1850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 14 MICHIGAN ,:rEXAS Eleanor C. Lutz to be postmaster at Pullman, Mich., in James Thomas Coleman to be postmaster at Livingston~ place of M. I. Lutz, deceased. Tex., in place of W. C. Bigby, removed. MINNESOTA WEST VIRGINIA Oscar Leonard Flo to be postmaster .at Bricelyn, Minn., in Jeremiah W. Dingess to be postmaster at Huntington, place of M. H. Hottinger. Appointee not commissioned. W.Va., in place of J. W. Dingess. Incumbent's commission Alex C. Wahoske to be postmaster at Odessa, Minn. Office expired January 31, 1938. · became Presidential July 1, 1937. WISCONSIN MISSOUlti Arthur C. Flnder to be postmaster at Ableman, Wis., 1n Charles Grover Macke to be postmaster at Jackson, Mo., in place of G. A. Fey, removed. place of C. W. Medley. Appointee deceased. NEVADA Zoe Anderson to be postmaster at Ruth, Nev., in place of SENATE C. E. Hutton, resigned. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1938 NEW JERSEY <Legislative day of Wednesday, January 5, 1938) C. Melvin Johnson, Jr., to be postmaster at Highlands, N. J., in place of J. P. Adair. Incumbent's commission ex­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration pired February 9, 1936. of the recess. · NEW YORK THE JOURNAL Raymond H. LaClair to be postmaster at Huntington, On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, N. Y., in place of R. L. McBrien. Incumbent's commission the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar expired March 22, 1936. <Removed without prejudice.) day Friday, February 11, 1938, was dispensed with, and the William J. Holbert to be postmaster at Morrisville, N. Y., Journal was approved. in place of K. T. Webber. Incumbent's commission expired CALL OF THE ROLL July 13, 1936. Mr. LEWIS. I note the absence of a quorum and request Francis X. Desmond to be postmaster at Niagara Univer­ a roll call in order to secure one. sity, N.Y., in place of H. H. Gaff, resigned. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. NORTH CAROLINA The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names: Samuel T. Stough to be postmaster at Davidson, N. C., in Adams Connally Hughes Pepper place of S. T. Stough. Incumbent's commission expired Andrews Copeland Johnson, Call!. Pittman January 31, 1938. Ashurst Davis Johnson, Colo. Pope Carroll E. Kramer to be postmaster at Edenton, N. C., in Austin Dieterich King Radcl11're Bailey Donahey La Follette Reames place of C. E. Kramer. Incumbent's commission expired Bankhead Duffy Lee Reynolds January 31, 1938. Barkley Ellender Lewis Russell Berry Frazier Logan Schwartz Clarence W. Boshamer to be postmaster at Gastonia, N.C., Bilbo George Lonergan Schwellenbach in place of C. W. Boshamer. Incumbent's commission ex­ Bone Gerry Lundeen Sheppard pired February 1, 1938. Borah Gibson McAdoo Shlpstead Bridges Glllette McGill Smith OHIO Brown, Mich. Glass McKellar Thomas, Okla. Harry D. Arnold to be postmaster at Leetonia, Ohio., in Brown, N.H. Green McNary Thomas, Utah Bulkley Guffey Maloney Townsend place of H. D. Arnold. Incumbent's commission expired Bulow Hale Miller Truman February 1, 1938. Burke Harrison Minton Tydings Byrd Hatch Murray Vandenberg Marjorie Marie Harrison to be postmaster at Malta, Ohio, Byrnes Hayden Neely VanNuys in place of M. B. Strahl, resigned. Capper Herring Norris Wagner Harry E. Miller to be postmaster at New Concord, Ohio, in Caraway Hill Nye Walsh Chavez Hitchcock O'Mahoney Wheeler place of H. E. Miller. Incumbent's commission expired Clark Holt Overton January 30, 1938. Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from New Jer­ Anna Mary Tesi to be postmaster at Yorkville, Ohio, in sey [Mr. MILTON] is detained on important public business. place of M. A. Brooks, dece~ed. The Senator from Nevada [Mr. McCARRAN] is detained in OKLAHOMA his State on official business. William F. Goff to be postmaster at Jones, Okla. Office The Senator from New Jersey [Mr. SMATHERS] is rreces­ became Presidential July 1, 1937. sarily detained. OREGON Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Massa­ Willis F. Coffey to be postmaster at North Portland, Oreg., chusetts [Mr. LODGE] is necessarily absent on official business. in place of J.D. Kennedy, removed. The VICE PRESIDENT. Ninety-one Senators have an­ swered to their names. A quorum is present. PUERTO RICO LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR SENATOR PITTMAN Vicenta Correa to be postmaster at Vega Baja, P. R., in place of T. M. Lopez, removed. Mr. PITTMAN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ sent of the Senate, under the rule, that I may be excused SOUTH CAROLINA from the Senate for a week or 10 days. The Governor of Palmer A. Matthews to be postmaster at Winnsboro, S. C., my State has called a very important meeting for the 19th in place of P. A. Matthews. Incumbent's commission ex­ of February, in the capital of Nevada, to deal with an im­ pired February 1, 1938. pending question that will be raised in this body affecting TENNESSEE the power rights of the State of Nevada under the Boulder Hollis M. Caldwell to be postmaster at Lookout Mountain, Canyon Project Act, and I feel that I should go, even though Tenn., in-place of H. M. Caldwell. Incumbent's commission I dislike to leave at this particular time. expired January 31, 1938. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the request Ethel H. Stanfield to be postmaster at Signal Mountain, of the Senator from Nevada? The Chair hears none, and Tenn., in place of E. H. Stanfield. Incumbent's commission the Senator's request is granted. expired January 31·, 1938. DRAFT OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION-RIO GRANDE RECTIFICATION Phil W. Campbell to be postmaster at Tiptonville, Tenn., PROJECT (S. DOC. NO. 149) in place of P. W. Campbell Incumbent's commission ex­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ pired January 31, 1938. .cation from the President of the United States, transmit- 1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1851 ting draft of a proposed provision pertaining to an existing of New York City, N. Y., protesting against the making of appropriation for the Department of State (Rio Grande appropriations for increased armaments, which was ordered rectification project). which, with the accompanying paper, to lie on the table. was referred to the Committee on Appropriations and or­ He also laid before the Senate a petition of sundry citizens dered to be printed. of Far Rockaway and vicinity, Long Island, N. Y., praying THE ACCIDENT-PRONE DRIVER for the making of increased appropriations for the Works The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter Progress Administration, which was ordered to lie on the from the Acting Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting, pur­ table. suant to law, a report entitled "The Accident-Prone Driver," Mr. WALSH presented resolutions adopted by the Lions being the sixth of a series of reports based upon investiga­ Club, of Barre; the joint Social Justice Councils of Greater tions of traffic conditions and measures for their improve­ Lawrence; the Massachusetts Department of the Italian­ ment, which, with the accompanying report, was referred American World War Veterans of the United States; the to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. Italian-American Citizenship Association, of Lawrence; and Local No. 204, International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, of DECEMBER REPORT OF RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION Cambridge, all in the State of Massachusetts, protesting The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter against the proposed trade agreement between the United from the Chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Cor­ States and Great Britain, which were referred to the Com­ poration, reporting, pursuant to law, relative to the activities mittee on Finance. and expenditures of the Corporation for the month of USE OF SOCIAL-SECURITY FUNDS December 1937, including a statement of loans and other authorizations made during the month, showing the name, Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to amount, and rate of interest or dividend in each case, etc., have printed in the REcORD and referred to the Committee which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the on Finance a letter from Mr. J. R. Wetzel, of Carlisle, Pa.; a letter from Mr. D. W. Bell, Acting Director of the Budget; Committee on Banking and Currency. a statement from the Treasury Department, The Fiscal Ad­ DECISIONS TOUCHING PROFITS OF CERTAIN AIR-MAIL CONTRACTORS ministration of the Social Security Act; and an editorial The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate letters from the Washington Post, February 14, 1938, entitled "Who from the Secretary of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Finances Work Relief?" All of these pertain to the use of transmitting, pursuant to law, copies of two decisions by social-security funds for current Government needs, includ­ Division 3, which, with the accompanying papers, were re­ ing appropriations for work relief. ferred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, as The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? follows : There being no objection, the letters, statement, and edi­ Decision dated January 21, 1938, in Air Mail Docket No. torial were referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered 37, Delta Air Corporation Rate Review, 1937, touching the to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: profits being derived by or accruing to that corporation, CARLISLE, PA., January 23, 1938. contractor of air-mail route No. 24, from the rate of com­ DEAR SENATOR DAVIS: Having recently learned that the second pensation being paid to it for transportation of air mail greatest source of income for the new Federal Budget is expected to be social-security taxes, will you please tell me if this item also on that route; and holds second place on the expenditures side of the Budget? Decision dated January 22, 1938, in Air Mail Docket No.
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