| C-NRLF T im #BB 5 L & El TAYLOR's L EGISLATIVE HISTORY AND S OUVENIR OF CoNNECTICUT --Fridao & c | if Ct. UNITED S TATES SENATOR, ORVILLE H. PLATT. Til E I DEAL OF AMERICAN PUBLIC LIFE. Who w as tendered a Reception by the State at the Capitol, March 20, 1903. B.Smith,Arde-de-CampAlton £. Rogers.VarialAideArthurH.Day,9udgeAdvocate-GeneralWellington CharlesPotter.Adyntant-GeneralGeorgeM.Cole.Paymaster-GeneralMatthewH. GeneralCommissary-GeneralMathewsonW. GovernorandCommander-in-Chief. SurgeonC.Godfrey.HisExcellencyABIRAMCHAMBERLAIN, QGeneralWatsonJ.Miller.Aide-de-CampLewisE.Gordon. uartermaster GovernorChamberlainandStaffatDedicationExercisesofConnecticut SSt.LouisExposition,May2,1903. ite, --- Genera:GeorgeM.Cole. ABIRAMCHAMBERLAIN,GovernorandCommander-in-Chief.Adjutant. HisExcellencyGodfrey,Paymaster-GeneralMatthewH,Rogers. Quartermaster-GeneralWatsonJ,Miller.Surgeon-GeneralCharlesC. F.AssistantQuartermaster-GeneralHenryC.Morgan, F.Landers, AideHHooker,LewisE.Gordon,AssistantAdjutant-GeneralWilliam enry azalAide-de-CampAltonFarrell.A.ArthurH.Day.ides-de-Camp, GovernorChamberlainandStaffatCampChamberlain,Niantic, GDay,August14,1903-Mounted.overnor's left fromtoright. Read - T-15"- - - - -~~ . - * . - - - - - " - - - --- : : | - | | | - - | - - * # * r * * # # - 3 - : * * * #s # * ** # * = * * re - 2 s * - - # = * * * - > * #3 - c. # = # = 3 * * o - | *- ** 'i * - * - * ~ * • * * ** # #: o#* i i #2 > # # g : : 5 * "3 # #: g #5 # #* B e:" * 2 : # # # # = # ###### #### # * *H * - 5 f i 5 * * # = s * > * if * - * ## ** * - 3 #3 © I * P | - ~ - "> * r r * * * # # - : # - ** * * - - ## * ### ** + # -- # * > * > - 2 55 3 = * e? # ** - a s * * m - i - A - * - \\ - Taylor's L egislative History A N D Souvenir Of C onnecticut 3I 9 O - I 9 O4 PORTRAITS A ND SKETCHES OF STATE OFFICIALS, SENATORS, REPRESENTATIVES, ETC. GROUP CUTS OF COMMITTEES, LIST OF COMMITTEES. PORTRAITS A ND ROLL OF DELEGATES TO CONSTI TUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1902. THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTION AND THE VOTE. PUTNAM, C ONN. WILLIAM HARRISON TAYLOR, - 1 903. | PUBLISHED B Y “SOUVENIR” WILLIAM HARRISON TAYLOR, PUTNAM, CONN. i / . PUBLISHER'S N OTE. A s pecial effort has been made in this Fourth Volume of the “Legislative Souvenir” to introduce a new feature—group engravings of the various com mittees. In order to make this valuable addition to the book a success, the publisher paid his particular attention to the group pictures rather than to individual portraits and sketches. It is a pleasure to state that this volume contains a portrait and sketch of all the State officers and Senators and a portrait (and sketch of a large number) of 231 of the 255 members of the House; also a group portrait of 161 of the 168 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, and several portraits of the officials of the General Assembly and Commissioners of the State. The S tate officers were all Republicans. The Senate was composed of eighteen Republicans and six Democrats; the House of Representatives of one hundred and eighty-seven Republicans and sixty-eight Democrats. We e xtend our hearty thanks to all who have so kindly encouraged the enterprise, and to the many persons who have favored us in various other Ways. THE P UBLISHER. Printing a nd Binding hy R. S. Peck & Co., 20-28 High Street, Hartford. Half-tone Engravings from 7%e A. Pindar Corporation, 730 Main Street, Hartford Portraits by the 5'ohnstone Studio, 45 Pratt Street, Hartford. _- Ż \ t !, - '' ) ~~~~ INDEX AND NAMES OF STATE OFFICIALS AND CLERKS, MEMBERS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND OFFICIALS. Town Name Page Town Name Page GOVERNOR. