PAGE FORTY ilancl;(Btrr lEtt^ning If^ntUi WEDNESDAY, JULY 12,-1972 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O’Clock . -. ‘ ■ - V. Lottery ISiiniber The Weather 64423 Rain most of tonight, low around 70. Partly cloudy and S ee B elow lEupttttig Upralh warm Friday with a 40 per cent chance of afternoon show­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm ers. VOL. XCI, NO. 241 (TWENTY-TWO PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 1.3, 1972 (ClaMlfied Advertising on Page 10) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Second Spot List Grows (■ -‘? ■ W.h 'ivW MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)—Sen. George McGovern, climaxing his dramatic rise from political obscurity by Scott Warner, vice president r' orderly conduct, $20. winning the first-ballot nomination of a divided Demo­ T olland Mrs. 'ITieodore Scheitlin, secre­ Thotant J. Mozzer lU, allow­ cratic party, was considering a broadening list of vice tary; Bill Osborn, treasurer ing a minor to operate a motor Indian Cycles Pretty Rare, Hijackers Fill presidential possibilities today after Sen. Edward M. and Mrs. L.. Robert Dumont vehicle, $35. Kennedy rejected his bid. ----------------------------------- and Mrs. Richard Bums, mem­ Richard Pagan!, 36, of 125 Soon after the voles of Jllincls gaid McGovern had narrowed Gas Station Okayed bership chairmen. ROOK\nnX£ , SESSION, ^ Eldridge St., Mar.chester, reck- sent McGovern s total soaring possibilities to four, including I n ju___ re d An extmmely strict probation driving substituted for op- Owners Rally at Springfield past the magic 1,509 mark to Kennedy and Woodcock. Other Frank Gregory, owner of the nlne-monUi ^ 1 sentence grating under the influence of Sky with Terror the jammed, brightly lit con- aides said a larger number re- Kingfisher Corp. and a trustee suspended ^ e r 90 daj^ liquor and failure to pass to There's a certain camarade- where Indians were built up un- entlc leather saddlebags, pouch- ventlon hall, and even before rnained under consideration. At Exit of Highway_ o7 R'^k^lle”GeneraI HOTpUah ordered by Judge Joseph parker'vehlcir''*50; that exlsU among motorcy- til 1064. es. and seate. Two airline hijackers armed with sawed-off shotguns the official result had been an- Withln minutes after clinch- .u u .u , * u was iniured in a fall at St W t - Adorno for Peter J. Beaudln, resistine arrest and c**sts, but nothing compares Hershberger, who rides a There are 14 or 18 Indians The Zonii^ Board of Appeals though the requirement can be “ m a fall at ^^5 High St., Rockville. rtf“^ r lv rrnd^^^^^^ with the spirit of those who own fully restored 1947 Indian, came i„ Manchester that Hershberger flew in an escape plane from Philadelphia to a small air­ nounced, Kennedy phoned mg the nomination, McGovern port in Texas today with $600,000 ransom and four McGovern from Hyannls Port, received congratulations and Mass,, to offer congratulations, promise of support from all the the T “rawn plan in d u e s Tolland Volunteer Involving un- aonearln-^ on a charee °"® >“‘=■‘5' owner, Kaiser He and several other local Indl- are probably more which aren’t ■4r stewardess hostages, the Federal Aviation Administra­ r.f adequate During their 15-mlnute talk, candidates he had conquered, the JunctKm E " ^ r tt^ r B u llS S T t^ L -c to r ^ F ^ A m lfan ce Assci^^Uon wh e h “" “i f If of S S mtoxicated T Hemhbereger of 62 Wetherell an owner's organized the event, r u n l g and are hidden away tion said. ----------------------------------- and Rt. 44. No opposll The plane landed at Brazoria - a couple of people fainted,” McGovern offered Kennedy the except Alabama Gov. George ‘t h e ^ m S “X r i t ^ !^e was treated for a fractured ca m e T l In court. Ihe charge _______ ___________________ which Include^ County Airport, near Lake gg^jq passenger, Tom Her- No. 2 spot for the race against q . Wallace. But labor leaders ™ 'b„,,d,„d ..dp...., d.. 3. ............. " ............... ™™™d-'.-pih;"i.;7.j: >««.■.«, .p^ljl.bdu. .„ .d. ^ lmp«-R... Jackson, about 60 miles south Hng of St. Louis.’...”I didn’t President Nixon. Kennedy re- m particular remained bitterly Monday night, daya lo cainlna ih. plan., °“"”d J””«. «• «"■ Sraw m . ^oUrn i^T^S «"alm*nt at Nor. dlan? You probably wtuft llnd md a motorcade looking motoreycio - It earn. of Houston, the agency said, think It was necessary to go jected It for very real person- opposed to the senator, as did Also ammoved was a reouest which he does on an ■as-rweiv- swered 14 emergency calls, vl® ” wlch State Hospital. 