v.. ' Itf - --V ', EVENING PUBLIC LEDOEK-ProLBEL- PKI ttHOTSt). JmiB 12; --1 v ... ..:- - . & .. Jhf A. A. U. WILL ";"' 4, 'OJV THROWING CONTINUES SEND OFFICIALS ALONG TO MEASURETHE THROWS $' ? AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN7 ViMA CK DISCO VERS -- .-. ANY -t- POUND BOY . m . 195 . tj . cTatiai.1 WHfiiO Voo'viZ TRIED a.i?. yoUR-SEL- C FURTHER To S"LOUJeR." OR XOUJeJ " J THE AGOJT BASEMAN GET V THAT . WHO WEW FIRST CHICAGO OrJ WO. 2.3 mot rKir.b.siiKK MFORrS Voo BEATS WILLARD irri s ABSO-LUTBL- V' i md TheV Tet You Yooa ertm ft wecK "ASRf r t NcJ jr. ism-- CAR nn $rn ittnc totjr 'Thcre. evcw AHrsD MUST BE A WIZARD i ?$? rM "UPPER LEPT ,' ,W0.. 2? ?$ays Real Money and Takes Youthful Phenom From One Debater Insists Dempsey Will Be at as Big a &. Columbia, S. C, Ball Club No Danger of Trading rZr' Disadvantage Against Willard as Leonard Would 'In BS& Bobby Roth Scott Perry Be Against Dempsey L or si - v B.v ROHKUT W. MAXWEU.. IN THE SPORTLIGHT BY T GHANTLAND KICE Sport 1 dltnr Kienine: ruiHe Copyright. 1019. All rights reserved. ,"Y , i Li:fJ ......- ,-- -- v.. - ori' 'Pit I 'if, ')? I tidiii- Liruerr u. A Few Arguments K'1" "10NNIK MACK'S long absence from the ball yard lia rnued much con JESS WILLARD as a physical proposition evidently looks good to Major jecture since last Saturday, but the mytcrj finallv has been solved. The A. Rice. And the major should have a pretty fair idea of what physical condition means. On one occasion he went on a big-ga- leader did not don the fnle whiskers and near hl rubber heels to go on hunt through $lean Tibet alone, spending a year thero without seeing n white man. On another jW scouting trip to find some cash customers for hl bull yard. although four occasion he put in ten months potting Siberian tigers, where very few adven- turers would care to go. He watt-a- n nvldtor in France, although beyond Si, or 'five thousand a dav would help ome. He made :i journey through the tall the age of thirty-fiv- e, was wounded and came near stnrtlng west for the final hike. 5jr gjftss. spent some time in rural communities and when the time came he doffed He writes: "I have been out to see Willnrd several times and he is far from being a poor, broken-dow- n old man. in good vj ',the spinach, shined up the badge, reached out a lean, sinewy arm and grubbed He is shape even this far "And You ask the Pullmam AeJD Just as Youve Tne Porter ComS out amD ahead. Dempsey must be very good to win." Er3('An tir-- S . in " MISTEH-A- THikJK aw athlete who plays t base for the Columbia. C team the South COMDUCTOR VAJHENJTHe. MADE UP VoUR MIND VOU'LL 5AV Kj Traim m 7- "Dfirr League -- To SPSfOt) TAe Vo' up loweh - is "'..Atlantic whatever that is Pulls in ii S"s - voht HAu NI3hT fix ReSUHVEt) TEltPSEY undoubtedly good. But a 195'poundcr who can beat , . t . .f i ivi J3AV pAHTV uJHUT HAO'fM Willard will o be W" s tne dope ou i onnie conniving conquest in inc iirieu nam CUhmce. There is For a a Coach U have a ici;. jT'i real ame ng MEVEM SMOVOEl) UP" rii"' tn en. nntl.l... f il... lm. ni.i.(it( Tim111. iintia- lin,rm,t r . cr. ttin u irna. 8eRTh SavS Fifty-fiv- e tle l" n.lj UUtlllUf; III IIJ'' iniL l,t..iUl'l till IIIVIIIH ir I' iimt H- Pounds Too Much to Concede jW. NQNe" OH-M-- BOY AIN'T IT last night, but like all reports from that section of the country it was delight- ALL championship imbrolglios develop burning debates. Passionate oratory of flutters back nnd forth at a rapid pace. fully indefinite It contained ever? thing but the name the voutliful phenom. GLOR-R'R'ou- S FEELIr4. One debater contends that Dempsey will be at as big a disadvantage against something like However, the works arc in. which makes it or that Willard as Renny Leonard would be against Dempsey. "Fifty-fiv- e pounds," he says, "is fifty-fiv- e pounds." Willard is fiftv-fiv- e Connie crossed the calloused palm of the David Ilanim of Columbia. P C . nonnd hinir th.n Dempsey and Dempsey is only fifty-fiv- e pounds heavier than Leonard. What's with pieces of eight, doubloons and other monetarj sceuerv he had concealed the difference? about his person and the athlete will be delivered here, charges prepaid. Fifty-fiv- e .pounds is undoubtedly fifty-fiv- e pounds. There's no argument about that. Rut there is this difference a hasn't anything