_____,. THE INVIOLABILITY OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IS THE ONLY SECURITY TO PUBLIC LIBERTY. T. FOSTER, G. I4ECKLEY, Editors. ANN ARBOR, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1844. VOF-. 4, IV©. 8O. WJ5IOJLE WO. 176. THE SIGNAL OF X.XBCRTY Speak out in acts—the lime for words The other parties at present have many For (lie 8i(iia; o Liberty. —••••••_ the door ofthe Union for admission as Many of the Democrats in tins region uro be ie slave trade law'ui commerce, and throw over Will be published every Monday morning, in Ilfis passed, und deeds alone suffice; THE CONSTITUTION ANTI-SLA- ways for giving notices, and getting up slave state? and Texas, slavery-cursed nriinj» to dotibt tn'e proprii ty of voitng lor o the protection of the'supreme law of ihe land; Ann Arbor. Michigan, by In the loud clang of meeting swords, an interest in the full attendance of these VERY. Texas, is s'he not proffering her lone star avc-hilder, and I hove no doubt iheir conduct quaily, with other branches of commerce uru.l BECKLEY & FOSTER, The softer mu.«ic die.s! meetings which we have not. Hence MESSRS. EDITORS:—I now proceed to o be added to the constellation which November, will be consistent with their preaent eyear I8M Many veesolg were employed and Act—act in Gods name, while ye may, remark upon the Three-Fifths clause of mbellishes the national barine'f? Has ulinga. Fo« THE MICHIGAN STATE ANTI-SLAVEBY SO- follows the obvious necessity for much any slsrc-s imported. Smite fiom the Church her leprous limb, he Constitution—ar. 1, sec. 2, c. 3. he south redeemed her pledge? Shall a Our prospect* are truly encournging in Gcn- CIETY. activity and personal effort among our Art. 4, sec. 2, paragraph 3. "No person held Throw open to the ligh* of day The term "persons" is twice used in vanton perversion of such an understand- eo. The convention was well attended—a service or l.ibor in one State, under the law* TERMS. ng which cannot be authoritative tacon- ONE copy, pnid in advance, or aa nearly sous The bondman's cell and breakaway friends, be they fete or many,in the vicin- his clause, and so used as to Suppose a nnnimity prevailed which wa» trulj gruiifj- ereof. escaping into another, shall, in conse- :lass of persons not free, and to impose rol the Constitution, be persevered in to g. \c:tce oJ nny liw or regulation therein, lie di«-' hiaybe, Two DOLLARS. The chains the State has bound on him. ity where the meetings are appointed.— irgnti from fucli service or labor, but shall bd he obligation to include three-fifths there- mllil'y the first principles of good" gov- W. C. FIVE or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid In some few instances, through the mere of in the enumeration therein directed. rnmenf, and render slavery perpetual,- live-red up on clairfi,of rtie pafty to whom ouch in advance, at one time, ONE DOLLAR and TWKN Ho!—every true and living soul, 5 rvice or labor may be due." neglect of the friends in giving due and I trust that in my former communica- ontrary to the vei'y character and de- For the Signal of Liberty. TY-FIVE cents each. To Freedom's periled altar bear timely notice to ALL within a reasonable ions I have proved that no unrecorded ign of the understanding itself? If it HE CONSTITUTION IB PRO-SLAVE This provision clearly sanctions all the laws iri TKN or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid I ihe Slates that hold persons to Service. It is The Freeman's and the Christian's whole, distance of Ihe place of meeting—not one compromise or understanding which may vere authoritative it could be so tfnly to RY, AM) THEREFORE OUGHT TO BE in advance, and at one time ONE DOLLAR each. Tongue, pen, and vote, und prayer! ompel a period to slavery. Let the par- oper to observe that the words '-held to scr- half of the number which might easily lave been entertained by the Convention AMENDED. CLERGYMEN, on paying arrearages, can have One lastgieat battle forthellight— vho framed the Constitution can be any ilyzed energies of the Federal Compact be ee" arc used hor8 instead of "bound to eer- the Signal for one year for ONE DOLLAR, in ad- have been obtained, have attended.— Mr. J. M. is informed that Mr. F does not take ce" which is the common prhase wherc person* One short, sharp struggle to be free- >artofthat Instrument, because, 1st, such esuscitafed* and they will be amply effi- vance. the ground (hrat lUe moaning of certain clauses e bound for o term of years, and is the phraso To do is to succeed—our fight Numbers afterwards have expressed their compromise being unwritten, and conse- ient, it is believed, to accomplish that flTTAIl old subscribers, on paying arrearages, bject. to be deionr/irted by a compromise stiid to ha*p «ed in another part of the constitution to desig- Is wuged in Heaven's approving sight— regret that they knew nothing of the quently undefined, would supercede the can join ihe clubs of FIVE or TEN at any time, by nstrument, destroying, at the pleasure of en effected by the framers of the Constitution." He such persons. This clause embraces alt per- The smile of God is Victory !