INDEX Abbotsford, estate of Sir Walter Scott, 516 Algiers, Dey of (1818), 130, 132-135 Academy of Design, N. Y., 524 AH Khodgia, Dey of Algiers, 129-130 Acadians, 2jn Allen, Hervey, 259 Acheson. Dean, 165 Allen, John, ?6i, 371; letter from Capt. Active, snip, 362*1 Nicholas Biddle. 360 Adair, Mr., 193 Allen, Mrs. John (nSe Johnston), 360W Adair, Douglass, rev. of Boyd's The Papers of Allen, Thomas, 384 Thomas Jefferson, vol. I, 406-409 Allston, Washington, 518 Adams, Henry, 256 American Academy of the Fine Arts, N. Y., Adams, John, $2, 53, 58, 68,169; on activities 84. of and Continental Congress, 53-54; biog. American Historical Association, 258 A of, rev., 537-538 The American Historical Novel, by Ceisy, rev., Adams, John Quincy, 133, 173, 331 5307532 Adams, Thomas R., rev. of Vail's The Voice American History as Interpreted by German of the Old Frontier, 428-429 Historians from 1770 to 1815, by Doll, rev., Adams, William, 376 421-422 Adams, William Taylor (Oliver Optic), 177 The American Mind. An Interpretation of Addison, Joseph, 527 American Thought and Character since the Address to the Minority of the Censors (1784), i88o*s, by Commager, rev., 529-530 445 American Philosophical Society, n^n, 445», Adems, Robert, 50 512; and lightning rods, 47-48; William Admiral Vernon, tavern. See General Warren Shaler makes African studies for, 136, 137, AZsculapius Comes to the Colonies. The Story of 140 the Early Days of Medicine in the Thirteen American Revolution, 58, 73, 165, 451W; Original Colonies, by Gordon, rev., 416-418 John Adams and, rev., 537-538; and Agriculture: in Del. area (1754), 507, 508, debtors in service, 378-379, 490; and 509; in Pa. (1640-1840), rev., 551 Declaration of Causes, 54-50; letters of Albany, N. Y., 339 chaplain in, rev., 148; paper for cartridges Albany Congress. See Albany Plan of Union needed in, 497-499; paper makers exempt Albany Plan of Union: comparative texts of from service in, 497-499; paper shortage proposed plans, 29-35; Benjamin Franklin during, 488-490; Penobscot Bay disaster and the framing of, 5-28; Thomas Hutchin- in, 352, 380W; strategic position of Lewes, son and the framing of, 5-28; various plans Del., in, 474; test laws in, 446-447. See also proposed, 6-8, 10 Continental Navy; Navy, Pa. Alexander, Mr., 10 Amulet, London annual, 520 Alexander, William (Lord Stirling), 57 Ancocas Creek. See Rancocas Creek Alexander Pope's Prestige in America, 1725- Anderson, Eliza, 86, 87 7<fe", by Sikey, rev., 155 Anderson, Thomas D., 128, 130 Alfred, ship, 351/;, 377*, 379W, 380W, 385,386, Andrew Bradford, Colonial Journalist, by 4°5 DeArmond, rev., 533-534 Alger, Horatio, 177 Andrew Doria, brig, 351,353,354,3j6n, 3jyn, Algiers: Christian slavery practiced by, IIT, 378, 381, 382, 39h 392, 393, 397*, 4°5; 114, 122, 125, 133, 134, 135; description of, engagement with Glasgow, 384-385, 386- 117; Jews in, 119, 127, 129; piracy of, 113, 387; takes Scotch transports, 388-390 114, 124, 130,133, 137; Plague in, 128-131; Andros, Sir Edmund, 459-460 population of, 119, 131; relations with Ann and Almack, snow, 357W France, 115, 139-141; relations with Great "Another Child to William and Gulielma Britain, 115, 122, 123-125, 127, 128, 129, Penn," by Henry J. Cadbury, 110-112 134-135, 139; relations with Spain, no, Arabs, no 