Agenda Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee Date: Wednesday, 22 November 2017 ___________________________________________________________________ Time: 10:00 ___________________________________________________________________ Venue: Committee Room 3, Council Offices, Garshake Road, Dumbarton ___________________________________________________________________ Contact: Nuala Quinn-Ross, Committee Officer Tel: 01389 737210, [email protected] Dear Member Please attend a meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee as detailed above. The business is shown on the attached agenda. Yours faithfully JOYCE WHITE Chief Executive Page 1 Distribution:- Councillor Iain McLaren (Chair) Councillor Diane Docherty (Vice Chair) Councillor Gail Casey Councillor Karen Conaghan Provost William Hendrie Councillor Caroline McAllister Councillor David McBride Councillor Jonathan McColl Councillor Marie McNair Councillor John Mooney Councillor Lawrence O’Neill Councillor Martin Rooney All other Councillors for information Chief Executive Strategic Director of Regeneration, Environment and Growth Date of Issue: 9 November 2017 Page 2 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2017 AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare if they have an interest in any of the items of business on this agenda and the reasons for such declarations. 3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7 - 11 Submit, for approval as a correct record, the Minutes of Meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee held on 16 August 2017. 4 OPEN FORUM The Committee is asked to note that no open forum questions have been submitted by members of the public. 5 WEST OF SCOTLAND LOAN FUND (WSLF) – AMENDMENT TO 13 - 17 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing an update on the current status of the West of Scotland Loan Fund and seeking approval to amend the Articles of Association. 6 SALE OF FORMER BRAIDFIELD HIGH SCHOOL, QUEEN MARY 19 - 26 AVENUE, CLYDEBANK Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration advising on the outcome of the marketing of the former Braidfield High School, Queen Mary Avenue, Clydebank, providing details the offers received and seeking approval to conclude disposal of the site. 7/ Page 3 7 SALE OF FORMER HIGHDYKES PRIMARY SCHOOL, BONHILL 27 - 33 Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration advising on the outcome of the marketing of the former Highdykes Primary School, Bonhill, providing details of the offer received and seeking approval to conclude disposal of the site. 8 SALE OF FORMER CARE HOME KNOWN AS DALREOCH 35 - 41 HOUSE, DUMBARTON Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration advising on the outcome of the marketing of the former care home known as Dalreoch House, Dumbarton, providing details the offers received and seeking approval to conclude disposal of the site. 9 REGENERATION FUND - QUEENS QUAY DISTRICT HEATING 43 - 47 NETWORK, ENERGY CENTRE LAND PURCHASE Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration seeking approval to use the Council’s Regeneration Fund to acquire land for the Queens Quay District Heating Network Energy Centre. 10 REVIEW OF THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE CARE OF (item to follow) GARDENS SCHEME Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Environment & Neighbourhood providing details of the rise in use of the care of gardens service and the associated costs in service delivery resulting in financial pressures on the Greenspace budget and seeking to review the eligibility criteria to ensure the service is provided only to residents with the greatest need. 11 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ACTION 49 - 89 PLAN UPDATE Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration informing of the progress in delivering the Economic Development Strategy Action Plan 2015-20. 12 REGENERATION DELIVERY PLAN 2017/18: MID-YEAR 91 - 98 PROGRESS REPORT Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration setting out the mid-year progress of the Regeneration Delivery Plan 2017/18 actions. Page 4 13 ENVIRONMENT & NEIGHBOURHOOD DELIVERY PLAN 99 - 106 2017/18: MID-YEAR PROGRESS Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Environment & Neighbourhood setting out the progress of the Environment & Neighbourhood Delivery Plan at mid- year. 14 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE OF WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE 107 - 148 LEISURE TRUST FOR YEAR TO 31 MARCH 2017 Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Environment & Neighbourhood providing an update on the annual performance of West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust (the Trust) during the period 01 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. 15 UPDATE ON PROPERTY AND LAND ASSET DISPOSAL 149 - 162 STRATEGY 2013 - 2018 Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing an update in respect of the Property and Land Disposal Strategy 2013 – 2018. 