United States Department of.the Interior Bureau of Land Management Determination of NEPA Adequacy DOl-BLM-UT-V010-2019-145 DNA Special Recreation Permits and Amendments for Apex Mountain School, Colorado School of Mines, Red River Adventures and Moab Desert Adventures .June 2019 Locations: Designated climbing and canvoneering routes in the Moub Field Office Applicants: Jack Guay. Apex Mountain School. P0 Box 7331. Avon, CO 81620 Kevin Langlois. Colorado School of Mines. 1500 Illinois Street. Golden. CO 80401 Carl Dec. Red River Adventures. 1140 S. Main St.. Moab. UT 84532 Nate Snv dor. Moab Desert Adventures. 39 E. Center Street. Moab. UT 84532 Moab Field 0111cc 82 East Dogwood Moab. Utah 84532 Phone: 435-259-2100 I I Worksheet Determination of NEP.4 Adequacy L.S. Department of [he Interior Utah Bureau of Land \Ianagement The signed CONCLUSION at the end of this worksheet is part ofan interim step in the BLM’s internal analysis process and does not constitute an appealable decision: however, it constitutes an administrative record to be provided as evidence in protest. appeals and legal procedures. OFFICE: Moab Field Office PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: Special Recreation Permits and Amendments for Apex Mountain School. Colorado School of Mines. Red River Adventures, and Moab Desert Adventures. LOCATION/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Climbing: Kane Creek Road (Icc Cream Parlor. Bakery. Space Tower. Predator. Abraxis. Tombstone). Highway 279 (The Scar. Kings I-land. Wall Street. Day Canyon. Culvert Canvon/Camcltoe. Jug I landle. Off \\idth Cit . lIighw tn 128 (River Road Dihedrals. Drinks Canon. Fake Out Beach Crags. Lighthouse Tower. Dolomite Tower. Big Bend Butte. Big Bend Boulders. Castle Valley (Castleton Tower. the Rectory, the Priest. Sister Superior. Parriott Mesa/Crooked Arrows Spire) Fisher Towers (the Lizard. Ancient Art. Kingfisher). and Utopia aka Terma. Canyoneeuing: Mystery Towers (in side canyon of Onion Creek), Cable Arch. Cdmeltoe (Culvert). Entrajo (Chamisa). Fins and Things/Cactus Bowl and Bow and Arrow (Longbow APPLICANTS: Jack Guav. Apex Mountain School. P0 Box 7331. Avon, CO 81620 Kevin Langlois. Colorado School of’Mines. 1500 Illinois Street. Golden, CO 80401 Carl Dec. Red River Adventures. 1140 S. Main St.. Moab. UT 84532 Nate Snydor. Moab Desert Adventures. 39 E. Center Street. .1oab, UT 84532 A. Description of the Proposed Action and Any Applicable Mitigation Measures Jack Guay. on behalf’of Apex Mountain School. seeks a SRP to offer guided commercial rock climbing at various designated climbing locations within the Moab Field Office. (I-Ic also wishes to add mountain biking and hiking to his permit — these activities are analyzed separately). Apex Mountain School has had a permit with the Moab BLM. but it lapsed in 2017. I-Ic seeks renewal at this time. For climbing locations. Mr. Guay asks for big Bend Bouldering. the Ice Cream Parlor. Wall Street. Day Canyon .Abraxis Wall. the Fisher Towers Group. the Castleton Group and the Lighthouse. For canvoneering. he has asked for Mvsten Tower in Onion Creek All use would be day use only, with an’ overnight use occurring at designated campgrounds or private facilities. As this is a renewal of a previous permit. it would be issued for a period of tem years. Standard stipulations as well as canvoneering and climbing—specific stipulations would apply to the SRP for Apex Mountain School. Kevin Langlois. on behalfof Colorado School of Mines. seeks renewal of his SRP to oiler climbing trips at Wall Street in the Moab Field 0111cc (he has also asked for biking and hiking. which are analyzed separately) All use would be day use, with any overnight use occurring at designated campgrounds or private litcilities. Colorado School of Mines has held a permit with the Moab BLM during the 2017 calendar year. The renewal would be issued for a period often years. Standard stipulations as well as climbing specific stipulations would apply to tile SRI for Colorado School of Mines. Carl Dec. on behalf of Red River Adventures, has requested an augmentation of his permit to add canyoneering and rock climbing locations (Abraxis Wall. tile Baker. Space Tower. Predator. Tombstone. Utopia (Terma) .Jug 1-landle. Oil Width City. Zig Zag (aka Bounce Test. Fins and Things canyoneering route. Cable Arch and Bow and Arrow (Longbow). All use would be day use. with any overnight use occurring at designated campgrounds or private focilities. Red River Adventures has had a permit with the BLM since 2010. The climbing and canvoneering routes would be added to their permit for the 2019 year. with an option to renew for a period often years. (Red River’s permit expires at the end of the 2019 year). Standard stipulations as well as climbing and canyoneering specific stipulations would apply to the SRP for Red River Ad en tu res. Nate Snydor. on behalf of Moab Desert Adventures, has requested the following designated canyoneering and climbing locations be added to his permit: ZigZag (Bounce Test). Abraxis Wall. Utopia (Terma) and Cable Arch. Moab Desert Adventures has had a permit with the Moab BLM since 2011. The routes would he added to Moab Desert Adventures’ current permit. which expires at tile end of2020. Standard stipulations as well as climbing and canyoneering specific stipulations would apply to the SRP for the Moab Desert Adventures. 