Prepared for submission to JINST Characterization of a defective PbWO4 crystal cut along the a-c crystallographic plane: structural assessment and a novel photoelastic stress analysis L. Montalto,a P.P. Natali,b F. Davíb P. Menguccic N. Paonea D. Rinaldic;1 aDIISM, bDICEA, cSIMAU, Universitá Politecnica delle Marche, via Brecce Bianche 12, 60131 Ancona, Italy E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Among scintillators, the PWO is one of the most widely used, for instance in CMS calorimeter at CERN and PANDA project. Crystallographic structure and chemical composition as well as residual stress condition, are indicators of homogeneity and good quality of the crystal. In this paper, structural characterization of a defective PbWO4 (PWO) crystal has been performed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive Spec- troscopy (EDS) and Photoelasticity in the unusual (a; c) crystallographic plane. XRD and EDS analysis have been used to investigate crystallographic orientation and chemical composition, while stress distribution, which indicates macroscopic inhomogeneities and defects, has been obtained by photoelastic approaches, in Conoscopic and Sphenoscopic configuration. Since the sample is cut along the (a; c) crystallographic plane, a new method is proposed for the interpretation of the fringe pattern. The structural analysis has detected odds from the nominal lattice dimension, which can be attributed to the strong presence of Pb and W. A strong inhomogeneity over the crystal sample has been revealed by the photoelastic inspection. The results give reliability to the proposed procedure which is exploitable in crystals with other structures. Keywords: Scintillators and scintillating fibers and light guides, Calorimeters, Detection of defects arXiv:1711.03403v2 [physics.ins-det] 12 Dec 2017 1Corresponding author. Contents 1 Introduction1 2 Experiments2 2.1 Sample description2 2.2 Structural characterization3 2.3 Novel Photoelastic measurements in the (a − c) plane4 2.4 Data interpretation: the proposed elasto-optic model5 2.5 Photoelastic tests and results7 2.5.1 Conoscopic inspection7 2.5.2 Sphenoscopic inspection8 3 Discussion9 4 Conclusions 11 1 Introduction Application areas of scintillating crystals span from high energy physics to security, to ge- ological prospections and medical applications [1,2]. PWO, as a scintillating material, is continuing getting attention from the high energy physics community [3,4], since the time of CMS [5] and, also, today with the PANDA [4]-[6] project, thanks to its intrinsic charac- teristics. Owing to its own scintillating properties, the tetragonal PbWO4 (PWO) crystals are among the widely used and studied [2], [4], [7]-[9]. The fields themselves prompt the efforts in theoretical, experimental and technological studies of these substances and the associated production processes. In addition to purely theoretical aspects, from the tech- nological point of view, a high-quality mass production requires to deepen the knowledge of crystal structure as well as of mechanical and optical behavior of crystals, in order to address growth process technologies. From the industrial point of view, the development of procedures and reliable methods of inspection and characterization is mandatory for a more and more efficient production, improving the process control, the crystal quality and reduc- ing the costs. In order to achieve these goals, the development of experimental techniques and theoretical models, capable of improving knowledge of crystal behavior as well as their characteristics and structure, is necessary [8], [10, 11]. In most cases, quality control proce- dures involve identification and quantification of defects present in the crystal sample. For this purpose, methods aimed at the study and the inspection of matter like X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis (EDS) allow for a quanti- tative characterization of crystalline structure, composition and lattice orientation. Fast, non-destructive and reliable quality control techniques of birefringent material are based on – 1 – optical crystallography [12] and photoelasticity [13, 14]. These techniques are aimed at the study and investigation of the interference isochromate and isogyre fringes, generated by birefringent effects. The fringe patterns depend by the crystal structure [15, 16], stress state (applied and/or residual) and defectiveness of the sample. Photoelastic studies, carried out by the implementation of reliable polariscopes [17, 18], are fundamental in the comprehen- sion of defect dynamics and crystal reliability. For PWO and similar materials, photoelastic analysis is quite well established in case of samples observed in the plane normal to the optic axis [18]-[21]. On the contrary, although samples cut parallel to the optic axis have been already observed [12], [22], fringe patterns in this configuration have not been completely analysed yet (to our best knowledge), despite their importance for both crystal theoretical knowledge and assessment of production processes reliability and efficiency. In