HELP MEN HELP MIN IHELP MEN jHELP MEN HELP MIN HELP MEN HELP MIN MAIL and shipping clerk, young man PAINTER, first-class. Call after 1 2 PORTER-SANDWICH MAN, food Jot lor SALESMAN to call on HELP MEN (Coni.) HELP MEN white; motion picture company Sunday. OR. for reliable person. Night work ready-to-wear salesmen SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, 3404.___ and variety stores, with 6-day week; excellent working con- Apply 1212 New York ave. n.w. RELIEF CLERK nationally experience; « days per week: salary ditions. Experienced not required For busy hotel: must be advertised lines of ladies' rayon un- CAN YOU SELL A NEW and commission. Apply CONNORS to experiencea derwear. for FLIGHT ATTENDANT See MR. YATES. 7th floor Warnei PAINT SALESMAN _gn hard transcript. Box 27-J. Star Washington and sur- RED HOT IDEA? POSTER, 2244 Pa. ave. s.e. —23 Bldg.. Kith and E sts. n.w. rounding territory: drawing against For interesting position in air line Due to the losing of one of ou RELIEF RM. SERVICE STATION attendants: must PORTERS CLERK, cxper. in hand commission. Box 250-S. 8tar —23 A new Nation-wide plan that's help- catering service at National Airport, good men to the armed forces w oe exper. and have D C. s INSPECTORS transcript essential; ti-day wk„ 4 SALESMAN with car; driver under 35. MAINTENANCE MAN are a Who exceptional, ing retailers Increase the sale of Permanent. 5-day week, in need of paint clerk li know how to clean; days. 2 nights. Contact manager permit; top sal. and bonus. Apply excellent 36 good high salary; experience calling on liquor, food, drugs, soft drinks plus earnings and many employ- to 46 years ol age. married, for our wholesale store. Inquire C. 1 salary, steady job. Apply CHASTLETON HOTEL. —2:1 W A. BARBER SERVICE CENTER. ment benefits. (ELECTRONICS) ALBAN TOWERS retail grocers, restaurants, taverns, other bottled, canned and packaged large garden-type apt. project In SMITH CO 2328 Champlain st HOTEL, 3700 etc.; established 10th and Me. ave. s.w. EX. 1516. Mass. ave. n.w “repairman customers: whole- goods. "0r, to 40", is meeting with APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE nearby Md. Must have thorough n.w.. HU. 3300. sale firm. HOT Tecnnlcai For fl-ld service on household appli- Call Sun.. JU. 7-8585; outstanding success. Over 5.000 SERVICE STATION SALESMEN—Op- .. SHOPPE INC. Plus knowledge of maintenance and ol] Training ances. Good wk. days LI. 7-330.1. —24 portunity for 1724 H St. N. W. No Phone Calls. burners. Excellent apt. and salary L working conditions Eastern retailers now using it. Field energetic young men Experience in Electronics __—24 and excellent opportunity. Full SALESMAN covering local drug and is wide open. Nothing it any- interested In future advancement in __ Call MR. ROBEY 9 and like ——25_ between II tobacco trade who Is for sales a.m., ST, PORTERS benefit program including vacation, lookinr where work; salary and bonus; em- FLOOR SANDER (1). experienced, 3309._—23_ sick one very good additional lO'.i For work In leave hospitalization and pen- item; ploye benefits. Apply in person, reliable mech.. for permanent work. supermarket; free group commission EX. 2477. « SUN PAINTER hospitalization, sion. Appointment during the day [ need red-blooded master salesman OIL COMPANY, 4940 Connecti- HARR FLOOR SERVICE. WI. 47 7U. MANAGER-TRAINEE vacation with pay and SALESMAN, musical instruments cut ave. Job, and other Mon and Wed. eves, from 7 and experienced in the sale of intangi- State Loan and Finance Corp. is ex- Steady good pay. Apply employe benefits. Apply phonographs; salary: excel, n.w,_—29 FREIGHT RATE CLERK, must have ERCO ALBAN TOWERS HOTEL, 3700 p.m to f) o.m Call during the oppor. bles, accustomed to earning $150 to aome of panding its operations and offers for advancement. DYNAMIC a knowledge motor carriers' Mass. ave. n.w. SHIRLEY FOOD STORES day onlv. Mr Shallow at GE SUP- MUSIC. $300 week, to help reap the har- tariffs and must be able to type. an excellent future for men inter- PLY CORP.. HU. WOO. 1300 G st. n.w. —25 vest that’s ahead. & 403 Swann Ave.. Alexandria. Va. —24 Attractive ad- SHEET-METAL Good wages, railroad retirement, ENGINEERING RESEARCH CORP. ested in learning the consumer SALESMAN, appliances and kitchen vance RIVERDALE. MU.. WA. 4444 finance —28 RESTAURANT MGR. for better class commission plan paying $115 paid vacations, free business and willing to work _1__—84 cabinets; experienced; all leading oer new can on MECHANICS transp. Apply restaurant, Durham. N. C. Must be customer place you EASTERN RAILROADS, Rm. 722, hard for advancement. Men selected FORTER-DlsHWASHER. colored.” ex- lines; salary and commission: leads financial INTERVIEWS DAILY. 