGUISHED LEADER IN CEN- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A special recognition to Sweet Magnolias Deli Grille for partnering with the Pelion TRAL FLORIDA FOR ASIAN Wednesday, May 27, 2020 Senior Center to aid their Meals On Wheels. AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, Owner Aimee Crosby advised WLTX that after ably and honorably serving as my chief they have been able to keep all of their em- HON. DARREN SOTO ployees on the payroll. Because the commu- of staff for more than 9 years, Mark Pettitt will OF FLORIDA nity has been supportive, they wanted to pay IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retire in June. Mark has provided exceptional it forward. leadership, and I’ve greatly benefited from Sweet Magnolias joined Meals On Wheels Wednesday, May 27, 2020 having him as my chief advisor. I will miss his to provide homebound seniors additional Mr. SOTO. Madam Speaker, Ching Ka Lau, sound and candid guidance. meals to have enough food to last all week. a native of Hong Kong, has been a resident of When asked how he came to be my chief The meals include one meat and three sides, Orlando since 1999. In 2005, Mr. Lau and his of staff, Mark will often reply, ‘‘I complained a roll and desert. Each plate has enough food wife, Shally Wong, first published Asia Trend about politics too many times to an old friend.’’ for 2 meals. The community has donated $600 and aims to raise $5,000 for 20 weeks of Magazine, which has become a registered 501 That is only partly true. Really, it was Mark’s meals. (c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission deeply ingrained sense of patriotism that led The restaurant has started a GoFundMe of strengthening understanding and commu- him to Capitol Hill. page to help raise money. To donate please nication for the local Asian American commu- Mark’s tenure as chief of staff caps an al- visit Sweet Magnolia’s Facebook page or nity. ready exemplary career as a successful pri- GoFundMe.com ‘‘Bridging the Gap—Pelion.’’ Over many years, Mr. Lau has worked tire- vate sector engineer. For Mark, there are few Call Aimee Crosby during normal business lessly together with local volunteers and more patriotic acts than simply working hard hours for details. commnunity leaders to organize enriching cul- and contributing each day to America’s eco- Lexington County Recreation and Aging tural events in Central Florida, including the Commission, Council of Aging thanks Sweet nomic and industrial prowess. Magnolias who generously donated their very first annual Dragon Parade in Orlando’s Mark worked hard throughout his career. He time and resources to make sure 25 home- Mills 50 District during the Lunar New Year, earned both his masters and undergraduate bound seniors are not forgotten. Their East- the Asian Cultural Festival during May, and degrees in engineering from Brigham Young ern dinners were delivered by Laura Dowey, the Asian Cultural EXPO in October. These University. He served as an R&D Engineer Pelion’s Senior Center Director, and her cultural events have helped bridge together and Project Manager at Wylie Laboratories in daughter. thousands of members of the community in Huntsville, Alabama from 1978 to 1989. While f sharing the culture of Asia with local Central at Wylie, Mark earned his Professional Engi- Florida residents, particularly the youth, and neer license. He went on to work as an Exec- NATIONAL POLICE WEEK 2020 helping to foster pride, inclusion, and diversity. utive Consultant and Product Manager for For his work with Asia Trend, Mr. Lau re- Intergraph Corporation from 1989 to 2010. As HON. KEN BUCK ceived the Ellison S. Onizuka Humanitarian an aside, Mark is a 10th degree Jiu Jitsu black OF COLORADO Award at the 2010 Asian American Chamber belt. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Commerce of Central Florida Golden Drag- Given his private sector background, Mark ons Awards. Mr. Lau and Asia Trend work to- Wednesday, May 27, 2020 offers a unique perspective on federal policy gether with many groups of amazing and pas- issues. Always one to put America first, Mark Mr. BUCK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to sionate volunteers who come together to edu- has been particularly active in addressing recognize National Police Week. Taking place cate, connect and engage the community in America’s trade imbalances and has long ad- during the week of May 10 through 16, 2020, discussions about Asia’s history, arts, and cul- vocated for trade policies that benefit Amer- National Police Week highlights our brave tures. ican workers. men and women in uniform for all their hard Ching Ka Lau is also one of the founders of As Mark’s career concludes, I cannot thank work keeping their communities safe. In the CHARGE Dragon Boat Team, the first Asian him enough for the value he provided me, the Fourth District of Colorado we are lucky to American team to promote the ancient Chi- Tennessee Valley, and America. I wish Mark have many exemplary law enforcement offi- nese sport of dragon boating in the community joy and contentment as he embarks on this cers serving the public every day. These dedi- for team building, unity, and a healthy lifestyle. next phase of life. He is looking forward to en- cated individuals risk their lives to protect oth- f joying well-deserved time with his wife, Diane, ers and are deserving of our deepest grati- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 102ND five children—John, Jared, Ben, Nichole, and tude, especially during the COVID–19 pan- ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEMO- Joseph—and 12 grandchildren. Mark has demic. I am proud to celebrate the many law CRATIC REPUBLIC OF AZER- earned every bit of that family time. enforcement officers in Colorado. BAIJAN America is a stronger, more prosperous na- I also rise to recognize the ultimate sacrifice tion thanks to Mark’s exemplary career. made by several police officers while serving HON. PAUL COOK f in Colorado’s 4th district. Corporal Daniel H. Groves of the Colorado State Patrol was killed OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING SWEET MAGNOLIAS in a vehicle accident during a blizzard on DELI AND GRILLE March 13, 2019. He was assisting a motorist Wednesday, May 27, 2020 who had skidded off the road when another Mr. COOK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to HON. JOE WILSON vehicle lost control and struck him. Master recognize the 102nd Anniversary of the Demo- OF SOUTH CAROLINA Trooper William James Moden, also of the cratic Republic of Azerbaijan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colorado State Patrol, was killed while assist- On May 28, 1918, Azerbaijan gained inde- ing at the scene of a previous accident on pendence from the Russian Empire and be- Wednesday, May 27, 2020 June 14, 2019. He was also tragically struck came the first secular parliamentary democ- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam by a passing vehicle. These brave men, both racy in the Muslim world. Unfortunately, Vladi- Speaker, in the midst of the Wuhan Virus pan- of whom had twelve years of dedicated serv- mir Lenin’s Bolsheviks invaded Azerbaijan in ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 May 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27MY8.001 E27MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 27, 2020 1920 and incorporated it into the Soviet Union RECOGNIZING MISS CLEO STEELE was taken to a new level when he served as a few years later. When the Soviet Union col- the Convention Chair for the 33rd AAPI Con- lapsed in 1991, Azerbaijan declared independ- HON. TOM RICE vention and Scientific Assembly held in Or- ence and was quickly recognized by the OF SOUTH CAROLINA lando in June 2015. Dr. Parikh prides himself United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on taking a hands-on approach to positively impacting healthcare and education for chil- After restoring diplomatic relations in 1992, Wednesday, May 27, 2020 the United States and Azerbaijan began a dren, both as a board member for A Gift for partnership that has continued to this day. Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Madam Speak- Teaching and as part of community outreach Azerbaijanis have fought alongside American er, I rise today to recognize a very special initiatives addressing childhood obesity and troops in the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq, lady, Miss Cleo Steele, founder and President healthy eating programs. He is also a devoted and their country was among the first to ex- of the North Myrtle Beach Republican Club cultural leader to the Indian-American commu- press support for the United States after the and also a very dear friend. nity, serving each year as the chair of the offi- September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
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