Sash, Doors and Blinds ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY 119 Charles L. Barber Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Frames, Etc. Korelock Veneered Doors in Birch and Oak Telephone Orange 437 Factory, 40-42-44 Hickory Street Orange, N. J. Charles H. Taylor DEALER IN Doors, Sash, Blinds FRAMES AND MILL WORK Telephone 3974 Orange 385-387 Cleveland Street Orange, N. J* Phones Orange 7600-7601 Andrew G. Curtis Successor to Curtis Bros. Sash, Blinds, Doors and Trim Lumber and Window Frames MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS Office and Mill, 39 Main St. East Orange, N. J. J. Frederick Peniston M I L L W O R K Sash, Doors, Trim, Window and Door Frames Telephone Orange 2778 280 South Clinton Street East Orange, New Jersey Sash, Doors and Trim 120 ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY HOT BED SASH STORM SASH CORNELL WOOD BOARD PINE CORNICE LUMBER AND MOULDINGS CROMAR OAK FINISHED FLOORING Telephone 4060 Terrace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X X X X x w r w V m -m x X X W m . H. Barkhorn X X X X C om pany X X X X X X X X MILL WORK X X X X X X X X Sash, Doors, Interior Trim X X X X Frames Columns X X X Telephones Bigelow 2463-2464-2465 X X X 22 Sayre Street Newark, N. J. x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sash, Doors and Blinds,— Scrap Iron,— ____________________ Screens,—Sheet Metal Work _ ______________ ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY_______________J21 Levy Brothers Co., Inc. Manufacturers and Dealers Sash, Doors, Window Frames, Trim Columns and Brackets Store Fronts and Screens Detail Work a Specialty Telephone Terrace 0497 Office, Factory and Warehouse 724-726 South Eleventh St., near Avon Ave. Newark, New Jersey Thomas S. San Giacomo Manufacturers’ Supplies of All Kinds Cotton and Woolen Rags, Metals Rubber and Paper Stock Spot Cash Buyer of all kinds of Scrap Iron and Metals Waste and Rags for Cleaning Machinery for Sale 160-168 South Street Phones Orange 3411-2352 Orange, N. J. Orange Screen Co., Inc. Screens, Glass Porches, Metal Weather Strips and Porch Enclosures Telephone South Orange 1700 515 Valley Street Maplewood, N. J. Edw. H. Kuhles-Sheet Metal Works Manufacturer of Sheet Metal Work of Every Description CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS, METAL WINDOWS AND FIRE DOORS 18 Ridgewood Avenue Irvington, New Jersey Telephone Terrace 2958 Sheet Metal Work,-Signs 122 ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY I Phone Waverly 6779 r n o _____ F. H. TEUSCHER Mechanic St. Millburn, N. J. Millburn 670 W Frank H. Teuscher & Co. Manufacturers of Cornices, Skylights, Metal Windows, Awnings, Etc. Architectural Iron Metal Awnings and Bay Windows Copper Works Roofing We Put Up and Illinois House Fronts Zinc Shingles I Office and Factory, 686-688 South 12th Street, Newark, New Jersey I i i Telephone Terrace 2584 KALAMEIN WORK COMBINATION PRESSED STEEL BUCKS J. Steinberg & Sons Sheet Metal and Kalamein Contractors 740 Frelinghuysen Ave. Cornices and Skylights Underwriters Labeled Metal Windows and Fire Doors Newark, New Jersey Electric Transparent Signs Office Door and Glass Gilding ___ Sporting Goods ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY 123 Springdale Service Station “ The Home of Service” 'H. LENTILHON, Prop. Full Line of Automobile Bicycle and Wireless Supplies Automobile and Bicycle Repairing TIRES AND TUBES— GOODRICH, HOOD, FISK VULCANIZING SPORTING GOODS 3 8 7 Springdale Ave., cor. No. Clinton St., E a s t O r a n g e , N . J . The Sign Over Your Door Is a good thing, isn’t it? You would not think of doing bus­ iness without it. But