120, 122, 125, 126, 134; ruled by Turkey, Armor, Eleanor. See Smith, Eleanor Armor 113, 118-119, 129, 130, 133; U. S. diplo- Art. See Painting macy in, 113-141 Arthur, Chester A., 169 553 554 INDEX October Arthur, T. S., 525 Bates, Albert C, jn, i$n Arthur's Ladies' Magazine of Elegant Litera- The Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, by ture and Fine Arts, 525 William Mercer, 78, facing p. 78* Articles of Confederation, 5; breaks Phila. Bear Tavern, Elizabethtown, 449 strike, 324 Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Marquis di, 45 Assembly, Pa.: in Blackwell's administration, Beck, George, 84 467-469; rejects Albany Plan, 26 Bedford, Duke of. See Russell, John LAssumption, brig, 397W Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., rev. of Gordon's Atcheson, Mrs., 401 JEsculapius Comes to the Colonies . ., Atkinson, Theodore, gn 416-418 Atlantic Civilization: Eighteenth Century Bellamy, William, 493 Origins, by Kraus, rev., 528-529 The Benefits which our Dear Fatherland might Atlantic Souvenir, 517 have derived from the Colonies in America Atlee, Samuel John, 448, 455 formerly called New Sweden, by Backman, Auchmuty, Samuel, 3607? 504-511 Australia, 310 Benjamin Franklin and Catharine Ray Greene: Aydelotte, Frank, 257 Their Correspondence, 1755-1790, ed. by Roelker, rev., 413-414 Benoit, Widow, 2jn Babcock, , 174 Bensamon, , 126, 129, 139 Bache, Sarah Franklin (Mrs. Richard Bache), Beresford, Sir John Poo, 474 371W Berketts, John, 377 Backman, Daniel And., 504; thesis of, 504- Bernstein, Leonard, "The Working People of 11 Philadelphia from Colonial Times to the 5 22 Backwoods Utopias. The Sectarian and Owen- General Strike of 1835," 3 "~339 ite Phases of Communitarian Socialism in Bestor, Arthur Eugene, Jr., Backwoods America, 1063-1829, by Bestor, rev., 542- Utopias . ., rev., 542-544 544 Betty, ship, 3Jjn Bailey, Abbe. See James, Abbe Bailey Bibliography: principles of description of, Bailey, Ellen, 517W, 523 rev., 429-432; standards of description of, Bailey, Francis, 514?? rev., 429-432; of the westward movement, Bailey, Margaret, 518w, 519 rev., 428-429 Bainbridge, William, 115, 119, 120, 131 Biddle, Alexander, 443 Ballantyne, John, printing shop of, 516 Biddle, Ann (Nancy). See Wilkinson, Ann Baltimore, Lord. See under Calvert Biddle Baltimore, Md.: art in (1790's), 84-87; paper Biddle, Charles (1745-1821), 349, 350, 351, mill near, 493, 494; and plot against 352, 3S%?> 359,.37?, 375, 379, 3%\ 3%6l Lincoln (1861), rev., 149-150; ships for escapes from British, 394; letter to James Continental Navy from, 38m, 404W Biddle, 400-403; letters from Capt. Baltimore County, Md., 483W, 484, 493 Nicholas Biddle, 363-366, 384-385, 388- Bancroft, Edward, 342^ 391 Bancroft, George, 61, 62, 63-6^, 229, 249 Biddle, Charles, 348 Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detectors, Biddle, Clement, 379, 399 1826-1866. With a Discourse on Wildcat Biddle, Craig, 350 Banks and Wildcat Bank Notes, by Dillistin, Biddle, Edward (Neddy), 359, 361, 384, 398, rev., 437-438 399 Banking: bank note reporters and counter- Biddle, Edward, 348, 349, 350 feit detectors, rev., 437-438; "Bank of Biddle, Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. Edward Credit" proposed (1686), 458; Baring Biddle), 384 Brothers, English merchant bankers, rev., Biddle, Frances Marks (Mrs. James Biddle), 422-423 35°, 359, 361, 362, 363, 37o? 374, 375, 381, Barbary States, U. S. diplomacy in, 113-141. 