THE PREHISTORY OF THE BUREAU Written by C. Stapel, Retired Secretary, the Association for Dutch Folkhighschoolwork and the Agency for European Folkhighschoolwork 1 The European Bureau for Adult Education (nowadays exchange of groups so as to foster their common Euro- the European Association for the Education of Adults) pean culture. has its roots in the Folkhighschools in Europe, and more in particular in those in the Netherlands. How The Brussels meeting – announced as a "réunion has this come about? d'études" – was meant to prepare the formal foundation of the "secrétariat Européen des foyers de BRUSSELS AND PARIS 1952 culture" in Geneva in May 1952. Represented were, apart from the Belgian Ministry of Education, the It was the "Centre Européen de la Culture" established World Assembly of Youth and the Belgian youth in 1949 in Geneva, that under the directorship of services (M. Hicter), mostly local and national youth Denis de Rougemont, developed the idea of having a organisations, the more important of them being the number of "Foyers de Culture" throughout Europe in French Federation of the "Maisons des Jeunes et de la and through which European Culture in its diversity Culture" (A. Léger). (Geneva, 1952) and unity could be experienced and spread. Or, as it was expressed in a paper resulting from a meeting in Although this seemed to have little to do with Folk- Brussels on March 15, 1952, a Foyer de Culture, on highschool work or residential adult education in European level should contribute, particularly for general - it was not for the Geneva conference. It was young adults, to finding a new set of values in a world the second European Folkhighschool meeting held that has lost its sense of "culture" and of "community" from 5–12 May 1952 at Méridon that withheld not (note sur le secrétariat Européen des Foyers de only Guermonprez but others as well from being Culture 24 Avril 1952). present in Geneva. This second meeting - following a first one organised by the Dutch Agency for The meeting in Brussels, following a first one in Paris, Folkhighschoolwork in Bergen (NL) had found support had been convened by the Centre Européen de la of the European Youth Campaign and proved to be a Culture together with the French "Centre d'Échanges most fruitful one. With its more than 40 participants Internationaux". from the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Britain, Switzerland and Belgium, it Oscar Guermonprez, director of the Bergen has laid indeed a solid foundation for the more than Folkhighschool in the Netherlands, had been invited to fifteen subsequent European Folkhighschool meetings both meetings, but, much to his regret had been (for a survey of these, see: G.H.L. Schouten; "The unable to attend. He had asked Mrs. Oosterlee, European Bureau of Adult Education, 1953 - 1978" warden of the "Centre Culturel Franco-néerlandais Bergen 1978). Méridon" to represent the Dutch Folkhighschools. Guermonprez, who with these Folkhighschools had Denis de Rougemont of course had not been able to already set up an exchange programme for young be present and act as "key-note speaker", but in a farmers and at the moment was preparing the second letter, dated June 10, 1952, apologised ("J'ai European Folkhighschool conference to take place at infiniment regretté") for not having met with Méridon, saw his opportunity. Guermonprez when being in Paris. He expressed his wish to go on and try to develop a cooperation to In a long letter (March 14, 1952) to M. Hervé which in principle a first step had been made. And he Dufresne, secretary-general of the "Centre d'Échanges announced that Jacques Eugène from the secretariat internationaux", apologising for his absence, he of the European Youth Campaign and a participant in presented his operations to the organisers and the Geneva Meeting would pay a visit to Bergen, suggested that Denis de Rougemont should be key- together with André Railliet, director of the Centre note speaker at the Méridon meeting. And he Saint-Exupéry at Reims, to communicate "the spirit of announced that, on his request(!) the Dutch Asso- the meeting" and the decisions made. He was to ciation of Settlements had shown interest in De emphasize how much Guermonprez' participation Rougemont's plans and - subtly - asked how the would be appreciated. De Rougemont ended his letter relationship between a European group of "Foyers de in saying: "I'm sure that in talking quietly with these Culture" and the International Federation of gentlemen some misunderstandings that might have Settlements which then was chaired by a Dutch friend existed will easily be cleared up". What these of his, was looked upon. There is little doubt that misunderstandings might have been? It is not unlikely Guermonprez although apparently applauding De that De Rougemont was very well aware that his own, Rougemont's initiative feared that this would thwart more or less "top-bottom" approach of a European his own plans of bringing together the Folkhighschools structure