E1054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 9, 2010 Springfield, Missouri, celebrating its 100th year his journey, a testament to the dangerous na- further exemplified through their participation of service to the community and God. Trinity ture of his mission and the valuable cargo he in the ‘‘Thanks 4 Giving’’ shared revenue pro- Lutheran is honoring this milestone with a year guarded. gram. Since joining ‘‘Thanks 4 Giving’’ six of special services, events and history dis- In October 1944, after landing in Scotland, years ago, CHRP has raised over $100,000 plays. he and the Dragon were transported by rail for charity. Trinity Lutheran Church will welcome sev- and truck to the renowned Allied cryptography CHRP’s dedication to community extends eral preachers during this special year. Many center at Bletchley Park, and immediately put beyond Chicago, Illinois and the United States who were integral to Trinity’s 100-year history to use as Allied forces had their first battle on of America with their involvement in an ongo- will honor and remember the congregation’s German soil, at Aachen. All told, Sgt. Collins ing cultural exchange program. This program growth, achievements and history of serving used the Dragon to decode 143 Nazi mes- has given CHRP the opportunity to spread the Springfield area and bringing the word to sages. He was also instrumental in designing American tap dance across the globe by par- worshipers. a successor to the original Dragon, which was ticipating in exchanges with Brazil, China, Fin- Former Pastor Manny Rodriguez, who left to credited with hastening the defeat of the Nazis land, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, develop Amigos de Cristo, a mission church in by many weeks. and Venezuela. As a result of their commit- Sedalia, is joining current Trinity Lutheran Madam Speaker, heroism has many faces, ment to the international community, CHRP Pastor Bill R. Marler and Pastor Eric Tessaro and the labors of dedicated code breakers was selected to represent the United States of to celebrate this anniversary. The pastors are hundreds of miles from the front lines saved America at the 5th Anniversary Beijing Inter- encouraging the congregation to honor their many lives by providing our fighting forces the national Contemporary Dance Festival in 2007 history and consider long range plans to keep best intelligence available. Sgt. Collins is a liv- and the Gala de Estrellas Internacional in Ca- the spirit, message and mission of Trinity Lu- ing reminder of the varied contributions made racas, Venezuela in 2008. theran fresh. by members of the Greatest Generation in de- Madam Speaker, I want to thank the Chi- Like many churches 100 years ago strug- fending freedom. I humbly join the British Gov- cago Human Rhythm Project for their contin- gling with finances, Trinity Lutheran began ernment in honoring the wartime service of ued efforts. It is through their unabashed com- with a small group of households. Pastors Sgt. Thomas L. Collins. mitment to the arts and the community at from other congregations volunteered to min- f large that they have helped to perpetuate the ister in Springfield. Rev. A.F. Woker became love affair with American dance and to estab- the first pastor of Trinity in 1917. Soon, the RECOGNIZING OHIO CHRISTIAN lish Chicago as a global fine arts destination. UNIVERSITY’S GRADUATING congregation purchased property and con- f structed their first home. This building served CLASS OF 2010 them for three decades. HONORING SISTER ROSEMARIE Today’s well-known location of Trinity Lu- HON. STEVE AUSTRIA NASSIF, SSND, PHD theran is the result of a need to expand be- OF OHIO yond the restrictions of its first home. As if di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BARBARA LEE vinely inspired, Trinity Lutheran moved into the OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, June 9, 2010 wilderness of Greene County. This decision IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. AUSTRIA. Madam Speaker, on behalf proved to be a blessing, placing the church in Wednesday, June 9, 2010 a location that would easily accommodate of the people of Ohio’s Seventh Congressional phenomenal growth in the 1950s and 1960s. District, I am honored to recognize Ohio Chris- Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, I It is still the congregation’s home today. tian University’s graduating class of 2010. rise today to honor Sister Rosemarie Nassif, Trinity’s growth has also been guided by ca- Over the past years, these students have SSND, PhD, for her celebrated and successful pable long-term pastors, each of whom were earned academic excellence and grown both 11-year tenure as Holy Names University strong leaders and deeply rooted scriptural spiritually and resourcefully. It was a privilege President. On the occasion of her retirement, teachers. Such sound leadership and con- to attend the University’s ceremony and wit- we recognize the quality and excellence of gregational support helped Trinity Lutheran ness such an achievement, as our future lead- Sister Rosemarie’s career and her talents as create a number of new ministries, including