An advertisement in a News- f paper is a little thing, but it J goes into hundreds of homes j and tells the people just what k you want them to hear. y VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 22 MANASQUAN. NEW JERSEYAFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 1910 SUBSCRIPTION Pr i c e *1.00 A f t * a j :j 'I DIE BUT DNGE’ M. E. CONFERENCE CORONER INVESTIGATES •'•V 'fv vWi-'.W SWENTAIN AVERS TO TRANSFER ALLENWOOD ACCIDENT Established 1870 What’s the difference? I have got to Thomas J. Berrien met his death as a die only once.” Thus exclaimed Emil MANY PASTORS result of an accident in which the engine Swentain, charged with the murder of When the New Jersey Methodist he was driving being derailed and over- D. John Boston, an aged recluse of Farming- Episcopal Conference assembles in As­ tnrned. dale, when he was removed to thecountv bury Park next month.it is expected that The above verdict was the finding ol Rea! Estate Nsuram jail in Freehold late last Saturday after the jury empanelled by Coroner John G- More than a safe and convenient means of transacting more changes will be made in pastors being discharged from the Monmouth than at any conference held In years- Sexton to inquire into the death of R E S ID E f V G E T ’ ' your financial matters you want privacy as well. We perform Memorial hospital* where he had been There are four churches in Long Branch- Thomas J. Berrien, of Long Branch, engr every banking function in a safe and confidential manned you since the alleged crime as a result of his and within a radius of a hall dozen miles neer of the Philadelphia express train ---- -- NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE -4 attempting suicide when being captured six more. The Rev. W. F. Atkinson has that was derailed at Allenwood on the are cordially invited fo avail yourself of our services. World’s Largest Fire Insurance Company ' v- bv John Smith,county detective. He was given notice that he will leave Sea Bright, evening of January 27th, and Dr. Archi­ also charged with attrocious assault and bald S. Higgins, of Manasquan. who was while the Rev, R. B. Stevenson will seek Cash Assets— Over One Hui.Cud Million Dollars. battery on Austin Boston, nephew of the a new pastorate. He is now pastor of driving the automobile that figured in murdered man. the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, the collision with the P. R. R. engine be* ------- HARTF0 .- ~ — When identified by the injured raan( Long Branch. fore it was derailed and overturned. flfcanasquan ’(Rational SJanb who is also a patient in the hospital, he The Rev. Dr. William Reed, it is stated’ The inquest wus held nt City Hal1 America s Greatest Fire Insurance Company t talked freely of the crime committed. will be transfered from the Simpson Long Branch Tuesday morning, Prosecu He denied using an axe to kill John Bos- Memorial Church, Long Branch, to the tor Charles F. Sexton conducting theex- Cash Assets—ver Thirty Million Dnllara. 4 ton. Only two weeks ago Swentain was Newark Conference uminating of witnesses. There was no acquitted of the murder of an aged At Oakhurst, where the Rev. Harry T. conflicting testimony, it being clearly Efficiency----------- Security— -------- Liberal! CALL 241, AND TALKTO women in Farmingdale. proven that the railroad company had Fisher is completing his fifth year. He New York OffiCe-------141 Broadway. is wanted back by his people. There is used the prescribed statutory precautions E. B. GREEN talk that he will be sent elsewhere, The in giving warning before approachlngthe New Jersey O ffiCe— — Manasquan, Rev. John Whitton will be returned to Allenwood crossings three in number. ORDERS CULVERT Old First Methododist Episcopal Church In bringing in their verdict the jury West Long Branch, and It is expected made no mention of Dr. Higgins’ death. REMOVED that the Re\. Frederick Harris will be re­ About ten witnesses were sworn, none of them seeing the accident, hut their tes. The action of borough council Tuesday turned in st, Luke's Methodist Episcopal night i nordering the removal of the cui Church timony showed Ibat the whistle of theen- glne was blown and the signal bell was vert before No 2 engine house on Main The Rev. John Heileroan, flfty-fou* ringing. street has not been received favorably years in the ministry, will retire from the Prosecutor Sexton concluded the inquest by members of the company, who assert Ocean Port Methodist Episcopal Church SUCCESSOR TO V' A. THORP & bv stating to the jury that the law re COMPANY ; that in their opinions the borough fathers and from active preaching. A new pas­ quired either the blowing of a whistle or are overstepping the boundry. They ad tor will be sent to Eatontown to fill the ringing of a bell when approaching mit council’s right to order culverts re* place