T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1895. V olum e 50. Entered Srronil ('!■«« Mall Matter. N lM B K B 15 REV. I. W. HILL. Maj.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry THE CITY DOCKET. LOCAL LACONICS Paittor Methodist Charoh, Accord, N. Law Cases in Which Rockland Is Interested- “Sea- w » weeks late,” said a farmer, if •ayp cancerous dlaennefl can be cored. Several Suits That Are Threatened Thursd.it A BIOGRAPHY I McDonald A Ferguson, milliners, have put Accord, N. Y.—Under the old school The decision jn the I liner l ax Case, where method it was believed that any disease of Written fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K. Gould the action of the assessors was sustained,wipes Symptoms of Spring Bring Out «pJohn • I'.. Leach, who turned an ankle a few New Version of Farragut Story— cancerous growth could never lie cured. The week o, is hobbling fBegun In No. fl. Back numbers cun be had.) one law matter off the city docket. The re­ around with the ui I of -r 1 , , r- ' surgeon’s knife was resorted to, but the old maining cases in which the city is interested Some of the Fast Flyers. a cane. Told by an Eye Wifness.x trouble was sure to break out again. VIII. master resigned, and thereafter the men wer c are as follows: “'Terrible hard travelling,” said a man from Since the discovery of Dr. Kennedy’s The official report jnade by Colonel Berry better supplied. Rockland vs. Mary C. Farnsworth.—This up in the country, Wednesday. "Never saw Favorite Remedy, all this has been changed of the part his regiment took in the battle of August 13, Colonel Berry moved his camp is a case in which the city sues Mrs. Farns­ Kocklaud Horses Will Be Heard From it worse!” —the action of Favorite Remedy upon the Bull Run was evidently prepared before ac- about two miles to a beautiful and healthful worth for $100 damages on account of the The city physicians say that March was a Familiar l’Ictnrp That Was Net Tree system leaves no trace of poison in the blood, eminence near Fort Ellsworth, overlooking refusal of defendant to remove refuse from in Maay Races This Season—Money cura te returns of the killed, wounded and real sickly month, but that April is giving Fact—Brarc Old Admiral Was Net the seeds of disease are expelled and lost missing could be obtained, as the statistics the broad Potomac. Here the warm weather her premises in the rear of the 404 shoe store, Winning String Now Hailing From them something of a rest. health restored. A notable case of the that had been enjoyed for weeks gave place after having been ordered so to do by the Lashed Up Under the Top—A Single given in that report do not agree with the This B orough— All In Fine Condition J. R. Flye went to Boston, Wednesday, to efficacy of Dr. David Kennedey’s Favorite retu rn afterwards made by him. The Fourth to an unusual degree of northern temperature, Board of Health. This case has gone to the Remedy is that of Rev. 1. W. Hill of this and the men suffered severely from the cold. Law Court on demurrer. Prescott, City Solic­ make final arrangements regarding the new Ratline was Aliont His Body—Net Ma ’ne lost at the battle of Bull Run in killed and Reaily for Ihe Fray express company. He returns this week. town. Some years ago he was suffering with on e commissioned officer and 25 enlisted itor, appears for plaintiff; Mortland & Knelled by Baltimorean. a cancer of long standing, on his lip, and men; wounded, 3 officers and 43 men; mis­ Johnson for defendant. Important changes are contemplated in the finally concluded to have it removed. In SCPI’MRS FROM HOME. Rockland vs. Lucy C. Farnsworth.—This is choir gallery at the First Baptist Church. A J ______ sing, 2 officers and 119 men, making the ag­ E R II A I’ S Rockland speaking of his case Pastor Hill said: “ About gregate of officers and men, killed, wounded I'he energetic efforts of friends at home to a suit to recover S i200 taxes alleged to he plan has been made and estimates secured. | three weeks previous to having the operation relieve the destitute condition of Colonel due for the year 1894. Thia case came up will not be in it this and missing, 293. season as to fast hor­ The Maine Bugle for April will soon be is- The papers have recently published an performed, I purchased Dr. Kennedy’s* Berry’s men now began to be felt. Thirty- for trial at the Law Court and was continued sued. This is the publication so ably edited ; account of the death in Baltimore of the man Favorite Remedy and continued taking it for three packages, weighing three tons ami a to the September term. The same attorneys ses, but I don’t be­ by Gen. J. P. Cilley of this city. I who lashed Admiral Farragut to the mast in some time after the cancer was removed. Ten RETORT OF COL. BERRY, 4 th ME. INFANTRY. half, were shipped from Rockland for the appear. lieve it all the same, said a well known The Cawther Spring Co., E. L. Hewett lei- Ihe famous light in Mobile Bay. It is the long years have passed since then and no I limns. Fourth Regiment Maine. Vols , soldiers of the Fourth Maine. They w’ere St. George vs. Rockland.