30 days to one at a motorcycle dealer — through Springfield. way before Its time, Hersh- •Police radio reports said offl- through all the shennanlgans &1 rofisons, Hccordinpi’ to rnfiriy d6l6^{Lt6s toJ^ a geneCl rl^rer s Hcensf fd^Vs ^ st^n^s I cl^ get treating 12 victim^ Four of the A" anneared one year. the Indian company stopped -mere are many reasons for betger noted. They were made cers shot out the aircraft’s vvlth the heat the way It was.” McGovern spokesman Richard one sign in the hall read; requested by Walter Ward oi to them. ' No permlU are is- oalls were auto accidents, two ^^o Is a S l f f R»ohard Attenello, 28. of 21 pt^uctlon ^ a r ly » years ago. lo foL ^ w h et tires. The gunman to the second hi- IS// Dougherty. ’’McGovern Will Bomb—to No- the Mobil Nation on Merrow sued until the review Is com- routine transfers, five were state ^ d attem p ted ^ ju s- Main St., Vernon, pleaded not One of two kinds of motor- sal^ but the m ^n ^Ing ^ to Jo 1 ^ . ^ Brittoh flm ■In another hijacking, an arm- jacking, identified by the FBI Earller in the evening, Florl- vember.” - .................................................. • house calls and three were Ti,! ™ me basis ftullty and elected a court trial cycles ever manufactured In keep the Indians on the road, bought the righto and conUn- Ulc Uasla s' _ _ 4Kla TvtrKoMe. o «*A Af ttiA **al1v Tn/llan <tuma«*Q iiAfl malHncr fham imfll 10RQ ed man who collected $560,000 as Melvin Martin Fisher, 49, of da Gov. Reubin Askew, another Earlier to the evening, as the Hmited^mpa^r^rir'uceilLt!^ 1 ‘’ «^the plans are for new s ^ r c A ls ^ in addUton, *evt dlllgs^wem‘tovoIved wWch“ to 0^ 7 cha^ge” 'or'o;^rau”r^'under this country. Ijfntjs are now At the mlly, Indian owners ued making them unW 1969. roMom abandoned an appar- Norman, Okla the father of prime prospect, told McGovern Democratic National Con- stipulation L s .added pmhlbto h^om. ^reno^.ted hom^ ^nd en t™ .ntog^^sto„ held. m'Xng he said cmdd be -pension. Trial date Is July ^ itar^ r^ rn T ^ ; tola^L f i t S t o S p r ^ u f e n ent plan to try to escape by five children, released the 61 through aides he didn’t want to vontion proceeded through Its parachute and surrendered passengers aboard an American be considered, rites of nomination, McGovern p"m 3 7'^ aT"^ lncrease%ie number of 1 - Judy JoUcoeur won 3 first ? X e ^dl>^o'^eml^toAi"‘'thft Robert Soucier, 21. of Metcalf “ ^^en an I^lan breata down and learn where to find parts. Harley-Davldsons. meekly to a stewardess. His Airlines Boeing 72’ after McGovern aides said the left his penthouse suite at a ho- "XpprovJ w"s also granted application must he P>ace tmphles In a recent baton toe Rd.. Tolland, pleaded not guilty c h ^ ------------------------ nomliiee would make no an- tel up the beach to tell antiwar to Gardner Chapman, permit- ""ade to Sanitary Inspector ctmpeUUon held in Rhode law of the jungle and compared to breach of peace and will ^ ‘h come by If you know what ****^^Hm^** Ihe ransom at Okla- hH? V, 1 City® Will Rogers World nouncement about a running- demonstrators he stood by his ting him to install garbage dis- L®"" Dwire. His approval is ne- Island. Her awards were re- ^ e attack to that of an animal, have a court trial June 25. Despite their rarity, more Hershberger Prisoner Dines Mjacktog of the I^las-bound Airport early this morning. mate before midday. pledge for total U.S. wlthdraw- posal units in the apartments cessary before the building per- celved to the novice solo, mill- ^ Hartford man was fined Pleading not guilty and elect- than 1,000 Indians are expected ^ d .P arto from lawnmower en- Americem Airlines jet was all __ One close adviser said he felt al from Indochina, now under construction on Mer- '"'t can be issued. tary marching, and in the twirl j200 for shooting holes to an- tog trial by jury were Lawrence to be to Springfield, Mass., this glnes. foreign cars, and other On Metal Diet over. Fisher had boarded the Dal- the list of those under consider- “I’m not shifting my position row Rd. three enforcement offlc- oM tor the novice junior divlsitn. other man’s unoccupied car. C. Cyr, 59, of Diane Dr„ Ver- Sunday for the ’’First Annual motorcycles can be used on an BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A prls- I Both planes were common- I^'I^oond flight there and took atlon was expanding as the vie- on any of the fundamental CHarter Being Drafted Merrill, Dwire and Zoning Other winners were Michelle ^ ^ te J. Sallstrom, 34, of South non. charged with operaUng un- Indian Come Home Day Rally.” Indian, but there’s no readily o„er who swaUowed two spoon deered Wednesday night.
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