16 QUEENS’ QUAY, CLYDEBANK 163 - 170 Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing an update on the progress made at the Queens’ Quay development. 17 REGENERATION FUND – PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR 171 - 204 CONNECTING CLYDEBANK, DUMBARTON RD/GLASGOW RD, A814 PROJECT Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration proving a detailed project proposal for the Connecting Clydebank, (Dumbarton Rd/Glasgow Rd A814) project. 18 UPDATE ON ACTIVITY BY CLYDEBANK PROPERTY 205 - 212 COMPANY LIMITED Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration on the progress of activity in Clydebank Property Company Limited (CPC) following its purchase in August 2014. 19/ Page 5 19 UPDATE ON MITCHELL WAY REDEVELOPMENT SITE, (item of follow) ALEXANDRIA Submit report by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing an update on the proposed redevelopment of the Mitchell Way redevelopment site in Alexandria following receipt of additional information, detailed costings and appraisal by the preferred developer. 20 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION & ECONOMIC (item of follow) DEVELOPMENT BUDGETARY CONTROL REPORT 2017/18 TO PERIOD 7 (31 OCTOBER 2017) Submit report by the Strategic Director – Regeneration, Environment and Growth providing an update on the financial performance to 31 October 2017 (Period 7) of those services under the auspices of this Committee. 21 WORKING WELL TOGETHER - ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT: 213 - 226 QUARTER 2 (1 JUNE – 30 SEPTEMBER 2017) Submit report by the Strategic Lead – People and Technology providing an update for Quarter 2 2017/18 in respect of sickness absence and to provide detailed analysis on the attendance performance for the strategic lead areas within the locus of this Committee. ___________________________________________________________________ Page 6 ITEM 3 INFRASTRUCTURE, REGENERATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE At a Meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee held in the Council Chamber, Clydebank Town Hall, Dumbarton Road, Clydebank on Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 10.00 a.m. Present: Provost William Hendrie and Councillors Gail Casey, Karen Conaghan, Diane Docherty, Caroline McAllister, David McBride, Jonathan McColl, Iain McLaren, Marie McNair, John Mooney and Martin Rooney. Attending: Richard Cairns, Strategic Director – Regeneration, Environment and Growth; Peter Barry, Strategic Lead – Housing and Employability; Ronald Dinnie, Strategic Lead – Environment and Neighbourhood; Jim McAloon, Strategic Lead – Regeneration; Michael McGuinness, Economic Development Manager; Stuart Gibson, Assets Co-ordinator; Sally Michael, Principal Solicitor and Nuala Quinn-Ross, Committee Officer. Councillor Iain McLaren in the Chair DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor McNair declared an interest in the item ‘Sale of Langcraigs Care Home, 2 Gooseholm Road, Dumbarton’, being the Chair of the West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership Board. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of Meeting of the Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development Committee held on 21 June 2017 were submitted and approved as a correct record. BUSINESS GATEWAY CONTRACT FOR WORKSHOPS AND EXPERT HELP A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration seeking approval to secure workshops and expert help services to be delivered on behalf of the Council’s Business Gateway service. After discussion and having heard the Strategic Lead - Regeneration in further explanation of the report and in answer to Members’ questions, the Committee agreed:- Page 7 (1) that the current contract be extended for a six month period until March 2018; and (2) that a tendering exercise be undertaken to award a contract to provide workshops, and expert help on behalf of the Business Gateway service for the sum up to £147,900 over a 3 year period from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021. REGENERATION FUND - PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR DUMBARTON WATERFRONT PATHWAY AND BALLOCH VILLAGE SQUARE PROJECTS A report was submitted by the Strategic Lead – Regeneration providing detailed project proposals for the Dumbarton Waterfront Pathway and Balloch Village Square projects that are supported by the Council’s Regeneration Fund. After discussion and having heard the Strategic Lead – Regeneration and the Economic Development Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Members’ questions, the Committee agreed:- (1) to approve both project proposals prepared for the Dumbarton Waterfront Pathway Project and Balloch Village Square Project, as set out within Appendices 1 and 2 of the report; (2) to approve funding of £0.867m towards the Dumbarton Waterfront Pathway Project and up to £1.2m towards
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