POWER PROFILE: AIR POWERS From the unleashed power of a hurricane wind or de- of its speed, with the fastest wind speed on Earth structive tornado to drawing the breath from your target’s being about 250 miles per hour (speed rank 7). Given lungs, Air Powers command the life-giving atmosphere all the destructive force of this kind of wind, Gamemas- around us. Whip up wind blasts and shields to protect you ters can safely assign a Damage rank to wind equal to from attack, fly on the wings of the wind, and let it carry twice its speed rank, in terms of gusts striking struc- your words across great distances as you snuff out fires— tures and other large objects. and the consciousness of your foes! • Countering: Air powers, along with countering each other, can potentially counter any power de- AIR DESCRIPTORS pendent upon air to function or vulnerable to the physical movements of the wind. For example, air The following are some important descriptors associated powers can potentially counter fire effects by de- with air powers, with potential influence on their use. priving them of their oxygen, while powerful sus- • Air: Broadly speaking, “air” means the normal com- tained winds may be able to counter various types bination of gases making up the Earth’s atmosphere: of projectiles, pushing them off course and scatter- primarily nitrogen with a significant percentage of ing them. Powerful winds may wear down some oxygen and some carbon dioxide, water vapor, and targets; air is mystically seen as opposed to the trace gases, all existing in a gaseous state at Earth- element of earth (much as water is opposed to fire) normal pressures and temperatures. Amongst other so air powers may be able to counter some earth things, this generally means air powers do not work powers, particularly if both are magical in nature. directly on gases other than those found in the at- Air powers can potentially counter movement mosphere: an air-controller can whip up a wind to effects like Flight, creating powerful turbulence or move a cloud of chlorine vapor, for example, but even robbing a flier of motive power. Even if unable cannot manipulate that gas directly. Similarly, air to counter a Flight effect, an air power may still changed by tremendous pressure into a liquid (or be able to make flying difficult or dangerous (see even a solid in extreme cold) is outside of an air- Utility Powers for more). controller’s influence, although such an extreme environment carries its own concerns. The same is AIR FEATURES true of a vacuum, where there is no air at all to ma- nipulate. Some potential Feature effects associated with Air Powers include the following: • Wind: Wind is the movement of air masses due to dif- ferences in temperature and pressure under normal • Freshen Air: You clear the air of all scents, leaving it circumstances. Wind is primarily measured in terms smelling crisp and clean. POWER PROFILE: AIR POWERS 1 Jonathan Lotzer (order #3533764) • Scent: You can generate any mild scent in the air a Strength or Dodge check against your effect rank check. around you, like an incense, perfume, spice, or the If the target wins, there is no effect. If you win, the target smell of flowers. is flung a distance rank equal to your effect rank minus the target’s weight rank. So a 200 lb. man (weight rank 2) • Wind Effect: You can create a gentle stirring breeze hit with a rank 8 Flinging Gust would be hurled 1,800 feet at will, just strong enough to ruffle hair and clothing (distance rank 6, or 8 minus 2). and possibly scatter things like paper or leaves. Note that a character with the Aerokinesis power (under • Wind Hearing: You ignore the effects of wind noise Utility Powers) can duplicate the effects of this power. on your Perception checks to hear things, as if the sound did not exist. Area versions of this power are common, including Wind Wall (under Defensive Powers, following) and Wind Blast OFFENSIVE POWERS (in the Weather Powers profile). Flinging Gust: Move Object, Limited Direction • 1 point per Anyone who has witnessed the awesome destructive rank. power of a hurricane or tornado knows full well the effec- tiveness of “mere air” as an attack. Air controllers can also wield more subtle offensive powers, including depriving STENCH targets of oxygen. You fill the air around the target with a disgusting, nau- AIR BLAST seating stench sufficient to cause a significant distrac- tion and potentially powerful enough to incapacitate the You strike with a powerful blast of compressed air that target. hits with hammering force. Typically, this power produces Stench: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and Overcome swirls and contrails of mist; if it uses nothing but unseen