H772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 5, 2020 rare to encounter those who are truly back. As Eddie said to the Wilmington are their successes. But just because selfless, truly dedicated to a cause Star-News last January: ‘‘It’s about they came out of the mouth of Presi- larger than themselves, and who truly much more than me. It honors the 1 dent Donald Trump, the Democrats op- care about preserving the best of our million men, women, and children who pose them. natural resources for future genera- hunt and fish and inject more than $1.3 Folks, that is chaos in government. tions. Greensboro’s Eddie Bridges is billion into North Carolina’s economy Ever since the Democrats took con- such a rare person. every year.’’ trol of this Chamber, they have had Madam Speaker, Eddie is an unself- An accomplished athlete at Elon Uni- one mission, one mission alone, and ish leader whose love of the outdoors versity, a leader in the sportsman com- that is to remove the duly elected 45th and sportsmen’s community has led munity, and a hunter and angler leg- President of the United States, Donald him to become one of the most effec- end, conservationist Eddie Bridges has J. Trump. tive conservation leaders in the history made a positive impact on North Caro- Their mission wasn’t about lowering of North Carolina. lina’s natural resources like no other the cost of prescription drugs. Their On behalf of North Carolina’s con- before him. mission was not getting government gressional delegation, I want the world Madam Speaker, on behalf of the en- off the backs of small businesses, fam- to know what an impact Eddie has tire delegation, I wish to thank Eddie ily farmers, and individuals. Their mis- made and to thank him in this official for his years of service, his incredible sion was about removing Donald salute, which nobody has ever deserved resource development to strengthen Trump. This partisan impeachment sham, more. our State’s wildlife, and the edu- this impeachment circus will be done Madam Speaker, Eddie founded the cational impact on our youth and fu- today. In the United States Senate, North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foun- ture generations. It is truly an honor President Donald J. Trump will be ac- dation, which raised $5 million and has to know Eddie and to recognize him quitted for life. You will see the proc- funded $1.5 million in conservation today. ess that happened in the House of Rep- projects across North Carolina. f resentatives was clearly a sham in im- b 1045 PRESIDENT TRUMP HIGHLIGHTS peaching the President of the United Eddie has been the driving force be- NUMEROUS SUCCESSES States. hind wildlife resource improvements The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It was so unfortunate yesterday to be that will benefit future generations Chair recognizes the gentleman from sitting here and watching Speaker PELOSI, after the end of the speech, forever. Thanks to Eddie’s persuasive Missouri (Mr. SMITH) for 5 minutes. abilities and creative thinking, he has Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Madam tear up the official speech of the Presi- recruited the State of North Carolina Speaker, just over 12 hours ago, Presi- dent of the United States. That shows and others to join him—to the tune of dent Donald J. Trump stood in this the true hatred that the Democrat so- millions of dollars in projects—to im- Chamber and delivered an incredible cialists have for the President of the prove wildlife restoration, water qual- State of the Union Address. He high- United States. That conduct is not fit- ity, and habitats statewide. lighted numerous successes during his ting for the Speaker of the House. When the Speaker tore up that State Eddie’s foundation has funded, for ex- time as President of the United States: of the Union speech, she ripped up the ample, a quail habitat project in the Over 7 million jobs created; Sandhills Game Land, a bass habitat Record unemployment—record unem- words that recognized one of the last project at Jordan Lake, a North Caro- ployment—for five decades; living serving Tuskegee airmen. When she ripped up that speech, she lina State University black bear re- The lowest unemployment in over 70 ripped up the story of a 21-week-old search project in Hyde County, and cre- years for women; surviving child who was born in a Kan- ated the Frank A. Sharpe Junior Wild- Record unemployment for African, life Education Center in Guilford Coun- sas City, Missouri, hospital. Hispanic, and Asian Americans; When she ripped up that State of the ty. Doubling of the child tax credit from Union speech, she ripped up the story We can all thank Eddie Bridges for $1,000 to $2,000; and the recognition of the families of the idea to create the North Carolina Orchestrating phase one of the China Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller. Wildlife Resources Commission’s Wild- trade agreement, which increases the life Endowment Fund, which currently amount of agriculture products that f has $130 million in assets and has fund- the Chinese have to purchase from RECOGNIZING MILKEN EDUCATOR ed $70 million for wildlife restoration American farmers—the largest pur- AWARD RECIPIENT MELISSA FIKE and habitat improvements. chase in the history of our country; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Madam Speaker, Eddie also helped Passing of the USMCA agreement. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from create the State waterfowl stamp and The President campaigned on it. It was Missouri (Mrs. HARTZLER) for 5 min- State income tax checkoff for nongame a promise made. It was a promise kept; utes. and endangered wildlife, which to- The largest military pay raise in the Mrs. HARTZLER. Madam Speaker, gether have raised $10 million for history of this country. the prestigious Milken Educator nongame wildlife and waterfowl The President said he was going to Awards have been called the Oscars of projects. The endowments founded by build a barrier along the southern bor- teaching. I rise today to pay tribute to Eddie have raised more than $200 mil- der. He highlighted 100 miles of it being a resident of Missouri’s Fourth District lion to preserve and improve our nat- finished in his State of the Union Ad- who was recently honored as one of the ural habitat areas. dress yesterday, with 500 more miles Milken Family Foundation’s out- Eddie served 12 years on the North still planned. standing educators. Carolina Wildlife Resources Commis- He highlighted how his administra- Melissa Fike of Oakland Middle sion after being appointed by Governor tion has approved a record number of School of Columbia, Missouri, has Hunt. He has received top national generic drugs, and, for the first time in taught for 14 years and was not told awards, including the Field and Stream over 50 years, drug prices have actually ahead of time about her award. She Conservation Hero of the Year Award, gone down. was shocked to hear her name an- the Budweiser National Conserva- He highlighted numerous successes nounced during a recent school assem- tionist of the Year Award, the pres- that all Members of Congress who at- bly packed by Oakland Middle School tigious Feinstone Award, the Thomas tended heard. It was unfortunate to sit students and staff. L. Quay Wildlife Diversity Award, and in this Chamber and watch the Demo- As a winner, she receives an award, the Chevron Conservation Award. Last crats on the other side not stand, not the recognition of her colleagues, and a year, Eddie was inducted into the applaud for these successes for Amer- check for $25,000. North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame. ica, these victories for America, the Teachers make an indelible mark on But talk to Eddie and he will tell you people who sent us to Washington, the the lives of young people through their these awards aren’t about him; they people we serve, the people who are our kind words, encouraging smiles, impar- are about his desire to give something bosses. These are their victories. These tation of knowledge, or by helping VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:03 Feb 06, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05FE7.010 H05FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE.
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