![[Art List of Works] Special Exhibition: National Treasures of To-Ji Temple; Kukai and the Sculpture Mandala](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
No. Title Artist Period and Date Location The rotation schedule List of Works 87 ◎ Shishi Lion Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Notes Hiogi Wooden Fan 88 ◎ Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ・ Exhibition numbers correspond to the catalogue entry numbers. However, (Found inside a standing statue of the Sahasrabhuja) the order of the artworks in the exhibition may not necessarily be the same. 89 ◎ Round Eave Tile with Green Glaze Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ・ The symbols before the titles means the following; ◉ =National Treasure, ◎ =Important Cultural Property. 90 ◎ Flat Eave Tile with Green Glaze Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ・ Some artworks may be rotated durtng the exhibition period. 91 ◎ Ridge-end Tile with Three-color Glaze Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Exhibition lineup may change as circumstances require. ・ The rotation schedule is as follows; Chapter 4 The World of Mandalas Tuesday, March 26 – Sunday, June 2, 2019 Mandalas of the Two Realms for Placing on Womb Realm ① – ⑤ / ① 3/26 (Tue.) – 4/1 (Mon.) ② 4/2 (Tue.) – 7 (Sun.) 92 ◎ Heian period, dated 1112 To-ji Temple, Kyoto an Altar Diamond Realm ⑥ – ⑩ Heiseikan, Tokyo National Museum ③ 4/9 (Tue.) – 4/14 (Sun.) ④ 4/16 (Tue.) – 21 (Sun.) ⑤ 4/23 (Tue.) – 30 (Tue.) ⑥ 5/1 (Wed.) – 6 (Mon.) Womb Realm ① – ⑤ / 93 Kamakura period, 13th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Organizers: Tokyo National Museum, Kyo-o-gokoku-ji Temple (To-ji Temple), Mandalas of the Two Realms Diamond Realm ⑥ – ⑩ ⑦ 5/8 (Wed.) – 12 (Sun.) ⑧ 5/14 (Tue.) – 19 (Sun.) The Yomiuri Shimbun, NHK, and NHK Promotions ⑨ 5/21 (Tue.) – 26 (Sun.) ⑩ 5/28 (Tue.) – 6/2 (Sun.) Womb Realm ① – ⑤ / 94 Muromachi period, 16th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto With the Special Sponsorship of: Mandalas of the Two Realms with Bija Symbols Diamond Realm ⑥ – ⑩ With the Sponsorship of: Nissha ・ Works are on view throughout the exhibition period unless otherwise indicated. Seated Godai Kokuzo Bosatsu 95 ◎ China, Tang dynasty, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto (Five Great Akasagarbha Bodhisattvas) 96 ◎ Seated Hosho Nyorai (Ratna-sambhava) Edo period, dated 1834 To-ji Temple, Kyoto No. Title Artist Period and Date Location The rotation schedule Chapter 97 ◎ Seated Amida Nyorai (Amitabha) Edo period, dated 1834 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 1 Kukai and the Goshichinichi Mishiho Ceremony Inscription purportedly 98 ◎ Amoghasiddhi Edo period, dated 1834 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 1 ◎ Kobo Daishi: Portrait for the Dangi Ceremony Kamakura period, 14th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ① – ④ Seated Fukujoju Nyorai ( ) by Emperor Gouda 99 ◎ Edo period, dated 1834 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Seated Ashuku Nyorai (Aksobyhya) 2 Kobo Daishi: Portrait for the Dangi Ceremony Nanbokucho period, 14th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ⑧ – ⑩ 100 ◉ Seated Kongoho Bosatsu (Vajra-ratnah) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Kobo Daishi: Portrait for the Ceremony of 3 Kamakura period, 14th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ⑤ – ⑦ 101 ◉ Seated Kongoho Bosatsu (Vajra-dharmah) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Taking the Tonsure 4 Seated Kobo Daishi Edo period, 18th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 102 ◉ Seated Kongogo Bosatsu (Vajra-karmah) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Goshorai Mokuroku Compiled by Kukai; 103 ◉ Seated Kongosatta Bosatsu (Vajra-sattva) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 5 ◉ Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ① – ④ (List of objects Kukai brought from China to Japan) written by Saicho 104 ◉ Standing Gozanze Myoo (Trailokyavijaya) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 6 ◉ Fushinjo (Letters to Saicho) By Kukai Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ① – ⑧ 105 ◉ Kundali Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Standing Gundari Myoo ( ) 7 ◎ The Last Will of Kobo Daishi Heian period, 12th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ⑤ – ⑩ Daiitoku Myoo (Yamantaka) Riding a Water Box for Priest’s Vestments; 106 ◉ Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 8 ◉ Heian period, 10th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ① – ⑤ Buffalo Design of a seascape in maki-e lacquer 107 ◉ Standing Kongoyasha Myoo (Vajrayaksa) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 9 ◎ Lacquered Leather Box Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ⑥ – ⑩ 108 ◉ Standing Jikokuten (Dhrtarastra) Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto China, Tang dynasty, dated 805 Kongochi, Zenmui, Fuku, Keika, Ichigyo ① – ④ (Kongochi, Zenmui, Fuku, Keika and 10 ◉ To-ji Temple, Kyoto Zenmui, Ryumyo ④ – ⑦ 109 ◉ Virudhaka Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto The Seven Patriarchs of the Shingon Sect Fuku, Keika and Ichigyo Ichigyo); Heian period, dated 821 Standing Zochoten ( ) Kongochi, Ryuchi ④⑧ – ⑩ by Li Zhen and others (Ryumyo and Ryuchi) 110 ◉ Taishakuten (Indra) Riding an Elephant Heian period, dated 