Lockheed Supervisor Speaks LARGEST- JUNIOR COLLEGE CIRCULATION, IN THE WORLD On Duties of Office Manager LosAngelesCollegian Conference Provides Official Publication of Anotiited Studenti, '.»< Anaelci City College ",, Member Allocated ColleoJate Pr«»«, California N«w«paper Publisher*. Columbia, and National Scholastic Preti A«»« Career Opportunities VoI.XLII,Issue 1521, No.27 Los Angeles, California Monday Morning, April 24, 1950 "The Office Manager— What's His Future?" given by George A. Carman, section supervisor, Of- fice Service Department, Lock- heed Aircraft Corporation, will be one of the talks presented at 'Cyrano' Opens Campus Run the Business Conference Thurs- day. Sponsored by the Associated Stu- KEEP IT CLEAN Sunasky Directs dents of State,and City Colleges, the conference will attempt to acquaint New Vie Group college students with busines career Cleanup Representatives Enforce opportunities and to implement and Comedy Play coordinate the theory of the class- In room with the realities of the busi- Carnival Booth Sanitation Rules Despite his unusually large Regulations of car- pha Phi Omega; electricity, Associ- ness office. Tickets for the 34 semi- for sanitation proboscis and deep inferiority nivalbooths willbe enforced through ated Engineers; invitations, Alethi- nars may be obtainedm B. 1. complex, Cyrano de Bergerac, PLANNING COMMITTEE discusses the forthcoming Business Show, a special cleanup committee led by ians; publicity, Chi Alpha Sigma and Machines Collegian; cleanup, Associated hero of Edmund Rostand's play, Show Features sponsored by Associated Students of City and State Colleges. The PhilSchneider, according to Carnival the show willalso Mason and Leon- Business Students; ticket boxes, Al- does not lack personal pride. A business machines show, taking place on campus Thursday, will include a section devoted co-chairmen Tom be heldm the Women's Gymnasium, ard Green. pha Sigma Beta; and outside public- "Cyrano" begins a five day run machines, as well as panels onbusiness trends. ity, with 20 exhibitors participating. The to All clubs entering booths m the- HalMintz. tonight at 8:15 m Administra- from 10 a.m. two representa- show will becontinuous Carnival must have tion Auditorium. p.m., will feature typewrit- tives on the committee, with the to 5 and until Satur- ers, adding machines, comptometers, larger clubs furnishing three mem- Performancescontinue Owen Talks day, with the exception of Tuesday, dictaphones, and calculating ma- Panel Discusses Problems bers. A penalty of $5 per person will p.m. Admission is free and be leveled if the club is not repre- at 8:15 chines. seats willnot be reserved. Four general seminars will be held sented. The money will be deducted Europe m Administration Auditorium. The Facing International Peace from the proceeds of the club, About Sunasky Produces Comedy students are realizing Irving Sunasky, who enacts the opening seminar at 9 a.m. with Ed- Problems confronting the estab- guage instructor,serves as moderator. Schneider said. "American cooperate Europe IRVING SUNASKY, directs, pro- role, produced directed ward L. Barkett, student conference lishment of world peace willbe aired The forum is sponsored by Sigma Bulletin Lists Deadline that we must with title also and hope have," and enacts the title role comedy Vie chairman, presiding, features Walter by a three memberpanelat the ninth Tau Sigma, honorary social science A bulletinput m clubboxesm B. 1 for it is the only real we duces, m the heroic with the New H. Owen, Players. Elieson, Deputy Regional Director, Town Hall Wednesday m S.L.H. 201 organization, withDr. Arthur G.Hor- lists May 1as deadlinefor the submis- stated William State Col- New Vie Players' "Cyrano de major, lead, U.S. Department of Commerce, who at 12 m. ton, social science instructor and ad- sion of names of cleanup representa- lege history at the sixth In- Bergerac."Lucille Alix plays lead. Rozane, the feminine is en- placed As- stitute on American Culture panel acted by Lucille Alix. "I am very speaks on "Opportunities m Business Speakers include George Rogers. K. visor directing the program. tives.Lists must be m the background Friday. The panel'stopic was"Ameri- grateful to New Vie for giving me the for theCollege Graduate." Wallace Longshore, and Jerry Harris, United Nations and sociatedBusiness Students' box. improvement will be des- The committee will be broken into ca and Europe." opportunity toportray twoof themost Grooming while Meyer Krakowski, foreign lan- needs for Confer, — Leonetti Tells of cribed by Harris, president of Colle- two sections, one to serve on Friday Dr. Raymond A. Rydell, State Col- Students illustrious womenm fiction first Ju- Caroline Leonetti, Leonetti School giate Council forUnitedNations, who and the other the following night. lege asistant professor of social sci- liet, and now Roxane," said Miss of Charm and Fashion Modeling, DIRT BEWARE! talks on "The U.N.