by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Smell- air, it also qualifies for the Subtle modifier. Dependent • 2 points per rank. Air Blast: Ranged Damage (air pressure) • 2 points per rank. A Cloud Area version of this power is a common variation, affecting all targets in 15-foot radius for two rounds (the AIR BURST initial attack and the following round). You create an explosive outward blast of compressed air Stench Cloud: Ranged Cloud Area Cumulative Affliction or a momentary vacuum that causes the surrounding air (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, to rush in with the force of a thunderclap, potentially stun- Incapacitated), Smell-Dependent • 3 points per rank. ning targets in the area. If you can only produce the burst in an area around you, remove the Ranged modifier. SUFFOCATION Air Burst: Ranged Burst Area Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) • 3 You cut off a target’s air, literally drawing the air out of points per rank. their lungs and causing them to suffocate. For air control- lers with sufficient command over the element, this power AIR RIFLE may be Perception Ranged. Suffocation: Ranged Progressive Affliction (Resisted and Rather than striking with compressed air, you use that Overcome by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated) • force to propel small objects as projectiles, like an air rifle. 4 points per rank. If you can do either, add 1 rank of Variable Descriptor. Air Rifle: Ranged Damage (projectiles) • 2 points per rank. TORNADO You create a powerful whirlwind capable of damaging BLINDING GUST structures and picking up unsecured objects. The basic tornado has a radius of 30 feet (distance rank 0). It can A wind kicks up dust, sand, and other grit or debris to fly “grab” or lift objects with weight rank equal to or less than into a target’s eyes, blinding them. its rank; a realistic tornado should be limited to around rank 8 in terms of both wind speed and lifting capabilities Blinding Gust: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted by (sufficient to pick up and hurl vehicles), but the GM can Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Unaware), allow cyclones of any rank. Because the power is Damag- Limited to Vision • 2 points per rank. ing, it can lift objects, “hold” them (trapped in the whirl- FLINGING GUST wind), hurl them away, or simply damage them. Tornado: Cylinder Area Move Object, Damaging • 4 points per A powerful gust of wind picks up your target and flings it rank, +1 point per rank per +1 area distance rank a considerable distance. If the attack hits, the target makes 2 POWER PROFILE: AIR POWERS POWER PROFILE: AIR POWERS Jonathan Lotzer (order #3533764) DEFENSIVE POWERS MIST You condense a heavy mist out of the air. It imposes a –2 The wind’s ability to deflect often provides defensive air visibility modifier in the area. For twice the cost (2 points powers, as does the simple value of fresh air (or a strong per rank), the mist imposes a –5 visibility modifier. breeze) in defending against airborne hazards. You are unable to see through your own mist unless you AIR BUBBLE have an appropriate Senses effect (such as Counters Conceal- ment or the Air Sense power, following). You can also apply a You create a bubble of fresh, clean, breathable air around Feature to your power (does not impede your own vision) or you, 30 feet across (distance rank 0). Anyone inside the make it Selective in order to decide who is and is not affected. bubble is able to breathe normally (assuming they are an air-breather). If you stop sustaining the air bubble, its Mist: Environment (Visibility) • 1 point per rank (–2 modifier) or 2 surface tension is sufficient to keep it intact for one more points per rank (–5 modifier) round before it pops. If you can create an air bubble at a distance, apply the WIND WaLL Ranged modifier for an additional 2 points. If the bubble You create a narrow corridor or “wall” where the wind protects against other hazards, increase the rank of the blows strongly in one direction, creating a barrier of sorts: Immunity (at a cost of 3 points per rank) to cover them. anything trying to pass through the wind wall must beat This includes the bubble resisting pressure (such as deep an opposed check of Strength or Speed against the wall’s under water) or vacuum (in space) or maintaining a con- rank. If the wall wins the check, the target is flung in the stant temperature. direction the wind is moving a distance rank equal to Air Bubble: Immunity 2 (Suffocation), Affects Others, Cloud Area, the wall’s rank minus the target’s weight rank. So a Str 4 Sustained • 6 points + 2 points per +1 area distance rank.
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