Hill&Lak‘WhereePress the biggies leave off...’ Published for East Isles, Lowry Hill, Kenwood Isles, & CIDNA VOLUME 36 NUMBER 9 www.hillandlakepress.com SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 Calhoun-Isles Lagoon Water GROUNDBREAKING AT PARADE PARKWAY Enthusiasts: Enjoy It While You Can! By Michael Wilson The lagoon connecting Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun will close temporarily during the week of Sept. 24 as part of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services’ (MCES) Calhoun-Isles Sewer Improvements project. According to the MCES, the start of this phase of the construction project was scheduled for late September, when the season for water activities on area lakes is on the wane. The lagoon will reopen to water- craft in the spring of 2013. The closure of the lagoon will mark the first time since July 1911, just over a century ago, that boaters will not be able to travel between Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun by water (apart from periods of drought, such as two years in the late 1950s, when the channel water level was too low for boating). For the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the citizens of Minneapolis 1911 was a landmark year. Park Board holdings expanded dramati- cally and several major capital projects were completed. According to Parks, Lakes, Trails and So Much More: An Overview of the Histories of MPRB Properties, compiled Photo by Dorothy Childers and written for the MPRB in 2008 by David C. Smith, From left: Commissioner Bob Fine, EIRA President Dan McLaughlin, Commissioner Anita Tabb, the “marriage” of Lake Calhoun to Lake of the Isles Lowry Hill Representative Jean Deatrick, and Commissioner Scott Vreeland. was celebrated in July 1911 with a full week of festivi- ties throughout the city that featured canoe races, fire- FINALLY….road construction begins at Parade! works at Lake Harriet, and a play about the city’s histo- By Park Board Commissioner Anita Tabb ry that ran for three nights at Loring Park to crowds of After what seemed like years of waiting, reconstruction of Parade Parkway kicked off on September 10 and, 25,000 each night. A cartoon in a Minneapolis newspa- weather permitting, work should be substantially complete by mid-November. The groundbreaking ceremony was per depicted the event as a wedding of the lakes, Smith held on September 6 with representatives from the Park Board, East Isles, Lowry Hill, Bryn Mawr and Blake writes, and indeed water from both lakes were mixed in School in attendance. The construction design calls for the road to move slightly so that it abuts the soccer/foot- a “loving cup” and poured into the canal to symbolize ball field. This design will allow for one unified parking area next to the Parade Arena minimizing the number of the union of the lakes. users who have to cross the road in the dark. The connection of the lakes with a canal was the The Case of the Stolen Gate culmination of at least 20 years of planning. Smith writes that from the time the Park Board first began negotiations with the Dean family, completed in 1891 that the Park Board made its first commitment to pro- for $22,000, to acquire the land between the eastern ceed with the project. shores of the lakes in the 1880s, the possibility of link- Park Superintendent Theodore Wirth, hired in 1906, ing the lakes had been mentioned. But it wasn’t until presented the first plans for a Lake of the Isles-Lake 1905, in response to petitions from citizens to connect Calhoun water connection in the 1907 annual report. the lakes at a depth that boats could pass between them, CALHOUN-ISLES LAGOON TO PAGE 4 A Kenwood resident wrote "We have had this gate for over 10 years and Thursday evening it was lifted up out of its hinges and carried away!" If anyone knows its whereabouts; please contact Hill and Lake Press. INSIDE Happenings 2 Meet your Neighbor 3 Sand Upon the Waters 5 Tenth Ward 6 Thomas Lowry Park 8,9 EIRA, CIDNA, KIAA, LHNA 10-13 Masthead 14 Letters 14 Photo by Michael Wilson Calhoun-Isles Lagoon Madeleine Lowry 15 2HILL AND LAKE PRESS HAPPENINGS SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 HAPPENINGS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Lunch with Lisa Birchbark Books Reading Series No lunch with Lisa in September due to Jewish Holiday. Sept. 22, 9-10:30 am East Isles Rain Garden, 2781 Readings will resume in September. Birchbark Humboldt Ave S The October 31 meeting with have an election-related Books is located at 2115 West 21st Street, Minneapolis, Sept. 22, 10:30am Walker Library closing day topic. MN 55405. (612) 374-4023. Sept. 23, 5-8pm WAMM silent auction St. Joan of Arc Sept. 24, 7pm Minneapolis One-Read Mpls “One Minneapolis One-Read” program is read- Convention Center ing Spirit Car: Journey to a Dakota Past by Diane Minneapolis Uptown