,__ , ·------ ------------------ Te mple Beth-El 688 Broad St. · · _ Pr,ov i dence , R. I. Attn : Miss Pincus On ly Anglo-Jewish Serving 30,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island The Jewish Herald VOL. XXXV, No. 38 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1950 PROVIDENCE, R. I. SIXTEEN PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY GJC and Center Plan Plot On UJA Is Terined Local Recreation Survey The latter will be supplied by Advisory Group the National Jewish Welfare Nonsense by Fund Head. Board, authorities in compiling similar recreational studies in Will Be Named other comparable Jewish com­ Mounting Protests Reach Council: munities throughout the nation. Patterned after its predecessor GJC Drive Total -=--the educational survey that will The survey will be of the self­ C.lFWF Plans Agency Discussion_s be completed with in the next study type, with local sub-com­ several weeks--an evaluation of mittees investigating s pe ci fic Reaches $715,000 NEW )'.O RK C ITY-i\lounting protests that findings the recreational needs. programs phases of the problems, and their of a cop1111ittee of the Council of J ewish Federa(ions and and facilities of the local J ewish ultimate findings being drafted in "Immediate coverage of out­ Welfare Funds was in reality a blueprint for (hreatening and community will soon be launched treatise form by the NJWB speci­ standing cards" was the theme alists. scrapping the mammoth United Jewish Appeal were ac­ by the G enera l Jewish Committee being hammered away at by GJC knowledged by Council spokesmen this week who disclosed of Providence in close collabora­ The original proposal for the officials this week as the 1950 fund-raising drive of the General to the American Jewish Press that a meeting with a ha lf tion with th e stat! and officials of study came from - the Center and dozen representatives of n ati ona l -Jewish organ izations was the Jewish Community Center . was presented to the GJC, central Jewish Committee climbed past As in the case of the educational fund-raising and planning body the $715,000 level. scheduled early l his week "to get their suggestions on the survey, the recreational appraisal in the local area. A possible goal of $800,000 was plan.'_' will be supervised by an advisory being discussed by som e campaign Council spokesmen attributed Following a study by a special leaders as analysis of returns re­ committee whose membership will committee headed by Arthur J . the telegram protests, the number vealed that approximately 1750 Hoodlum Attacks represent a cross-sectj on of the Levy to examine the question, the of which they placed at :·more greater Providence area. Profes­ cards are still unreported. than a dozen thus far," to a cam­ GJC's board of directors voted To date, pledges or cash gifts sional leadership and guidance last week to undertake the recrea­ paign organized by Pittsburgh have been received from 7,260 also will be obtained for the sur­ tional evaluation. Worry Hub Officials Zionist Alex Lowenthal. former vey, it was announced this week donors in the greater Providence president of the Pittsburgh Zion- by Alvin A. Sopkin , GJC presi­ area:- Last year, slightly more BOSTON <AJP~- Top city and ist District. Recently returned dent. than 9,000 cards were covered. state officials were on record this from a visit to Israel, Lowenthal Calls for Repeal week as expressing serious con­ had set up headquarters here to A Report Luncheon for work­ cern with problems raised by an form a committee aimed at com­ of Secur~ty Act ers and cap tain~ with cards anti-Semitic outbreak earlier this batting the Federation's proposal for an emergency coIIUIUttee de­ Educational Survey WASHINGTON (AJP) - Olli- ,;; till in their p ossession- in all month in the Hyde Park-Dor­ signed to organize a national sub­ cials of the United Synagogues of sub-divisions of the o v e r a 1 I chester areas where 25 youths stitute fund-raising committee if America, gathered. here in con­ Men's Division '_ particularly were arrested. A continuance of and when such emergency arose. Report Due Soo~ _ vention, called for the repeal or the Trades and Industry units the trial until December 1 was The discontinuance of U.J.A. modifica tion of the Internal Secu- will be held Wednesday n oon, granted the youths. Now in their final stages, the rity Act of 1950. Nov. 29 a t GJ C headquarters Assurances th a t authorities would constitute such an emer- findings of a survey of the Jewish . at t h e Strand Building. would provide adequate police gency. community's educational needs-- Samuel Rothstein, president_ of protection for Hecht House and There was no intention what­ being c1,1nducted by the General , the United Synagogues of America, The division standings, as this track down all leads relative to ever, declared H . L. Lurie, direc­ Jewish Committee of Providence a nd Dr. Sunon Greenberg, at a the anti-Semitic assaults in the tor of the Council of Jewish - will soon be crystallized into r e- In ews conf';;ence, said the Council issue of the ·Herald went to press, are: Men, $601 ,963 : Women, $94,- Dorchester area were given Jew­ Federations and Welfare Funds, port form for presentation to the oppos_ed hysteria and , seemg ish officials in a conference with to implement the plan this year. GJC's board of directors. enemies where _ they don t exist. 