The List of the Members

The List of the Members

List of members who haven't update their personal details (citizenship ldentity Number, Contact Number, etc..) NPPFP Sl, No. No, Name CitizenlDNo Organisation Name 1 16959 TSHERING ZANGMO 527891 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thimphu 2 23026 KINLEY DORJI 611387 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thimphu 3 2830 P. MOHANAN 285566 Royal Bhutan Embassy(New Delhi) ARUN KUMAR 4 3459 BARUA 96175 Royal Bhutan Embassy(New Delhi) 5 L3425 RNU TAMANG 4570 Ministry of Works & H.Settlement. 6 s0600 GYENPO TSHERING GYENPO Ministry of Works & H.Settlement. 7 27458 TSHERING WANGDI 576887 Dept. of Urban Dev.&Engineering Sevices 8 16208 TASHI RINZIN 364819 Dept. of Urban Dev.&En st neering Sevlces 9 L7026 SANGAY DORJI 364772 Department of Roads, 10 26292 PHUB DHENDUP 10302000089D Department of Roads, 11 22060 UGYEN RINZIN 349307 Department of Roads, t2 50501 DHAN BDR CHHETRI DHAN B Department of Roads 13 812 3 CHODEN 319205 Road Maintenance Section,Thim phu GANESH KUMAR t4 4457 PRADHAN 76877 Road Maintenance Section,P/ling THAKUR PRASAD 15 3429 ADHIKARI 71331 Road Maintenance Section,P/li ng 15 4385 PUSHPALAL GIRI 222225 Road Maintenance section ,P/ling L7 2458 EM NATH BISTA 30347 Road Maintenance Section,P/li n8 18 3615 J.MATHEW PG-00103 Road Maintenance Section,Trasi gang 19 14896 RNU GURUNG 17792 RoadMaintenance Section,Sar pang 20 l8t7 4 RINZIN DUKPA 567856 RoadMaintenance Section,Sar panS 2L 15213 KINLEY WANGCHUK 500092 Road Maintenance Sectio n, Lobeysa 22 25995 TASHI TOBGAY 11208001606 Road Maintenance Section,Tro nSsa 23 15548 SONAM DEKI 522094 Road Maintenance Sectio n,Li mithang 24 4305 TEK BDR.DARJEE 77s04 Road Maintenance Section ,Lingmitha BHIM BAHADUR 25 5108 CHHETRI 20248 Central Stores, DOR 26 37640 KENCHO TEMPEL 11501000080D Western O n, CDC, Hesotha kha 27 L6240 RINZIN ADIP) 365 398 EASTERN OPERATION, VthA ng 28 16588 KUENZANG NIDUP 380088 ration 29 4545 TSHERING LHADEN 221533 Phuntsholi Thromde 30 5959 TULARAM GURUNG UNDERPROSSES c Co tion 31 5125 SITARAM SARKI 228236 Corporation CHANDRA MAYA 32 4352 GURUNG 305525 Phuntsholing Thromde 33 2300 LEELA RAI 11213800997 Phuntsholing Thromde DAWA DEM 34 13758 TAMANG 3623 Phuntsholing Thromde 35 8430 DEKI CHODEN 305373 Phuntsholing Thromde 35 9148 PEMA SHERAB 2r7 63 City Corporation 37 31611 PEMA CHODAR 11109001212R Phuntsholing Thromde 38 2703L TASHI TSHERING 501479 Gelephu Thromde 39 29961 RABI GURUNG RGURUNG MunicipalCorporation 40 8665 PARAS MOKTAN 302502 Gelephu Thromde TSHEWANG 4L 17605 NAMGYEL 347 328 Gelephu Thromde 42 22479 NGAWANG THINLEY NGT Municipal Corporation HEM KUMAR 43 17784 SANYASI 4090 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 44 L7790 SONAM DORJI 348275 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd 45 15870 DOR'I 248731 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 46 15507 CHHIMI 11-K-02-024846 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 47 15991 SANGAY DORJI 543986 Construction Dev. Co oration Ltd. 48 10480 YAMA NAKPO 501211 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 49 3380 ASMAN GURUNG 50791 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd 50 37691 TASHI TOBGAY TT Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd TAISHRAM KRISHNA 51 51788 KUMAR SING H7637055 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 