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GENERAL. Meriden, Abiram Chamberlain, Io, II Meriden, Wm. E. F. Landers, Executive secretary. ... ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. Meriden, Albert R. Chamberlain, 172 Colchester, Henry C. Morgan, CHIEF CLERK. CLERKS. Hartford, Frank D. Rood, Hartford, Walter Pearce, Hartford, Theron C. Swan, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Windsor, Lorenzo D. Converse, Hartford, Henry Roberts, I2, I3 Hartford, M. J. Wise, SECRETARY. STATE LIBRARIAN. Middletown, Charles G. R. Vinal, I4 Hartford, George S. Godard, 177 Deputy secretary. COMMISSIONER OF SCHOOL FUND. Mansfield, John G. Mitchell, 182 Hartford, Carnot O. Spencer, 185 CLERKS. - CLERKS. Hartford, Richard J. Dwyer, Milford William H. Pond Hartford, Albert R. Parsons, Hartford, Charles W. Skinner, TREASURER. INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. rich, H H. Gallup, URA MMIS Norwic enry allup I5 Berlin, Theron Upson, 186 CLERKS. Winsted, B. Frank Marsh, ACTUARY AND CLERKS. Bolton, Chas. F. Sumner, Jr., Berlin, Bryan H. Atwater, Hartford, Lorenzo Moses, Hartford, Charles Hughes, Hartford, George H. Bromfield, COMPTROLLER. Hartford, Charles B. Brown, Bridgeport, William E. Seeley, I6 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. CLERKS. Ridgefield, William O. Seymour, Willimantic, F. Clarence Bissell, Torrington, Orsamus R. Fyler, Canaan, John H. Belden, Chester, Washington F. Willcox, SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE CAPITOL. CLERK. Meriden, Francis Stevenson, I73 Hartford, Henry F. Billings, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE BANK COMMISSIONERS. CAPITOL. New Milford, Charles H. Noble, Suffield, John L. Wilson, I74 Suffield, George F. Kendall, ATTORNEY-GENERAL. TAx C oMMISSIONER. Windham, W illiam A. King, 17 Hartford, A ndrew F. Gates, I79 ADJUTANT-GENERAL. SECRETARY S TATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Hartford, G eorge Malpas Cole, Hartford, . Charles D. Hine, 178 1 1 5689 Town N ame Page CLERK. CLERK. C linton, Eugene H. Kelsey, Killingly, Asahel J. Wright, DRAFTSMAN. c oMMIssionER of BUREAU LABOR STATISTICS. Hartford, Frank N. Hoyt, Killingly, Harry E. Back,” 176 *Succeeded by Wm. H. DAIRY COMMISSIONER. Scoville, July 1, 1903, 184 E. Windsor, John B. Noble, 183 CLERKS. DEPUTY. Meriden, William D. Parker, North Haven, Robert O. Eaton, Hartford, G eorge A. Parsons, COMMISSIONER ON DOM ESTIC ANIMAl-S. COMMISSIONER O N BUILDING AND LOAN Washington, Heman O. Averill, I75 ASSOCIATIONS. New Britain, Morris C. Webster, FIRE MARSHAL. Bridgeport, J ohn A. Rusling, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES. Ellington, George L. McLean, 181 DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL. Bridgeport, William E. Seeley, Jr. HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. New H aven, James H. MacDonald, 180 COMMISSIONER ON ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION. Waterbury, Henry B. Carter, SENATORSND A OFFICERS. PRESIDENT, L IEUT.