Victorian Beer· Label Collectors' Society MAY 1987 VOLUME 16 No.3 NEWSLETTER The International Society of Label Co/lectors- Australian Brewery Research VICTORIAN BEER LABEL COLLECTORS' SOCIETY PATHONS: Al'STJ{ALIA:-.: BREW ERIES PRESIDENT: L. Godden, 1319 North Rd., Clayton, 3168. (03) 544-1374 V.PRESJDENt: J. Hepworth; 5 Willow Cres., Campbelltown, 5074. (08) 337-509 J SECRETARY: G. Crompton, 11 Dublin Ave., Strathmore, 3041. (03) 379-4375 TREASURER : A. Freer, 28 Allnut Pde., Cheltenham, 3 192. (03) 584-1353 EDITOR : J. Wilks, 65 Tiverton Dr., Mulgrave, 3170. (03) 561-4221 RAFFLE CO-ORDINATOR: G. Crompton To enable smoother operation of our Society, would members please co-operate as follows : 1. Forward all monies to the Treasurer, except for rafOes. 2. Forward all contributions for the Newsletter to the Editor. 3. All general Society business, requests for labels from the Society stocks, contributions and raffle ticket requests to the Secretary. 4. New members and changes of address to the Treasurer. 5. Please forward an S.A.E. with all correspondence that requires a reply. MEMBERSHIP FEES JOINING FEE: $1.00 AustraHan. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: $10.00 Australian, due and payable on July 1st, plus any levies that rna y be called PRO-RATA FEES: After October 31st, $7.00 Australian. After February 28th, $4.00 Australian. Overseas members requiring the Newsletter by Air-mail, please add A$7.00 extra to cover postage. U.S., N.Z., U.K., and Canadian currencies accepted This Journal ia copyrigh~. None o! the COJltenta ~the . "VictoriJm.Be~r La~l Collectors' &otiety N~waletter" is to be reproduced or uaea m any manner Without t e pn.9r pernu11111on 1n wnting of the Editor and the Secretary o llie ::;oc1ety. V.B.LC.S. The International Society of Label Collectors - Australian Brewery Research Thi s newsletter I was going to feature s tout Labels from Australia. h owever when utting them together I realized that P ,...tout ~ brewed there were a lot mo re o ~ around Australia than I had t houq~t. so I am featuring Victorian labels onl ·~ · <Yes I know Coopers is from S.A. but 1t i s a Victorian l abel.) APRIL MEETING NOTES This was a - try -out of the proposed new venue for meetings - the Roy al · Hotel, North Melbourne. The area reserv ed for us was spaci o u s and not too far fro m the bar. and whilst our usual venue has been s atisfactory . it was the general opinion that t he hotel was much more s u itable and we will t ry to make it our permanent v enue. We wer e pleased to see o ur Pres ide nt • Laurie Godden who i s recovering nicel y f r om hi s recent heart o p eratio n, and a surpri s e v i s itor was Kerry Walton from Brisbane who, with his wife Ev el yn, i s paying a short visit to Melbourne and took the opport unity to attend the meeting. It was reported to the meeting t h a t b o th the proposed c hange t o the Society name and the sugges tion of incorporation were con s idered a nd it was decided that neither be proc eeded with at this stage. Jac k Wi l ks info rmed the me e ting that t h e Old Ball arat Vil l age Br ewery had been sol d a nd t he n ame changed t o the Soverei g n Brewe r y . The n e w p o licy is that t h e y wil l not be issuing spe cial labels. The Soc i ety is in credit with t he b rewery a n d they have pr o mised to s e nd O.B. V. label s to take c are of t h i s , but there seems to be s o me delay . Alex Freer h a nde d over mo r e U. K. label s a n d these will b e s ent to t h e partici pants as s oo n as t h e y are s orted. The Castlema ine Pe rkins cat a l ogu e is now r eady f o r printi ng a nd has been p assed o n to Alex Fr e er who s h oul d have it rea d y f or t h e June meeting. We are now start