now occupied by the Rev. B. J. K. crossing. moved from the streets before private Way. It is expected that the Rev. A. H property but say that fire company prop Eberhardt will be returned to this place- perty is exempt. The culvert is an 8-inch Steam and Hot Water Heating cast iron pipe, laid lengthwise in the gut GEORGE L. RECORD IN ter and covered with gravel to form a Gas Fitting, Pumps, W indmills, Tanwa. roadbed for the automobile fire truck. I REPUBLICANS SELECT n n n was placed in position several week ago GUBERNATORIAL RACE because of the extreme heighth of the NATIONAL DELEGATES George L. Record, of Jersey City, formal­ MAIN 8TREET, MANASQUAN curb. Certain members of the engine ly entered the race for the Republican WHEN YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE. A committee of prominent Republican Jobbing Promptly Attended To. P. O. Box, 844 company have intimated that if council Gubernatorial nomination in New Jersey headers in Middlesex, Monmouth and wants the pipe removed it must do so it. t the primaries to be held next Septem­ Office in Bank Building, Manasquan. N. J Ocean counties, called together bv State ^Telephone Con. Estimates Carefully Given self— Asbury Park Press ber. He goes into the campaign against Republican committee members from the Senators Austin Colgate, of Essex; Wal­ three counties at Freehold last Saturday Direct from the members of the No. 2 ter E. Edge, of Atlantic, and ex-Senator tentatively agree on delegates to the John D. Prince, of Passaic. Mr. Record company we have heard no such opinions national convention in Chicago in June expressed. was selected as the candidate at a not­ This While it is undei-to.'d no vote was able State conference of New Jersey The firemen placed the culvert in front taken, these men are said to have been of their house becauae they thought ihat^ Progressive KepubJicans.heJd in the Kott LostYour Week favored: McAlpin, New York. Saturday evening. it was the best way to fix their gutter so James W. Johnson. New Brunswick. Special that the rear step of their auto hose car­ The vote asking Record to make the race Lewis S. Thompson, Lincroft. was unanimous AT riage would not strike the sidewalk when Ezra Parker. Barnegat. Try some of that-- they drove out, but the Mayor and Coun­ sliCed! dried beef Cut on cil ordered culverts removed, they did not New AmeriCan licing Ma ­ single out. Volunteer Engine Company LIBRARY NOTES chine. Manasquan Cash and just order them to remove theirs, but HERE’S AN the order was general, and, as far as we About $55 was added to the treasury Its not like the ordinary know, the No. 2 beys have no grievance of the Library Association by the photo­ dried beef. Ham and BaCon play benefit given on Monday night. The t l i . __________ _ ' The Mayor and Council, no doubt. Know INDUSTRIOUS HEN the same way Grocery Company how to remedy fhe situation without the Edward W. Perrine, proprietor of the members of the Woman's Club were use of a culvert and the firemen know Holmdel Inn at Holmdel. has a hen which sisted by the pupils of the public school in the advance sale of tickets, and the GODDARD’S NECESSITY STORE You pay no oilier persons debts when you buy here that it is not the intention of our citv '» doing double duty, by hatching out a results were most gratifying. lathers to bottle up their apparatus. brood of chicks and laying eggs ai the SOUTH STREET, MANASQUAN Sugar pound............................................................................................ They are sure that if the culvert is re same time. Tne hen has been setting Miss Catherine P, Evans has added Veiy Finest Creamery Butter, you can t beat it............................... -itic moved some arrangement will be made about a week and nearly every dav dur­ year's subscription to the Independent to Very lino Table Butter a pound............................................................:!lc whereby they can drive their auto out ing that time it has laid an egg. Mr. her gift of $25 worth of books. The books SmoKed herring 5c everywhere, here................................................. 04c without inconvenience. Perrine has marked the eggs on which are expected at the library this week Tall pound can Alaska salmon.............................................................10e the hen is selling in order to make them It was interesting to note the enthusi Tall pound can fine red salmon....................................................J5c distinguishable from the new-laid eggs asm of the school children In selling the When he first noticed that the hen was tickets for the benefit. Many of them New York State finest creamery cheese.............................................20c TRENTON'S 6IFT TO laying eggs us well as setting Mr.
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