52 48460 BUMPA TSHERING 1150300187 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd 53 55088 ALIMUL ISLAM RrYr340231 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 54 55110 MAKSEDUL HAQUE MAKSEDUL HAQUE Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd 55 55679 EKRAMUL HAQUE GTM2462034 Construction Dev. Corporation Ltd. 55 5487 6 SANGAY RINCHEN 10704000354R National Housing Dev.Corporation 57 40955 CHHIMIWAN6MO 201201110 Bhutan Standards Bureau 58 38497 NAR.BDR.GHALTEY NBGG Project Office Head 59 48092 SHERAB WANGDI 1.02008E+11 Ministry of Agriculture. 50 58008 YESHEY PENJOR 115001469 Ministry of Agriculture. 61 7467L RINCHEN WANGDI 255547 Mini of Agriculture. KELZANG 62 72669 WANGCHUK 341900 Department.of Livestock 63 9456 LEELA MAYA DAHAL 305641 Department.of Livestock 64 11416 KARMA THINLEY 289335 Department of Forestry Services 65 15455 KENCHO LHENDUP 504774 Depa rtment of Forestry Services 65 L2206 DOLEY 349521 Renewable Nat.Reso.Res.Centre,Bajo 67 8551 UGYEN CHHODEN 345155 Renewable Nat.Resources Rese.Centre.Bum DHURBA KUMAR 68 5598 MONGAR 138900 Renewable Nat.Resources Rese.Centre.Bum 69 18984 NENDA WANGCHUK 200301050 Post Harvest Unit TSHERING 70 27323 WANGCHUK 506654 A8riculture Mechinery Centre 7L 20780 KARMA 348180 National Biodivers ity Programme 72 18907 PEMA GYELTSHEN 545056 Wang Watershed M .Project 73 29287 TASHI GYELTSHEN SDFADFFG National Sheep Breeding Centre 74 13649 WANGCHUK 368686 Nat.Feed &Fodder Dev. Pro., 75 54r7 KANTIRAM CHHETRI 17-R-09-0135162 National Livestock Breedi ng Program 76 44998 NAMGYEL DORJI 0 National Livestock Breeding Program 77 14129 BIR DOJ RAI 317278 Regional Veterinery Laboratory,Gelephu 78 74334 DORJI RABGAY 567047 Reg. Livestock Dev.Centre,Tsimalakha 79 3050 TUKU RAI 315567 Re8ional Veterinery Laboratory,Gedu 80 13622 WANGCHUK 350023 Ret. Livestock Develop. Centre,Kanglung 81 12085 THUKTEN 330056 Reg. Livestock Develop. Centre,Kanglung 82 473r UGYEN DORJI 2a6t92 Divisional Forest Office,Thim phu 83 15260 KEZANG DAWA 3992L4 Divisional Forest Office,Thim phu 84 19298 KARDO KAR Divisional Forest Offi ce,Thim phu 85 5879 KADO TSHERING 2$r4t Divisional Forest Offi ce,MonSar INDRA PRASAD 86 3601 BHUJYEL 265919 Divisional Forest Office,Mongar 87 12403 THUKTEN 231t73 Divisional Forest Office,M ongar 88 9L7 5 Karma Jamtsho KARMAJAM Divisional Forest Office,Mo ngar 89 22183 CHEKI 610198 Divisiona I Forest Office,S/o ngkha 90 L7664 LHAP TSHERING 366625 Divisional Forest Offi ce,Samtse 91 71732 LANGAMO 356651 Divisional Forest Office,Sa ng 92 3794 SRIMAN TAMANG LOST Divisional Forest Office,Sarpan 93 3458 SONAM WANGDI 792527 Divisional Forest Offi ce,Trash igang 94 6059 KHAWJAY DUKPA 15-s-08- Oivisional Forest Office,Trash igang 95 5269 RABI LAL TAMANG MG-63 Divisional Forest Office,Tsiran 96 !277 4 TENDOO 330416 Divisional Forest Office,Tsiran 97 12986 LHAP DORJI 19511 Divisiona I Forest Office,Ged u 98 10498 HARI MAYA GHALLEY 569137 Divisional Forest Office,Gedu PREM BAHADUR 99 3705 GURU NG 150879 Divisional Forest Office,Gedu 100 27 45 SANGAY DORJI 8s383 Divisional Forest Office,Paro 101 17639 SONAM CHOKI 577 67 3 Divisional Forest Office,Paro toz t7743 TSHERING GYEM 560631 Divisiona I Forest Office,Parc 103 18458 NIDUP JAMTSHO t247 Divisional Forest Offi ce,Paro 104 15897 DECHEN WANGMO 363966 Divisional Forest Office,Paro SUK BAHADUR 105 5257 SUBBA 236156 Wangdue Forest Division PUSPA LAL 106 6413 KHEREL(sHARMA) 743200 Wangdue Forest Division LO7 14277 KENCHO DOR'I 560167 Wangdue Forest Division 108 14516 DORJI DUBA 367002 J e Singye Wa huk National Park 109 8617 TSHERING DORJI 1567 44 al Manas National Park (RGOB) 110 10795 HEM RAJ MONGAR 3131500006 Roya I Manas National Park (RGOB) 111 1750 KINZANG CHOEDA 315540 National Seed Centre NANDA KUMAR 172 2989 RIMAL 2L9134 Bhutan Agr.