like This deal has been on the tire for .nine time. I.ee Hooch, who left fielded the walloping force that a carlies. a couple of vrars ago and left bj request when too manr fly balls Rut a can have almost the sntne walloping power that a for Connie can shoot. bounced off his head into the bleacher, is the Chris Columbia of the act. He discovered the first baseman ml sent Mack a 1 tier extolling the ability of JEMPSEY can hit almost see'as hard as Wittard whereas, Leonard cant hit anywhere in the same neighborhood Dempsey morning glory Connie politely read the epistle, filed it with a with the verdant Leonard would be a jole against any average heavyweight above 100. -- Dempsey million other notes of the ame character and began to worry about something Wheieas, has dropped several average heavyweights above 230. sent him a stronger manuscript. Connie sat up n:id took notii e. else. Gooch . threw' his Palm Beach suit into his traveling bag and beat it so.tbw..-d- The Case of Fitz He closed the deal on Tuesday, because the limping report from the South TTOW about Fitzsimmons? you might ask. Fitz, weighing 150, could hit LJ. with any Quite eavs so. He paid real monej for the lirsi baseman, and if this ileal h.i anv so.. Rut Fitz. from the waist up, was built like a r. And in this game you figure out for yourself. don't punch with your legs . Significance you can it GUAKER CITY HftS M or feet. ' LEONARD WOULD SET 0 TOP And Fitz happened to be one of tho?e citizens IN MMW who carried enormous lever- age. He had the steel;spring stuff in either arm. Aud leverage is a vital factor 13 V r flyyfE rrrwrnfrf fix wonmii;. nrutlini rnthvvmsm r ncrv jiirr whenit comes to hitting hard, whether it be a baseball or boxing. r He had the name aid 'uitotii of the vew phci'om nvd ipnl e nt WON ALL DKEPT ONE MARK IN TITLE BOUT Scbulte had as much leverage as any ball player we ever saw. had tremendous leverage 4n tennis. 114 was another steel-sprln- e follows walloper. name of 'he neir i Mnmi Ivi-ii- lie ? tirentii-n- n "The Championship, Norman Maxwell, the young Philadelphia golfer, weighed 120 fi ir and Lightweight Leonard and Kilbane Were only old, cornea from Xorth ranli,,a nrieullitrnl .feehnntenl pounds. He is slight, of frame, with no bulk in cither & lears shoulders or chest, rft.n, nA t. the iiio.t lilehi holin-- i athlete I ever have vreit. He Barrett the Only Club to Lower Featuring Benny and 'Mints' for Promoters Here Former Philly Scout Soaks Pill let Maxwell was a terrific hitter, one of the longest in the game. Huskv 1 sluggers around ISO and handles himself lil'e Hal Chaie. hati and throiri left handed and ir ill 100, with height and length of reach far beyond Colors of Wissinoming Nine IT'illard-Dempse- y, at .677 Clip in Delaware a la Ten- - fighters hold respect of Maxwell's range, were unable to drive within ten yards of him. be a sensation in the leaane. .U10M171 haxe aood firit bnieman. Handled a the i the promoters in this city like Benny River Maxwell had unusual leverage. His timing wns, of course, good, but he that 1 mnldn't afford to piss him up." This Season League r this boy had so much rlnn Would Shatter Leonard and Johnny Kilbane. Not needed the other in copious quantities to get the distance he obtaihed. once in the showings of these wo , A'o Chance of Trading Bobby Roth to Another Club Records popular champions in this city have PLAYS TWICE DEFEAT FRANKFORD WITH !'0G ISLAND nOBBY BYRXE, the Kerry Patch kid, a member o. St. Louis and the promoters lost money ou in Cleveland we van a big storv in one of the papers stating that them. Pittsburgh ball club, was far from being: ami tn Leonard always was a great at- WHILE wain t very large, he could drive a baseball a mile, and he was eager, anxious and willing to trade nobby Hoth to some The Quaker City ISuhber ('ompin traction and n monev getter. The Thirty two players of the Delaware inn after POPULAR RING ARTIST took up golf became a long hitter in short order. All for the same League club, and the sooner a deal was made the better lie would be -- same applies to Hiver American A A . of Wissoiiiming. whiih - civ Kilbane. This was Shipyards' Baseball League arc reason leverage. Fra7.ee was best expressed when more than satisfied.
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