September 10, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11319 This past week, we were reminded bear? I hope all Senators, Republicans I am personally indebted to Senator yet again of the need to improve the and Democrats, will join together in Brewster for the wisdom and advice he operations of the Terrorist Screening the days ahead as we did 6 years ago, shared with me as a newly elected Sen- Center, which failed to make watch list when so many of us stood on this floor ator. This past spring, he, along with records of suspected known terrorists and joined hands to do the things that former Senators Joe Tydings and available to front-line screening agents needed to be done. The American peo- Charles Mathias, Jr., met with me to but continues to list the names of inno- ple deserve a government that works share their insights. For this, I am for- cent Americans in its watch list data- and that works for them. American ever grateful. base. I won’t go through all of the sto- freedom and values need to be defended Senator Brewster and his wife Judy ries that come out of some of these and reinforced, not mortgaged to fleet- Lynn had five children: Gerry, who things: a year-old child having to get a ing and ill-considered promises of secu- served in the Maryland legislature, passport to fly and prove they are not rity. Daniel, Jr., Dana, Danielle, and a 45-year-old terror suspect or one of f Jennilie. On behalf of the citizens of the most senior Members of the Senate Maryland and this body, I wish to ex- being blocked 10 times from taking a TRIBUTE TO FORMER SENATOR tend our sincere condolences to Sen- flight he has been taking for 30 or 40 DANIEL BREWSTER ator Brewster’s family. He will be years because he is on a terrorist Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, the missed by all. watch list. Somehow, they got the State of Maryland and the United f names mixed up. We saw a recent Gov- States lost a brave and committed pub- ernment Accountability Office report lic servant last month. Former Senator CONGRATULATING DR. on the Department of Homeland Secu- Daniel Brewster, who served in this es- BILLINGTON rity with its failing grades, having teemed Chamber during the 1960s, died Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, an im- failed to achieve half its performance of cancer on August 19. portant anniversary will be marked on expectations since 2003. If you or I in Few Americans have the political an- September 14, at the Library of Con- college were to get a 50 or less on all cestry of Senator Brewster, who was a gress. Twenty years ago, in the Great our exams, we would be out on our ear direct descendant of Ben Franklin and Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building, in a moment. This is what we have the former Attorney General for Presi- then-President Reagan presided over seen from the Department of Homeland dent Chester Arthur. Public service the swearing-in of Dr. James H. Security. We heard from an inde- came naturally to this man, whose life Billington as the 13th Librarian of Con- pendent commission and former mili- and work showed his commitment to gress. tary leaders who indicated the Iraqi po- our country. He first gave to this coun- When he was appointed, Dr. lice force is so riddled with corruption try through his military service as a Billington brought great expertise to and sectarianism that they should be decorated war hero, wounded seven the Library, both as the world’s pre- disbanded, and after 4 years and hun- times during his service in Guam and mier scholar of Russian culture and dreds of millions of American taxpayer Okinawa. Then he served as an elected history and as director of the Woodrow dollars, we should start over from official for 18 years. He served in the Wilson International Center for Schol- scratch. We can’t even find half the ars. His vision, and the hard work of so weapons we have given them until they Maryland House of Delegates starting many dedicated Library staff members, turn up in terrorist hands. But we send in 1950, was elected to the House of has led to continued growth of the Li- these hundreds of millions of dollars to Representatives in 1958 and then to the brary of Congress. He has fulfilled the the Iraqi police force and we tell the Senate in 1962. promise made on September 14, 1987— police in America: We have to cut out Senator Brewster first came to poli- to make the riches of the Library more the COPS Program. We don’t have tics as an advocate for civil rights. In money for our American police. We his own Baltimore neighborhood, broadly available to ever widening cir- can’t afford to improve our American neighbors complained when he invited cles of our society. At the time, Senator Wendell Ford police because we have to send hun- African-American servicemen from remarked that the Library of Congress dreds of millions of dollars to the Iraqi World War II to his home. This was an ‘‘represents our nation’s commitment police. If I have to call a police officer, outrage to him. He would never slight I am going to call an American police a person, particularly soldiers who had to a knowledgeable citizenry.’’ Dr. officer. I would like to know that some courageously served to defend the Billington has upheld that commit- of that money was spent on them. American flag. Senator Brewster went ment by enhancing the Library and This past week also provided a re- on to cosponsor the Civil Rights Act of making its riches and inspiration minder of the need to refocus our ef- 1964, forever changing the course of his- available to all Americans. Under his forts on bin Laden. Six years after 9/11, tory in this country. leadership, the Copyright Office, the he has not been brought to justice but Senate Brewster represented much of Law Library, the Congressional Re- continues to taunt us. He should never what is great about public service: a search Service, and the National Li- have been allowed to escape when our desire and commitment to make this brary have seamlessly worked together forces had him cornered in Tora Bora. country better and stronger for every to build the collections and preserve One of the greatest mistakes of this ad- American, black and white, rich and them for future generations. ministration—not counting the great poor, farmer and businessman. The Library’s accomplishments of mistakes made before 9/11—was with- Senator Brewster had some very try- the last two decades are extraordinary. drawing our special forces and not pro- ing times in his life: First, at the age of The collections have expanded by 50 viding the support needed. That was 10 when his father died; then when he million items, and state-of-the art fa- another mistake driven by ideology. was beset with personal struggles in cilities have been built to ensure their Think how much better it would be the very public forum of public life. long-term preservation. The establish- today had they actually succeeded in The lesson he left for all of us is one ment of the Kluge Center for Scholars the one thing the whole Congress can rise above adversity, even in the and the Kluge Prize for Lifetime agreed on—to go and get bin Laden. face of trying times, and continue to Achievement in the Human Sciences They failed. The bipartisan leaders of serve the people of this great Nation. have enriched not only the scholarly the 9/11 Commission are right that the He did that and left this country and life of Washington but also have en- occupation of Iraq has provided a re- this Congress with a lasting legacy of abled Members of Congress to meet cruiting bonanza for al-Qaida and a accomplishments. thought leaders and benefit from their costly distraction. Iraq, a country that He left another legacy quite apparent perspectives. Also, the Library was a didn’t have al-Qaida, is now a recruit- today, introducing some of our coun- pioneer in online collections and serv- ing bonanza for them. We need to be try’s strongest leaders to the world of ices, launching American Memory, smarter and more focused in coun- politics. House Speaker NANCY PELOSI THOMAS, the World Digital Library tering terrorism. and House Majority Leader STENY and resources for teachers, students How many costly mistakes are the HOYER both started their political ca- and families across the Nation and American people going to be asked to reers working for Senator Brewster. world. VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:53 Sep 11, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10SE6.015 S10SEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with SENATE S11320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 10, 2007 The Library’s pioneering work in Senegal in the 1970s, she began teach- both parties. This is, as sometimes the education has had a great impact in ing literacy through traditional Afri- White House needs to be reminded, a my home State of Illinois. The Li- can stories, songs, and theater. Later, government of equal branches. brary’s educational mission, shaped by in 1991, she founded Tostan, which Senate conferees were named imme- Dr. Billington’s vision, is that young began offering a community empower- diately after final passage, and I look people benefit from learning with pri- ment program that helped Africans ad- forward to sitting down with the House mary sources such as Lincoln’s mag- dress problems they found in their to finish this bill so we can send it to nificent Gettysburg Address, seeing the daily lives, while teaching reading, the President for signature as soon as Founding Father’s notes and revisions math, health, hygiene, problem solv- possible.
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