it is only seen by those who pass your way. If you could put a sign where everyone could see it would it interest you? THE CITY DIRECTORY Is where people look for you when they want to do busin6ss. You should make it easy for them to find you, by putting such information as a buyer wants, in the Directory properly indexed under all headings where he might look for you. To be properly registered costs less than to be left out THE PRICE & LEE CO. 19 CONGRESS AVENUE NEW HAVEN, CONN. Steamships Tickets,—Storage and Trucking 124 ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY John E. Mayer Agency Steamship Tickets Tours and Cruises Drafts and Travelers’ Checks General Insurance 512 Union Building Phone Mulberry 0464 9 Clinton St. Newark, N. J. Crofutt & Smith, Inc. Furniture and Piano Moving Local and Long Distance. Storage Auto Service Telephone Orange 1182 243-253 Snyder Street Orange, N. J. Charles Brereton Express and Furniture Moving Long Distance Moving Estimates Furnished Pianos Moved with Care Office Telephone 6061 Orange 109 Oakwood Ave. Orange, N. J. Storage and Trucking ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY 125 □ □ □ Furniture Moving Piano Moving □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Richard Coyne □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Coyne’s Garage Storage Warehouses □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Motor Vans □ □ □ □ □ □ Garage Capacity 200 Cars □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Phones Orange 3130-9650 □ □ □ □ □ □ 349-351 Main Street East Orange, N. J. □ □ □ □ □ □□□□□□□□□□□□a□□□□□□□□□□□□ Moving and Storage Attended To Right When Entrusted To The Park Avenue Storage Warehouse New Brick-Concrete Building with Individual Vault Rooms 359-365 Park Ave., at 12th St., Newark, N. J. CLIFFORD F. MacEVOY, Pres. Phone B. B. 5800 Vanderhoof Fireproof ENTIRELY NEW Storehouse 392-398 Seventh Ave. at Roseville Ave. Newark, New Jersey Near Lackawanna Depot, Roseville All Modern Equipment and EXperienced Handlers for the Moving, Hoisting, BoXing, Shipping and Storage of Household Effects and Pianos p a d d e d ' v a n s f o r c i t y a n d c o u n t r y Baggage Express On Call To and From All Depots Electric Carpet and Rug Cleaning N P. VANDERHOOF, Manager Residence, EAST ORANGE Telephone Connections AND FIRE PROOF Storage and Trucking 126_________________ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY__________________ H. M. OGDEN, President GEO. W. OGDEN, Manager Central Household Storage, Inc. STORE WITH SAFETY C a r e f u l P e r s o n a l P a c k in g A t t e n t i o n and G iv e n C r a t in g Phone D o n e Orange 2872 43 and 45 So. 17th. St. near Central Ave. East Orange, N. J. The original Jacob Dietrich has no connection, personal or financial, with J. Dietrich, Inc. My office is at 47 North Grove St., East Orange, N. J. JACOB DIETRICH Moving, Packing, Shipping and Storage, Furniture and Piano Movers Auto Vans for Long Distance Moving Baggage EXpress on Call To and From Depots Day and Night Service Telephone Orange 4310 47 North Grove Street East Orange, New Jersey ________Storage and Trucking ____________________ ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY_________________ 127 SMITH’S EXPRESS CO. AUTO SERVICE Prompt Deliveries between the Oranges, Newark, New York, Bloomfield, Glen Ridge and Montclair. Storage Warehouse for Furniture, Etc. Separate Locked Rooms Padded Vans for Moving Furniture and Pianos Phone 844-John Phone 23 Orange 3 Burling Slip, New York 36 No. Day St., Orange, N. J. Phone 9900 Barclay Res. Phone Orange 78-M Phone 9952 Market 252 Greenwich St., New York 44 Green St., Newark Charles J. Smith Auto Trucking and Moving Local and Long Distance Piano Moving and Hoisting 26 Lake Street Telephone Orange 6832 East Orange, N. J. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a □ S □ □ □ « ___ _ _ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ C O N D IT ’S EXPRESS □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Daily Newark and □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ New York Express □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Moving, Packing and Shipping □ □ □ □ Freight and Baggage Transfer □ □ □ □ □ o □ □ Telephone Orange 8397 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ West Orange, New Jersey § □ 29 South Valley Road □ □ □ □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□nDnnaanaDDDnnDaDDDDDDnnnnD[:]l=1DI-l,:]i::|[:][:]Di:]n[-i Storage and Trucking 128 ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY Phone So. Orange 466-1232 Night Phone So. Orange 1424-M Established 1889 South Orange Storage Co. J. H. RIMBACK, JR., Prop. Daily Newark and New York Express Estimates Gladly Given Warehouse and Office, 9-11 So. Orange Ave. W ., So. Orange, N. J. Chancellor Avenue Garage C. GRAEF TRUCKING Heavy Hauling and Rigging Automobile Repairing Storage Supplies Gasoline, Oil and Grease Telephone Waverly 9438 577-579 Chancellor Avenue Irvington, N. J. Storage and Trucking ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY 129 Pllll!llllllll!!llll!lllllllllllllilllllllllllilllllllll!lllllllll)|||li||||||illllllllilllilillllllllllllllll|||||||i{illlll!!lllllll||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l)|||||||||||||||||||ll!lll|||||||||||||||||!llli;^ [ IRVINGTON STORAGE | General Trucking Local and Long Distance MOVING M otor Vans Piano Moving and Storage Hoisting a Specialty Estimates Cheerfully Given Day Telephone Night Telephone WAVERLY 1802 BIGELOW 3712 §§ 1045 Springfield Ave. Irvington, N. J. j ^lllllllllllllllllillllllllllll!ll!lillllllllllllllllill!l!llllllllllllilll!llllllllllllillllllllll)lllii!!lllllllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllillllll!ll,IIHIIIIIIIIIIillllll!llllllillilllllll<l^ ... ......... in,.... ..... ................... ......... ................. min...... nun... .... .....min... mi..... .... .... ...... ...... Mini... im iif I RIMBACK’S EXPRESS 1 I ooamste s t o r a g e w a r e h o u s e SH?mNGand Lackawanna Freight and Baggage Transfer ^ Daily Newark and New York Express Trucking of Every Description PHONE MILLBURN 366 i Warehouse: Millburn Avenue and Essex Street) Millburn) N. J. = Storage and Trucking 130________________ ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY Established 1850 Phone 0095 Market The World MOVES-So Does Job DeCamp, Inc. JOSEPH V. LUPO, Pres. A n yth in g e v e r y t h i n g NYWHERE EVERYWHERE Storage Warehouse Furniture, Piano and Safe Movers. General Trucking. Packing and Shipping. Motor Vans for Long Distance Moving. New Office, Public Service Terminal Bldg., Concourse Floor NEWARK, NEW JERSEY i Telephone Waverly 2324 Established 1884 S3 W John Clark & Sons if (!) Furniture and Piano I HiI Mo vers 6)1 s ill STORAGE WAREHOUSE § X 1 X B 8 5:8:3:Si8:8:8:S;8i8:2:S:S l | 697-703 South 12th St. 1 Near Springfield Avenue Newark, N. J. is I 1 1 fe3iS!8i8i2S3iS®S3i2i2i8:8;8:S:3®!S:3:S!5^^^ Storage and Trucking ORANGES (1924) DIRECTORY 131 Edward H. Snyde Local and Long Distance Moving Packing, Crating, Shipping and Storage Expert Piano Mover Trucks for Outings Cars for All Occasions 369-375 Grove Street Telephone Market, 0617 N e w a rk , N for your goods is the cheapest The Best Storage in the end.
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