Distr. GENERAL International Atomic Energy Agency GC(IV)/INF/31/Rev.2 22 September 1960 General Conference ENGLISH ONLY Fourth Regular Session D E LEGATIONS (information received by noon, 21 September) CONTENTS I. Composition of delegations A. Member States 2 - 26 B. Non-member States 27, C. United Nations and specialized agencies D. Inter-governmental organizations 30 - 31 E. Non-governmental organizations ?2 - 34 having consultative status with the Agency II. Addresses of delegations A, States 35 - 53 B. Organizations 39 - 40 Requests for changes in subsequent editions of this list should be addressed to the Protocol Office * Wife in Vienna ** Daughter in Vienna GC {Tt)/jB$/3 l/Rev, 2 page 2 I, COMPOSITION OF DELEGATIONS A, MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN Delegato: Dr. Abdul Ghaffar KAKAR Doan of the Faculty of Science, University of Kabul5 President of the Atomic Energy Commission Alternates* Professor Mohammed QURAISBEE Department of Physios, .Faculty of Science, University of Kabul Professor Abdul Qayum WARDAKEE Department of Physics, Faculty of Agriculture and Engineering ALBANIA ARGENTINA Delegatet H.E, Adolfo B, ESTEtBZ* Ambassador to- Austria Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate a Roar-Admiral Oscar QUIHILLALT* Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Advisers t Mr, Eduardo T, PARDO* Alternate to the Resident Representative Professor Mario BANCORA Director of the Atomic Energy Commission AUSTRALIA Delegate '• Mc, Allan Doublad McKNIGHT Executive Commissioner of the Atomic Energy Commission! Governor from Australia on the Board of Governors Alternatest Mr, Alan Philip RENOUF Charge d!Affairs % the Embassy in Belgium Mr, Andrew David THOMA.S* Liaison Officer, Atomio Energy Commission, London? Alternate to the Governor CKHIV)/lfrB/3l/B«T,2 page 3 Mr. Henry Douglas WHITE Deputy Head of the Australian Military Mission, Berlin5 Alternate to the Governor AUSTRIA H.E, Dr, Walter TODAIC^ Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Dr. Hanns TEIRRING* Member of Parliament| Emeritus Professor of Physics,University of Vienna l Mr. Riohard POLACZEK* Counsellor, Federal Chancellery Mr. Rudolf FUERST*. Director, Federal -Ministry, of Communications and Power Dr. Michael HIGATSBERQER*.. Managing-Director of the Osterreichische Studiengesellsohaft fur Atomenergie Ges.m.b.H, Dr. Adalbert ORLIGEK* Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Communications and Power Dr. Gustay ORTNER* Head of the Atomic Energy Institute of the Austrian Universities Mr. Rudolf REHEBR* Counsellor, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Reconstruction Dr, Karl SC2JNDL* ' • Director, Federal Ministry of Social Administration Dr. Franz TSEIDINGER*" Counsellor of Legation, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Alfred ZBLLER* Head of "the Federal Research Institute of Agricultural Chemistry - —~ - Dr. Heinz GESISSEER Secretary of Legation, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affair^ BELGIUM Ifr. Jacques ERRERA Commissioner for Atomic Energy? Resident Representative to the Agency >Mr, Jean BOUHA Counsellor, the Embassy in-Austriaf Alternate to the H©sAdan't Representative ev,2 page 4 ' Expert. Mr, Jean-Paul PIERARD Secretaries to Mr, Georges ENGELBERT the Delegationt Miss Simone HERPELS BRAZIL Delegate t Vice-Admiral Octaoiiio CUNHA*/** Chairman, of the Nuclear Energy Commission Alternatest Mr. Renato ARCHER* Member of Congress? Governor from Brazil on the Board of Governors Professor Luis CINTRA do PRADO* Atomic Energy Institute (San Paulo)? Alternate to the Governor Mr, Helio S\S, BITTENCOURT* Second Secretary, the Embassy in Austria? Alternate to the Governor A&viser-s i Vice-Admiral Paulo Telles BARDY* Naval Attache* to the Embassy in the USA Captain Ayres CUNHA de ANDRADE Corps of Engineers, Brazilian Navy Commander Bernardino PONTES Chief of the Division of Training and Education, Nuclear Energy Commission Lieutenant-Colonel Moacyr COIMBRA National Security Council Mr, Paulo WATZL* Secretary General to the President of the Chamber of Deputies BULGARIA Delegate s Professor Gueorgui NADJAKOV* Member of the Academy of Sciences; Vice-President of the Board for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes, Council of Ministers? Director of the Institute of Physics alnd Atomic Energy? Governor from Bulgaria on the Board of Governors Alternates s Mr, Gantcho GANEV Deputy Minister for Education and Culture? Alternate to the Governor H.E, Ivan DASKALOV* . / > . ..-. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria? Resident Representative to the Agency > 00(IV)/IHF/31/H ov,2 'page 5 Adviserst Mr, Gospodin DOBREV Firsf Secretary of Legation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr, Neno IVANTCHEV Lectureri Secretary of the Board for Utilization of Atomic Energy fdr Peaceful Purposes, Council of Ministers Secretary to the Mr. Borislav KONSTANTINOV* Delegation '• Second Secretary, the Legation in Austria Secretary to the Mr. Kusman MANOLOV Delegation. BURMA Delegate s H,B, Sao BOONWAAT Envoy Extraordinary and Ministor Plenipotentiary to Prance and the Netherlands BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegate '• Professor Mikhail Mikhailovich PAVLUCHENKO Academician? Director of the Chemical Institute, Academy of Scionces ;of Byelorussian SSR Alternate s Mr, Nikolai. Aleksandrovich BORISEVICH Candida-te in Mathematicsl Physics? Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics, Academy of Scionces of Byelorussian SSR Mr. Aleksandor Arkadovich SHLYE Candidate in Chemistry? Head of Laboratory of Biophysics and Isotopes, Academy of Sciences of Byelorussian SSS Adviser J Mr, Anatoly Nikitevich SHELDOV Second Secretary,'Permanent Mission to the European Office of the United Nations Interpreters Mr. Valentin Nikolaevich FISENKO Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAMBODIA CANADA MS&&2.* H.E. Max Hirsch UERSBOF, Q,<J* , Ambassadqrj- Permanent Representative to the European Office of the United Nations? Governor from Canada on the Board of Governors Alternatesi Mr/ J.L, GRAY President of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd, Mr. Klaus GOLDSCHLAG* Counsellor, the Embassy in Austriaf Alternate to the Governor Advisorss Mr, J.W, GREENWOOD, Scientific Advisor Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Miss Dorothy BURWASH, Political Adviser - ' Department of External Affairs . Mr. R.W, MURRAY, Political Adviser and Secretary to the Delegation Second Secretary, the Embassy in the Netherlands, CEYLON Delegate 8 _H,E„ -Sena Pandukabhaya TTCCTCRAMASiNHA** Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany! Governor from Ceylon on the Board of Governors CHINA Delegates Dr. Shihrmou LEE Deputy Minister of Educations Member of the Atomic Energy Council Alternate 8 Dr. Kun-hou LIH Member of the Atomic Energy Council Adviserss Mr, Shih-ming KAO Counsellor, the Embassy in Italy Dr. K.H, SUN* Research' Engineer, Institute of Radiation and Nucleonics, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, USA Dr. Kuang-lai CHAO Institute of Nuclear Science, National Tsing Hua Universi CUBA CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegate 8 H.B. Dr. Karel PETRZELKA • «; Governor from Czechoslovakia on the Board of Governors and Vice-Chairman of the Board5 Resident Representative to the Agency? Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at* Tb,Q Sajue page 7 Alternates: Mr, Cestmir SIMANS" Deputy Director of the" Institute of Nuclear Research? Alternate to the Governor Mr. Josef FUKSA* Head.of the Secretariat, Atomic Energy Commission. Mr. Jaroslav HAHA* Alternate to the Resident Representative Dr. Vaclav TYLNB1 First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr, Josef VICH Secretary, Atomic Energy Commission Mr, Veroslav SOEBK* Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Agency Dr, Stanislav MYSLIL Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Agency Mr. Karel BARABAS State Planning Commission Dr. Ales PLBVA Ministry of Foreign Affairs DENMARK Dolegatoi Mr, Hans Henrik KOCH Permanent Under-Secretary of State| Chairman of the lieoutive Committee, Atomic Energy Commission Alternates. H.E.. Sigvald Alexander KBISTENSBN* Resident Representative to the Agency Professor Torkild BJBRG1, Ph.D. Professor at the Technioal University of Denmark} Technical and Scientific" Director of the Atomic E Commission Research Establishment, Risj^ Mr, Christian Frederik KISUM Secretary, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Ole BIERRING* Secretary of legation, Alternate to the Resident Representative GC(IV)/INF/3l/Rev,2 page 8' DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR EL SALVADOR Dolo/gatoi Mr. Juan CONTRERAS CHAVEZ* Charge d'Affaires ad interim? Resident Representative to the Agency 0C( I?)/BTF/3l/leV-^ page 9 s ETHIOPIA Mr. Ato Befokadou METTAFERIA FINLAND Profossor Erkki LAURILA Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Algar v. HEIROTH Assistant Director of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Martti MUTRU Head of Bureau, Ministry of Commerce and Industry- Mr. Paavb RANTANEN Secretary of Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5 Charge d'Affaires ad Interim, the Legation in Austria FRANCE Mr. Pierre COUTURE Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Br. Bertrand GOLDSCHMIED* Governor from Franoe on the Board of Governors H.E. Francois do ROSE Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Michel FONTAINE* Alternate to the Govomor Mr. Jean RENOU Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Jean DtJPORT Office of the Minister-Delegate to the Primo Minister Mr. Jacques MASSOT Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Alternate to the Governor Mr. Andre FINKELSTEIN Atomic Enorgy Commissionj Altorna-te to the Governor^ - Mr. Georges MOULIAS ' Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Mr. Georges KLEVMSKI* ~ Resident Representative to the Agency • Miss Ellario, do MAUTORT GC(IV)/IHP/51/E ev.2 page 10 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Delegate: Mr. Walter SCHULTE-MEERMANN
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