— Our Best Hope At 6 p.m. Friday the first group will ence,moderated. Solve Problems Alix. gives "Tips on Good Grooming" at for Peace."He willalsocompare other muster m the bleachers of the foot- Rydell Discusses 1914 Attemptingto find solutions to stu- Lawrence Portrays Christian 10, with R.H. Griest, third speaker, attempts at world government. ball field. Jobs will be assigned with The three member panel included dent problems, the conference of David Lawrence, who portrays explaining "The Job Interview— The AMS Sponsors Rogers, Associated Students vice sectionleadersm charge,and atmid- Dr. John A. Schutz, professor of so- Southern California colleges met at Christian, the romantic lead, said, Important Things To Remember" at president, is to show why the United night the committee will meet to in- cial science at California Institute of Loyola University Saturday, an- "I've always lookedupon the play as 11a.m. and 2 p.m. Griest is employ- Nations with its vetopower and other spect the grounds and sign out. Technology; Mario L. Tartaglia, so- nonucedK. Wallace Longshore, presi- one of the'great works of art. This ment manager of the Pacific Tele- CampusProject conflicts is weak,and thatafederated Clubs Remove Booths cial science instructor; and William dent of the Southern Districts of the production has enabled me to dis- phone and Telegraph Company. Campus cleanup campaign, spon- government is the best solution. He Saturday afternoon, the second H. Owens, State College history ma- United States National Students As- cover the more subtle- shades of Closing session, with Kenneth Mil- sored by Associated Men Students speaks on "Possibilities for Inter- group will meet m the bleachers at jor. sociation which sponsored the event. Christian's characterization. ler, State College conference chair- council, begins today, announced national Government." 4:30 to recheck the grounds. After the "America looked awfully good to "A new kind of group dynamics Chuck Gordon is cast as D'Guiche. man, presiding, features Tony Whan, Walt Dobrian, president. The importance of supporting the Carnivalhas officially ended at 10:30 Europeans. America, on the other process was used which promoted Liginere, the poet, is portrayed by president of the Pacific Indoor Ad- Pledges of Alpha Phi Omega have United Nations as the only existing p.m. Saturday, clubs will take their hand, looked with disfavoronEurope. maximum student participation m David Armstrong. Robert Jones takes vertising Company, who— speaks on already commencedon the projectby organization equipped to establish booths downunder the cleanup com- Exclusion acts werebeing passedand the attempts to define these solutions the part of Leßret, Cyrano's close "The Business Field It's Terrific!" helping to keep proper order m the world peace will be emphasized by mittee's supervision. immigrants were looked upon as a and to get commitments from the friend. from 3:15 to 4 p.m. Student Union. Longshore, president of the StateCol- Clubs or individuals failing to per- problem. delegates to carry them out on cam- Ragineau Admires Cyrano lege chapterof Sigma Tau Sigma.His form cleanup duties will have their puses," Longshore stated. Raoul Reardon enacts the role of Seminars Cover Field "Rubbish cans will be painted British RealizeUse topic "Can Civilization Survive names submitted to the Carnival Ragineau, poet and pastry who weird colors, and posters will be put is Rydell said that the British were Conference Starts Early cook Seminars at 10 a.m. are "If You Ragineau's — m variousplaces on campus," Dobrian Without the UnitedNations?" Committee. the only ones that realized that the The conference which started m admires Cyrano. Lisa, Have What it Takes Merchandising Last week four speakers discussed The Camp Fund Carnival is held wife, played by Ross. stated, "m order to remind students UnitedStates couldbe of use to them the morning was divided into two is Francine May Be for You," Haviland G. Rog- "Business Opportunities Today." annually each spring with the pur- plays role, of the project." and that cooperation was important. workshops.One took up problems re- Dacre Lincoln a dual ers, vice president,Coca Cola Bottling pose sending underprivileged chil- orange girl. The speech department is also of. "America felt strong, smug, and lating to minority groups and the Sister Martha and the Company of Los Angeles, H.H. 6; dren University Camp for joining m the fight by making "Cam- Students File Applications to Summer secure m its isolation," he said. other discussedhuman relation prob- Joyce WidofT is the Duenna and Sis- "The Field of Credits and Collec- a 10 day vacation. Chairman of the immigration pus Cleanup" a topic for speeches. For February Graduation In the subject of lems involved m group organizations ter Claire. tions," Arthur Kaiser, credit man- Camp FundDrive is Jim Wurtz. Douglas Blunk, Dobrian also announced that an Students completing requirements Tartaglia explained that first quali- such as fraternity versus non-fra- Also m the cast are ager, Bullock's, Inc., S.L.H. 201. Oth- campus club willman abooth Montfleury A.W.S.-A.M.S.
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