this paper, we report results of structural characterization of a quasi-cylindrical PWO, performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis (EDS) as well as photoelastic investigations, carried out by Conoscopy and Sphenoscopy [23]. The sample is cut with the c axis parallel to the observation plane, therefore a model, which links easy measurable quantities of the fringe pattern to the sample stress condition, is proposed. The model for the data interpretation, which is an innovative contribution of the work, is based on studies already reported in literature [14, 15], [24]-[26] and allows for information on both stress and the piezo-optic tensor Π components [27]-[29]. The obtained results put in evidence a great inhomogeneity of the sample, which are well in accord with the clear defectiveness of the PWO sample and underline the reliability of the photoelastic methods and the related model. 2 Experiments 2.1 Sample description The quasi-cylindrical single crystal of lead tungsten oxide has a nominal composition PbWO4 (stolzite) and it has been grown by the Czochralski method. The PbWO4 (PWO) has a body-centered tetragonal crystallographic structure with lattice parameters a = 0:54619 nm and c = 1:2049 nm (ICDD card n.19-708). PWO is a high-density mate- 3 rial with ρ = 8:26 g/cm . This crystal is uniaxial negative (no > ne), with extraordinary and ordinary refraction indices ne = 2:163 and no = 2:234, for the visible radiation with λ = 632:8 nm [11]. The ingot grown with its axis normal to the crystallographic c−axis has been cut into slices, so that the investigated surface should be parallel to the c−axis of the crystal. In Figure1, the pictures of the PWO slice under inspection are reported; the sample presents some defects clearly visible by the front and the side picture. Visible scratches and chipping on the top right of the Figure1a are defects occurred during the machining while, the sliding effect, which induced the quasi-cylindrical geometry, is due to the grown procedures. Both the issues can be referable to the rising and the consolidation of a residual stress distribution during the growth. This has led to a non- homogeneous state. – 2 – Figure 1. Pictures of the defective sample. In the Figure (a), the black line traced on the surface indicates the direction of the c crystallographic axis; scretches and chipping occured during the machining are clearly visible on the surface. By the Figure (b), the distorted cylindrical shape is evident. Both the issue can be due to the rise of residual stress and defects during the growth. 2.2 Structural characterization The investigation of the structure of this PWO sample has been carried out by X-ray Diffrac- tion (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements have been performed by a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer operating at V= 40 kV and I= 40 mA, with Cu-K(α) radiation. A θ ÷ 2θ geometry has been used to investigate growth orientation of the crystal while a rocking curve (RC) in the angular range θ = 14◦ ÷ 22◦ has been carried out to put into evidence possible preferential orientations. Furthermore, in order to measure the lattice parameters of the crystal, an XRD powder pattern in the angular range 2θ = 20◦ ÷ 80◦ has been obtained from a splinter of the sample reduced to powder by manually grinding into a mortar. Peak analysis has been performed using the Origin software [www.origiblab.com]. The quantitative results of peak analysis are reported as provided by Origin. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations have been carried out by a Zeiss Supra 40 field emission microscope equipped with a Bruker Z200 energy dispersive (EDS) microanalysis. The resulting patterns of the XRD analyses performed on the as-produced (AP) sample and on sample reduced to powder are reported in Figure2. Furthermore, the rocking curve obtained from the AP sample to check the degree of the preferential growth is shown in the inset of Figure2. The XRD pattern of the AP sample (Figure2) clearly evidences a (2; 0; 0) preferential growth. This means that the (2; 0; 0) lattice planes of the PWO crystal grow parallel to the sample surface. The rocking curve reported in the inset of Figure2 confirms the preferential orientation growth. Quantitative analysis of the (2; 0; 0) reflection in Figure2 (AP sample) allows estimating the exact peak position at 2θ = 32:686 ± 0:001◦ with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0:507 ± 0:003◦. Compared to the nominal value ◦ (2θ = 32:754 ) of the (2; 0; 0)) reflection for the PbWO4 (Stolzite) compound reported in the ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data) card n.19-708, the experimental value – 3 – Figure 2. XRD patterns of PWO crystal in as produced (AP) condition and after grinding to powder. Inset shows the rocking curve obtained from the AP sample. obtained in our case results to be only 0:2% lower. The rocking curve in the inset in Figure2 shows a peak located at θ = 18:278 ± 0:001◦ with a FWHM of 0:236 ± 0:003◦.
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