Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY 7 DECEMBER 1906 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2114 Supply. [ASSEMBLY.] Supplernentar.~; Loan Estimates. FRIDAY, 7 DEOE}!BER, 1906. The SPEAKER (Hon. Sir A. S. Cowley, Herbert) took the chair at h"'lf·past 3 o'clock. PAPER. The following paper, laid on the table, was ordered to be printed :-Correspondence relative to payment of income tax by judges of the Supreme Court. SUPPLEMENTARY LOAN ESTIMATES, 1906-7. The SPEAKER announced the receipt of a message from His Excellency the Governor, for· warding the Supplementary Loan Estimates, 1906 7. On the motion of the TREASURER (Hon. vV. Kidston, Rockhampton), the paper was ordered to be printed and referred to Committee of Supply. Supply. [7 DECEMBER.] Dalby-Cattle Creelc Railwa,y. 2115 SUPPLE:\IE~TARY ESTIMATES, 1005-fi. DALBY TO CATTLE CREEK RAILWAY DISTRICT BILL. 'fhe SPEAKER also annount'ed the receipt of a messag-e from His ~Excellenc:v the Governor, SECOND READING, "forwarding the Supplementary EstimHtes, 1905-6. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS (Hon. On the motion of the THEASURER, the D. F. Denham, Oxley) : This is a small Bill for paper was ordered to be printed and referred to the purpose of applying the provisions of the Committee of Supply. Railways Act of 1906, with the exception of one section-that is, section No. 4-to the Dalby to Bell Rail way, which was constructed some year agr>, and opened to traffic in the month of QUESTIONS. April, 190n. The whole of the provisions of XANAXGO LEASE, BuRNETr DrsTmcr. the 1906 Act apply, as I have said, with the exception of section 4 That section is an :Mr .•TONES (Burnett) asked the Secretary for important one, innsn1uch as it provides that a Public Lands- copy of the map and deecription of the benefited 'Vhether or not applic11tion has been made by the area must be deposited with each loc,,l authority lessee or lessees for the extension of the Nanango lease concerned. In this case there are twolocalauthori­ -in the Burnett district? ties-theshires of Rosalie and \Vambo. Then it provides that notice shall be inserted in the The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC LANDS Gacette, and in some newspaper circulating in the (Hon. J. T. Bell, Dalby) replied- district, so that the occupier of land within the The Land Court in .April last decided not to classify benefited area or the local authority may take Nanango Holding under the Land .Act, 19J2. exception to the boundm·y if so desired. It further provides that in case of objection being lodged against being included in the benefited FREE PASS OVER RAILWAYS, area, an officer may hold an inquiry, and the boundaries may be amended. It is quite clear ::\lr. \VOODS ( Woothakata) asked the Secre­ that none of these things can be done now, seeing tary for Railways, without notice- that the railway is alreadv constructed and in What action he intends to take in connection with operation. All' the other provisions of the Act the free pass now being used by ltlr. Pratten over the apply. It will now be incumbent on the shire Queensland railways? councils of Rosalie and IVambo to appoint valuers to value the land, and the valuation is The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS to be made having regard to the enhancement of {Hon. D. :F. Denham, Oxley) replied- the capital value which the railway constructed T?e .mat~er only came under my notice last evening. will effect, and the ratepayers of the benefited I will mqnn·c how -~\lr. Pratten came into possession of area will be liable for any deficiency in work­ it, and take whatever action may be necessary. ing the line. The Trea"1rer also is iiable with re~pect to Crown lands. Now, seeing the railw:ty is alre,>dy constructed, it 1s neceshary that this Honse shall determine the boundaries ADDITIONAL SITTING DAY. thd are to be liable for any asse"'ment, and I DROPPED MOTION. may point out, fnr the convenience of hon. n1emR hers, that in addition to Schedule I., which On the notice being called- describes the district, there has been included That, in addition to the dRys already provided by in Schedule II. a map 'vhich indicates in a very Sessional Order, the House will, unless otherwise distinct manner the boundarie>. Hon. mem­ ordel'od, meet for de.;;;pateh of business at 3 o'clock p.m. bers will notice that this is :, very favourable on ).