ing with t he Queensland Br ewe r ies cat a l 6gue. Terry Rya n a d v i s ed tha t a mini - brewery is p l anne d f or We st Geel ong and members gave u p- t o -the-minute news of o ther mi ni -brewerie s , (see e l sewh ere in this n ews l e t ter . ) So me members tried the s peci a lity of the house, a Bengal Blast er - a nd said i t was liquid d yna mite . Al e x Freer had s o me O. B. V. s p eci a l bott l es (full > for t h e me mbers . John Long s howed s ome interesting poster repro d uctio n s of o l d beers , whi l e J ack Wi l ks s howed h i s e f f ort s o f r e produc i n g o l d l abel s o n T-shirts. S o u t h Australi a n Breweries a dvi sed t h a t t hey have s u ccessfull y launc hed a 500mL bott l e , but Carl t on a nd Un i ted Br e we ries stol e t h e s how wi t h a l i mi ted rel eas e o f Richmo nd La ger in t h e origi n a l design and colours , r umo u r h as it t h a t t h e y may h ave released a seco nd design . l The f o rthcomi n g Brewe r ian a Auction to be r un by t h e Vi ctori a n Coa s ter Club was the n di s cussed and t h e meet i ng voted against the d irect i n v ol veme n t o f the So c i ety l eaving to indivi dual me mb ers to take par t as they saw f it . The raff l e was drawn and the wi nners were : A 67 p ale green G. Va n Wyngaarden Vic . A 61 wh ite L . Ger des NSl•J. A 6 whi t e H. Willi a ms TAS . C 29 wh ite F: • t·1i 1 e s V I C . The r e mai nder of t h e meeti n g was th~n given over to exchanging label s a n d samp l i n g some o f the wi de range of l ocal and i mported beers a vail a bl e at t h e b a r . The Comm1tt~e welcomes t~~ followi~g to the VBLCS. Godi -Maibach, 260 Barrett St . Bracken Ri dge Queensland 4017, Ll-00 ) Neil Morgan P.O.Box 38 Ceduna St.h. {..iustral i a 56s:·o .. (member·· 401) ,J. r"ic 1"1<:~nu ~- , F·: . D. 1 T e. F·r_w oa F:c.i. Ngaruawahia , New Zealand. J.J.Bergoc . 1007 E.Estevan Ave. Acache Junction Arizona 85219 US A. (rtH::mber 40:2) NE XT t1EETING . will be held at the Roval Hotel 75 Flemington Rd . North Melbourne commencing at 1.00 PM on Sundav 14th June . Come along and sample the bi'"E \--~',:; , tEditot-s note: 1f c\ f'I V rnemtJet-s wa.nt to get ·a +lving <:..tart. the b.~ • is ooen at 12 noon.) NEll! ISSUE ~: The Secretarv thanks the following members for information on new issues L.Godden, O.Evans, J.Wilks, A.MacKenzie. C.Pelton and C. O'Brien. We still need regular information on label s +rorn Queensland, NSW and W.A. as we cannot relv on the Melbourne bottle shops to have the new issues. EF'HEt'IEF:A ~:me I ETY The Eohemera Soc1etv of Australia. which encompasses all cr1nted material of a fleeting or pass1nq nature, includ1ng beer labels and brewerv advertisinq, is to hold their inauqral exhibition in t h e Queen•s Hall of the State Librarv of Victoria during Auaust/September . Unfortunatel Y, material for display had to be notified by the end of April. however VBLCS members who are interested in further details of the soc1etv can contact: Honor Godfrev , The Ephemera Societv of Australia, 345 Hi chelt Streel Richmond Victoria 3121. ELECTION nF OFFICE B~A~ERS: Nominat ions were called for in the March Newsletter. and as none were r:eceivel1 bv the closinq date, <the i-lP I·- il meetinq) ttH: i i'" E":tir· irH;J cbmm1ttee all who offered themsel v es ~or election are therefore dul \ ,·e-t?.l~.:ted. SWAP: SHOP George Crompton. 11 Dublin Ave. Strathmore 3041. is seeking a further lot of Castlemaine Perkins issues:- 1. Castmaine XXXX Bitter Ale 370mL 1982 Games. withoLtt C in a circle, (Copyright Symbol). 2. Castlemaine Gold Label Lager. 370mL The Regents Bar Hoyts. 11 11 -3. " " " Rugby Club Townsv ille. 11 11 11 4.
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