—This is a ques­ see and manager, is now in fulijoperation. It 1 Rcnerallyjiccepted story that previous to that trace of the ugly thing has returned. I speak Clermont, Va ., Ju ly 26, 1861 made up of private parcels sent by relatives tion of the legal settlement of a child named horseman, 'Thursday, to a reporter of T he is making a specialty of nerve food and tine light Admiral Farragut was lashed to the with knowledge in the highest terms of Dr. S ir: I have the honor to report to you my and friends, packages for general distribution, Lilith Wardwell. The widowed mother, who ginger ale. mast of the Hartford by one of his crew, Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy as being able to regiment now’ in quarters at this post. I'he the gifts of generous citizens, and articles lived in St. George, married a Rockland pau­ C.-G., and as he s p o k e handsome Residents in the vicinity ot the old depot just before the light, and the pictures of that cure the troubles for which it is prepared.” engagement with the enemy on Sunday, and purchased by the committee appointed for per, and the question in point is whether the stirring event d splay the gallant admiral One of our local physicians said, in ex the long march incident thereto, have ex that purpose,such as pickles, dry fish, stock­ marriage of the mother affects the original Otto, who was out for an airing, slid grace­ are anxious for the building of Ulmer street. There is a great deal of business being done lashed (o the mast up under the top, the plaining the demand for Dr. Kennedy’s hausted my men, and sometime must neces­ ings, towels, and stationery. Seven of these residence of the child. Littlefields appear fur fully by. lashings being enough in number and size to Favorite Remedy: “ It acts as nerve and sarily elapse before the regiment will be fitted packages were sent by the patriotic ladies St. George, Prescott for Rockland. 'I'he case “ We start the season with a dandy string of on that thoroughfare and it should be put in travelling order. have spliced the mast. blood food, and to my knowledge it has made for active duties. As near as can be ascer­ of Thomaston, several from Damariscotta goes to Law Court on agreed statement flyers,” he continued; “there’s Otto with a The late Capt. Henry J. Sleeper, who was many permanent cures of Nervous Debility, tained, the loss in killed in the engagement and Wiscasset and the remainder from W. S. White and Col. W. 11. Fogler claim mark of 2:23 1-4, C. T. L. the same, Thad \ big break in the water pipe in front of an______ ollicer__ on___ the Mctacomet, to which Far- Sleeplessness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism and of at Bull Run consists of 2 commissioned Rockland. Belfast also sent packages damages for alleged injuries to lots by chang­ Irish 2:341-4, Blondie 2:36 14, Little the hake-shop of W. T. Hewett, Wednesday raguf. ilag.Hp, thTVi’art'rLrd" wM^Mhed' the sickness peculiar to women, where other officers, Lieutenant Clark of Company G. weighing a ton and a half to the regiment. ing the grade of Middle street, and threaten Blanche 2 :29 1-4, Arthur B. a little slower evening, pave Main street in that section a 1 gave an entirely differentdiHerent version of„fthi««rnrv this story, treatments have failed. For headaches, con­ (Wiscasset,) and Lieutenant Bird of Company Money contributions were freely made suits. than thirty and St. Patrick 2:31 1-2. I pro­ good nching. I'he water worked up lie said that he stood so near to the admiral stipation and the run down condition, one F, two commissioned officers wounded, Cap­ by the citizens of these various towns Another case comes up with relation to the phesy that Otto will drop his record to 2:18.
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