Rotary Sept. 27, 7:30pm St. Thomas Choir, St. Mark’s Wilson. The City’s “book club” will be Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. www.clubrunner.ca/mplsuptownrotary Cathedral at Mpls Convention Center with Garrison Keillor and Uptown Rotary meets at the Minikahda Country Sept. 29, 10am - 4pm Fall Arts Festival, St. Mark’s Diane Wilson. Visit www.ticketworks.com for $10 tick- Club 7:30 to 8:30 am on Thursdays. Cathedral ets. Sept. 30, 10:30 Worship and Brunch after, St. Mark’s Cathedral Twin Cities Birth & Baby EXPO, Saturday, September 22, 9-10:30 East Isles Rain Garden Oct. 6 Rain Garden installation at 2781 Humboldt Ave October 13, 2012, 10am - 3pm at Midtown Global Basics, 2781 Humboldt Ave S October 6, S Market. www.twincitiesbirthandbaby.com Oct. 9, Design charrette, Public Visioning open house, This Expo is free and offers exhibits and events that 9 am -3 pm East Isles Rain Garden Installation, 2781 see page 4. promote healthy birth and parenting from diverse per- Humboldt Ave S October 23, EIRA Oct. 13, 9-11am Public Concept Review, see pg 4 spectives. Presented by ICAN of the Twin Cities in Oct. 13, 10 to 3pm TC Birth & Baby Expo Midtown partnership with the Childbirth Collective and Blooma. Market RAKE IT Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral Fall Improve your health while helping a senior citizen in Neighborhood monthly meetings: Arts Festival! remain independent in their home! You choose the date CIDNA: 2nd Wednesday 6pm at Jones-Harrison and time to rake. Perfect for individuals, groups, and EIRA: 2ndTuesday 7pm. Semi-Annual Members The Mosaic That Shows Us the Face of God families. Seasonal: October – November (depending Meeting 2nd Tuesday at Grace-Trinity Church, From Bread for the Journey by Henri J. M. Nouwen upon the weather). This is a one-time fun, flexible activ- October meeting will be 6-7:30 pm The mosaic is not just a collection of many different ity on weekdays or weekends. Feel free to sign up mul- KIAA: 1st Monday 7pm Kenwood Rec Center, individuals, but a collection of many different cultures. tiple times! Supplies needed: rakes, gloves, brooms, and LHNA: 1st Tuesday 7pm at Kenwood Rec Center While these cultures are different from each other, they compostable bags. are joined to be one. Saint Mark’s invites you to cele- Exact location TBD, depends upon where the senior brate a weekend of cultural diversity! citizen resides. Ongoing opportunities are also available. Events Schedule Please contact Jeanne the NIP Seniors Program, CLASSIFIED Thursday, September 27th - 7:30 p.m. Volunteer Coordinator at srvolunteer@neighborhood- Music for Choir and Organ featuring the St. SEPTEMBER 2012 involve.org or call 612-746-8549 for more information. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys from New York City, Our website is www.neighborhoodinvolve.org Thank CARPENTRY. Windows, doors. Siding. Fences, directed by John Scott. Tickets $15/$10. (St. Mark’s is you! decks, finish carpentry. Drywall, plaster repair, tap- offering free tickets for youth through high school to ing. Local refs, free ests. Tom 612-824-1554. the concert for St. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys HELPING SENIORS IN (adults are standard prices), but suggest ordering tickets Seniors Program of Neighborhood Involvement Rates: $7.00 for two lines, $4.00 for each additional line. in advance.) Send ad and check to Hill & Lake Press, c/o Jean Deatrick, Program assists elders aged 60 and over with a variety Saturday, September 29th - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 1821 Dupont Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403, payable to Hill of services so that they can remain safely in their home p.m. Fall Arts Festival Day includes a full day of work- & Lake Press. There are approximately 48 characters (let- or apartment. Our services are specialized for each res- shops, art fair, music, performances, food and activities ter, punctuation, space, number) per line. ident and we strive to provide as much as possible via for all ages. the assistance of volunteers. To be eligible for seniors’ Sunday, September 30th 10:30 a.m. Celebratory Friday, October 12, 2012 1 p.m. John Moriarty, Natural services, people must live within the following bound- Festival Eucharist will encompass the range of arts in a Resources Specialist with Ramsey County Parks and co- aries: in North Minneapolis, in , 35W on the east, and special service. We will also have the regularly scheduled editor of My Life in Natural History: an autobiography France Avenue on the west. For information about NIP 8:00 a.m. service and 9:15 a.m. Education Hour. Meet by Walter J. Breckenridge, will speak on Minnesota Senior Services email on the lawn by 10:15 a.m. for a joyous procession! Reptiles and Amphibians.
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