394; letter from Capt. Nicholas Biddle, See also Algiers; Morocco; Tripoli; Tunis 368-369 Barclay, David, 360, 361 Biddle, James, 349, 350, 351 359*, 363^, Barclay, John, 360, 361 368W, 378*2, 38872,* letter from Charles Baring Brothers & Co., London, 120; in Am. Biddle, 400-403; letters from Capt. trade and finance, rev., 422-423 Nicholas Biddle, 355~359, 36l~363y 369~ Barnes, William, 397 37°, 375, 381-382, 386-387, 393-394, 398- Barr6, Isaac, 35$n 399 Bartram, John, 502 Biddle, James S., 359W Basking Ridge, N. J., church in, 448 Biddle, Jane (Genny), 369, 371 Batavia, N. Y., 339 Biddle, John Marks, 350 195° INDEX 5SS Biddle, Lydia. See McFunn, Lydia Biddle rev., 537-538; conference remarks of, 258- Biddle, Lydia Marks, 369 259, 260, 282 Biddle, Mary Scull (Mrs. William Biddle), Bowers, Claude G., 61, 62 4, 356, 361, 366, 369, 37°> 372, 374, 379, Bowers, Fredson, Principles of Bibliographi- i, 3*3, 385. cal Description, rev., 429-432 le, Capt. Nicholas: in British Navy, 350- Boyd, Julian P.: "The Disputed Authorship 351,355-374t ; on Continental commanders, of The Declaration on the Causes and 351-352, 380; in Continental Navy, 351- Necessity of Taking up Arms, 1775," 51- 3P> 353-354, 37.6-403; death of, 348, 400- 73; The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. I, 403; has difficulties with Randolph, 393-400 rev., 406-409 passim; land negotiations of, 375; letters of Boys (Boyce), Nathan, 391 (1771-1777). 348-405; personal comments Bradford, Andrew, biog. of, rev., 533-534 in letters of, 356-391 passim; on Phipps Bradford, Thomas, 55, 512, 513 Polar Expedition, 350, 372?*, 373-374; in Bradford, William, 55, 466, 471 prize agreement, 353, 382, 404-405; takes Bradford and Inskeep. booksellers, 513 prizes, 384, 386, 390 392 396-397, 398- Brandy wine, Battle of, 498 399; in West Indies, 360, 361-369 passim Bridenbaugh, Carl, 284, 286, 287; The Colo- Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 348, 349 nial Craftsman, rev., 534-536; conference Biddle, Nicholas, 349 remarks of, 280-282, 283 Biddle, Owen, 369W Bring Out Your Dead. The Great Plague of Biddle, Thomas, 362 Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793, by Biddle^ William, 354 Powell, 262; rev., 418-419 Bigs, Capt., 362W Britannia, ship, 355W, 357W, 360W Billings, Frederick, 312 British Crown, in Am. colonial affairs, 18, Biography, importance of, 234 70-71 t Bishop, James L., 498 The British Empire Before the American Revo- Bjelke, Baron Sten Carl, 500 lution, vol. VII, by Gipson, rev., 147-148 Black, Jeannette D., A Rhode Island Chaplain British Navy: Capt. Nicholas Biddle in, 350- in the Revolution . ., by Black and 351,355-374; engagements of, in Am. Rev., Roelker, rev., 148 3»4-3»5> 386-387, 402-403; ship's rigging Black, John, 451-452 (I772), 3637365, 403-404; supplies for, Blackwell, John: career as Governor of Pa., captured, 396; in West Indies, 360,361-369 458-470, 472; in English Civil War, 457, passim 458; in Massachusetts, 457-4j8, 472; op- British troops in Am.: recruits for, captured, poses Pa.
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