ers are sent out into the community. a dynamic and inspirational leader. During her campus ministry and a school. Thus, with great pride, I congratulate Ohio time as president, Holy Names University has Trinity Lutheran is one of Springfield’s Christian University’s graduating class of 2010 witnessed record-breaking enrollment, noted strong moral pillars, committed to the work of for its exemplary success and wish each grad- student diversity, expanded academic and God and compassion for those less fortunate uate the best in their future endeavors. sports programming, improved facilities, in- in our community. My hope is that Trinity Lu- f creased alumni participation and overall ac- theran continues its heritage of strong leader- claim. RECOGNIZING THE CHICAGO ship in Springfield for many centuries to come. Sister Rosemarie’s religious calling came HUMAN RHYTHM PROJECT early in life, and at the age of 17, she entered f the School Sisters of Notre Dame. During her HONORING THE SERVICE OF HON. MIKE QUIGLEY early career back East, Sister Rosemarie SERGEANT THOMAS L. COLLINS OF ILLINOIS gained a breadth of experience as Associate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Professor of Notre Dame College, St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Co-Vicar for the HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP Wednesday, June 9, 2010 OF NEW YORK Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri. In Balti- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, today I rise more, she became President of the College of in recognition of the Chicago Human Rhythm Notre Dame of Maryland and later, President Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Project’s 20th anniversary. Over the last 20 of the Fund for Educational Excellence before Mr. BISHOP of New York. Madam Speaker, years, the Chicago Human Rhythm Project’s leaving that post to join Holy Names University I rise today to commend the intellect and dedi- extraordinary community building efforts and on May 1, 1999. cation of Sergeant Thomas L. Collins, a life- celebration of American tap and percussive With a 140-year tradition of providing edu- long resident of East Hampton, New York, arts has firmly established them as one of Chi- cational excellence in the Bay Area, Holy who received a medal and certificate of rec- cago’s artistic mainstays. Names University, HNU, is a premier, private ognition from the British government for his Founded in 1990, the Chicago Human university founded by the Sisters of the Holy service as a cryptologist during WWII. So se- Rhythm Project, CHRP, has maintained com- Names of Jesus and Mary and co-educational cret was his work during the war, Sgt. Collins’ munity outreach as the cornerstone of its suc- since 1971. Upon Sister Rosemarie’s arrival, invaluable contributions were not recognized cess. Most notably, CHRP has educated over the university entered a period of ‘‘refounda- and made public until the 1990s. 10,000 students and provided over $250,000 tion,’’ where she, along with faculty and lead- After distinguishing himself during training at in scholarships to students in need to study ership, assessed the university’s strengths and Arlington Hall, the U.S. cryptography center, tap dance during the summer. CHRP has also the critical needs of their students for the 21st he was chosen to escort the Allies’ most ad- provided a free outreach residency school pro- century. She described this process as making vanced code-breaking machine, the Dragon, gram for elementary, high school, and cultural the best match between tradition and innova- to Britain in 1944. Sgt. Collins carried a loaded centers throughout the Chicagoland area. The tion, while stretching to meet any challenges Smith & Wesson revolver at all times during cultivation of a stronger America through art is at hand. With foresight, dedication and solid VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:53 Jun 10, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09JN8.025 E09JNPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS June 9, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1055 teamwork, Sister Rosemarie introduced a five- headlining sports pages and captivating the OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL year strategic plan to the Board of Trustees, nation with his amazing feat. As FIU battled to DEBT later accomplishing every goal she addressed. stay alive in the NCAA Regionals of the Col- She led the institution in achieving the max- lege World Series, Garrett extended his hitting HON. MIKE COFFMAN imum 10-year accreditation by the Western streak to 56-consecutive games; a streak OF COLORADO Association of Schools and Colleges, oversaw which began on February 19, 2010. This IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the highest and most diverse enrollment in the matches the Major League Baseball record Wednesday, June 9, 2010 university’s history and surpassed initial fund- held by Yankee great and Hall of Famer, Joe raising goals to raise $5.3 million in a suc- DiMaggio, who hit in 56-straight games in Mr.
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