International Journal of Research in Social Sciences Vol. 7 Issue 4, April 2017, ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081 Journal Homepage: http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as well as in Cabell‟s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A ETHNIC CONFLICTS: THE PROBLEMS OF BENGALI IDENTITY IN PAKISTAN AND TRIBAL IDENTITY PROBLEM IN CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS, BANGLADESH (1947-1975) Muhammad Qasim Sodhar1 Samreen2 Abstract Ethnicity has remained a crucial issue in the subcontinent that is still a center of many political movements in some countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. It is vivid in post partition political scenario of these countries that people have remained more worried about their ethnic identity than religious one. It is an ethnic identity which has been playing an important role in order to connect people without any difference of religion. Likewise, politics of ethnicity is so common phenomenon in South Asia. This paper is divided into two sections: The first section highlights the role of political parties like Awami League in Bengali Language Movement in united Pakistan (1948-56). In first section, it will be highlighted that how the ethnic identity especially identity based on language, played a vital role in organizing the people of East Pakistan for getting their rights from center (West Pakistan). The second section will deal with the ethnic problems in Chittagong Hill Tracts i.e. a district of Bangladesh, and this paper will look into matter that whether Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, founding father of Bangladesh and his party Awami League (People‟s League) took any measures to resolve ethnic issues of people of CHT after he came into power or state machinery of Bangladesh also adopted same tactics against Tribal people as such tactics were used in order to suppress Bengali identity politics in united Pakistan? Key Terms: Awami League, Bengali, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Ethnic Conflicts, Language Movement. 1 PhD Student at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China 2 M.Phil Student at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan 51 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496Impact Factor: 7.081 1. The Problem of Bengali Identity & Bengali Language Movement in Pakistan: It is well known reality that ethnicity can be a useful source to gain fair share in the resources and also to gain powerful sharing in state apparatus. As Tariq Rehman quoting Tahir Amin writes; “Amin used modern theories of ethnicity to explain that ethno-national movements are the products of the demand for a just share in goods and services in a modern state”.3 Likewise right after the creation of Pakistan, it was first Bengali ethno-nation that challenged the policies of government like government‟s efforts to make the language of only 6 percent speaking people i.e. Urdu, as a national language of Pakistan. Demanding for making Bengali one of national languages of Pakistan was considered a great threat for ideology of Pakistan because unlike Urdu Bengali was not only spoken by Muslims but non-Muslims as well. Because of state negligence to make Bengali language as one of national languages of Pakistan, the Bengali language movement was started after the decision of education conference held by “Fazl-ur-Rehman, Bengali Minister of Education, called this conference for introducing reforms in educational system and promotion of Islamic ideology. The conference also decided that Bengali would be dropped from all government stationeries, including money order forms, envelopes and postcards, which would be printed only in Urdu and English.”4 This was a first decision which considered an attack on Bengali identity, and it was condemned by the members from East Pakistan were present in that conference, especially the members of Tamaddun Majlish. “Tamaddun Majlis was organized by professors and students of Dhaka University under the leadership of Professor Abul Kashem in September 1947.”5 “Tamuddun Majlis issued a pamphlet on September 15, 1947 entitled "Pakistaner Rashtra Bhasha: Bangla Na Urdu?" (Pakistan's national Language: Bangla or Urdu?). This booklet was strongly advocated that Bengali had all the qualities to become the language of instruction in 3Rehman, Tariq. (Nov. 2-15, 2002). Language, Power and Ideology. Economic and Political Weekly, 37 (44/45), 4556. 4Jabeen, Mussarat, Amir Ali Chandio and ZarinaQasim. (January-June 2010). Language Controversy: Impacts on National Politics and Secession of East Pakistan. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, 25 (1), 104. 5 Ibid 52 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496Impact Factor: 7.081 offices and courts of East Bengal.”6 Like Tamadun Majilis, some other political parties, student wings and language committees such as the first Rastra bhasa Sangram Parishad (Language Action Committee) was founded in December 1947, and Dhaka University Students Union (DUCSU) also started to play their role in the movement to make Bengali one of the national languages of Pakistan. The role of Sheikh Mujeebur Rehman in Bengali language movement before and after the creation of Awami League and its faction All Pakistan Awami Muslim League cannot be ignored. During agitations in favor of Bengali language in 1948, Mujeeb played a vital role, and he also was arrested. On 23 June 1949 All Pakistan Awami Muslim League was formed and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad and A. K. Rafiqul Hussain were elected as first Joint Secretaries of All Pakistan Awami Muslim League, a faction of Awami League that was recently separated from AL. Mujeeb also played an important role in language movement in 1952 when this movement was on its peak. In order to weaken movement, the then state authorities ordered an open fire on a rally led by students on 21 February. Because of such harsh action by state, many students were killed and these killings in that rally in 1952 known as tragedy of 21st February that will be discussed in this paper later. 1.1. Attempts of the then Governments and State Authorities, including Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan, in making Urdu only National Language of Pakistan: It was unfortunate that both the leading leaders of Muslim League i.e., Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan who specifically Jinnah was main proponent of provincial autonomy before the partition of India, was now neglecting the importance of nations merged in Pakistan. This can be observed from statements and speeches of Jinnah and Liaquat given below; On 23rd February in 1948, the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan held its first session at the then capital of country i.e. Karachi. “It was proposed that the members would have to speak either in Urdu or English in the Assembly. Dhirendrana Datta, a member from East Pakistan Congress Party, tabled an amendment motion to include Bengali as one of the languages of the Constituent 6 Ibid 53 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496Impact Factor: 7.081 Assembly along with Urdu and English. He pointed out that “out of 69 Million population of Pakistan, 44 Million were from East Pakistan with Bangla as their mother tongue.”7Liaquat Ali Khan the then Prime Minister of Pakistan replied that „Pakistan was created by the efforts of millions of Muslims whose language was Urdu not Bengali so it was impossible to make Bengali one of the national languages of Pakistan. When this news spread that the Bengali language was ousted from Constituent Assembly; currency notes etc. this act was condemned through observing a strike on March 11, 1948. In this agitation a large number of students joined the movement. The police cracked down in which more than fifty students were injured and a large number of political workers and students were arrested. The strikes were observed continuously from 11 to 15th of March. Because of these strikes and crackdown of police, the situation was deteriorating day by day. Jinnah the then Governor General of Pakistan came to visit Dhaka in March 1948 in order to control the critical condition in East Pakistan, but he delivered speeches in favour of Urdu, and also he neglected the importance of regional identity which hurt the sentiments of Bengali people specifically students and political workers. Jinnah said during a speech delivered at Quetta Municipality on 15th June 1948 that; “All these pillars of provincial autonomy and local freedom were created as the safeguard against the control of the British, to which few people are holding fast even till today, but now we have our own central government which is totally powerful, therefore sticking to old and a wrong proposition is equivalent to sticking to the pathetic supports. He further said it should be remembered that provincial bias as well as endeavoring for personal, local gains is equivalent to suicide.”8 Likewise this speech, Jinnah also made such speeches in Dhaka University and on public places in Dhaka where he faced resistance from people especially students of East Pakistan. 7 Ibid, P106 8Chandio, Jami. (2013). The Crisis of Federalism in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges. Islamabad: Strengthen Participatory Organization (SPO), 14. 54 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496Impact Factor: 7.081 After the death of Jinnah in 1948 and Liaquat Ali Khan in 1951, the language controversy was still continuing. It was Khuwaja Nazimudin who became Governor General after the death of Jinnah had been repeating the notion of Jinnah again and again that „Urdu and only Urdu would be the state language of Pakistan‟.
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