13. Land Use Plan (LUP) Conformance LUP \ame Moab Resource Management Plan Date Approved October. 2008 * List applicable LUPs (for example. resource management plans; activity, project. management or program iiins: or applicable amendments thereto). The proposed action is in conformance with the applicable LUPs because it is specifically provided for in the following [UP decisions: Page 97 of the Moab RMP reads as follows: Special Recreation Permits are issued as a discretionary action as a means to: help meet management objectives, provide opportunities for economic activity, facilitate recreational use of public lands, control visitor use. protect recreational and natural resources, and provide for the health and safety of visitors.” In addition. page 98 states: “All SRPs will contain standard stipulations appropriate for the type of activity and may include stipulations necessary to protect lands or resources. reduce user conflicts, or minimize health and saibty concerns. Issue and manage recreation permits for a wide variety of uses to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities. provide opportunities for private enterprise, manage user—group interaction. and limit the impacts to such uses upon natural and cultural resources.” C. Identify the applicable National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents and other related documents that cover the proposed action. Environmental Assessment DOl—BLNI—UT—Y0 10—2010—0082 Special Recreation Pci,;,,! for Jackson hole \ioiiniam Un/c/es. signed February 2010. This covers all of the climbing locations considered under this Proposed Action except Utopia Terma. Environmental Assessment DOl—BLM-UT-Y0 10-2016—0048, Special Recreation Permit Amendment for Pmnpkni Patch, signed on August 13. 2017, covers Utopia/Terma. Environmental Assessment DOl—BLM—UT—Y0 l0—2012—0212. Spec mcml Recreation Permnu for Aai’iec, signed December 28. 20l 2 analv/.es the canvoneenng activities at Mster Canyon and Cable Arch. En ironmental Assessment DOl—BLNI-Ll—Y0 10—2015—0173 ..Spccial Recreation Peminit .-lmendmcnt fin Desen !-hig/mlight.v. signed December 16. 2015. analyzes the use of ZigZag Canyon Ibr canyoneering (this is also called •the Bounce Test). Environmental Assessment DO1-BLM-UT—Y01 0-2017-0l05, Special Recreation Penn/i A mnemic/nments for A-/nab ( amivon Tourv. Wi ndgate. Moab Cliffs and Canyons and Desert Highlights, signed May 4. 2018. covers the Fins and the Bow and Arrow canyoneering routes. NEPA Adequacy Criteria 1. Is the new proposed action a feature of, or essentially similar to, an alternative analyzed in the existing NEPA document(s)? Is the project within the same analv sis area, or if the project location is different, are the geographic and resource conditions sufficiently similar to those analyzed in the existing NEPA document(s)? Ii there are differences, can you explain why they are not substantial? NoYes Documentation o answer and explanation: Yes: the e< sting NEPA documents address the impacts of permitted climbing and canyoneering tours within the Moab Field Office. Each of the locations is specifically contained in the NEPA documents. 2. Is the range of alternatives analyzed in the existing NEPA document(s) appropriate with respect to the new proposed action (or existing proposed action), given current environmental concerns, interests, and resource values? Yes No Documentation of answer and explanation: Yes: Environmental Assessments DOl—BLM—UT— YOl 0-2010-0082. DOI-BLM-UT-Y0I 0-2016-0048. DOl-BLM-UT-Y01 0-2017-0105. DOl BLM—UT—YOlO—2015—0l 73 and DOl—BLM—UT—Y010—2012—02l2 each contain analysis oithe proposed action and a no action alternative. l’he environmental concerns, interests, resource values, and circumstances have not changed to a degree that wtrrants broader consideration. 3. Is existing analysis adequate in light of any new information or circumstances (such as, ra ngela tid hea liii sEai ii dards assessmcn t; recent cii dangcred species listings, u pda led list of BLM sensitive species)? Can you reasonably conclude (lint new information and new circumstances would not substantially change the analysis of the new proposed action? 0 Yes D Documentation of answer and explanation: Yes: the existing analysis and conclusions are adequate as there has been no new information or circumstances presented. It can be reasonably concluded that all new infbrmation and circumstances are insignificant with regard to analysis of the proposed action. 4. Are thc direct, indirect, and cumulative effects that would result from implementation of (lie new’ proposed action similar (1)0111 quantitatively and qualitatively) to those analyzed in the existing NEPA document? OYes CNo Documentation of answer and explanation: Yes’•.
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