-1onday nt:xt, and that general businefd do take precedence of Government busine..,s up to 7 o'clock district to delin1it-tlkre arE' lUl,tnral boundaries. p.n1. on that day- On the north-east there is the natural boundary of Bunya Mountains. On the eastern corner The PRE:vHF.R (Hon. IY. Kidston, Rock­ from ::\Iount 1\Ior-otta south-west to Dalby the lwmpton) said that as the motion w.ts unneceo­ area is determined by the ":tter divide separat­ sarv, he did not intend to proceed with it. in,- the v c.Jley of the Moo la Creek from (,\uina­ lo~v and Myail Creeb, 'rbe nh tural trenc! of traffic here will be towards tha new line. The officer who marked out the area informs me that there GATTON SCHOOL OF AltTS BILL. is a natural ridge which will divert :•.nd influence THIRD READING. traffic. The area has Lc'.n d,,fined after careful inquiries, showing the natm al way in which the On the motion of the HOJ\Il~ SECRETARY traffic would flow. The area of land within the (Hon. P. Airey, Flindcrs), this Bill was read a boundarv is about 2GO,OOO acres, of which some third time, passed, and ordered to be transmitted 52,000 acres is Crown lands. Now, assuming to the Legislative Council, by me:;sage in the usual form. that the value of the land is £1 an acre all round-I think I should be perfectly safe in saying it is near•CI' to £2 or "£3 an acre all round SUPPLY. -but assuming £1 an acre all round, I think ld. an acre will about cover the deficiency which RECEPTION OF RESOLUTIONS. will probably accrue next year. The CHAIRMAN OF COJ\IMITTEI"S Hon. R. PHILl': A penny in the £1. (Mr.• J ackson, Kennedy) reported the resolutions The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS: As­ pae~ed in Committee of Supply, covering the Departments of Public Lands, Agriculture and suming the land to be worth £1 an acre, 260,000 Stock, Public Instruction, JYiines and Rail wayo, pence will probably cover the deficiency. The hou. member for Bulloo last night inquired The resolutions were read at length by th< if I could furnish him with the cost of work­ CLERIC ing and the revenue since the line has been The TREASURER moved that the resolu­ opened. He is not present, but I have obtained tions be agreed to. the informatioc, which m>ty be of interest to the Committee. The working expenses since Question pnt and passed. lOth April, when the line was first opened, Hon. D. F. Denham.] 2116 Dalby to Cattle Creek [ASSEMBLY.] Railway District Bill. to 30th June, was £492, and from 1st July Further on the Minister for Railways said- to 31,t October, £663. The total working ex­ If it was fair that the people who bought the unsold penses since the line was opened-from lOth Crown lands paid the added value ghcn by the con­ April to31 st October-are£1, 155; and the revenue struction of the railway. it \vas alt:iO fair that they £7f\7, showing a deficiency in working expenses should look to the owner::; of the intervening la lids for of £388. But if to this be added the interest a contribution towards the cost of the raihvay in charge of :l per cent. on £29,861, for 205 days, return for the benefit they would derl\'l. It was only a qnest,ion ot how they siJOuld accomplish \V hat they then the d~eficiency would be £891. The earning de"iired. The htw at prc .. ent was not adequate for the power of the extension is not truly represented purpose. The hon. gentleman said tilBy could du 1t here, as owing to there being no trucking-yards under the Local G-overnment Act; but they coti.ld only a considerable quantity of stock has been driven do it if the people interested volunteered to submit to Dalby for trucking, which, had yards been themselves to a t<LX upon the property within a specified available, would have increased the freight to the benefited area. L-;-ndoubte<lly, Parliam(·nt ought to supply the authority to meet such ca~es as the present, credit of the branch. Cattle truckint;s, together and, if the present Government, remained in power, with cereal freights, will largely increase the ~hey would address themselYes to securing for them­ earnings. sr:lves. and for tlleir succe«:sors, the power to de·tl in an :Mr. PAGET: ·what about pigs and sheep? effective way with situations sueh as they found tl!Pm­ selves confronted with at Dalby, where they had to The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS: construct a railway through several miles of privately­ Th"t is live stock-there is quite a quantity of owned land in onler to render CrO\Yn lands available sheep carried now. The Commissioner estimates fm· settlement. that the deficiency for next year would be £1,000 Then, on page 1232, vol. xciii., of Hansarrl, the expensee, but as the country becomes settled·-- leader of the Opposition, Mr.
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