083 : Young Adults, $18,350. Re­ This sort of thmg does not flt in spective coverage is 2804, 2917 and Gov. P aul A. Dever, of Massachu­ The Stable and Unified National Fund Raising Committee. formu­ The survey's Pla nning Commit­ a country such as ours." 1539. setts. tee will meet next Wednesday Plans were under way for a lated two years ago and headed by evening , Nov. 29, at the home of conference with Boston's mayor, Julian Freeman, of Indianapolis, J oseph W . Ress to make final ar­ John B. Hynes who recently compiled their emergency fund rangem ents for a m eeting of the $70,000 Pledged For Memorials stated that "these outbreaks re­ raising plan which sparked what entire 60 - member Community fl ect a problem we cannot ignore." was fast becoming a serious, bit­ in De­ ter issue throughout the nation. Survey Committee early A total of 200 everlasting mem­ cember. orials have been purchased in the Lurie told the American Jew­ At that time, reports of the new Miriam Hospital, Louis Fain, News Deadl ine ish Press that · the Council sup­ three major sub-committees will chairman of the hospital's Mem­ ported the 1950 U.J.A. drive and be submitted to the overall survey orial Committee, announced this that any talk of ,trying to scuttle group, following which the final week. Is Advanced the drive was "absolute pure report will be compiled by Dr. nonsense." Close to $70,000 has been pledged Uriah Z. Engleman, authority on T he Herald hereby announces The Council refuted charges, for m em orials since the .breaking Jewish education . It is expected an advance in its deadline for first appearing in the Yiddish of the ground last June, the that the completed analysis will t h e receipt of news stories to daily, the Jewish Day, that the be ready by early J a nuary. chairman added. 12 n oon every Tuesday. No fund raising committee's report Th e three sub - committees, The announcement m arked the guarantee of insertion will be intended, as the Day had said, to wh ose findings will be acted upon resumption of the drive to sell made for a ny mater ial arriv­ take over the functions of the at the December m eeting, are: 1 ) memorials for t he new hospital, in g in t he Dyer Street office United Jewish Appeal. school population and facts, Mer­ now under construction at its new after that time. "The emergency pla n ." Lurie rill Hassen!eld. chairman: 2> cur­ location on Summit Avenue. All New regulations on the sub­ said , "is d esigned only if and riculum a nd programs, Prof. Is­ fund-raisin g etforts had been sus­ mission of news copy have also when the time comes when U.J .A. rael Kapstein , chairman : 3) pended since June, first because been listed by the editors. Be­ ls no longer In the field. We are finances and personnel. Frank of the summer vacation period, cause of the frequency of er­ not presenting the committee's Licht, chairman. a nd later In deference to t he cam­ rors stemming from p o o r I y report for adoption at our Wash­ Dr. Engleman will also confer paign of t he General J ewish Com­ written copy, an stories must ington conference in early Decem­ with the Pla nning Committee at mittee a nd the Providence Com­ be typed, double · spaced, or le­ ber." next Wednesday's m eeting. Dur­ munity Fund's Red Feather drive. gibly printed on a full size Nevertheless, it was disclosed. Ing the past several mon ths he has In sounding the opening note sheet of paper. Stories contaln ­ Council spokesmen will m eet \>1th held a number of conferences of the renewed campaign, Fain lnir lists of names will not be six representatives of national with local educational officials on reminded the J ewish community LOUIS FAIN taken over the phone. J ewish organizations, reportedly t he question of furtherin g Jewish that the m ajor portion of the These cbang-es are m a de Including the Jewish Welfare education facllltles In the greater burden to provide funds neces­ pleted according to present plans.
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