.1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6225 enactment of S. 860; to. the Committee on of the world shall once again sing the THE JOURNAL Military Afi'airs. song of the angels: "Peace on earth to 3228. By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Petition of On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by 91 citizens of Story City, Iowa, and vicinity, men of good will." Through Jesus Christ unanimous consent, the reading of the urging the enactment of legislation for the our Lord. Amen. Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ abolishment of liquor traffic as an aid to our CALL OF THE ROLL dar day Wednesday, July 15, 1942, was war program; to the Committee on Military dispensed with, and the Journal was Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate approved. 3229. By Mr. LANE: Petition of the Board having adjourned last evening without of Aldermen of the city of Chelsea, Mass., a quorum, the clerk will call the roll to MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT favoring passage of bill permitting States develop the presence of a quorum. Messages in writing from the President to levy taxes against rroperty acquired by the Government; to the Committee on the Public Th~ Chief Clerk called the roll, and of the United States submitting nomi­ Lands. the following Senators answered to their nations were communicated to the Sen­ 3230. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the names: ate by Mr. Miller, one of his· secretaries. Marine Cooks' and Stewards' Association of Aiken Davis Norris MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE the Pacific Coast, regarding establishment of Andrews Downey Nye a uniform, simple,. and inexpensive procedure Bailey Ellender O'Mahoney A message from the House of Repre­ Ball George Pepper sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its for the proof of American birth of all persons Barbour Gerry Reynolds in fact born in this country; to the Commit­ Barkley Gillette Rosier clerks, announced thB,t the House had tee on Immigration and Naturalization. Bilbo Green Russell passed a bill (H. R. 7239) to authorize the 3231. By Mr. SMITH of Washington: Peti­ Bone Gu11ey Schwartz Director of the Census to issue certifica­ tions supporting Senate bill 860, signed by Brewster Gurney Spencer tions of birth records, in which it re­ 809 residents of Lewis and Cowlitz Counties, Bridges Hatch Thomas, Idaho State of Washington; to the Committee on Brooks Hayden Thomas, Okla. quested the concurrence of the Senate. Burton Johnson, Calif. Thomas, Utah Military Affairs. Byrd Kilgore Tobey ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED 3232. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Resolu­ Capper Lee Tunnell The message also announced that the tion of the Monroe Chamber of Commerce, Caraway Lucas Tydings Monroe, Green County, Wis., asking that our Chandler McKellar Vandenberg Speaker had affixed his signature to the Government be urged to move the cheese Clark, Idaho McNary Van Nuys following enrolled bills, and they were already allocated to them and stored in ware­ Clark, Mo. Maloney White signed by the Vice President: houses in the cheese-producing area of the Connally Maybank Wiley Danaher Mead Wlllis H. R. 3173. An act for the relief of Mrs. Middle West, and that it be urged to order Charles 0. DeFord; either under the lend-lease program or for Mr. BARKLEY. I announce that the H. R. 4355. An act for the relief of Bella Army and Navy requirements larger quan­ Senator from Delaware [Mr. HUGHES] is Cosgrove; tities of the cheese produced, particularly the absent from the Senate because of illness. H. R. 4370. An act for the relief of Charles Junior Grade American and Grinder Swiss, L. Lair; · which is available for processing purposes; The Senator from Missouri [Mr. TRu­ MAN] and the Senator from .Washington H. R. 5000. An act conferring jurisdiction to the Committee on Agriculture. upon the United States District Court for 3233. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the [Mr. WALLGREN] are members of the the Eastern District of Michigan to hear, Research Bureau of Milwaukee, Wis., and Committee to Investigate National De­ determine, and render judgment upon the sundry signers (nine petitions) petitioning fense, and are, therefore, necessarily ab­ claim of Ferd W. Melle, of Detroit, Mich.; consideration of their resolution with ref­ sent. H. R. 5295. An act for the relief of the erence to National Bank Act legislation; to The Senators from Alabama [Mr. estate of Romano Emillani; the Committee on Banking and Currency. BANKHEAD and Mr. HILL], the Senator H. R. 5317. An act for the relief of Mrs. from Michigan [Mr. BROWN], the Senator Jessie A. Beechwood; H. R. 5385. An act for the relief of Charles from South Dakota [Mr. BuLow], the E. Yates and the Motor Facts Sales Co.; Senators from Nevada [Mr. BUNKER and H. R. 5496. An act for the relief of Cecile