8-3 PAINTERS caDable of assuming responsibility easy street overnight. Send Bond Bldg, 14th and N. Y. ave. must be high school graduates under perienced: 12:30 to 0:30 p.m : closed furnished; must have car. Call JACK txlav for complete written details. ;SO, Experienced (whitei: good pay. Re during owner's absence. Write full FROST. 1st and 2nd Class n.w. —23 draft-exempt and be able to Sundays and holidays. NATIONAL HO. 2200. Interviews in this soon. Write port ready for work. DRUG qualiocations. MRS. C C. HAYNES. city FOUNTAIN CLERK, white, for eve- _—24 meet the public. Past employment ADAMS CO.. 1000 Conn. ave. SALESMAN, to sell Hoover cleaners. General Sales Manager. FRIGIDIN- RENOVATING CO.. 1823 M St. n.w The Saddle Club. Hillsboro Road. In MUST HAVE nings. 5-10 p.m. Good salary for re- INVESTIGATOR, insurance claims; background will be thoroughly * large department store. Also NF.R LAYOUT EXPERIENCE PORTER-DRIVER—Must have refer- Durham. N. C. follow CORPORATION P. O. Box liable person. Call at 231 E st. n.w, feiatc .salary desired and qualifica- checked. If acceptable you will re- __—24 ences: Maryland license leads; demontrate in the 3249. Philadelphia 30. Pa. required for home. is or ST. 2399. —24 tions of experience or educational ceive benefits as follows: 1. Thor- drug store In Sliver Sprg. SH. 3014. ROOFERS, long job gooc. pay. Apply This not a canvassing FOUNTAIN background. Box 255-T. Star. —28 ough training for branch office man- Wheaton City. 1250(1 Visrs Mill rd.. proposition. Must have car. Make HELP, daytime only, no PORTER-DRIVER, Washington, Mary- haste. This our JANITOR, sober and dependable, exp. agership. 2. Free life and hospital- PAPER HANDLER Wheaton. Md. Sec MR. RICHMOND is busy season. See ERCO Sundays; uniforms furnished. Op- land. PARKWAY PHARMACY. S220 Mr. Johnson. THE with stoker iurnace; must have loca ization Insurance, a. Sick leave. 4 ROOFER'S HELPER, no experience HOOVER CO.. SALESMEN ENOINEERINO * RESEARCH portunity for advancement. Also Wisconsin ave., OL. 1010. _24 1303 R. I. ave. n.e.. fl to (2) CORP. Part refs.; quarters, utilities, salary. Call Paid vacations. 6. Annual bonus at COLORED necessary: permanent employment; 12. —24 RIVERDALE. time. 6 to 10 D.m. SERVICE Government $50 WKLY. PLUS COMMISSION MD., WA. 4444 Christmas. 6. Car furnished for PRESSER, wool, piecework or salary, rapid advancement for man. SALESMAN, employe PHARMACY. 17 th and Eye. n.w. OE._fiH33_Mon._ _____—25 right wanted for VACATION WITH PAY your use. in person to 25-35 years of age, hrs. 6Vi-day wk. RANDALL Wheaton 12500 Viers part-time work: living Apply heavy build, gooc food Apply City. In TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED INTERVIEWS DAILY. *-3 physical condition and CLEANERS. 7023 Wis. ave. —26 Mill rd.. vie. s.e. Washington. Must have FOUNTAIN MANAGER lor luncheon- JANITOR willing t< Wheaton. Md. See MR. D Apply Room 320 STATE LOAN CO. give good attendance. PRESSER. must be experienced: 5- RICHMOND. C. refs. Apply JACK KENNEDY ette and soda fountain. S75 wk. to Colored couple only; sober: experi- Apply Person, MOTOR 2033 —___—24 1290 Lee Hwy., Rosslyn. Va,; 7892 nel Room 506. Open weekdays 8:30. day wk.: good salary. 211 New 8ALES. Nichols ave. Chestnut Farms experienced aggressive man. Box 8-S, enced with stoker and minor re- ROOFING AND SIDING MEN wanted, s.e. Dairy steady job, good pay. Ga. Ave. 6 S.. Md.: 4709 Marl- 6. and Sat. 0-1. No calls York ave. n.w. 800 J3tar._ and excellent quarters phone exper. men only. You work. HI SALESMAN, real estate. 2535 Pa Ave N.W.. 9 A M. to 11 A.M. Alaska ave. n.w. 25 boro Pike. Coral Hills. Md.; 6390 PRESSER. wool, exper. Salary or Arlington or pajrs;^salary 9105. —24 Fairfax County, experienced. R. W. “fuel oil truck driver R. I. Ave.. Mt. Rainier. Md. —27 THE EVENING STAR piece work. Apply ready to work. —23 SALESMAN, experienced only, JANITOR—Colored man and wile MELODY CLEANERS, 828 13th ROOM CLERK, white, experienced MULLEN, OW. 1882. 1101 8. Glebe Thurs. nights and Sats.; liberal sal- Experienced only; oil burner MECHANIC and _1101 ‘enna. _Ave. st. exper, only, sober, experienced and reliable; mechanics helper N.W._ n.w. prelerred: alternate shifts. Apply rd.. Arl. Va. commission. YOUNG S. helpful; good reliable man who wants good wages PARKING ®£d wanted; stoker and minor repairs; salary and and steady ATTENDANTS, over If PRESSERS, wool, for dry cleaning assistant manager. CARLTON HO- SALESMEN, full or part time. Are JoOo F st. n.w. 29 all-year lob. Call LI. 3-4099. —24 work to work for yrs.; experience quarters. Call AD. 2000. —28 Packard dealer- required, regula: plant: S50 for 45-hr. wk.; overtime TEL. lfith and K sts. —26 you interested in increasing your SHOE Must be sober work. Must n.w._ SALESMEN SALESMAN, experienced; asst FURNITURE and reliable.
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