-GovKRNOR HENRY ROBERTS, r., of Hartford: PRESIDENT pro tempore, The HoN. Ro1.LIN S. WooDRUFF of the Eighth District. Town N ame Page Town Name Page Hartford, John M. Ney, 18 Westport, Lloyd Nash, 30 Berlin, Frank L. Wilcox, IQ Bridgeport, Archibald McNeil, 3I Simsbury, Alex. T. Pattison, 20 Bethel, William P. Bailey, 32 W. Hartford, Charles C. Cook, 2I Danielson, Frederick A. Jacobs, 33 Waterbury, Cornelius Tracy, 22 Willimantic, Charles A. Gates, 34 N. Branford, Charles Page, 23 Torrington, Fred. F. Fuessenich, 35 West Haven, Charles E. Graham, 24 Salisbury, George H. Clark, 36 New Haven, Rollin S. Woodruff, 25 Thomaston, Thos. D. Bradstreet, 37 Groton, Thomas Hamilton, 26 Saybrook, Henry M. Snell, 38 Norwich, Nelson J. Ayling, 27 Middletown, Eddie S. Davis, 39 Jewett City, Arthur M. Brown, 28 Rockville, Thomas F. Noone, 40 Greenwich, James F. Walsh, 29 Mansfield, Olon S. Chaffee, 4I FOFFICERS O THE SENATE. Town N anne Page Town Name Page CLERK. DOORKEEPERS. Windham, George E. Hinman, 165 Scotland, Dwight H. Barstow, (P. O. Willimantic.) Mansfield, George F. MacFarlane, Old Saybrook, George W. Walker, CHAPLAIN. £". £ # £". New Haven, * Rev. Geo. W. - Phillips, - -- - 166 £ range, S. ‘.11Zur Edward I5. KllSSell, Kimball, MESSENGERS. Farmington, Abel C. Adams, MESSENGER OF SENATE CLOAK ROOM. Greenwich, Victor H. Russell, New Haven, Charles H. Monson, MEMBERSND A OFFICERS OF THE HOUSEF O REPRESENTATIVES. speaker–THE H ON. MICHAEL KENEALY, r, Stamford. Town N ame Page Town Name Page HARTFORD County. Ansonia, Theodore L. Bristol, Hartford, Everett J. Lake, 46 Beacon Falls, Andrew W. Culver, Hartford, Herbert Knox Smith, 5I £ #9 £ 94 Avon Henry N. Le Febvre, ranford, onn 1. Slimey. £, W£d I. #1'.' Branford, Louis Agassiz Fisk, I04 Bloomfield, Louis H. Barnard, Cheshire, James R. Lanyon, Bristol, Henry L. Beach, 73 £e. £ # £". Bristol, Carlos V. Mason, erDy, . win Hallock, I IO Burlington, William Hohbein, Derby, James J. Sweeney, Canton, Emerson A. Hough, East. Haven, John S. Tyler, East Granby, John G. Willoughby, 162 Guilford, Edward Griswold, 63 E. Hartford, Franklin H. Mayberry, Guilford, Cyrus O. Bartlett, E. £ # W. Pratt, ' £ p I'". E. Windsor, b Frey, Madison, orge C. "ield, E. Windsor, # w"Middleton, Meriden, George E. Bicknell, Enfield, Thomas F. D'Arsey, Meriden, Willis I. Fenn, Enfield, Michael J. Connor, Middlebury, John T. Basham, Farmington, Charles H. Graham, IO8 Milford, Omar W. Platt, . 64 Farmington, David R. Hawley, Milford, George Wm. Smith, Glastonbury, Henry S. Goslee, IO6 Naugatuck, John Bird, £". Arthur M. Brainard, ''. £ 84 ranby, N. Loomis, I 30 . Branford, Urban J. Harrison III '. ' B. #" # North Haven, Frank L. Stiles, * Hartland, Osborne E. Murphy, I33 £ £ E. &: Hartland, Edgar D. Bunnell, 9I range, War . Clark, Jr., Manchester, Alexander Arnott, Oxford, John B. Pope, I39 Manchester, Thomas P. Aitkin, 164 Prospect, George D. Fenn, Marlborough, William F. Quigg, I45 Seymour, Frank A. Benedict, 76 New Britain, James E. Cooper, Southbury, Wm. Howard Wakelee, 158 New Britain, Isaac F. Miles, 59 Wallingford, Edward F. Kavanagh, Newington, E. Stanley Welles, Wallingford, Michael T. Downes, 65 Plainville, Marshall P. Ryder, Wolcott, Harry L. Andrews, Rocky Hill, William G. Robbins, Woodbridge, William H. Warner, Simsbury, Roderick S. Smith, I52 £ £ N. £kwell NEW
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