SENATE Mr. McCARRAN], the Senator from New McLaughlin; THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1942 Mexico [Mr. CHAVEZ], the Senator from H. R. 5499. An act for the relief of Henry Mississippi [Mr. DoxEY], the Senator Daley, guardian for James Ray Daley and Rev. Dr. Paul Little, rector, All Saints' from Virginia [Mr. GLASS], the Senator Norman Franklin Daley; from Iowa [Mr. HERRING], the Senator H. R. 5794. An act for the relief of the Episcopal Church, San Francisco, Calif., estate of Roy Owen, deceased; o:f!ered the following prayer: from Colorado [Mr. JoHNSON], the Sena­ H. R. 6077. An act for the relief of Edward tor from Arizona [Mr. McFARLAND], the Almighty God, Thou who hast given P. Reilly; and Senator from Utah [Mr. MURDOCK], the H. R. 7242. An act to authorize temporary this good land for our heritage, enable Senators from Montana [Mr. MURRAY and appointments in the Army of the United us to be worthy citizens thereof. Bless Mr. WH:EELER], the Senator from Texas States of omcm·s on duty with the Medical our land with honorable industry, sound [Mr. O'DANIEL], the Senator from Louisi­ Administrative Corps. learning, and wholesome purposes. ana [Mr. OVERTON], the Senator from PETITIONS Bless, we pray Thee, the President of Maryland [Mr. RADCLIFFE], the Senator the United States and all those to whom Petitions were laid before the Senate, from New Jersey [Mr. SMATHERS], the or presented, and referred as indicated: we have entrusted the authority of gov­ Senator from South Carolina [Mr. ernment. Direct, with divine wisdom, By the VICE PRESIDENT: SMITH], the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. A petition of sundry citizens of the State these Thy servants, in this honored legis­ STEWART], the Senator from New York lative body, to the advancement of Thy of Arkansas, praying for the enactment of [Mr. WAGNER], and the Senator from Senate bill 860, to prohibit the sale of alco­ glory, the safety, honor, and welfare of Massachusetts [Mr. WALSH] are neces­ holic liquor and to suppress vice in the Thy people. vicinity of military camps and naval estab• We thank Thee, 0 God, for the Ameri­ sarily absent. Mr. McNARY. The Senator from Ore­ lishments; ordered to lie on the table. can way of life. Here a man may become By Mr. CAPPER: the equal of any other, and here, more gon [Mr. HoLMAN] is absent on public The petition of the pastor and members than otherwheres, a man may be a man business. of the Hadley Memorial Methodist Church, despite his ancestry or poverty. The following Senators are necessarily of Hutchinson, Kans., praying for the enact­ In these calamitous days, we beseech absent: ment of Senate bill 860, to prohibit the sale Thee, 0 God, graciously to bless all those The Senator from Vermont [Mr. Aus­ of alcoholic liquor and to suppress vice i.n TIN], the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. the vicinity of military camps and naval in the armed forces of our beloved land. establishlp.ents; ordered to lie on the table. Comfort all to whom sorrows and suffer­ BUTLER], the Senator from North Dakota ings have come, and to our noble dead: [Mr. LANGER], the Senator from Massa­ REPORTS OF A COMMITl'EE chusetts [Mr. LoDGE], the Senator from "Rest eternal grant to them, 0 Lord, The following reports of the Commit­ Colorado [Mr. MILLIKIN], the Senator tee on Education and Labor were sub­ And light perpetual shine upon them, from Minnesota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD], and the May they rest in peace." mitted: Senator from Ohio [Mr. TAFT]. By Mr. THOMAS of Utah: Hasten the day, 0 God, when the The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty Sena­ S. 1313. A bill to strengthen the national forces of tyranny and aggression will tors have answered to their names. A defense and promote the general welfare forever be vanquished, and the nations quorum is present. through the appropriation of funds to assist .6226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 16 the States and Territories in meeting finan­ to me to be unanswerable. I agree in toto tators and news writers held up the Members cial emergencies in education and in reduc­ with what this distinguished, highly edu­ of Congress as a lot of cheats and chiselers ing inequalities of educational opportunities; and, in my opinion, they did it because it with amendments (Rept. No. 1548); and cated, and well-informed writer has said was a good story and they would not suffer H. R. 5839. A bill to amend the act entitled about the matter. from recriminations at the hands of Congress ••An act to provide compensation for em­ I ask unanimous consent to have the that they might from some Government ployees of the United States suffering injuries article containing the letter printed in agency. It seems to be intellectually fash­ While in the performance of their duties, and the RECORD as a part of my remarks.
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