for cultural centres and that of Guermonprez in Europe in order to promote the transnational 2 trying to build up a more loosely-knit network of Guermonprez had every reason indeed to write that it Folkhighschools to strengthen European cooperation was "already difficult enough" to bring about more indeed were two different concepts and that he cooperation in Europe between the Folkhighschools. sincerely wanted to see if they could be reconciled. In the same time (September 1952) when he was trying to broaden the scope of De Rougemont's plans He could not have sent better placed messengers for for European cooperation of the Foyers de culture, he that purpose than the two gentlemen mentioned was pursuing his efforts to establish closer links above. For Eugène was a friend of Jean Laborey, between the Folkhighschools. After the Méridon director of the "Service de voyages" of the meeting in May 1952 a small committee had been Confédération Nationale de la Famille Rurale (CNFR) in appointed in order to prepare another Folkhighschool France, who had become a close friend of meeting in 1953 in Askov (DK). The European Youth Guermonprez in their intensive cooperation on Campaign again had promised its financial support - exchange programmes for the rural population in the problem however was how to get the Europe. As Eugène wrote in a letter to Guermonprez Scandinavians in. (June 13, 1952): "You know how much I am attached to the case of the Folkhighschools, which I have got to Apart from formal difficulties (who could pretend to know thanks to you and Jean Laborey and I would be be "representative" for such a very loosely knit very glad to settle this question with you". "This "Teachers Union" as e.g. existed in Sweden: a problem question" was to examine the possibility of with which Hjalmar Bosson had to cope) there was a cooperation between the Foyers de Culture and the strong feeling of distrust towards "European Folkhighschools. movements". This was overtly expressed in a letter (dated 15 September 1952) from Mrs. Arnfred, writing The envoys were received very hospitably and were also on behalf of her husband, to Guermonprez; "The charmed by Guermonprez' presentation of the Danish Folkhighschool people put more confidence in Folkhighschool's case. personal connections such as Mr. Novrup (then inspector of Folkhighschools in Denmark, CS) and others have created in many parts of Europe than in REIMS 1952 great "Bewegungen as that of "Jugend Europas"...etc." A new meeting of the Foyers de Culture to be held in In his usual diplomatic way Guermonprez replied: "We Reims in one of these centres there was discussed and think personal contact also more important than great a date in October was set to meet Guermonprez' "Bewegungen", although these are also necessary wishes. The European Youth Campaign was to support sometimes and he said to be glad that Poul Engberg the meeting financially and prepare the programme - (Koebmandshvile) and probably Novrup himself would which Eugène then took upon him in accordance with be present. Guermonprez. Participation should be broader than in the previous meetings, which in fact meant that Clearly Guermonprez was working along two - as he Guermonprez already over the summerholidays was hoped convergent - lines: on the one hand trying to contacting people to secure their presence. Through create an opening in De Rougemont's plans with the existing contacts with Britain - made during - and after Foyers de Culture in order to bring the Folkhighschools the second Rural Reconstruction conference in Im- in, on the other hand bringing about a Europe-wide pington (Cambridgeshire) and in particular with help cooperation between these Folkhighschools. Yet of Ms. L.S. Haynes assistant-secretary of the National developments along this line were to be very carefully Institute of Adult Education people from this country pursued as Guermonprez had indicated earlier were nominated. Bob Schouten suggested a number evidently to avoid that the bonds being forged at the of persons from Germany to be invited. As for the Méridon meeting in May with its large Scandinavian Scandinavian countries however there was some participation would be damaged by the somewhat hesitation to invite representatives from the hasty approach with its formal character of a Folkhighschools there. As Guermonprez wrote to European cooperation in this field as advocated by De Eugène: (letter of September 5, 1952): "It seems to be Rougemont and the French Foyers de Culture. better to work very quietly on the European cooperation of the Folkhighschools proper. That The Youth Campaign having received a number of already proves to be difficult enough. If it will succeed names from Guermonprez and Schouten of people to Laborey and I could very well establish a Liaison be invited for the Reims conference, once more between the Folkhighschools and the Foyers de insisted however to have nominations for Scandinavia Culture".
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