& Food Regulatory Authority 113 3784L PEMA GYELTSHEN 11508000313 D Bhutan Agr.& Food Regulatory Authority 1L4 3648 Pema Gyeltshen 245701 sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary(Radhi) 115 15765 PEMA RINZIN 367240 Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary(Radhi) 116 t2293 YOUNTEN THINLEY 352209 Department of Agriculture Lt7 14810 NEDRUP TSHEWANG 350978 Department of Agriculture 118 18807 KADO KAOO2 Department of Survey & Land Records 119 2r87t TASHI 200406014 Department of su & Land Records 120 23 395 JIGME THINLEY 102545 Department of Survey & Land Records 721 23395 UGYEN WANGCHUK 702564 Department of Survey & Land Records 722 11385 TASHI ZANGPO 170792 National Poultry Breeding Farm GANGA RAM \23 5752 KHAREL 153544 Regional Fishery Development Centre L24 16858 TSHERING NIDUP c0348045 Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary,MOAF 125 71546 DUPTHO TSHEWANG 504812 Bhutan livestock Devept Corpoaration 726 11390 SANGYE WANGCHUK 185685 Ministry of Finance, !27 15430 TENDU CHEKU 344286 Ministry of Finance, 128 t5074 DORJI NIMA 577 499 Ministry of Finance, t29 26499 KIN LEY WANGMO 633972 Ministry of Finance, 130 19285 NGAWANG DOR'I NGWANG Ministry of Finance, 131 42274 KUNZANG WANGDI KWANGDII Ministry of Finance, t32 40036 PASSANG WANGMO PASSANG WANGMO Ministry of Finance, 133 40744 SONAM S Ministry of Finance, 134 29927 SONAM WANGMO 200807235 Ministry of Finance, 135 27877 DHENDUP DH Ministry of Finance, 136 32744 TANDIN TAN Ministry of Fina nce, 737 32907 SHARMA SHARMA Deptt of National Properties 138 35182 KINZANG THINLEY 10902000181D Deptt. of National Properties 139 19159 GEMBO TSHERING GEMPO Deptt. of National Properties 140 19270 UGYEN 108010014550 Deptt. of National Properties 14t 20072 PASSANG TSHERING 344548 Deptt. of National Properties L42 18397 MIGMAR TSHERING 579454 Deptt. of National Properties JIGME NORBU 143 18978 TAMANG IG01 Regional Revenue & Customs,Pling 744 18979 RAJU KAFLAY 373379 Regional Revenue & Customs,Pling 145 14458 NIMA TSHERING 504409 Regio nal Revenue & Customs,pling 146 13444 SONAM CHODEN 547007 Regional Revenue & Customs,pling 747 27a70 PEMA RINZIN 200707048 Regional Revenue & Customs,SJ 148 74!27 SANGAY PENJOR 315911 Gross National Happiness Commission, 149 229s8 NGAWANG THINLEY NGAWANG ReBional Revenue & Customs,Paro 150 4225 S.K.KATWAL 36902 Department of Public Accounts 151 30139 DAMCHO DORJI 200901039 Department of Public Accounts L52 30961 SONAM WANGMO SWAN Department of Public Accounts 153 3630 SANGAY TENZING 102916 Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs 154 813 5 PEMA CHHODEN PEMACHHOD Dept. of Civil Registration & Census 155 15394 TSHERING CHOZOM 503065 Dept. of Civil Registration & Census 156 22895 DAWA DUKPA D0000023 Registration Department t57 24297 DOR'I WANGMO DWO Registration Department

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