— meeting. As to "calling forth the militia to sup- Vhnt«ver Mr. F. has written concerning the pro- forwarding the advance price. )arties, its essential features, set aside its ress insurrection," &C. a. 1, s. 8^c. 14, I ms who escape, without distinction, and if it ions ofthe Constitution, has reference to the N. B.—All CLUB papers will be STOPPED ns Even one man, filled with that true and undamental principles for party objected; emnrk, 1st, The law of slavery is that. icant apprentices, slaves would have been ex- * Three nevv pnblica'ipns, from the pen of rimed Consthution.-and not to the compromised coon as the advance pay shall be exhausted. All Rev. Dr. Jtinkm, President of Miami College, consistent spirit of liberty which votes for so by removing the limits to legislative laves are chattels. Chattels, in legiti- •pted. This provision binos all lho people in ne, ho never had any knowledge of such mi in- 1 the States to deliver up fugitive slaves so far others will be forwarded until ordered discontin- Rev. Alex. McCaine, of the Methodist Prot- NO SLAVEHOLDER under the most prepos- wwer, render Congress independent of nate legal language—and such is the ued. estant church, and of a clergyman of the he people—in other words, convert that rument. Mr. J. M. in his communication ol the constitution could impose any such obli- terous pretence of preventing or abolish- anguage of the Constitution—are not All subscribers will be expected to pay within Cincinnati Synod, defending slavery on scrip >ody into an irresponsible oligarchy. entient beings. If the constitution1 au- ily 26, appears to assume, that because the en- a-tion, or in other words not to hinder Their be- the year. tura' grounds, have recently made their ap ing SLAVERY thereby, will indeed accom- bonzes Congress to suppress a rising of ctmentsof slavery are contrary to natur«i liyhts, ig returned to slnverj. Tho fact, (hnt this prov- pearance. 2. Because, however great the sacri- id are mornl}/ of no binding force upon the. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. plish wonders for our cause, by his fear- ices of opinions, principles^ or interests, outhern states, it recognizes them as ision is contrary to natural right does not provo onduct of men,-(that is, becaueo no man is un mt u iswo part ofthe Constitution, but it thowa For one square, one insertion, 50 cents. lessness—activity, and perseverence.— hey, to be part and parcel of the consti- entieni beings, and therefore nullifreS the er iiny obligation to obey such lavva.) they are cry clcnrly that h is a bfcd part, and that it l* " each subrequent insertion, 25 centsi ution, must have been included in the haftel principle. If it does this it frees But he must be truly fearless and un- ugarory, a nonentity, in other words, that at; ught to be amended. Legal Advertisingby the iolio. COMMUNICATIONS vritten Instrument, that being the ulti- he slave and destroys the whole system wearied—against the numerical odds and <f slavery. 2d, Insurrection is a: rebel - ueh Jnws are not laws; in other words, there are Theae eevej.il prorisions sanction and sustain Terms of Advertising by the year or quarter mate conclusion of the whole matter. August 30fh, 1844. the loud clamor to vote for slaveholders ious rising' of numbers of sentient ot now and never were »riy Bitch things assiave- aTery, or they do not mean nny thing. Their made known at theofrbe. 3. Because, if the entire ultimate con- which he will on all hands have To meet. eings against rightful authority. To re- 7'ha: no man itr under any moral obli- nguago is so clen'r and comprehensive, that it O" Manufacturers, Booksellers, Machinists. TO THE LIBERTY PARTY IN clusion was not embraced in the written iel against cruel tyranny which is the gation toobey such laws, I reudiry and heartily annot bo onst; uwd to mean anything else. Wholesale Merchants, and all others doing an But the true spirit of liberty in the heart onstitution there ttrtfet have been fraud MICHIGAN. ntipode of rightful authority,' is but a die-" oncede: birt this fact does not pronro that nuch "he constitution has sustained liberty and slavery extensive business, who with, to advertise, will has long stood, and can still stand by th.it or omission.
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