I nnovative Journal of Business and Management IJBM 10 (01), 260–266 (2021) ISSN (O) 2277:4947 HRM Investigation: Conflict Management in The Role of Internal Auditor Inside University Muhammad Alkirom Wildan?,y Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/ijbm.v10i01.3193 Accepted 20/12/2020; Received 15/11/2020; Publish Online 06/01/2021 ABSTRACT With HRM investigation knowledge, author investigate and study about the role con- flict in Internal Auditor (IA) members as campus functional staff who also doublesas lecturers. Role conflict is a form of confusion over different double instructions and must be done at the same time. This study aims to determine the causes and types of role conflict experienced by members of the Internal Auditor Unit. This research uses descriptive qualitative method through a deep interview approach. Based on in- terviews with three informants from one member of the IA, the head of the IA and one of the IA oversight units, the results of the study showed that the dual occupa- tional factors that caused role conflict were the level of interest, work demands and the absence of welfare benefits. The role conflict experienced by the University IAis more to the conflict within the individual regarding the conflict of time and pressure experienced. However, in carrying out their duties still uphold professionalism and create functional conflict because it is able to deal with conflict with initiative and creativity. Key words: HRM Investigation–Conflict Management and Internal Auditor 1 INTRODUCTION goals. Supervision occurs in two directions, internal auditor Every government agency or company generally has an in- and external auditor. ternal control system to oversee the level of quality assur- Decree of the Chancellor Number 028/H46/2009 contain- ance and performance. No exception colleges or universities ing the appointment of the Internal Auditor of Trunojoyo which are an organization engaged in teaching and edu- University in Madura which was the beginning of the birth cation services. As an educational institution, universities of the Internal Control Unit (IA) of Trunojoyo University in have a strategic role in achieving educational goals. There- Madura. The following year a new decree was issued with fore, the government has given full authority to account for Number 016 / H46 / 2010 concerning the change in the its performance to both internal and external stakeholders name of the Internal Auditor Team to the Internal Auditor of the tertiary institution. Embodiment in the management (IA) of the University of Trunojoyo Madura. With this, the role of educational institutions is the Internal Auditor (IA) University of Trunojoyo Madura has been given the author- or internal auditors who have the task of supervision in the ity to manage community funds independently. financial sector, academic, and performance (resources). Based on the research that has been done before, found The Internal Supervision System was strengthened by that the Internal Audit Unit Trunojoyo University has a the issuance of Permendiknas Number 47 of 2011 concern- dual position that is as functional campus officials (mem- ing the Internal Supervision Unit within the Ministry of bers IA) and faculty (professors). This has an impact on National Education, as a demand for openness and trans- the frequent absence of IA members in the IA office. This parency on the importance of the supervisory function. The dual position is thought to cause a role conflict with IA. oversight function itself generally aims to ascertain whether IA who hold concurrent positions as executors of university the objectives of the organization have proceeded accord- governance and teaching staff (lecturers) must divide their ingly without any distortion and deviation from the stated time to follow between the already busy teaching schedules determined by their respective study programs and the im- ? Corresponding author. pact on the frequent absence of IA members in the IA office y Email: [email protected] itself A Management View: Work Discipline, Motivation, and Leadership Style 261 Other consequences that can be caused are work be- This conflict usually occurs because of personality differ- comes uncomfortable, work tension and various other neg- ences. This conflict also stems from differences in roles such ative things that have an impact on the work that is not as managers and subordinates. optimal. Based on the description above, the researcher will 3. Conflict between individuals and groups conduct research to find out how multiple occupations oc- This conflict occurs because of the pressure of uniformity cur by the Internal Auditor and how the role conflict is that must be responded by the working group. For example experienced by the Internal Auditor, University Trunojoyo an individual is exiled in a group because it violates group Madura. norms. 4. Conflict between groups in the same organization This conflict usually occurs because of differences and conflicting interests between groups in the organization. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5. Conflict between organizations The large Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI) defines This conflict occurs as a result of economic competition duplicates as two or three strands attached together; fold in a country’s economic system. in half (three and so on); twin; double. Duplicate is also There are three methods in managing conflict, namely: interpreted as having more than one activity. According to 1. Conflict Stimulation Method. the Ministry of National Education Duplicate in relation to Causing conflict dynamics to achievement means better the position is occupying other positions besides permanent to perform an activity group. A low conflict actually results positions, doing more than one type of work. Basically, the in a low initiative so that employees turn to being passive, in dual employment system is not regulated and there are no contrast to the high level of conflict that can affect the level restrictions in labor legislation. However, the ban depends of employee initiative in an effort to complete their duties on the authority of each company or organization based on and responsibilities. Conflict stimulation methods include: the policies adopted. But in reality, in certain situations, placing outsiders in groups; reorganize the organization; of- dual positions or multiple work can result in suboptimal fering bonuses, incentives and rewards to encourage compe- performance. tition; choosing the right manager; do something different Role Conflict from the habit. Robbins in Giovanni (2015) states that conflicts occur 2. Conflict Reduction Method because there is no ability to adapt to the environment, as The method of reducing conflict by suppressing or reduc- well as differences in status, goals, values, and perceptions. ing the opposition of two opposing people or the anthogo- If interpreted sociologically, conflict means an effort made nism caused by the conflict. Conflict management through by an individual or group where one party tries to get rid this method is to cool the atmosphere but do not handle of, destroy or make it helpless. problems that trigger conflict. According to Hansen in Fahmi (2016) classifies the types 3. Conflict Resolution Method of conflicts as follows: There are three methods used in the conflict resolution 1. Intra-role Conflict process, namely: 2. Inter-role Conflict a. Domination or emphasis, domination or emphasis can 3. Intra-department Conflict be done in several ways, namely: 4. Inter-department Conflict 1. Violence (forcing) which is autocratic 5. Intraorganizational Conflict 6. Interorganizational Conflict 2. Nurture (smoothing), use way more diplomatic. 7. Intrapersonal Conflict 3. Avoidance (avoidance), where a manager avoids taking 8. Interpersonal Conflict a firm position in conflict resolution 9. Intragroup Conflict 10. Intergroup Conflict 4. Majority rules, efforts to resolve conflicts by voting 11. Inter-informal System Conflict through fair procedures. 12. Environmental Information System Information b. Compromise, settlement of this conflict is the way to find In general, the types of conflicts are divided into sev- a compromise that can be accepted by the parties to the eral forms including: conflicts within individuals themselves, contrary. Forms of compromise include: separation between conflicts between individuals, conflicts between individuals conflicting parties to find an agreement on a solution tothe and institutions. Unlike Handoko (2013) who classifies con- problem; arbitration using a third party; and bribing to one flicts based on organizational perspectives. according toT. of the parties as compensation to achieve conflict resolution. Hani Handoko there are five types of conflict in organiza- c. Integrative problem solving. This method is a solution tional life as follows: to conflict between groups is changed into solving common 1. Conflict in individuals problems. There are three types of integrative conflict res- This conflict can occur if there is uncertainty about the olution methods, namely: expected work, there are various conflicting job requests, and if the individual is expected to do more than his ability. 1. Consensus, where conflicting parties meet to find the 2. Conflict between individuals in the same organization best solution, not one party’s victory. Innovative Journal of Business and Management,
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