839 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Gilt-Bronze Implements for Esoteric Rituals: 11 ◉ China, Tang dynasty, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Ritual Tray Gilt-Bronze Implements for Esoteric Rituals: 12 ◉ China, Tang dynasty, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Five-pronged Bell Floor Plan | Heiseikan 2F Gilt-Bronze Implements for Esoteric Rituals: 13 ◉ China, Tang dynasty, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Five-pronged Vajra 1st part 2nd part List of Priests Attending the Goshichinichi Kyoto Institute, 14 ◉ Mishiho Ceremony Heian period, dated 1110–60 Library and Archives, ① – ③ / ④ – ⑥ Chapter 1 (From the “One Hundred Boxes of Documents” at To-ji) Kyoto Kukai and the Goshichinichi Mishiho Ceremony Entrance Exit Inventory of Items in To-ji Temple’s Treasure Kyoto Institute, 15 ◉ Hall Following a Robbery Kamakura period, dated 1216 Library and Archives, ⑦ – ⑩ (From the “One Hundred Boxes of Documents” at To-ji) Kyoto Fudo Myoo (Acalanatha) ④ – ⑦ Gozanze Myoo Chapter 2 (Trailokyavijaya) ① – ④ The Treasures of Esoteric Gundari Myoo ◉ Heian period, dated 1127 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Buddhist Art 16 The Five Great Wisdom Kings (Kundali) ① – ③⑥ Daiitoku Myoo (Yamantaka) ⑦ – ⑩ Kongoyasha Myoo (Vajrayaksa) ⑤⑧ – ⑩ Chapter 3 To-ji’s Religious Practices and History Bishamonten (Vaisravana), Ishanaten (Ishana), Chapter 4 Taishakuten (Indra), The World of Mandalas Katen (Agni) ① – ④ Kyoto National Enmaten (Yama), Rasetsuten ◉ Heian period, dated 1127 17 The Twelve Devas Museum (Raksasa), Suiten (Varuna), Futen (Vayu) ⑤ – ⑦ Bonten (Brahma), Jiten (Prthivi), Nitten (Surya), Gatten (Candra) ⑧ – ⑩ 18 ◎ Gilt-bronze Stupa-shaped Reliquary Heian period, 12th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto * Temperature, humidity and brightness of the exhibition rooms are strictly controlled under international standards for preservation reasons. 19 ◎ China, Tang dynasty, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Gilt-bronze Double Vajras 東寺_会場リスト英.indd 1-2 2019/03/15 12:18 No. Title Artist Period and Date Location The rotation schedule No. Title Artist Period and Date Location The rotation schedule 20 Gilt-bronze Shiketsu (Set of four altar posts) Kamakura period, 13th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 52 ◎ Gilt-bronze Bowls Heian period, 9th–10th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 21 ◎ Quartz Buddhist Rosary Heian period, 12th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 53 ◎ Large Gilt-bronze Bowls Heian period, 9th–10th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Black-lacquered Container; Design of a single- 54 ◎ Gilt-bronze Bowls Heian period, 9th–10th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 22 ◎ Nanbokucho period, dated 1382 To-ji Temple, Kyoto ① – ⑤ pronged vajra in maki-e 55 ◎ Gilt-bronze Dishes Heian period, 9th–10th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Gilt-bronze Sessobako (Box for ritual implements, 56 ◎ Heian period, 9th–10th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 23 robes, and texts); Design of dharma wheels and Muromachi period, 15th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Gilt-bronze Lids for Bowls double vajras 57 ◉ Tengai Canopy Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Gilt-bronze Kaitaibako (Box for ordination texts); 24 Muromachi period, 15th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 58 ◎ Daidan Platform Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Design of dharma wheels Chapter 3 To-ji’s Religious Practices and History Chapter 2 The Treasures of Esoteric Buddhist Art Kyoto National 59 ◎ Masks of the Twelve Devas Heian period, 10th century Mandalas of the Two Realms Museum 25 ◉ (The Sai-in Mandalas; formerly said to be the Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ⑤⑥ Masks of the Assembly of Eight: Shingon-in Mandalas) Karura (Garuda), Magora (Mahoraga), 60-1 ◎ Kamakura period, 13th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto Womb Realm ①② / Yasha (Yaksa), Kinnara (Kimnara), 26 ◎ Mandalas of the Two Realms: Ko Version Heian period, dated 1191 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Diamond Realm ③④ and Ashura (Asura) Womb Realm ⑦⑧ / 27 ◎ Edo period, dated 1693 To-ji Temple, Kyoto Masks of the Assembly of Eight: Mandalas of the Two Realms: Genroku Version By Sokaku Diamond Realm ⑨⑩ 60-2 Kamakura period, 13th century Ten (Deva), Kendatsuba (Gandharva) Kyoto National ◉ Heian period, 11th century ① – ④ 28 Screen with Landscape Painting Museum 61 ◎ Shishikuchitori Masks Kamakura period, 13th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto First Screen ⑤ – ⑦ / ◎ Kamakura period, 13th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto 29 ◉ Heian period, dated 1191 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 62 Shishiko Masks Pair of Screens with the Twelve Devas Second Screen ⑧ – ⑩ 63 ◎ Gilt-bronze Basshi Cymbals Kamakura period, dated 1318 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 30 ◎ Jeweled Pavilion Mandala Kamakura period, 13th century ⑤ – ⑦ 64 ◎ Dora Gong Kamakura period, dated 1318 To-ji Temple, Kyoto 31 Big Dipper Mandala Kamakura period, 14th century To-ji Temple, Kyoto ⑧ – ⑩ 65 ◎ Inscribed Armrest Heian period, 9th century To-ji Temple,
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